Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation

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Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation Page 48

by Andrew Lycett

  Collins, William (James’s son), 9

  Collins, William (WC’s father): birth, 8; painting career, 10–11, 14–16, 22–4, 52, 56; courtship and marriage, 13, 17–18; WC writes biography, 13, 70–1; character, 22; religious beliefs and observance, 22, 26–7, 29–31, 34–5, 42, 59, 63, 71, 128; political conservatism, 26; depression, 31; Italian grand tour with family, 32–8; illness in Italy, 37–8; returns to England, 39; and WC’s education, 41, 43; health concerns and eye trouble, 46–7, 52, 65, 110; in Germany for spa cure, 47; as part-time librarian at Royal Academy, 47, 52; relations with WC, 48, 51–2, 111, 128–30; and WC’s career, 49–50, 57, 65; holiday in Seaford with Antrobus, 52; illustrates Scott’s The Pirate, 53–4; visits Scotland, 53–4; depicted in Joseph Bullar’s Evening Thoughts, 57; will and estate, 57, 65; in Paris with Charles Ward, 59–61; visits Oxford, 59; payments to WC, 61; death and funeral, 65; depicted in Hide and Seek, 128–30; marriage secret, 130–1; WC and Charley share paintings, 272; Disposal of a Favourite Lamb (painting), 11; The Mussel-Gatherer (painting), 24

  Collins, William (WC’s grandfather), 8–10, 13; Memoirs of a Picture, 9, 137; ‘The Slave Trade’ (poem), 9; The New Vocal Miscellany, 8

  Combe family, 244

  Combe, Thomas, 90

  Combe, Mrs Thomas, 92, 99

  Commission of Lunacy, 196, 210

  Compton, John (Caroline Graves’s father), 156

  Compton, Martha (Caroline Graves’s sister), 157

  Compton (or Pully), Sarah (Caroline Graves’s mother), 156–8

  Compton, William (Caroline Graves’s brother), 157

  Conolly, Dr John, 194, 196, 198

  ‘Considerations on the Copyright Question’ (WC; pamphlet), 382

  Cooke, Jay (Philadelphia banking house), 338

  Cooper, James Fenimore, 130, 335, 386

  copyright, 269, 299, 325–6, 382, 399

  Coquette (schooner), 161, 167

  Corbyn and Company (pharmacists), 390

  Cornhill (magazine), 225–6, 243, 250, 286, 354

  Cornwall, 78–81

  Cornwall, Barry see Procter, Bryan Waller

  Court Duel, A (translated French play), 76

  Cousins, Thomas, 157

  Coutts bank, 132

  Crabbe, George, 367

  Cresswell, Miss (schoolteacher), 250

  Cridland, Joseph, 92

  Crimean War (1854–6), 126, 135, 137, 143

  Critchett, George, 312, 360

  Critchett, Richard (‘Claude Carton’), 360

  Croker, J. Wilson, 70

  ‘Cruise of the Tomtit, The’ (WC; travelogue), 145

  Custody of Infants Act (1839), 49

  Dadd, Richard, 69

  Daily Graphic (New York newspaper), 340

  Daily News, 254, 264, 268–9, 298

  Daily Telegraph, 181, 315, 400, 410

  Dallas, E.S., 220

  Daly, Augustin, 308, 340, 364

  Dana, Richard Jr, 71–3, 344; Two Years Before the Mast, 71

  Daniel, Book of, 273

  Darwin, Charles: On the Origin of Species, 193

  Davis, John Hall, 310

  Davis, Mary (Easton), 288–9

  Dawson, Charles (WC-Martha’s son), 416

  Dawson, Harriet (WC-Martha’s daughter), 313, 380, 395, 413, 416

  Dawson, Marian (WC-Martha Rudd’s daughter): birth and background, 293, 300, 313; breaks leg, 326; named as Marian Collins, 380; schooling, 395; takes over secretarial duties for WC, 407; inheritance from WC, 413; later life, 416

