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Until Forever [Merricks, Montana 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 12

by McKinlay Thomson

  “What about me?” Cody asked sitting up. His cock was hard again, and Troy heard Sam groan. They were both spent. Troy forgot how quickly Cody could recover. He was just going to have to be patient.

  “Go and run a bath, and then we will see,” Troy said. His head flopped back on the pillow with a sigh.

  He was happier than he had felt in a long while. It looked as though Cody’s idea just might work after all. Maybe it wasn’t as crazy as he had once thought.

  Chapter Ten

  Adam stared up at Eli with sheer terror in his eyes. His boss had found out what he had done and now Adam was tied to a chair while Eli waved a big fucking knife in his face.

  “Tell me what you did with the evidence,” Eli said. “I can make this easy or hard. It’s up to you.”

  Adam swallowed around the lump in his throat. He was so going to die. He just hoped that he was able to stand the torture until they killed him.

  Adam had gone to his computer desk to remove the thumb drive and stash it in one of those secure boxes at the bank, only to find it missing. He had no idea where it was and had been in a panic ever since.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about,” Adam rasped out. “Please, you have to believe me.”

  “The hard way then,” Eli said.

  He turned and put down the knife he had been holding and picked up a hammer. Adam started to cry as Eli walked back toward him.

  How had he been so stupid? When Eli had called him frantically this morning asking him to come to work, he had rushed to the coffee shop not once thinking that he had been discovered.

  When he had arrived to find the shop closed and empty of customers, he still hadn’t been suspicious. It wasn’t until he had called for Eli and walked into the storage room that he had started to feel uneasy.

  Then Eli had got the drop on him and jumped him from behind. When Adam had come to, he was tied to the chair and Eli had been on the phone. Whoever he had spoken to was on the way, and Eli had until then to get the information he needed from Adam.

  “Please,” Adam said. “Please don’t hurt me.”

  He wasn’t beneath begging, and he was pretty sure at some stage he was going to vomit.

  “Just tell me what I want to know,” Eli said. “This is your last warning.”

  “Please,” Adam said, shaking his head.

  He screamed as Eli brought the hammer down on his knee. Pain exploded through his leg. He wanted to reach down and grab his knee, but his hands were tied behind his back. He sobbed and tried not to pass out.

  “Tell me,” Eli repeated.

  Adam didn’t think he could answer if he wanted to. He shook his head and dragged big breaths into his body.

  Eli bought the hammer down again on the same knee, and Adam’s scream rang through the room. It was loud and guttural. He could feel the blood flowing from his knee and down his leg. If he survived this, he wasn’t going to walk on that leg again. His brain was trying to shut down, and he had to force himself to not give in and let unconsciousness take him.

  “You can make this stop,” Eli told him. “All you have to do is—”

  “Tell you what you want to know,” Adam said through gritted teeth. “I don’t know anything.”

  Adam closed his eyes and braced himself for the pain, but it never came. He opened one eye and peeked at Eli.

  “You are lying,” he said. “I know you are lying. It was your staff code used to log in to the computer. You stole private information from me, and I want it back. That is why we are going to do this until you tell me what I want to know.”

  Adam couldn’t believe that he had made such a simple mistake. He had used his staff log-in to use the computer. He didn’t even know they could track that sort of thing. He had been praying that he had logged out and desperately hoped that it had gone unnoticed.. He had been wrong, and now he was going to die because of it.

  “Last chance,” Eli said.

  “Maybe someone stole my code,” Adam said hopefully. “Did you think about that?”

  Eli’s evil smile told him that he didn’t believe him and he wasn’t surprised it was a desperate last resort.

  “Yes,” Eli said. “Maybe it was that little friend of yours, Cody? You and he are close, aren’t you?”

  Shit, what had he done?

  “No,” he said. “No, Cody had nothing to do with it.”

  Eli laughed. It was an evil sound and sent shivers down Adam’s spine.

  “Why didn’t I see it before?” Eli asked. “The whole time it was there in front of me, and I didn’t figure it out.”

