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Devil's Charm

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Chaos Bleeds? Is it some kind of rock group?”

  “No, I wish. They’re a motorcycle club. Tough men with no rules, and every now and then they come to town. Devil is the leader,” Jenny said.

  “I don’t like the sound of this group.”

  “Take my advice, do your set, get your money and fucking leave. You do not want to get embroiled with these men. They’re dangerous, and they carry.”

  Lexie nodded. “I’m not interested in getting anything.”

  Vincent appeared in the doorway. “Come on. Get your ass up on the stage.”

  “I’m going.” She looked at Jenny, who looked at her.

  “You’re good. Go and kick ass. I wish I had your tits. So fucking big.” Jenny grabbed her own making Lexie laugh.

  She knew Jenny was just putting her at ease. “I’ll see you after, right?”

  “Yes, hubby is coming to get me in an hour, and then I’m off.”

  “This is your last set for tonight, Lex. You can leave when you’re done,” Vincent said, leaving the bathroom.

  “I’ll wait for you before I leave.”

  “Appreciate it. Go on, knock them dead.”

  Heading out of the toilet she walked down to the back of the stage as the lights were turned off over the seating area. The only light would be on her.

  In the mirror she checked her blonde wig making sure not a strand of her brown hair showed.

  You can do this. Simply dance, imagine your suit man.

  The music started, and it was one of her favorites. Wrapping her arms around the pole she waited for the light to appear on her, and then she started to work the pole how Jenny had shown her.


  Devil, leader of the Chaos Bleeds MC and an irritated man, swallowed back a shot of the whiskey. Business had been booming at Naked Fantasies since he’d last come to town. Wiping a hand down his face, he felt fucking tired. He was getting too old to be chasing shit around town. At forty-five years old he knew it was time for him to settle down rather than have to deal with riding from place to place. His men were getting tired of the same old shit, and he was starting to want a nice warm bed to sleep in at night. He refused to believe it was down to his aging years.

  For the last twenty years he’d done nothing but ride. His group had the same need in their blood to be free and not controlled by the social convention. If he wanted to fuck three women, one after the other, then he fucking did it. He transported drugs and drank until he vomited. There was no such thing as a happy hour to him. Every hour was fucking happy hour. If he wanted a drink at ten in the morning, he’d have a drink.

  “Hey, baby, I missed you.”

  Tiffany, one of the dancers and a huge slut, walked toward him. There was white powder around her nose showcasing her expensive habit. Whenever he came around he always lost himself in her body. She was so fucking skinny, and since the last time he’d been back she looked thinner. Any arousal vanished as he caught sight of her ribcage. Why did women think it was fucking sexy to see every fucking bone in their body?

  “Fuck off,” he said, not wanting any company. He needed to think. Kayla had been a fucking mistake. The condom he’d used had broken, and afterward he’d gotten himself tested. He liked being free, but he didn’t want to die from some fucking disease. Getting a clean bill of health he later found out the slut was pregnant with his child and then after that she’d given birth. The bitch had also stolen over ten thousand dollars from him. Once he got his kid away from her then she was going to find herself a nice comfortable bed to die in. No one took the piss out of him and got away from it.

  “Devil, I’ll do anything,” Tiffany said. “Please, I’ve missed you.”

  She started to rub at his lap, and his cock stiffened. He’d not had a good fuck in a long time. Tiny and The Skulls had been accommodating, but he’d wanted to taste that sweet Angel, Lash’s woman. Lash didn’t believe in sharing, not that Devil took offence. If he had a woman like Angel, he wouldn’t want to share her either.

  “Take my dick out and suck it,” he said. If she was going to start working his cock the least she could do was suck it.

  Down Tiffany went under the table pulling out his length.

  “Hey, mate,” Vincent said, approaching the table. Shaking hands with the man he’d left to run the strip club, Devil found Tiffany’s mouth less than appealing. Still, it was better than looking at the bitch. “What brings you back here?”

