Gold Diggers_Striking It Rich in the Klondike

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Gold Diggers_Striking It Rich in the Klondike Page 39

by Charlotte Gray

Evans, May

  Excelsior (steamer)

  Ezra Meeker Bank


  Fairview Hotel; closure of; construction of; and 1899 fire; lease of; opening of; success and clientele of. See also Mulrooney, Belinda

  Fawcett, Thomas: campaign against; departure of; as gold commissioner

  Fenton, Faith (Alice Freeman)

  Finnegan’s Point

  fires (in Dawson): in June 1898 (church); in October 1898; in April 1899

  First National Bank of Seattle

  Five Finger Rapids

  Flora (steamer)

  food and supplies: bread, bacon and beans; delivered by steamers; at Grand Forks Hotel; Haskell’s description of; malnutrition; prices of; shortages of; vegetable gardens in Dawson; in winter camps; year-supply requirement. See also outfitting

  Fort Reliance

  Fort Selkirk

  Forty Mile; as a boom town; as a ghost town; missionaries at; NWMP post at

  Fortymile River

  Fort Yukon (Alaska)

  French Canadians: in Dawson; prospectors

  French Hill

  French Joe (prospector)

  Front Street (Dawson); buildings destroyed in 1899 fire; crowds on; mud and flooding on; saloons on; stores on


  Fuller, Thomas W.

  fur trade



  Gates, Swiftwater Bill

  Geise, Julius

  Geise, Lizzie

  Gendreau, Father Pierre Edmond

  Geological Survey of Canada

  ghost towns

  Gilmer, Walker

  gold: banks attracted by; carried out by Klondike Kings; churches attracted by; Dawson’s dependence on; importance of; Klondike yields; prospectors’ obsession with; as a solid investment; storage and transport of; types of; used as currency; values of

  Gold Bottom Creek

  Gold Hill

  gold pans and panning

  gold royalty rates and payments: collection of; prospectors’ resentment of. See also Canadian government

  gold scales

  gold standard (for currency)

  gold strikes: in Alaska; in Yukon

  Goodman, Jim

  Good Samaritan Hospital (Dawson)

  Goox, Káa (Tagish Charlie)

  Grand Forks

  Grand Forks Hotel; prospector’s gold stored at; sale of. See also Mulrooney, Belinda

  Green Tree Inn

  Grouard, Bishop Emile




  Haeckel, Ernst

  Hamilton (steamer)

  Hān; impact of gold rush on; Moosehide settlement; Tr’ondëk fishing camp

  Hansen, J.E.

  hard rock mining

  Hargraves, Bert

  Harper, Captain

  Harper’s magazine

  Harvey, Doc; and Jack London

  Haskell, Bill: arrival in Dyea; background and youth; claim at Bonanza Creek; in Colorado; departure from Klondike; journey north to Yukon and Alaska; later life; partnership with Meeker; Two Years in the Klondike and Alaskan Gold-Fields

  health conditions and problems: aboriginal remedies for; in Dawson; frostbite; of the Hān; malnutrition; scurvy; of stampeders and prospectors; typhoid

  Healy, John Jerome

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hegg, Eric

  Helly, Dorothy O.

  Henderson, Alice

  Henderson, Patsy

  Henderson, Robert

  Henderson Creek

  Henderson’s discovery

  Higgins, Charlie

  Hitchcock, Mary

  Holden, Helen

  Holy Cross Mission (Alaska)


  hotels. See also specific establishments

  Hudson’s Bay Trading Company; and Shaw

  Hunker Creek


  Indian River

  indigenous peoples. See aboriginal peoples

  Ingersoll, Ernest


  Isaac, Chief (Hān)


  Jensen, Emil

  Jesuit Order. See also specific priests

  Judge, Charles

  Judge, Father William; age and health; in Alaska; background and youth; character and appearance of; and church built by; death of; disinterest in gold; and Doig; at Forty Mile; and J. London; loneliness and isolation of; and McDonald; monuments to; move to Dawson; and Mulrooney; and Oblate Order; and Rev. Father René; status and recognition in Dawson; trips to Klondike creeks; view of prospectors and stampeders. See also St. Mary’s Hospital