  “No, you’re wrong,” Adam told him. “It was me. Cody doesn’t even know. Please.”

  Eli looked at him thoughtfully, and for just a second, Adam thought that he might have believed him.

  “Nope,” Eli said. “He might not have anything to do with it, but he has the evidence either way. Doesn’t he?”

  Adam didn’t know. He prayed that Cody hadn’t taken the thumb drive. He was sure it was still there the day that Cody had left, but they had been at the computer downloading music the night before.

  Adam heard noise in the front of the coffee shop and loud footsteps approached the storeroom. He looked up to see four large men walk into the room. Each one was wearing a long black overcoat and wearing a suit.

  “Mr. Pokrovsky,” Eli said. “I have everything under control.”

  The man who Adam assumed was Mr. Pokrovsky walked forward and looked at Adam. He was older than the other three, around fifty, and looked very distinguished to Adam. He had graying hair and a neatly shaved face. His eyes were ice blue, and Adam instantly understood he wasn’t a man to mess with.

  “Do you have the information then?” Mr. Pokrovsky asked. He had a thick Russian accent.

  “Yes, sir,” Eli replied. “He has given the evidence to a friend of his called Cody. I just need to find out where Cody is. He left the state a few weeks back for a job in Seattle.”

  “No,” Adam said, “Cody doesn’t know anything. I took the evidence and would never have given it to him.”

  “The boy lies,” Eli said. “Cody has it. He was denying everything moments before. Now he says he has it.”

  “Excellent,” Mr. Pokrovsky said. “That is all we need from you for now. We will take it from here.”

  He nodded to one of his men, who walked closer, pulling a gun from his pocket and aiming it at Eli.

  “Wait,” Eli said. “What are you doing?”

  Adam jumped as the gun went off and Eli slumped to the floor. His cold, dead eyes stared up at Adam as blood pooled on the floor below. Eli had one single bullet wound to his forehead.

  Adam was going to puke. He had never seen a dead body before. These guys weren’t playing around. They were in a whole different league than Eli.

  “Now, Adam, isn’t it?” Mr. Pokrovsky asked. “Where would I find this Cody?”

  Adam watched as the gun was turned his way. He whimpered in pain and fright and knew his end was near. He had to protect Cody. He was going to die anyway. Maybe he could anger them enough to kill him quickly.

  “Fuck you,” Adam spat. “I’m not telling you shit.”

  “Your mistake,” Mr Pokrovsky replied.

  The thug moved closer, and Adam almost peed his pants in fright. When the thug lifted the gun and swung his fist back, pain exploded through Adam’s cheek. This time he let the dizziness take over, and he was out like a light.

  * * * *

  “Sorry, Cody,” Wyatt said. “The part hasn’t come in yet.”

  Wyatt Radley was the town mechanic and turning out to be the bane of Cody’s existence. In his early sixties, Wyatt had run the repair shop for over forty years and didn’t look as though he was going to slow down anytime soon. He had a long white beard that matched the color of his balding hair and had old tats up both arms. His large potbelly was bulging out and stretching the buttons on his dark blue overalls. He wore glasses perched on the end of his nose and was missing quite
a few teeth.

  “When do you think it will arrive?” he asked. “And how much money is it going to cost?”

  Cody had been in Merricks for over two weeks now, and his car still hadn’t been fixed. It was driving him insane. Every time he had asked about the car, Wyatt had put him off. It had been one excuse after another, all coming back to the fact that his little Honda Civic was a piece of crap. It probably would be easier to simply buy a new car.

  It wasn’t that he wanted to leave town. Far from it. It was just that he was the kind of person who hated when he had to wait for something. He was impatient, and waiting for parts to fix his car was making him frazzled.

  Cody had called the head of Fanatics, the coffee shop chain he was hired by, and told him that he was going to have to delay his starting time and why. Luckily they had been understanding and said he could start when he was ready. Otherwise, he would have really been agitated.

  Wyatt looked thoughtful and scratched at his long white beard.

