Gray, Catherine (née Geddes; WC’s aunt), 54–5, 343, 397
Gray, Charles (‘Charles Lascelles’), 398
Gray, Revd Edward Ker, 409
Gray, John Westcott, 55, 397
Gray, Marion, 56, 397, 412
Gray, William, 397
Great Exhibition (1851), 88–9, 125, 280
Great Yarmouth see Yarmouth
Gregory, George, 216
Gregson, George, 204, 287
Grosvisier, Edward, 334
Grove House, Weston-super-Mare, 93
Guild of Literature and Art, 82, 87, 92–3, 98–9, 136
Guilty River, The (WC; novella), 393
Guizot, François, 184
Haggard, H. Rider: King Solomon’s Mines, 402
Hall, Anna (Mrs S.C. Hall), 48, 69
Hall, Samuel Carter, 69, 127
Hallé, Karl, 212
Hampstead, 24
Hampstead Square, 25
Hanhart, M. and N. (printers), 79
Hanover Terrace, Regent’s Park, 80
Hardwick, Thomas, 22
Hardy, Thomas, 371
Harker, Edward, 33
Harley Place, Marylebone Road, 147–8, 161, 186
Harley Street, 204, 223, 226, 237, 252
Harper and Brothers (New York publishers), 173, 299, 307, 322, 337, 360, 382
Harper, Joseph W., Jr, 337
‘Harper’s Illustrated Library Edition’ of WC’s works, 337
Harper’s Monthly (US magazine), 182, 322
Harper’s Weekly (US magazine), 173, 203, 271, 283, 286
Haunted Hotel, The (WC; novella), 365, 367–9
Hawksley, Lucinda, 315
Hawthorne, Julian, 377
Hawtrey, Charles, 388
Hay, Jane Benham, 217
Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 15, 23, 52–3
Hayter, Alethea, 390
Hazlitt, William: ‘The Dandy School’, 37
Heart and Science (WC), 384–5, 387
Hendon, 24
Henry, Sir Thomas, 93
Herbert, Sidney, 76, 184
Heussy, Count Robert du Pontavice de, 387
Hide and Seek (WC): on adventure, 48; on need for disciplining hero, 50; writing, 111, 117–18, 128, 131; on deaf and dumb, 119, 129–30; plot and themes, 128–30; WC’s father depicted in, 128–30; publication and reception, 131–2, 136, 317; sales, 132; abridged and republished, 136; James Fenimore Cooper depicted in, 335
Highbury Place Academy, Islington: WC attends, 41, 43–7; reunion (1844), 59
Hill, Susan, 420
Hills, Thomas Hyde, 250
Hogarth, Georgina: and WC’s account of first love, 36; Dickens praises Hide and Seek to, 131; finds house for Dickens near Boulogne, 134–5; amateur acting, 140; publishes edition of Dickens letters, 147, 372–3; rumoured affair with Dickens, 180; declines Augustus Egg’s advances, 239; in Dover, 251; and Caroline’s marriage to Clow, 293; disparages WC’s readings, 332
Hogarth, William, 178
Holland: WC visits, 360
Hollingshead, John, 204, 241, 415
Holme, Myra (Mrs Pinero), 388
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 344–5
Home Journal, 339
Home Rule (Ireland), 393
Hook, Theodore: Gilbert Gurney, 37
Hooper, W.H., 316
Hotten, John Camden, 354
Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, 1st Baron, 210, 248, 277
‘House to Let, A’ (collaborative Christmas piece), 183
Household Words (magazine): Dickens edits, 82, 139; articles on detective department of Metropolitan Police, 86; mocks Pre-Raphaelites, 89; declines contributions from WC, 97, 127; WC writes for, 98, 143, 159, 162–3, 166, 183–4; prints Dickens’s article on beards, 126; Christmas numbers, 135, 166, 183; WC joins staff, 166–7; WC’s salary increased, 178; closes, 189
Howland Street, Marylebone, 152, 159, 161
Hunt, Fanny (née Waugh), 262, 324
Hunt, Thornton Leigh, 92, 162
Hunt, William Holman: exhibits at Royal Academy, 72, 89, 91; in Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 72, 89–92; fondness for WC’s mother, 73, 262; celibate affair with Annie Miller, 115, 324; religious faith, 115, 371, 378; and Millais’ liaison with Effie, 143; friendship with WC, 210, 239; marriage to Harriet Waugh, 262; and WC’s mother’s decline and death, 284; barred from marrying Edith Waugh, 324, 391; depicts fallen women, 324; return from Jerusalem, 324, 371; attends WC’s reading, 328; at Charley Collins’s funeral, 329; The Awakening Conscience (painting), 115, 126; Our English coasts (painting), 112, 125; The Shadow of Death (painting), 329
Hunter, John, 138
Hunter, Mrs (née Wilkie), 77