  Juneau (Alaska)


  Kammueler, Fred

  Keish (Skookum Jim)

  Kingsley, Mary

  King Solomon’s Dome

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Klondike City

  Klondike gold creeks and fields; Allen’s visit to; corporate investment and mechanization at; desecration of landscape; gold yields from; guidebooks and maps for; population growth in; Shaw’s visit to; trail to (from Dawson); varying accounts of

  Klondike Kings: return to US

  Klondike Nugget

  Klondike (Tr’ondëk) River; Hān fishing camp at; renamed by prospectors

  Kotlik (Alaska)

  Kotzebue Sound



  Ladue, Joseph: construction and development in Dawson; and Henderson; sawmills; trip south

  Lake Laberge

  Lake Lindeman

  land ownership

  land prices

  Langevin, Monsignor Louis Philippe Adelard

  Last Chance Creek

  Laurier, Sir Wilfrid, and Laurier Liberal government

  law and order: miners meetings; in Skagway. See also North-West Mounted Police

  Lefebvre, Father Joseph-Camille

  Leggett, Bill

  Liberal Party. See Laurier, Sir Wilfrid

  Lind, Johnny

  Lippy, Tom

  Little Salmon River

  Livernash, Edward

  lode mining

  log cabin construction

  London, Charmian

  London, Jack; accounts of the Klondike; attitude to aboriginal people; attitude to women; background and youth; career and literary success; character and appearance; claim on Henderson Creek; compared to Service; in Dawson; death of; departure from Klondike; journey to Dawson; literary style; reading material; scurvy; socialist views of; trip down Yukon; winter on Split-Up Island

  -publications: Burning Daylight; Call of the Wild; A Daughter of the Snows; The Faith of Men; “From Dawson to the Sea,”; The God of His Fathers; “In a Far Country,”; John Barleycorn; Martin Eden; “The One Thousand Dozen,”; The Son of the Wolf; “A Thousand Deaths,”; “To the Man on the Trail,”; “Which Make Men Remember,”; White Fang; “The White Silence,”

  Lugard, Sir Frederick John Dealtry

  Lynch, Jeremiah

  Lynn Canal


  Macdonald, John A.

  Mackenzie River

  MacLanie, James

  Macleod, Rod

  Magnet Roadhouse (Bonanza Creek)

  Maloof, Freda

  maps; guidebooks to the North

  Marsh Lake

  Marx, Karl, and Marxism

  Mason (Bank of Commerce teller)

  McClintock River

  McCook, James

  McDonald, Alex: and Dawson tourists; and Doig; and Father Judge; and Mulrooney; and Steele; and Wade; wealth and success of

  McFarlane (prospector)

  McPhee, Bill

  McPhee, Harry

  Meeker, Joe: claim at Bonanza Creek; claim near Circle City; in Colorado; death of; departure from Klondike; journey to Circle City; partnership with Haskell

  Miles Canyon

  Miller, Joaquin

  Milton, John

  miners’ meetings

  mine shafts

  Mining Record (Juneau)
  mining regulations

  Mitchell, Belle

  Mitchell, George “Skiff,”

  M & M saloon

  Monroe (traveller to Klondike)

  Monte Carlo saloon

  Montreal Hotel

  Moosehide Creek

  Moose Hide Mountain

  Moosehide Slide

  Moosehide Village

  Morgan, Edward

  Morrison, Roderick


  Mounties. See North-West Mounted Police

  Mulrooney, Belinda; arrival in Dawson; attitude to banks; background and youth; and Pierre Berton; and Carbonneau; character and appearance; on the Chilkoot Trail; claims owned by; entrepreneurial skills; and Father Judge; and 1899 fire; journey to Dawson; later life; and McDonald; memoir by; and the Pioneers’ hospital benefit; property development; restaurant; sale of ladies goods; and Steele; theatrical performances; wealth and success of. See also Fairview Hotel; Grand Forks Hotel


  newspapers: correspondents sent to Klondike; coverage of Klondike; published in Dawson; read aloud in Dawson