  Dawson, William Charles Collins (WC-Martha’s son), 352, 380, 413

  Dead Alive, The (WC), 339

  Dead Secret, The (WC): writing, 149; plot and themes, 171–3; serialisation, 172, 173

  deafness and dumbness: in Hide and Seek, 130

  de la Rue family, 121

  de la Rue, Augusta, 121–2

  de la Rue, Emile, 122, 146

  detective stories, 162–4, 273–5, 391; The Woman in White as, 201

  Devonport Street, London, 56

  Devonshire House, Piccadilly, 82, 87

  Devonshire, William George Spencer Cavendish, 6th Duke of, 76, 82, 87

  diamonds, 280

  ‘Diary of Anne Rodway, The’ (WC; story), 162–4, 182, 195

  Dickens family: WC holidays with, 144

  Dickens, Alfred (Charles’s brother): death, 214

  Dickens, Alfred (Charles’s son), 178

  Dickens, Augustus (Charles’s brother), 188

  Dickens, Catherine (Charles’s wife): depression, 85–6; and Charles’s relations with Augusta de la Rue, 121–2; Charles writes to from Italy, 122–4; Charles’s deteriorating relations with, 137, 146, 150; forty-second birthday at Gad’s Hill, 173; marriage collapses, 176, 178–80; absent from daughter Katey’s wedding, 206; entertains WC, 283

  Dickens, Charles: friendship with WC, 2, 20, 85, 102, 111, 133–4, 138, 150, 164, 178–9, 253–4, 281, 417; commitment to London, 8; frequents St Marylebone church, 22; irritated by Harriet Collins’s garrulity, 23; WC confesses Rome love affair to, 36–7; writes on Caroline Norton case, 49; works at Warren’s blacking factory, 51; and Maclise, 60; Henry Russell imitates, 67; edits Bentley’s Magazine, 75; and Home for Fallen Women (Urania Cottage), 76; offers parts in plays to WC, 82, 85–6, 99, 137; passion for theatre, 82, 150; deaths of father and infant daughter, 86–7; interest in detectives, 86, 221–2; amateur acting, 87–8, 99, 165, 165–6, 172, 174–5; mocks Pre-Raphaelites, 89; and WC’s contributions to Household Words, 97–8; friendship with Collins family, 99; praises WC’s acting, 102; spends time in Boulogne, 116, 134–5, 164; on WC’s illness, 116; travels to Italy with WC and Egg, 118–19, 122–3; and Augusta de la Rue, 121–2; as WC’s father figure, 130; Hide and Seek dedicated to, 131; praises Hide and Seek, 131; proposes WC for Garrick Club, 132; Ned Ward portrait of, 134; burns letters, 135, 214; in Paris with WC, 137, 146–7, 150–1; restlessness and boredom with marriage, 137, 146, 150; stages WC’s The Lighthouse, 140; makes peace with Millais and Pre-Raphaelites, 142; buys and occupies Gad’s Hill Place, 146, 164–5, 172; helps WC with The Dead Secret, 149–50; praises WC’s A Rogue’s Life, 149; depressions, 150; disapproves of Caroline Graves, 161, 203, 223–4; on Edward Pigott, 161; cries over WC’s ‘Diary of Anne Rodway’, 164; falls for Ellen Ternan, 175–6; attends professional performance of The Lighthouse, 176; ends marriage to Catherine, 176, 178–9; WC accompanies to Doncaster, 176; and WC’s accident on trip to Cumberland, 177; feuds following rumours of affair, 179–80; reading tour, 179, 183; and ‘violated letter’ (personal statement on marriage breakdown), 179–80, 183, 188; deed of separation from Catherine, 180; novel-writing, 184; Frith portrait of, 188; pays for Ternans’ expenses, 188; publishes All the Year Round (journal), 188–9; contracts gonorrhoea, 189, 230; encourages WC over The Woman in White, 192; and Ruck-Stilwell case, 194; praises The Woman in White, 200, 207; visits WC in Broadstairs, 202, 229; and daughter Katey’s marriage, 206; tour of Devon and Cornwall with WC, 221; coolness over Charles-Katey Collins marriage, 223; and unauthorised dramatisation of ‘A Message from the Sea’, 223; WC accompanies to music hall, 223; offers to finish No Name, 230; and Frances Dickinson’s marriage to Elliot, 237; approves of Armadale, 251, 265; resigns from Garrick, 253; in Staplehurst rail accident, 253–4; supports Charley Collins, 272, 306; North American tour, 282; attacks WC’s lack of sympathy for brother Charley, 289–90, 305; criticises The Moonstone, 289; on Caroline’s breach with WC, 291; and Caroline’s marriage to Clow, 293; praises Black and White, 298; death, 305; correspondence published, 372–3; Bleak House, 102, 117; The Frozen Deep (play, with WC), 165–7; Great Expectations, 201, 214, 221; Hard Times, 128; ‘The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices’ (with WC), 178; Little Dorrit, 137, 146, 166, 172; Martin Chuzzlewit, 69; Mr Nightingale’s Diary (play, with Mark Lemon), 87; The Mystery of Edwin Drood, 306, 316, 373; Oliver Twist, 233; ‘The Perils of Certain English Prisoners’ (with WC), 178; Pickwick Papers, 3, 17, 48; Sketches by Boz, 48; A Tale of Two Cities, 139, 189; �
��Why Shave?’ (article), 126; ‘The Wreck of the Golden Mary’, 166