  “Couple of weeks, I’d say,” he replied. “Brakes are tricky things. We are looking at a few hundred dollars.”

  His car had needed the engine fixed, but once Wyatt had inspected it, he had said it needed new brakes, had leaky pipes, and the muffler had a crack in it. Each and every thing had needed parts ordered in, and that meant more delays and more money.

  “A couple of weeks,” Cody replied. “This car has cost me more money to fix than what I bought it for.”

  The bright side was that it meant that he could spend more time in Merricks with Sam and Troy. They had spent each and every waking moment together, as well as the nights. They still hadn’t moved past oral sex and playing around, and that was driving him crazy too. He wanted to get inside Sam’s tight pussy so badly he was walking around with an almost constant hard-on.

  Sam and Troy were quickly becoming his everything, and he had completely lost his heart to both of them. He was going to be devastated if this thing didn’t work out, but if things remained as good as they were now, he didn’t see it failing.

  It was almost as though they had known each other for years. They had fallen into an easy pattern, and while Troy could be somewhat difficult, Sam was easy going enough that they didn’t bicker and fight. They were both so independent, so it was only natural that they would clash, but Sam just took it all in stride and went around him when she wasn’t getting her way.

  It was funny really watching how Sam handled Troy. He could be so bossy and demanding at times, and Sam would just smile and pat his shoulder then go about what she was doing. Cody had quickly learned it was her subtle way of telling Troy he was being an ass.

  “Why don’t we just scrap it?” Sam said. “We could buy you a new one.”

  Sam had come to the repair shop with him, and then they were going to meet her friend Emily at the bakery for coffee. Troy was back at the apartment reading the paper, happy for the alone time. Cody would need a coffee now, too, after more bad news. It calmed him down.

  “Now you don’t want to do that, son,” Wyatt said. “I’ll soon have it fixed up good as new.”

  Cody gave the mechanic an are-you-serious look and turned back to Sam. Nothing was going to make that car as good as new. Troy had told him on more than one occasion that the car was almost ready for the scrap heap.

  “I can’t afford a new car,” Cody said. “At least not until I start my new job.”

  He was rapidly blowing through what was left of his savings, and even though Sam and Troy had been paying for his meals and such, all his money had been spent on the car.

  “I’m sure Troy and I can figure something out,” Sam told him.

  No way was he letting them buy him a car. He might be submissive, but he wasn’t useless and didn’t need his Dom and Domme to look after him financially. They weren’t in that kind of relationship and never would be.

  “No,” he replied. “I love that you would be willing to do that for me, but it isn’t going to happen.”

  Sam crossed her arms over her chest. It pushed her breasts up and plumped up her cleavage. Cody felt himself getting hard again. He shook his head at her and frowned. He was going to have to stand behind her to hide the bulge in his pants.

  “I’ll wait for the part,” he told Wyatt. “I’ll come back in a couple of days and see if you have any news.”

  “Sure thing, Cody,” Wyatt replied.

  Cody walked from the repair shop, not waiting to see if Sam followed. When he hit the street, he stopped and waited for her to catch up.

  “Troy will have something to say about this,” Sam said when she joined him on the street.

  “You two aren’t allowed to gang up on me,” he said. “This is my decision.”

  Sam frowned at him before wrapping her arms around his waist and looking up at him.

  “I wasn’t implying that,” she said. “I know it’s your decision, but that car needs to be scraped, and you know that Troy and I will help you any way we can. I wasn’t trying to make the choice for you. I was telling you that you have options.”

  Cody looked down into her green eyes and sighed. He had gotten his back up over her offer to help. She was like that, always willing to help a person in need. She had a beautiful soul, and it was only one of the things he loved about her.

  Troy, on the other hand, was going to be difficult. He wanted to be in control of his world and everybody in it. That meant Cody and now Sam. It was just something that Cody would have to either get on board with or find a way around if he wanted their relationship to work. He could feel a battle coming on, and he hoped Sam didn’t get stung in the crossfire.