  Nome (Alaska)

  North, the: lure of; mineral wealth of

  North American Transportation and Trading Company: Dawson warehouse and business; gold storage at; and the NWMP; and winter food shortage

  northern lights

  Northern restaurant

  Northern Saloon (Dawson)

  North West Company

  North-West Mounted Police (NWMP, Mounties); control over gambling halls and saloons; customs duty collection by; Dawson headquarters; mail service provided by; new posts in Yukon; officer’s mess; post at Bennett Lake; post at Chilkoot Pass; post at Forty Mile; post at White Pass; purpose of; salaries of; sent to the Klondike; Shaw and; uniformsof

  North-West Territories

  Norwood, H.H.

  Nulato (Alaska)


  Oblate Order

  Ogilvie, William: and claim registrations; in Forty Mile; prediction for Klondike Gold Rush; and Steele; survey work; as Yukon commissioner

  O’Hara, Sadie; at Grand Forks

  Opera House (Dawson)

  Opera House (Forty Mile)


  Ottawa Hotel

  outfitting (for the North): cost and weight of; customs duty collected on; horses; marketing of. See also food and supplies


  Pacific hotel

  Pacific Steamship Company

  Palmer, Frederick

  Pavilion saloon/hotel


  Peel River

  Pelly River

  Phiscater, Frank

  Pioneer saloon/hotel

  placer gold and gold fields

  placer mining

  Porcupine River

  Portland (steamer)

  Portus B. Weare (steamer)

  postal service

  Presbyterian Church; Good Samaritan Hospital

  prospectors and stampeders: and aboriginal women; age of; camped at Bennett Lake; characteristics of; cheechakos; clothing; handmade boats; inexperience and lack of preparation; lack of success; memoirs by; sourdoughs; tales of gold rushes; wives of

  prostitution and prostitutes: arrests and medical inspection; clientele and openness of; and 1899 fire; photographs of; suicides. See also women

  Purdy, Martha Munger


  Rabbit Creek. See Bonanza Creek

  Reindeer Creek

  remittance men

  René, Reverend Father J.B.


  Rink Rapids

  Robeau, Father


  Rodenbach, Emil


  saloons: in Dawson; Sunday closing; supplies of whiskey for; in tents. See also specific establishments

  San Francisco; Dawson compared to

  San Francisco Examiner

  Scales, The

  Scandinavian American Bank of Seattle

  Schuldenfrei, Solomon

  scurvy; aboriginal spruce tea remedy for; cases treated at St. Mary’s Hospital

  Seattle: Klondike Kings arrival; water route to Dawson from

  Seattle Post-Intelligencer

  Seattle Times

  Selwyn River

  Service, Robert W; Ballads of a Cheechako; Bar-room Ballads; “The Call of the Wild,”; “The Cremation of Sam McGee,”; Ploughman of the Moon; Rhymes of a Red Cross Man; Rhymes of a Rolling Stone; “The Shooting of Dan McGrew,”; The Songs of a Sourdough; The Spell of the Yukon; The Spell of the Yukon and Other Verses; The Trail of Ninety-Eight; “A Verseman’s Apology,”

  Shaw, Flora (later Lugard); background and youth; contribution of; in Dawson; departure from Dawson; at gold creeks and hills; Imperialist views of; investigative reporting by; journey to Dawson; later life; in Ottawa; and Sifton

  Sheep Camp

  Shepard, Eliza

  Shepard, James

  Short, James

  Sifton, Clifford

  Silks, Mattie

  Sisters of St. Ann; in Dawson

  Sixty Mile

  Sixtymile River

  Skagway (Alaska)

  Skagway Trail


  Skookum Jim (Keish)