  “I’m looking for someone. I’ll tell you about it in the morning. For now, I just want to enjoy a few minutes relaxing. Who’s next?” he asked, nodding toward the stage.

  “A new dancer, Lexie. You’ll like her.”

  He was looking for a woman named Lexie. Devil tensed, wondering if by sheer luck the woman he was looking for was the same woman on the stage. It couldn’t be. His life wasn’t about sheer luck. There was no way the woman he was hunting for would be the same woman.

  Sinking his fingers into Tiffany’s hair, he forced her to take all of his length, to swallow around the tip of his cock. Tiffany took him without question, sucking on his length.

  “Here she is now.”

  The stage lit up, and Devil’s interest was piqued. The woman on the stage was not like any of the other girls they employed. For one, she was much fuller than the woman between his legs. Her shape was clearly outlined in the corset she wore. Her hips flared out, and the stocking and suspenders went right to his dick. The black and pink set made her look sensual and innocent at the same time.

  His cock thickened more at the sight of the woman on the dance floor. The blonde hair reminded him a little of Angel. When he’d seen that sweet beauty he had wanted to start a war with The Skulls, but he’d seen the love she had for Lash and decided against it. The woman on stage turned around, and he saw her face was as beautiful as the rest of her. Forgetting her face, he glanced down her body to see the size of her tits. Fuck, he wanted to bury his head in that rack and see her bouncing above his cock.

  Speeding up Tiffany’s movements, he watched the woman before him tease all of the men. Her gaze stared blindly out into the audience. She looked far away. Her body swayed to the music, and he knew she didn’t give a fuck about the men out of her own little world.

  Slowly, she started to work off her kit. Her full, curvy body worked the room. He knew every single man was horny and wanted to see her tits naked. Devil was getting fucking horny just to have a look at her.

  When the corset finally came off, Devil erupted filling Tiffany’s mouth with his cum as he got off on the woman on stage. Her tits were fucking beautiful. They were ripe, with large red tipped nipples. She worked down the pole, spreading her legs and showing the men her covered pussy.

  All too soon the song ended, the stage went blank, and the entire crowd was in uproar. They wanted to see all of the goods. Tiffany climbed out from under the table, wiping his cum away from her mouth.

  “She always leaves men wanting more. It’s why she gets regular customers hoping for a glimpse at her,” Vincent said.

  “I want to meet her,” Devil said, standing up and adjusting his cock.

  “What? I just sucked your dick. You can’t do that.” Tiffany had her hands on hips as she glared at him.

  Grabbing her arm, he hauled her up close. “Don’t think for a second you have any fucking claim over me. You’re good for one thing and one thing only, to be available for me to fuck. Get out of here, fucking crack-whore.”

  He threw her off him, looking at Vincent. Tiffany crashed to the ground, and no one helped her up. She was a whore and was only looking for a man to keep her in coke. He didn’t mind being around drugs, but he didn’t take the shit himself. Some of his men had lost their lives taking shit, and he asked them to keep their habit in fucking check.

  Being on the open road with no rules meant he couldn’t screw up other peoples wants either. Drug taking was not on his list, but he asked his men to keep it together.

  “Follow me. She’ll be
leaving soon.”

  Vincent took him around to the dressing rooms as another woman came on stage. His men were surrounded by women. Devil knew when they came to town, women flocked to them.

  “Lex, we’re coming in. A friend wants to meet you.” Vincent opened the door, and they found her putting on some jeans. The sexy corset had been replaced by a simple cotton bra. Devil wanted to cry at the sin of putting those babies away.

  “What can I do for you, Vincent? You said I only had to dance.”

  Her voice was so fucking sweet. He’d been on the road too long listening to women with attitudes who were a bit long in the tooth and too long into the lifestyle. This woman was fresh faced and … young. He’d not expected her to be so young. She couldn’t be older than twenty if that.

  “Devil wanted to meet you.”

  Walking into the room he realized how small she actually was. Her head only came to his chest.

  “I don’t do any extras.”