Hunter, Rose (Canadian publisher), 307, 341
Hurst & Blackett (publishers), 190, 204
I Say No (WC), 389
Ibsen, Henrik, 384
Igguldens (bankers), 242
Illuminated Magazine, 58
Illustrated London News, 313, 362, 406, 412
India: WC researches for The Moonstone, 280
Indian Mutiny (1857–8), 178–9
Iolani; or, Tahiti as it was; A Romance (WC), 61–2, 64
Ireland, 393
Irving, Edward, 27–8, 42
Irving, Henry, 379
Ischia, 37
Italy: William Collins visits with family, 32–9; WC visits with Dickens, 118–22; WC returns to with Caroline and Harriet Graves, 241–3, 245; united as kingdom, 242; currency confusion, 245; see also Rome; Venice
Iver, Buckinghamshire, 65, 68, 110
James, Henry, 3, 411
Jenner, Sir William, 329
Jerrold, Douglas: edits Illuminated Magazine, 58; amateur acting, 86, 100–1; death, 175
Jesuits (Society of Jesus), 380–1
Jews: WC’s friendship with, 212
Jezebel’s Daughter (WC): reworked as novel from The Red Vial, 181, 366, 378; plot, 379
John Bell (later John Bell and Croyden; pharmacy), 250
‘John Jago’s Ghost’ (WC; story), 339
Johnson, Samuel, 73, 157, 401
Jones, Elizabeth, 65
Jones, William (WC’s cousin), 330
Joseph, Samuel, 18
Kant, Immanuel, 274
Keble, John, 27
Kelly, Fanny, 75–6
Kelly’s (publishers), 389
Kennet Paper Making Company, 289
Kent, Charles, 390–1, 393
Kipling, Rudyard, 354
Kitto, John: The Lost Senses, 130
Knebworth (estate), Hertfordshire, 82, 194
Knight, Sir Henry, 38
Knighton, Sir William, 33, 43
‘Laid up in Two Lodgings’ (WC; article), 159
Langton family, 109–10, 165
Langtry, Lillie, 388
Lanherne House, St Mawgan, Cornwall, 80
‘Last Stage Coachman, The’ (WC; story), 58
laudanum, 102, 110–11, 230–1, 251, 272, 277–8, 291, 390, 418
Lausanne, 119
Law and the Lady, The (WC): plot, 18, 347–9; writing, 347, 357; serialised and bowdlerised in Graphic, 349, 351, 355–6; publication, 350
Lawrence, Sir Thomas, 12–13
‘Lawyer’s Story of a Stolen Letter, The’ (WC), 135
‘Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices, The’ (WC and Dickens), 178
Leader (newspaper), 92–3, 95–6, 132–3, 139
Leader and Sons (Sheffield publisher), 367
Leclercq, Carlotta, 298, 337, 340
Leech, John, 35
Legacy of Cain, The (WC), 393–4
Lehmann, Amelia (née Chambers), 212
Lehmann, Emil, 308
Lehmann, Frederick: absences abroad, 101; marriage, 101; on Caroline’s appeal, 161; on Charles-Katey Collins wedding, 206; friendship with WC, 210–11, 255, 296, 309, 398; social life and entertaining, 211–12; and WC’s visit to Paris, 252; proposed for Garrick Club, 253; postpones trip to Paris with WC, 256; joins WC in Germany, 291–2; on slavery in Am
erica, 298; on WC’s loans to Fechter, 299; Man and Wife dedicated to, 304; sends drink to WC from USA, 304; and WC’s Miss or Mrs?, 314; and writing of The New Magdalen, 325; offers new pram to Marian Dawson, 326; invites WC to Germany, 327; informs WC of American affairs, 335; and WC’s American tour, 342; stands and loses as parliamentary candidate, 355; commissions portrait of WC, 380; and WC’s Heart and Science, 386; attends WC’s funeral, 409; death, 413; as trustee of WC’s will, 413
Lehmann, Nina (née Chambers): friendship with WC, 100–1, 112, 206, 210, 212, 256, 267–9, 296, 304, 365, 387, 398–9, 417; on WC’s death, 408
Lehmann, Rudolf, 209, 212, 245, 292, 304, 380, 408
Leighton, Frederic, Baron, 329
Lemon, Mark: amateur acting, 86, 140, 172; stays with Dickens in Boulogne, 117; visits Dickens in Folkestone, 143; attends professional performance of The Lighthouse, 176; Dickens’s breach with, 180; Mr Nightingale’s Diary (play, with Dickens), 87
Leopold I, King of the Belgians, 174
Lerwick, Shetland, 54
Leslie, Charles, 14–15
Lever, Charles: A Day’s Ride, 214
Lewes, Charles, 203
Lewes, George Henry, 92, 96, 98, 133, 162, 203, 243, 247, 275, 351
Lewis, Matthew Gregory: The Monk, 55
Lighthouse, The (WC; play), 140–2, 175, 204, 266, 270
Lincoln’s Inn, 65
Lingard, Alice, 388
Linnell, John, 24–5, 29, 34, 81
Linton, Eliza Lynn, 165
Little Novels (WC; story collection), 392