  Sloper, Merritt

  sluice boxes

  Smith, Donald Alexander, 1st Baron Strathcona and Mount Royal

  Smith, Jefferson Randolph (“Soapy”)

  Snake Hips Lulu

  Sovereign (steamer)

  Spanish-American War

  Spencer, Catherine

  Spencer, Harry

  Spencer, Herbert

  Split-Up Island

  spring conditions; arrival of stampeders; ice break-up; mud and flooding

  Squaw Rapids

  S.S. Leah

  stampeders. See prospectors and stampeders

  steamers; arrivals and departures; food delivered by; gold shipped in; supplies delivered by; trips to Dawson

  Steele, Marie Elizabeth de Lotbinière Harwood

  Steele, Samuel Benfield; background and character; career and success; claims owned by; control of Dawson; departure from Yukon; and Fenton; and government corruption; later life; marriage and family; and Mulrooney; photographs of; and Shaw

  St. Elias Mountains

  Stewart, Robert

  Stewart River; London’s party at; mouth of

  Stick people

  Stikine River

  St. Mary’s Church

  St. Mary’s Hospital; building and expansion of; chapel for; Father Judge’s work in; fundraisers for; scurvy patients; Sisters of St. Ann at; supplies and funds needed for; supported by police license sales and fines. See also Judge, Father William

  St. Michael (Alaska)

  Stone House

  Storey, G.E.

  Strathcona, Lord (Donald Smith)

  Sulphur Creek

  supplies. See food and supplies

  Swinehart, G.B.



  Tagish Lake

  Taiya River


  Tanana River

  Tar Stater (handmade boat)

  Taylor, Charles

  Taylor, Charlie


  telephones (in Dawson)

  Telin River


  Thompson, Fred; voyage to the Klondike

  Thorson, John

  Times (London)

  Tivoli Theatre

  Tláa, Shaaw (Kate)

  Tlingit; men arrested for murder; porters on Chilkoot Trail; women as wives of prospectors


  Trail of ’

  Treadgold, Arthur Newton Christian

  Tr’ondëk (later Klondike) River: Hān fishing camp at

  Tupper, Sir Charles Hibbert


  Tweedy, Corporal


  Umatilla (steamer)


  Van Buren, Edith

  Victoria Hotel (Dawson)

Victorian (steamship)


  Wade, Frederick Coates: as crown prosecutor and land commissioner; and Mulrooney

  Walker, Franklin

  Walsh, James

  West Dawson


  White, Libby


  White Horse Rapids; Gates on; Haskell and Meeker on; London on; Mulrooney on; Shaw on

  White Pass; horses used on; NWMP post on; printing press hauled over; Shaw on

  White Pass and Yukon Railway

  White River

  White Trail

  Wichter, Mr. and Mrs.

  Wills, H.T.

  Windy Lake

  winter conditions: on Chilkoot Trail; danger of beards; food supplies and shortages; prospectors and stampeders caught in; warnings to stampeders about; in winter camps

  women (in the North); aboriginal; dance hall girls; luxury goods for; proportion of Dawson population; in prospector camps; in saloons; social hierarchy of; wives of prospectors. See also prostitution and prostitutes

  Woolf, Leonard

  World War I


  Yukon Act

  Yukon Basin

  Yukon Belle (handmade boat)

  Yukon Executive Council

  Yukon Field Force

  Yukon Hotel

  Yukon Hygeia Water Supply Company

  Yukon Midnight Sun

  Yukon Order of Pioneers

  Yukon River; delta; fall freeze-up; spring ice jams and flooding; steamers on; survey of

  Copyright © 2010 by Charlotte Gray. All rights reserved under International and

  Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Gray, Charlotte, 1948-

  Gold diggers : striking it rich in the Klondike / by Charlotte Gray.

  p. cm.

  eISBN : 978-1-582-43852-8

  F1095.K5G68 2010




  1919 Fifth Street

  Berkeley, CA 94710

  Distributed by Publishers Group West


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