Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation

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Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation Page 50

by Andrew Lycett

  Palmer, Samuel, 34

  Palmer, William, 20, 162–4

  Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 255

  Paris: Collins family visit, 33; WC visits with Charles Ward Jr, 59–61; WC revisits, 63, 119, 252, 256, 333, 357, 361; revolution (1848), 69; WC visits with Dickens, 137, 146–8, 150–1; Haussmann’s improvements, 147; WC visits with Caroline, 218–19; in Franco-Prussian War, 308

  Parkinson, J.C., 304

  Parthia, SS, 345

  Pater, Walter, 297

  Payn, James, 365

  Peel, Sir Robert, 33, 52, 70

  Penny Illustrated Paper, 410

  Pentecostalism, 28

  People’s Palace, Mile End Road, 411

  Perceval, John, 195

  ‘Percy and the Prophet’ (WC; story), 362

  Perfectionists (US sect), 345

  ‘Perils of Certain English Prisoners’ (WC with Dickens), 178

  Peters, Catherine, 419

  ‘Petition to the Novel-Writer, A’ (WC; article), 168

  Phillips, Sir George, 30

  philosophy: and cognition, 274–5

  Phyllis (steam yacht), 388

  Pigott family, 93, 144

  Pigott, Blanche (née Arundell), 161

  Pigott, Edward Smyth: friendship with WC, 92–4, 398; as law student, 92–3; and family affairs, 93, 128, 144, 146; and future of Leader, 96; and WC’s completion of Basil, 102; and WC’s travels abroad, 122; supports WC’s membership of Garrick Club, 132; and Lewes-George Eliot liaison, 133; and WC’s play writing, 136; financial difficulties, 139; visits Dickens in Folkestone, 143; voyage to Scilly Isles with WC, 144–5; WC stays with, 148; sailing, 161–2, 216, 254, 272, 314; friendship with Dickens, 164; acts in The Frozen Deep, 172; WC dedicates The Dead Secret to, 173; musical evenings, 203; as Examiner of Plays, 217, 269, 351, 384; visits WC in Broadstairs, 229; WC entertains, 231; accompanies WC to Norfolk, 248; secrecy over WC’s ill-health, 251; as political correspondent on Daily News, 254, 264; accompanies WC to Rome, 267; lends books to WC, 287; attends WC’s funeral, 409; and proposed memorial to WC, 410

  Pigott, Henry Smyth (Edward’s brother), 128, 144

  Pigott, Jim (J.W.; Henry’s son), 388

  Pigott, John (Edward’s brother), 144, 146, 161

  Pigott, John (Henry’s son), 198

  Pitt, Thomas (‘Diamond’), 281

  Pius IX, Pope, 75

  ‘Plea for Sunday Reform, A’ (WC), 92

  Poe, Edgar Allan: The Murders in the Rue Morgue, 273; ‘The Purloined Letter’, 164, 298

  ‘Poisoned Meal, The’ (WC; story), 182, 198

  Poles, Stefan, 330

  police: criticised in ‘My Lady’s Money’, 362

  polygamy, 342, 345, 359

  Pond Street, Hampstead, 24

  Poor Miss Finch (WC): sight and blindness in, 114, 311–12; printed by Belinfante Brothers, 308; synopsis, 311–132; writing, 311, 316; serialised, 314; publication and reception, 317–18, 322

  Porchester Terrace, London, 25

  Portman, Edward Berkeley, 1st Viscount, 403

  Pott, Arhur, 245

  Pott, Frances (née Brandling), 244

  Powell, Revd Henry, 366, 414

  Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (PRB): formed, 72; Charley Collins’s association with, 78, 80, 89–91, 94; reactions to, 88–91; and sexuality, 105; attitude to sex and women, 112, 115, 323–4; principles, 114; dissolved, 126; in The New Magdalen, 323; criticised, 419

