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Can't Help Falling In Love (Love Me Tender #1)

Page 6

by Teresa Ives Lilly

  Holt agreed then picked up the plates from the table. “Did you get any painting done?” he asked.

  “Yes, I finished two pieces. I’ll put price tags on them in the morning, and you can set them out in the pie shop. Are you sure you are okay with that?”

  “Yep. And how about we plan to go to the thrift store about three tomorrow. I only plan to run the pie shop from ten in the morning until two in the afternoon.”

  “That sounds like a date.” Desiree said then gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “I didn’t mean a date…” she started to explain, but Holt walked over and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

  “I consider it a date.”

  Desiree’s heart started to pound as Holt walked away. Once again, she heard his low voice singing, “I can’t help, falling in love with you.”

  Chapter 11

  Desiree ate breakfast the next morning quickly and disappeared before Darla even woke. She’d asked Carol if they could look over the properties she liked in the morning, so she would have time to go to the thrift store with Holt in the afternoon. As she drove to Carol’s office she prayed.

  Lord, why am I turning my entire world and plans all around for Holt? He’s a great guy, but am I in the market for a guy? I thought you brought me to Fredericksburg to finally fulfill my dream of owning my own art shop?

  For the next few minutes, she drove silently, open to hearing God’s voice. Sometimes His answers came as small nudges, sometimes like a loud shout. Today she heard a small voice. Why can’t I give you both things? A wonderful guy and my own art shop?

  Desiree felt goose bumps rise on her arms.

  Yes, Lord. I should remember, nothing is too hard for You. If Holt really is the guy you have for me, then help me to come up with the best plans to save the Bluebonnet Inn because, without it, Holt won’t stay in Fredericksburg.

  Before she knew it, she had pulled up in front of Carol’s office. Carol was on the porch waiting. She waved for Desiree to get out the car and join her.

  Desiree slipped out of her car. Carol stepped off the porch, keys in hand and told Desiree to get in her car.

  “I’ll drive.”

  Desiree was fine with that. She didn’t know her way around yet and wanted to get done looking at places as quickly as possible.

  Desiree had to admit, Carol was a true professional. She had mapped out all the places Desiree was interested in. She drove from one to another in just minutes. There were only two places Carol would have even considered, but neither had quite the charm she really wanted.

  “I hate to have to settle for something.”

  “What would be your dream place if you could have any place in Fredericksburg?” Carol asked.

  “The Bluebonnet Inn, or something just like it. I love the way it’s off the main street but so close that tourists can see it. It’s quaint and cozy. I could use the upstairs as a home and the downstairs as a business.”

  Carol cocked her head and thought. “Isn’t that sort of what Holt is doing? He lives upstairs, runs the bed and breakfast upstairs now from what I hear, and he’s turned part of the downstairs into a business.”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “So, there is only one real solution.” Carol answered in a mysterious tone.

  “What’s that?”

  “You need to marry Holt.”

  Desiree’s mouth dropped open, but she quickly closed it and her lips formed a firm line. “Very funny.”

  “I’m not joking. You aren’t going to find anything as perfect as the Bluebonnet Inn, and you aren’t going to find anyone as perfect as Holt.”

  Desiree protested. “I’m not looking for a husband.”

  “That’s beside the point. Believe me, I’ve had my eye on that man for some time now, but he hasn’t shown me one small inkling of interest. You, however, are different. Whenever you’re around, he only has eyes for you.”

  Desiree tried to laugh Carol’s statement away, but her heart was pounding.

  Could it be true, Lord? Is Holt actually interested in me?

  “That doesn’t help me find a place to live and a place to run my business.” She tried to force Carol back into reality.

  Carol reached over and patted Desiree’s hand. “Sweetheart, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. Stay at the Bluebonnet. Holt told me he gave you the studio to paint in; it could be converted into a small house. You could pay him rent and live and work there. Sell your items in the pie shop, or ask him to rent you that lovely front sitting room to turn into a small shop of your own.”