  Dickens, Charles Culliford Boz (Charles Dickens Jr), 362

  Dickens, Dora (Charles’s daughter): death, 86

  Dickens, Henry (Charles’s son), 137, 254

  Dickens, John (Charles’s father): death, 87

  Dickens, Kate Macready (Charles’s daughter) see Collins, Katey

  Dickens, Mary (‘Mamie’; Charles’s daughter), 20, 206

  Dickinson, Frances (‘Florentia’; later Mrs Gilbert Elliot): WC meets, 120–1; writes on Italian art, 127–8; and marriage, 169; Dickens disparages Caroline Graves to, 209; marriage to Gilbert Elliot, 237; West Indian source of fortune, 249; WC visits, 255, 266, 287; visits WC’s mother in Tunbridge Wells, 262; Poor Miss Finch dedicated to, 317; daughter’s wedding, 337; The Priest Miracles of Rome, 121

  Dicks, John, 406

  Dictionary of National Biography, 401

  Dilke, Sir Charles Wentworth: Greater Britain, 342

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 264, 354

  divorce laws, 169–70, 181, 195

  Dixon, William Hepworth, 345; Spiritual Wives, 198, 343; New America, 342

  Dodsworth, Elizabeth (née Buller-Yarde-Buller), 28

  Dodsworth, Revd William, 28, 42–3, 57, 71

  Doncaster, 176–7

  Donne, William Bodham, 351

  Douhault, Marquis de, 198

  Dover, 102, 110, 251

  Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 275

  ‘Dream Woman, The’ (WC; story), 338, 342, 351

  Drummond, Henry, 28, 77

  ‘Duel in Herne Wood, The’ (WC; story), 362

  Dugléré, Adolphe, 219

  Dyke, Mrs (‘Aunt Christy’), 413

  Eastbourne, 333

  Eddy, Revd John, 156

  Education Act (1870), 354

  Edward (factotum on trip to Italy), 19

  Edward, Prince of Wales, 332

  Egg, Augustus: in Clique, 69; and amateur dramatics, 82, 86, 140, 172; exhibits at Royal Academy, 88; on sex and matrimony, 116; travels to Italy with Dickens and WC, 118, 123; occupies Little Campden House (The Elms), 141; WC entertains, 210; visits WC in Broadstairs, 229; death, 239; marriage, 240; Past and Present (triptych), 116, 239