Liverpool, Robert Banks Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of, 14
Livingstone, David, 179
Locke, John, 274
Locker, Arthur, 316, 355
London: development, 7; WC’s commitment to, 8; in WC’s fiction, 104; WC walks in, 255; see also individual locations
London Medical Electrical Institution, 239
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 344
Longman (publishers), 62, 98
Lord Harry, The (WC) see Blind Love
Lotos Club, New York, 336
Low, Sampson (publisher), 204, 213, 216, 220, 225, 229, 241, 244, 269
Luard, John, 142
Lunacy Act (1845), 195; in Reade’s Hard Cash, 224
lunatic asylums: in The Woman in White, 193–5; WC criticises, 351, 379
Lusignan de Champignelles, Adélaide-Marie Rogres (Marquise de Douhault), 198–200
Lusignan de Champignelles, Armand, 199
Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwer- (later 1st Baron): supports Guild of Literature and Art, 82; estranged from wife, 86; on Townshend, 119; has wife confined in private asylum, 194; Dickens requests contribution from, 214; writes serial for All the Year Round, 226; chairs meeting for CD’s farewell to America, 283; The Last Days of Pompeii, 34, 64; Not So Bad As We Seem (comedy), 82, 85, 87, 93, 100; Pelham, 20
Lytton, Rosina, Lady, 86, 194–5
Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron, 69
Maclise, Daniel, 60–1
Macmillan’s Magazine, 225
Macready, William Charles, 60, 164
Maida Hill Academy, 32
Maidenhead, 109, 165
Man, Isle of, 241
Man and Wife (WC): on Scottish inns, 54; on marriage laws, 292–3, 299–302; writing, 292, 300, 305; serialisation, 299; plot and themes, 300–3; preface, 302; dedicated to Lehmanns, 304; satirises athleticism, 304, 342; publication and reception, 306–7; adapted for stage, 307, 311, 328, 332, 399; staged in New York, 308
Manchester: Free Trade Hall, 175
Mansel, Henry Longueville: on sensation novels, 3, 234–5
Maria Grey School, Fitzroy Square, 395
marriage: WC’s attitude to, 117–18, 142, 169–70, 181, 228, 267, 292, 302, 347, 349, 370, 400; in sensation novels, 233; laws of, 292–3, 299–302, 305, 351, 380
‘Marriage Tragedy, A’ (WC; ‘(Brother Griffith’s Story of) a Plot in Private Life’), 97, 182
Married Women’s Property Act (1870), 292–3
Marsh, Jan, 119
Marston, Edward, 220
Marylebone Road (earlier New Road), 7, 333, 344
Masey, Sarah, 363
Mathews, Charles, 17, 88
Matrimonial Causes Act (1857), 169, 181
Maxwell, John, 236, 362
Mayhew, Henry: London Labour and the London Poor, 155
Méjan, Maurice: ‘Recueil des causes célèbres, et des arrêts qui les ont décidées’, 198
Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount, 49
Melcombe Place, 252, 262, 272
Memoirs of the Life of William Collins (WC), 70–1, 128
mesmerism: in WC’s stories, 202; see also animal magnetism
‘Message from the Sea, A’ (All the Year Round Christmas number), 221, 223
Metropolitan Police: detective department, 86
Michelangelo Buonarroti: Last Judgement, 63
Milan, 120
Mill, John Stuart, 275; ‘The Subjugation of Women’, 292
Millais, Effie (formerly Ruskin; née Euphemia Gray), 112–14, 127, 134, 142
Millais, John Everett: exhibits at Royal Academy, 72; as Pre-Raphaelite, 72, 92; fondness for WC’s mother, 73; portrait of WC, 85, 114, 125, 174, 414; friendship with Charley Collins, 92; illustrates WC story, 94; on Charley Collins’s dancing, 99; infatuation and affair with Effie, 113–14, 116, 127, 134; relations and correpondence with Charley Collins, 113; friendship with WC, 114; and William Rossetti’s favouring war, 125; elected Associate of Royal Academy, 126; unwell, 138; marries Effie, 142; portrait of Ruskin, 142; influence on Charley Collins, 151–2; illustration for No Name, 241; attends Charley Collins’s funeral, 329; The Blind Man (drawing), 114; Christ in the House of His Parents (painting), 89; A Ghost Appearing at a Wedding Ceremony (drawing), 114; The Order of Release, 1746 (painting), 112, 114; The Rescue (painting), 142, 152