  “I’m not after extras. You can go, Vincent.” He didn’t wait for the man to say anything. Vincent left leaving him alone with the stunning woman with big tits. He reached out surprised when she flinched away from him. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Okay.” She looked doubtful even though she didn’t pull away.

  Did she have a man who beat her?

  “Is there someone waiting for you? A husband, boyfriend?”

  “No, no one.” She started to bite her lip, stuttering.

  “I’m not going to hurt you at all.” He pushed some hair off her shoulder, caressing her cheek. She was heavily made up with makeup. Devil didn’t like it. He wanted to know what she looked like without all the artifice.

  Bending down, he brushed her lips with his as he gripped her ass, drawing her closer. She was tense against him. His cock hardened, wanting inside her tight, hot body.

  “What will it take to make you mine for the night?” he asked. All of his men would be envious of him for getting this hot little piece for the night.

  Her body grew tenser if that was even possible. “I’m not a whore. I’m not for sale.”

  She struggled in his arms. He lifted her up with ease, putting her on top of the vanity unit Vincent supplied for the girls to get dressed. She gasped, and he tilted her head back to look at him. “Everyone has a price. What’s yours?” He claimed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

  Within minutes she melted against him. The hands that had been pushing him away, gripped him tightly, wanting him. His dick wanted inside her so fucking bad.

  Pressing against her hard, Devil wanted all of her clothes off and to sink into her sweetness. Cupping one of her tits he teased the nipple loving the feel of it budded against his palm. She was going to be so fucking hot to claim. He wanted his dick inside her, and he’d even forgo the condom to feel her naked cunt.

  “Boss, we need you out here. Ripper is causing some fucking problems,” Curse said, grabbing his attention.

  Devil pulled away from her, staring into her eyes. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back.”

  Leaving Lexie behind Devil went to deal with one of his men. His thoughts were not on the job at hand only the woman he wanted to fuck.

  Chapter Two

  What the hell was that all about? Lexie quickly removed her wig, grabbed her bag, and headed outside. Jenny was stood with her husband, giggling as she exited the back of the club.

  “I was wondering where you got to. I’ll see you in a few days, okay?” Jenny asked.

  Nodding, she said goodbye to her friends and headed out into the night. It was late, and she needed to get home to collect her son—Simon. She found herself more and more forgetting that Simon wasn’t hers. They’d been together six months so far, but it had started to feel like a lifetime. Every dance and performance she did was one step closer to making a better life for them. She paid the rent and got enough food to feed them both. After buying the necessities for him she tried to earn enough to give him toys and clothes. She even wanted to move out of the crummy apartment to somewhere nice. Listening to couples fuck and fight was not the kind of life she wanted Simon to grow up in.

  There was so much she wanted to give him, and yet she struggled day after day to provide for him. Pulling the band out of her hair, she let her hair fall free. After wearing a wig she loved to feel the fresh air. Grabbing the pepper spray out of her bag, she kept on walking feeling a little protected even though it was stupid. Any man could easily overpower her if he chose.

  Keeping her head bowed she got to her apartment building with ease. Several women, whores, were working on the streets waiting for a paying customer. She hated this lifestyle. Some of them gave her a nod as she passed. Lexie never judged them for earning money, and several liked her as she took care of their kids when they really needed it.

  “Rough night, Lex?” Carol asked. She’d been a whore all of her life, and at thirty something she’d seen it all. Lexie took care of her kids during the night sometimes when money was tight for her.

  “Yeah, you could say that. You?”

  “Slow. Not many men looking for love tonight.”

  Smiling, Lexie nodded. “Take care.”

  “You’re way too fucking sweet to be around here.” Carol shook her head looking sad.

  Lexie got that a lot, but none of these women knew how she’d grown up. This kind of stuff was what she was used to. It made her laugh sometimes that she was more used to people selling their bodies than helping her out at the grocery store.

  “See you tomorrow,” Lexie said, heading up.

  Simon was with Jessica on the floor above her. When Lexie knocked on the door, Jessica answered at the third knock. “Hey, I was wondering if you were coming back.”