  Eliot, George (Marian Evans), 92, 133, 162, 203; Middlemarch, 324

  Eliot, T.S.: on The Moonstone, 3; writes on WC and Dickens, 419

  Elliot, Gilbert, Dean of Bristol, 237

  Elliot, Mrs Gilbert see Dickinson, Frances

  Elliotson, Dr John, 95, 229, 236, 278

  Ellis, F.S. (publishers), 306–7

  Ellis, William: Polynesian Researches, 62

  Emden, W.S., 175

  England (Conservative weekly), 382

  English Woman’s Journal, 189

  Era (magazine), 112

  Evangelicalism, 12, 26, 29, 202–3

  Evans, Frederick: publishes WC, 173; Dickens breaks with, 180, 183

  Evans, Marian see Eliot, George

  Evil Genius, The (WC), 389, 392; dramatisation, 393

  Eytinge, Rose, 367–8

  Fallen Leaves, The (WC): describes house, 346; utopian community in, 346; plot and themes, 369–72; dedicated to Caroline Graves, 372; published as book and reviewed, 373–4, 378; poor sales, 378

  Family Herald (journal), 185

  Farley Court, near Reading, 128

  Farnham, Surrey, 217

  ‘Fatal Fortune, A’ (WC; story), 351

  Fechter, Charles: character and acting career, 244; moves to London, 244; gives Swiss chalet to Dickens for Gad’s Hill, 254; takes lead in No Thoroughfare, 283; and WC’s Black and White, 297–8; borrows money from WC, 299, 325; moves to USA, 315; makes visit from USA, 325; WC meets in USA, 335, 337, 345; financial problems, 337; death and tributes, 374; friendship with WC, 417

  Female Emigration Fund, 76

  Fenning, Elizabeth, 183

  Fenwick, Dr Samuel, 407

  Ferguson, Sir William, 390

  Ferrier, David, 385

  Field, Inspector Charles, 86

  Field, Kate, 367, 374

  Fields, Annie, 332

  Fildes, Luke, 306–16

  Fireside Companion (US publication), 339

  Folkestone, Kent, 143, 313

  Forgues, Emile, 190

  Forrester, Andrew: The Female Detective, 273

  Forster, John: biography of Goldsmith, 74; play reading in rooms, 86; and WC’s acting, 102; stays with Dickens in Boulogne, 117; friendship with Dickens, 133, 150, 179; and Dickens’s discontent, 137; Dickens confesses end of marriage to, 176; at Charles-Katey Collins wedding, 206; Armadale dedicated to, 265; life of Dickens, 317, 338

  Fox, Edwin, 195, 216

  France: and The Woman in White, 198–9; see also Boulogne; Paris

  Franco-Prussian War (1870–1), 308, 322

  Franklin, Sir John, 165–6

  Fraser’s Magazine, 97

  Freeman-Heathcote, Sir Thomas, 13

  Freemason’s Hall, London, 283

  Fremantle, Revd the Hon. W.H., 356

  Frith, William Powell: in Clique, 69; amateur dramatics, 73; unconventional domestic life, 116; portrait of Dickens, 188; friendship with Egg, 239; values WC’s father’s paintings, 272; WC entertains, 309; Mr Honeywood Introduces the Bailiffs to Mrs Richland as his Friends (painting), 74

  Frozen Deep, The (WC; play, with Dickens), 165–7, 172, 174, 259, 265, 268, 270, 282, 315, 347

  Frozen Deep and Other Stories, The (WC), 351–2

  Fryston Hall, Yorkshire, 210, 248, 277

  Fuseli, Henry, 10, 23

  ‘Gabriel’s Marriage’ (WC; story), 140

  Gad’s Hill Place, Kent: Dickens purchases and moves to, 146, 164–5, 173; Dickens shows to WC, 164; improvement works, 172; WC visits, 188–9, 214, 283; paintings in, 214; Swiss chalet, 254