  The idea started to stir in Desiree’s mind. “Hmm, it does sound like a great plan. And if I’m there, I can help Holt with the bed and breakfast.”

  “That’s right! Before you know it, he will be so enamored with you, he’ll ask you to marry him.”

  “I wouldn’t go as far as that.” Desiree scoffed. “But I will discuss the rest of the idea with Holt tonight. It would solve all of my problems, for a while at least.”

  Carol laughed. “Well, I just talked myself out of a commission. But, honestly, I want to see Holt happy.”

  “So do I, and I don’t want the Bluebonnet Inn to close. If I pay him for the cottage and the front sitting room as a store, the rent along with the income from his pie shop, he should be able to keep it running. I’m sure the bed and breakfast will get more business as well.”

  “That’s the idea. If Darla’s friend gets his hands on the property, that lovely home will be torn down. That type of builder would ruin the town.”

  Desiree gave a sidelong glance at Carol. “I guess it’s my job to save the town from that type. Carol, I want to thank you. You are a great friend to Holt.”

  “Hee, hee, hee,” Carol twittered. “Believe me, if I thought Holt would ever give me the time of day in a romantic sort of way, I wouldn’t be making these suggestions to you at all. But, since all he wants from me is friendship, I might as well have a say in who he ends up with.”

  Desiree shook her head. “I’m not sure we should think that far ahead. For now, let me convince him to rent me the rooms.”

  Carol rolled her eyes in gentle exasperation. “I wouldn’t worry about that. I think you will find your Mr. Elvis totally willing to have you there on a permanent basis.”

  Desiree could feel the warmth as her cheeks flushed. She started to deny what Carol said, but her heart hoped it was true. Although she’d known him for only a short time, Desiree wanted to become a permanent part of Holt’s life.

  Chapter 12

  When Desiree returned to the Bluebonnet Inn, Holt had the boxes of books stacked on the front porch. He was sitting on the swing enjoying the sunshine and slight breeze.

  “Hello, there.” Holt stood when she got out of her car. “I’ve been waiting for you. Want to load these boxes into your car or mine?”

  “We can use my car. I want to re-learn my way around town.”

  Holt lifted one box and carried it to the car. Desiree opened the trunk, and he placed the box in. They each got one more box from the front porch and put them in the trunk.

  “Are you ready to go now, or do you need a break? I’m sure after a few hours with Carol, you might need a rest, an aspirin?”

  Desiree laughed. “No, I’m okay. Actually, it was good to spend time with Carol. She gave me an idea I want to run by you.”

  Holt opened the passenger door and looked over the top of the car at her. “Great. I can’t wait to hear it. So far, I like all your ideas.” He slid into the car and closed the door.

  Desiree looked up.

  I hope he likes this idea, Lord.

  When she was in the car, Holt asked, “So, what’s up? Did you find a place?”

  Desiree turned the key and started the engine.

  She put the car in reverse and pulled out of the driveway. When they were on the street, she decided to ease into the conversation. “You asked if I found a place. Are you anxious to get rid of me?” She joked but watched his face to see his reactio

  Holt’s brow drew together. “Not on your life. If I could keep you around forever, I would.”

  They both laughed.

  Desiree took a gulp of air and plunged in. “I hope you are serious because that was actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  Holt’s face grew serious. “Go on.”

  “Carol suggested…and I think it would work…” Her voice drifted away.

  Holt reached over and ran his hand up her arm. “Desiree, you can talk to me. What’s the idea? I won’t bite you know.”

  “I know, but this is major.” She bit her lower lip and steered the car toward the thrift store.

  “I’m listening. Worst thing that can happen is I could say no, but I doubt I will.” Holt’s words gave her some assurance.

  “I was wondering if I could rent the cottage on a long-term basis, furnish it so I could live there. That would relieve me of having to find a house. You won’t need to cook for me all the time anymore. The cottage has a bedroom, a full bath and a working kitchen. I’m willing to pay a decent price.”