  “Sorry. Is he okay?” Lexie entered the apartment to see Simon asleep on the sofa.

  “Yeah, he’s been perfect. A good little boy you got there.”

  “Thank you.” Grabbing some notes from her pocket she handed them over. “I really appreciate you looking after him.”

  “No problem. Same again next week?”

  “Yeah.” Picking Simon up, she walked down to her own apartment unlocking the door and entering. He didn’t wake up, which she was pleased about. After the last couple of days she really needed her beauty sleep. She was dead on her feet, and she knew Vincent would fire her ass if she looked less than appealing tomorrow night. Locking the door, she dropped her bag by the wall and walked into her bedroom.

  She’d bought a second hand cot and scrubbed it raw before she put him into it. The mattress was new. Laying him down, she watched him sleep for several seconds before heading for the shower.

  Within twenty minutes she was tucked up in bed listening to the noises all around her. The couple on her right was screwing again. She listened to the bed hitting the wall, their groans combining together as they neared release.

  They quieted down, and she wondered if that would be all for the night. Some of the men seemed to catch their breaths and be back humping away within minutes. She listened to the noise outside as cars pulled up and drove away. Lexie hoped Carol was okay. Out of all the women Carol was one of the nicest.

  In a matter of minutes she heard the couple on the right at it again. She wanted to scream at them that quality was better than quantity.

  Listening to them going at it reminded Lexie of her own lost virginity. In fact all the times she slept with her boyfriend she couldn’t recall any kind of pleasure at all. He’d climb on, thrust a few times, and his face would go weird before it was all over. Not once had she felt any kind of desire or need. Tonight I did.

  Rolling over, she closed her eyes hoping for sleep to claim her. Instead she saw a man with graying hair at the temples with really intense dark brown eyes. Devil, what kind of name was that? It had to be a road name or something made up. No one named their kid Devil.

  His hands had felt so good on her body. The way he picked her up and placed her on the vanity table would stay with her fo
rever. She had felt a pull deep inside at his possessiveness. Was it possessive?

  Would she have fucked him? If they’d not been interrupted Lexie knew she wouldn’t have been able to fight him at all. There was something magnetic about him. His gaze saw far more than he let on.

  Get over yourself. No man sees anything but his dick.

  She turned over to look at Simon. He was the only thing she needed to be thinking about. Other men could go and fuck themselves. She didn’t need anyone or anything. Climbing out of the bed she walked over to the window to look out at the night sky. It was dark and all the stars were shining brightly. At that moment she really hoped wishes could be true. She’d wish for a much better life for Simon.

  Closing her eyes, she headed back to bed, resting her head on the pillow. Within minutes sleep finally claimed her.


  The club had turned into a fucking orgy. Devil watched the room seeing all of his men in different states of undress as women attended to their every need. Vincent sat at the bar with him nursing a beer.

  “Missed you on the road,” Devil said. Vincent had been one of their crew for a long time. When he’d fallen for a little redhead with lips that looked like they could pleasure a man, Vincent had bowed out of the road. He was still a member of the Chaos Bleeds, but he looked after the strip club rather than ride. It worked out well, as Devil hated to bring outsiders into club life.

  “I missed the road, but I know I’d miss Phoebe more. She’s my world, man.”

  “You sound like a whipped pussy.” Sipping at his beer, Devil glanced toward the girls’ changing rooms. The bitch he’d wanted for the night was long gone. She’d taken off while he dealt with Ripper and Spider’s problem. His two boys had been fighting over a woman. Looking toward them Devil got angry. Why fight over a woman and then fucking share her anyway? It made no sense to him.

  “I am. No one compares to her at all.”

  “How does she find you running a strip club? Does she check your dick out for lipstick marks?”

  “She knows I wouldn’t screw anything here. They’re here to earn money, and half of them are probably STD riddled.” Vincent shook his head. “I don’t know how it happened, but I’m a one woman man now. I know, pussy, right?”


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