  Galignani’s Messenger (continental newspaper), 364

  Gall, Revd James, 32

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 242

  Garibaldi, Ricciotti, 210

  Garrick Club: WC’s membership, 132, 138, 169, 252; WC sponsors Luard for, 142; and Dicken’s breach with Thackeray, 180; moves to Garrick Street, 253; WC and Dickens resign from, 253; WC serves on general committee, 253

  Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn, 128, 131, 183

  Geddes, Captain Alexander (WC’s maternal grandfather), 11–12

  Geddes, Christine (Christy; WC’s aunt), 23

  Geddes, Harriet (née Easton; WC’s maternal grandmother), 11

  Geddes, Margaret (WC’s aunt) see Carpenter, Margaret

  Geils, Lieut. John-Edward, 121

  George IV, King, 7, 16

  German Foreign Legion, 143

  ‘Ghost in the Cupboard Room, The’ (WC; story), 202, 204

  ghost stories, 275

  ‘Ghost’s Touch, The’ (WC; story), 391

  Gibbon, Edward: The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 64

  Gibbons, Elizabeth, 151

  Gilbert, W.S.: Pygmalion and Galatea, 394

  Gilbert, W.S. and A. Sullivan: H.M.S. Pinafore, 383

  Girardin, Delphine de: La Joie Fait Peur (Sunshine Through the Clouds; play), 132–3

  Girardin, Emile, 132

  Gladstone, William Ewart, 292, 354

  Gloucester Place, Regent’s Park, 272, 281–2, 294, 309, 314, 353, 380, 403

  Goethe, J.W. von: The Sorrows of Young Werther, 37–8

  Goldsmid, Sir Francis and Louisa, Lady, 212–13, 266

  Goldsmith, Oliver, 73–4; The Good Natur’d Man, 73; She Stoops to Conquer, 12; The Vicar of Wakefield, 73

  Gordon, Charles Alexander, 386

  Goschen, George (later 1st Viscount), 268

  Gothic, the: in WC’s fiction, 106

  Gounod, Charles, 332

  Graphic (newspaper), 313, 349, 351, 355–6

  Graves, Caroline: wishes to marry younger man, 2; background, 155–60; WC’s liaison with, 155, 160–1, 169, 171, 177, 179–81, 186, 325, 349; portrayed in The Woman in White, 159–60; Dickens’s disapproval of, 161, 203, 224; holi
days with WC, 187, 190; WC lives openly with, 187–8; moves to Harley Street, 204, 228; absent from Charles-Katey Collins wedding, 207; devotion to WC, 209; accompanies WC to Paris, 218–19, 361; recorded in 1861 census as WC’s wife, 224; dines out with WC, 231; nurses WC, 236; hysterical-nervous attacks, 237–8; unmarried state, 237; as model for WC’s heroines, 238; in Isle of Man with WC, 241; travels to Italy with WC, 241; influence on Armadale, 247, 257; at Melcombe Place, 252, 262; takes separate holiday from WC, 255; diminishing role in WC’s life, 259–60, 269; appearance, 260; and WC’s liaison with Martha Rudd, 262, 267, 271, 290–1; social exclusion, 279, 323; assists as amanuensis on The Moonstone, 280; marries Clow, 290, 293, 392; WC supports financially, 296, 330, 333; returns to WC after marriage collapse, 309–10, 314; receives rent from stable letting, 325; in WC’s will, 333, 413; settled domestic life with WC, 353, 356, 380, 396; visits Brussels with WC, 360; travels abroad with WC, 363; The Fallen Leaves dedicated to, 372; in Ramsgate with WC, 380; and move to Wimpole Street, 404; character, 405–6; and WC’s funeral, 409; moves to Newman Street, 412; death, 415

  Graves, George Robert, 157–8, 177

  Graves, Harriet see Bartley, Elizabeth Harriet

  Graves, Mary Ann (Caroline’s mother-in-law), 158, 363

  Gray, Alexander, 78, 343, 398


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