  “Hmm…” Holt started to answer, but Desiree interrupted him.

  “There’s more.”

  His eyes grew wide.

  “I’d also like to rent your front sitting and turn it into a small art shop. You can set up a sitting room upstairs that will work just as well and have the entire B&B on the second floor. The rental income would help pay your bills, and I would be on hand to help out in the office.”

  Holt sat staring at her in amazement. They drove in silence until Desiree couldn’t take it any longer.

  “I understand if you don’t want to give up the space or have me permanently under foot. It was just an idea. There were a few places Carol showed me I liked. I can call her when we get back to the Inn.”

  “No, you don’t have to do that. I’m just amazed. It’s a wonderful idea and will solve so many problems. As you said, the money you would be paying me would go a long way to help keep the place running. With your rent and the pie shop income, I could probably make it without even running the bed and breakfast. But, of course, I don’t want to give that up.”

  Desiree noted the thrift store ahead and turned on her signal.

  “And, as you said, you will be there to help out.”

  “Yep. I can set aside a certain amount of morning time to advertise the Inn, the pie shop and my art store. I can keep up with the billings and reservations for the bed and breakfast, too. You would have to be in charge of the entire pie shop and the breakfast cooking.”

  Desiree parked the car and started to open the door, but Holt stopped her.

  “Wait a minute. Are you serious about all this?”

  “Yes, Holt. I think it’ll be a wonderful arrangement for both of us, and that way I can keep an eye out to help protect the Inn from people like Darla.”

  Holt’s eyes twinkled. “Will you protect me too?”

  Desiree nodded.

  “It’s a deal then. We can figure out prices later. I’d like to take you to dinner tonight. There is a great steak house in town called Crossroads.”

  “Sounds wonderful. I read about it on Trip Advisor. It’s supposed to be one of the top ten restaurants in Fredericksburg.”

  The next hour was filled with selecting books for the Bluebonnet Inn. They found a few of Max Lucado’s books and several Chicken Soup for the Soul editions. Basically any book with photos of bluebonnets was chosen.

  Desiree showed Holt the type of glass items she wanted to paint, and he helped fill her cart with wine glasses, jars and mugs. They even selected a few watercolor paintings of bluebonnet fields to use in the pie shop. All in all, they had a wonderful time.

  As they drove back to the Inn, Holt re-opened the conversation about Desiree moving.

  “I’ve been thinking. There’s just one more thing I want to discuss with you, before I agree to this whole plan of yours.”

  Desiree held her breath.

  “I want us to make an official partnership. Equal owners of the entire thing; the bed and breakfast, the pie shop, your art shop.”

  “But, Holt. I don’t have enough money to buy into a partnership. Besides, the bed and breakfast belongs to you. It will probably take all I make in the shop to pay for the cottage and the room in the Inn.”

  “Yes, we can word the partnership to reflect my full ownership of the house, but as far as the bed and breakfast, the pie business and your shop, we will be equal partners.”

  Desiree thought it sounded too good to be true, but she could see the eager sincerity in his eyes.

  “I am a lawyer, you know. I can draw up the papers, and you can show them to your lawyer. This is more than I could have ever dreamed of.”

  “Okay, then, partner. Draw up the papers. I trust you. However, I don’t want this partnership to ever come between our friendship. I’ve only known you a short time, but you mean a lot to me.”

  Desiree reached over this time and set her hand on top of his. Their eyes met.

  “I feel the same way, Holt.”

  “I want us to work on being more than business partners, Desiree. I want to court you.”

  “I would like that, Holt.”

  “And we cannot let anything come between that either.”

  Desiree pulled the car into the Bluebonnet Inn’s driveway.

  “I agree, wholeheartedly.”

  Holt leaned forward, placed his arms around her and pressed his lips against hers. Desiree felt herself melting into his embrace.

  Neither one of them noticed a face staring at them from the upstairs window, and before they got out of the car, the curtain had dropped back down.