Millais, John Guille, 159–60, 200
Miller, Annie, 115, 324
Milne, Ann, 217
Milne, Suzanne, 217
Milnes, Richard Monckton see Houghton, 1st Baron
Milton, John: Paradise Lost: dramatisation, 150
Miss Gwilt see Armadale
Miss Kelly’s Theatre, Soho, 75, 77, 86
Miss or Mrs? (WC): underage marriage in, 69, 314; parodies Overend and Gurney bank, 265; plot, 313–14; writing, 316
Monktons of Wincot Abbey, The (WC), 97
Montefiore, Sir Moses, 310
Moonstone, The (WC): dictated to WC’s daughter, 1; themes and plot, 3, 222, 276–80; WC describes as romance, 62; prefigured by ‘A Marriage Tragedy’, 182; French translation, 190; Elliotson praised in, 236; as sensation novel, 271; serialised in All the Year Round and Harper’s Weekly, 271, 283, 286; writing, 272, 282–3, 285, 390; detection in, 276–7; drugs in, 277–8; preface, 280; researches for, 280–1; reviewed, 286; second edition, 286; three-volume edition, 286; Dickens criticises, 289; sales, 295; stage version, 363–4; reputation, 419–20
Moorcroft House Asylum, Hillingdon, 194, 196
Mordaunt, Jane, 76–7
Morland, George, 9–10, 137
Mormons, 342, 346
Morning Chronicle, 49
Morning Post, 42
Mornington Crescent, 188
morphine, 296–7, 390; see also laudanum
Mr Wray’s Cash-Box (WC), 95, 114
‘Mrs Badgery’ (WC; story), 177
Mrs Lirriper’s Lodgings (All the Year Round Christmas number), 244
Mudie, Charles, 220, 330
Mudie’s lending library, 118, 185, 219–20, 286, 311, 330, 350, 354
Munby, Arthur, 263
Murray, John (publisher), 98
Musgrave, Ann, 47
Mussy, Henri de, 287
‘My Black Mirror’ (WC; article), 167
‘My Lady’s Money’ (WC; story), 362
My Miscellanies (WC; collection of articles), 242
‘Mystery of Marmaduke, The’ (WC; story), 369
Naples, 36, 120, 242
Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French, 364
Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 125, 242
Nash, John, 7
Nation (journal), 317
Naylor Vickers (company), 211, 340
Neville, Henry, 363–4
New Cavendish Street, London, 8, 18, 21, 23, 188
New, Francis Thomas, 57, 71
New Harmony, Indiana, 359
New Magdalen, The (WC): on gout, 111; plot and themes, 322–5, 359; serialised in Temple Bar, 328; dramatisation, 330–1, 388; published as book, 330; foreign translations and sales, 331; US stage production, 340; secretly read, 400–1
New York, 335–6, 340, 345
New York Daily Times, 101
New York Herald, 340
Newcastle, Henry Pelham, 4th Duke of, 14
Newgate Calendar, 198, 233, 273
Newman, John Henry, Cardinal, 27, 71–2, 121
Newsvendors’ Benevolent Institution, 224
Nightingale, Florence, 184
No Name (WC): music in, 212; writing, 224, 229–31; plot and themes, 226–8, 279, 325; payment for, 229; dedicated to Dr Beard, 231; pioneers sensation novel genre, 232; women in, 238; sales, 239; one-volume edition, 241; staged in New York, 308; dramatisation, 311; Smith claims control of, 351
No Thoroughfare (All the Year Round Christmas number), 271, 282; dramatisation, 283–4, 297; French stage version (L’Abîme), 285
Norfolk, 248–9
Norris, James, 59
North British Review, 238
Norton, Caroline, 48–9, 60
Nottidge, Louisa, 196–7
Novelty Theatre, London, 388
Observer (newspaper): reviews Memoirs of . . . William Collins, 70; reviews The Law and the Lady, 356; criticises The Two Destinies, 361
Oliphant, Margaret, 233–4, 235, 238, 307
Olliffe, Dr Joseph, 138
Olympic Theatre, London, 175, 181, 266, 268, 315, 330, 332, 363
Oneida, Connecticut, 343, 345
opium see laudanum
Oppenheim, Charles, 212, 264–5, 314
Oppenheim, Isabelle (née Frith), 264–5
Otter family, 39, 47, 55
Otter, Charles, 65
Otter, Elizabeth, 47
Otter, Captain Henry, 53–4
Ouida (Marie Louise de la Ramée), 399
Ouvry, Frederic, 249–50, 373
Overend and Gurney (bank): collapses, 264
Owen, Robert, 359
Owen, Robert Dale, 359; Footfalls on the Boundaries of Another World, 359
Oxford Movement see Tractarians
Oxford Terrace, Bayswater, 48, 51
Paget, Sir James, 329
Palissy, Bernard, 256
Pall Mall Gazette, 332, 356, 401, 410
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