  Price, Lizzie, 337

  Prince of Wales Theatre, 328, 332–3, 347

  Procter, Adelaide Anne, 183, 189, 197

  Procter, Anne, 189, 197, 205

  Procter, Bryan Waller (‘Barry Cornwall’), 183, 189, 195–7, 210

  prostitutes: in The New Magdalen, 322–3; in The Fallen Leaves, 370–2

  Public Libraries Act (1850), 185

  Pugin, Edward Welby, 310

  Punch (magazine), 126

  Pusey, Edward, 59, 72

  Pym, Horace, 398

  Quarterly Review, 234

  Queen of Hearts, The (WC; story collection), 182, 190, 203

  Quilter, Harry, 400, 410–11; Is Marriage a Failure?, 400

  race: in A Rogue’s Life, 212; in Black and White, 298

  Radcliffe, Dr Charles, 251

  Radlett murder (1823), 19–20

  Radnor, Jacob Pleydell-Bouverie, 1st Earl of, 11–13

  railways: development, 79; WC dislikes, 240; WC travels by, 248

  Ralston, William, 381

  Ramble Beyond Railways (WC), 81, 226

  Ramsgate, 25, 310, 327, 333, 368, 373, 380, 388, 396–7, 407

  Rank and Riches (WC; play), 387–8

  Reade, Charles, 214, 224, 259, 309, 314, 356, 367–8, 371; death, 398; Griffith Gaunt: or Jealousy, 259; Hard Cash, 224; Masks and Faces, 383–4; A Terrible Temptation, 318

  Red Vial, The (WC; play), 204, 270; reworked as novel (Jezebel’s Daughter), 181, 378

  Redford, George, 203, 217, 407

  Redford, George (son), 217

  Redpath, James, 341

  Reeve, Wybert, 315, 321, 334, 336, 340, 387

  Reform Act, First (1832), 25–6, 29

  Reform Act, Second (1867), 264

  Regent’s Park, 7

  Regnier, François, 137, 266, 268, 270, 308–9, 348

  Reid, Whitelaw, 336

  ‘Reminiscences of a Story-teller’ (WC), 400

  Reni, Guido, 9

  Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 72, 74

  Reynolds’s Newspaper, 187

  Reynolds’s Miscellany (journal), 185

  Richmond, George, 38

  Ripley, Frederick, 196

  Roberts, David, 86

  Roberts, Henry, 157

  Robertson, Thomas William, 384

  Robin Goodfellow (magazine), 236

  Robins, Elizabeth, 399

  Robinson, Henry Crabb, 71

  Robson, Frederick, 175, 181

  Rogue’s Life, A (WC): writing, 10, 137–8, 148; plot and themes, 148–9; racial references, 212; WC considers extending, 269; publication rights, 351

  Roman Catholic Church: and Oxford Movement, 26–7, 59; conversions to, 71; WC’s antipathy to, 378, 380

  Rome, 33–6, 38, 120, 242, 245, 267

  Rossetti, Christina, 58, 89, 126; ‘The Convent Threshold’ (poem), 90

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 89, 115, 126, 306

  Rossetti, Gabriele, 89

  Rossetti, Maria, 89–90

  Rossetti, William Michael, 88–9, 125, 131

  Routledge, George: Railway Library, 185

  Royal Academy: Schools, 10; Haydon criticises, 23; moves to National Gallery premises, 33, 38; William Collins works as part-time librarian, 52; William Collins’s devotion to, 52–3; William Collins severs connections with, 65; WC exhibits at, 71–2; Summer Exhibitions (1850), 88–9; (1851), 90; (1854), 127; (1855), 139, 142; attitude to Pre-Raphaelites, 112; Millais elected Associate, 126; WC criticises, 150

  Royal Alfred (theatre; formerly Marylebone), 296

  Royal Gallery of Illustrations, Regent Street, 174–5

  Royal Literary Fund, 87

  Ruck, Lawrence, 194, 197–8

  Rudd, Alice, 263, 310, 357–8, 380

  Rudd, James and Mary (Martha’s parents), 261, 358

  Rudd, Martha (‘Mrs Dawson’): as WC’s mistress, 2, 267, 272, 290, 325, 349; background, 260–1; WC meets, 260–2; life in London, 262–3; social exclusion, 279, 323, 392; WC gives locket to, 287; children with WC, 293, 300, 310, 313, 352; WC supports financially, 296, 300, 330, 333; given name Dawson, 300; sex appeal, 304; and Caroline’s return to WC, 310; absent from Ramsgate, 327; moves to Marylebone Road, 333; in WC’s will, 333; and proposed purchase of lease of Marylebone Road house, 344, 346; moves to Taunton Place, 346, 380; settled domestic life with WC, 353, 380, 396; in Ramsgate with WC, 380; status in Ramsgate, 396–7; and WC’s funeral, 410; inheritance from WC, 413; later life and death, 416