  Chapter 13

  That evening, Desiree woke, coughing. At first the room looked hazy, and she thought she was still asleep, but then she took a breath and began coughing again. Her eyes flashed around the room and landed in horror on the corner closest to the hall door. There were flames quickly lapping their way up the wall.

  Desiree jumped out of bed, ran to the door but hesitated. If she opened the door, the gust of air might cause the fire to grow worse. Instead, she turned to the bed, grabbed the sheets and rushed to the bathroom. She turned on the bath water and plunged the sheets into the flow.

  In seconds, she had two soaking sheets, which she carried out and began to use to lightly but quickly beat at the flames. The water from the sheets did the job and put out the fire.

  She stood in the room, dazed, wondering how a fire could have started. She stepped to the door and turned the handle. The door opened easily.

  I must have forgotten to turn the lock.

  Then she noticed a scorched garbage can full of paper set right inside her room, by the door. She squinted her eyes in confusion. This was not the can from her room. It was from the front sitting room.

  She bent closer. The papers inside were completely burned. From the scorches on the can, it looked like the papers must have been hanging over the side. Then one must have fallen on the floor.

  That’s how the fire started by the wall. And I know how the can got in here in the first place.

  Desiree turned and stepped out into the hallway. Just as she did, Darla’s door flew open. The girl was in a silk robe.

  “What’s wrong?” Darla asked, rushing across the hall.

  Desiree pulled the door closed behind her. “Nothing. I’m just a bit hungry and thought I’d run down to the kitchen. Holt did say there was some leftover pie we could have.”

  Darla glared at her. “I thought something was wrong. I thought I smelled smoke.” She moved across the hall. “Is everything okay in your room?” She reached out and tried the doorknob, but Desiree had locked the door.

  “Hmm, I didn’t smell any smoke? Are you sure? Perhaps it’s just the lingering aroma of the apple pies Holt cooked today.” She turned and started toward the stairwell.

  Darla stomped her foot. “I’m sure I smelled smoke, and it was coming from your room.”

  Desiree tu
rned and glared at the other woman. “Darla, there is no fire in my room. I’m sure you are mistaken. I think you should return to your own room. Darla, I have one other suggestion.”

  Darla looked confused but asked, “What’s that?”

  “I suggest you pack up and leave first thing in the morning.”

  Darla’s mouth opened and closed. “Who are you to tell me when to leave?”

  Desiree came back down the hall and stepped right up to Darla’s side and whispered, “I am the person who can tell the police about the garbage can in my room that isn’t supposed to be there. I’m sure they will be interested in testing it for fingerprints.”

  Darla’s eyes grew round. “I am tired.” She stepped away from Desiree.

  “And you will be leaving, first thing?”

  “But, my friend is coming to meet with Holt.”

  Desiree shook her head from side to side. “No, Darla. You will call him and cancel that meeting. I am Holt’s new partner, and we do not plan to sell the bed and breakfast, not for any reason, even if it gets damaged in a fire.”

  Darla held her hand on her throat and nodded.

  “I’ll be gone, first thing.”

  Desiree gave a fake smile. “So glad to have had you visit. Please, do not come back.”

  Darla cowered into her room. Desiree heard the click of the lock. She covered her mouth to keep from laughing and hurried down the hall. Holt’s room was on the far end so she silently glided to his door and knocked softly.

  Several seconds later, Holt opened the door. His hair was tousled, and he was yawning. Desiree thought he was adorable.

  “You sleep in Batman pajamas?”

  Holt looked down, then up at her.

  “Yes. Did you wake me up just to find out what I sleep in?”


  “Then why?” Holt noticed Desiree’s thick terry cloth robe. “You look comfy in your robe.”

  “Very funny. I just came to inform you Darla will be leaving first thing in the morning.”

  Holt looked confused. “Oh, ok. Was that so important it couldn’t wait until the morning? I mean, I’m glad to see you, and you can wake me up any time, but seriously…”


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