  “We will talk to Troy,” Cody said. “I wasn’t too attached to the car anyway.”

  Sam lifted up and placed her lips on his. Cody molded their mouths together and then let Sam take control of the kiss. Her tongue plundered his mouth and tangled with his own. She didn’t seem to mind that they were standing in the middle of the street making out, so Cody just went with it.

  When she finally pulled away, they were both panting, and Cody could see a passionate haze in her green eyes.

  “Ready to go to the bakery?” she asked. She readjusted her clothes and brushed back her blonde hair.

  “No,” he replied. “I’m ready to go back to your place and get it on.”

  Sam snorted indelicately and started to walk toward Main Street.

  “Keep it in your pants, big boy,” Sam said over her shoulder. “Good things come to those who wait.”

  “Not if I die of pent-up need,” Cody replied, following her. “It could be dangerous to my health.”

  “I can make you a doctor’s appointment if you like,” Sam said cheekily. “I’m sure Old Doc Wiseman would be thrilled.”

  Cody laughed. He loved Sam’s playful side.

  “No doctor can fix what I’ve got,” he told her. “Only a little blonde Domme with a sweet mouth and a sassy tongue.”

  They walked past the diner and Sam’s boutique and stopped in front of the jewelers for a little peek. Cody grabbed Sam’s hand and pulled her away from temptation—the woman loved her jewelry— and they walked past the café. They stopped for traffic before crossing New Street, and it wasn’t long before they were standing outside of the bakery.

  Cody walked ahead to open the door but paused as it swung open and a tall, thin man walked out. Cody frowned when he stopped in front of Sam.

  “Josh,” she said in greeting. “How are you?”

  So, this guy was the man who Sam had once been interested in. She had told Cody all about it on one of their nights when they had sat in her living room and just talked all night long. That was before Troy had gotten here.

  She had told him she had meet Josh in a class at her club and they were instantly attracted. Only problem was that they were both dominant, and Josh didn’t want to share a submissive between them.

  He wanted Sam to be his submissive. Josh didn’t understand what it meant to be truly dominant, and it was people li
ke that that put the lifestyle to shame. Sam couldn’t just change who she was, not for him or anyone. He didn’t understand that. They didn’t have that problem with Troy.

  “Good,” Josh replied. “I have been meaning to call you. I wanted to talk. Can we go and have a drink somewhere?”

  Sam arched her brow at him and crossed her arms. Cody decided to hang back and see how Sam handled him.

  “What for?” Sam asked. “I thought we had said everything last time at the club.”

  “About that,” he replied. “I didn’t want to do this here. I was wrong. I miss you, and even though I’d much rather you were my submissive, if you want to share a sub, then I will do it. I just want you.”

  “That’s the problem, Josh,” Sam said. “I’m not submissive, and I don’t want to have a relationship with someone who is willing to settle. It’s not what you want, and it would have teared us apart in the end.”

  Cody decided now was a good time to make his presence known. He walked over to Sam and took her hand in his.

  “You ready, baby?” he said, looking at Josh when he spoke. He wasn’t an intimidating man, but he would give it a shot.

  “Who is this guy?” Josh asked angrily, pointing at Cody.

  Cody didn’t give Sam a chance to answer and cut in.

  “I’m her man,” he said, smiling. “Well, one of them anyway. I’m her submissive. Her other man is our Dom.”

  “What?” Josh all but shouted. “You said you weren’t submissive.”

  “I’m not,” Sam said. “It’s more a ‘he’s the head of the house’ kinda thing.”

  “What?” Josh looked at them, confused.

  “Well, there is this line and—”

  “You don’t have to explain our relationship to him,” Cody said. “Come on. Let’s go.”

  He tugged on Sam’s arm and pulled her toward the door and into the bakery. That Dom was a waste of their time and effort. He didn’t understand the lifestyle, and he didn’t understand Sam. Cody might be submissive, but he’d totally taken control of that situation. Sam didn’t have to explain herself to anyone, least of all an idiot like Josh.


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