  Rugeley poisoner, 20, 162–3, 193

  Ruskin, John, 91, 112, 12
7, 142

  Russell, Charles, 38, 281, 287

  Russell, Lady Constance (née Lennox), 271; Swallowfield and its Owners, 181

  Russell, Sir George, 253, 271, 281, 285, 287

  Russell, Sir Henry, 38, 281

  Russell, Henry, 38

  Russell, Henry (singer), 67

  Russell, Lord John, 125, 264

  St George’s Chapel, Albemarle Street, 409

  St James’s Gazette, 412

  St Marylebone church, 21–2

  Salomons, Sir David, 212, 269

  Sardou, Victorien: A Scrap of Paper, 206

  Sarony, Napoleon, 341

  Saturday Review, 215, 274, 307, 361, 373

  Savoy Theatre, London, 383

  Sayers, Dorothy L., 419

  Scarborough, 177

  Scheffer, Ary, 150

  Scheurer, ‘Baron’ von, 398

  Schlesinger, Adolf Martin, 211, 395

  Schlesinger, Berthe, 405

  Schlesinger, Elizabeth (née Lehmann), 211, 344

  Schlesinger, Sebastian Benzon, 340, 343–4, 397, 405, 409, 413

  Scilly Isles, 144–5

  Scotland, 53–4

  Scott, Sir Walter, 16, 20, 31, 60, 275, 367, 386, 402; ‘Essay on Romance’, 62; The Pirate, 53

  Seaford, Sussex, 52

  Sedgwick, Adam, 42

  Seebohm, E.V., 400

  sensation novels: as genre, 2–3, 21, 37, 232–5; WC’s, 107, 193, 232, 271, 321, 324, 348, 418; women heroines, 237–9; and Belgravia magazine, 362

  ‘Sermon for Sepoys, A’ (WC; article), 179

  ‘Seven Poor Travellers, The’ (stories), 135, 165

  Severn, Joseph, 34

  sex: in WC’s fiction, 104–5, 114; Pre-Raphaelite view of, 115–16

  Seymour, Laura, 259, 309, 356

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of, 196

  Shaw, George Bernard, 384

  Sheffield and Rotherham Independent (newspaper), 367

  Shelley, Mary: Frankenstein, 55

  Sheridan, Richard Brinsley: The Rivals, 227; The School for Scandal, 347

  ‘Shocking Story, A’ (WC), 369

  Shrive, Catherine, 327

  Siddal, Elizabeth, 112, 115

  ‘silver-fork’ school of fiction, 37, 48

  Sister Rose (WC), 139

  Sisterhood of the Holy Cross (‘Puseyite Nunnery’), Park Village West, Regent’s Park, 90

  Sleigh, John, 117

  Slough, Buckinghamshire, 110

  Smith, Alexander, 238

  Smith, Arthur, 179

  Smith, Augustus, 145

  Smith, Elder (publishing company), 143, 148, 225, 244, 263, 265, 269, 350

  Smith, George Murray: WC meets, 143; loses publication of The Woman in White, 204; offers payment for Armadale, 225, 241; publishes Cornhill, 225, 243; and printing of Armadale, 250; discontinues WC’s contract, 269; and WC’s view of changing publishing practices, 354; owns Pall Mall Gazette, 401

  Smith, Madeleine, 183, 349

  Smith, W.H.: bookstalls, 185, 354

  Smuggler’s Retreat, The (WC; painting), 71, 326

  Smyth Pigott family see Pigott family

  Social Purity Alliance, 318

  Society of Authors, 399

  Society for the Promotion of Employment for Women, 189

  Sorrento, 37

  Southey, Edmund, 43, 196

  Southey, Dr Henry Herbert, 43, 196

  Southey, Robert, 15; Essays, 32

  Southsea, 51, 55, 99

  Spectator (magazine), 78, 131, 216, 232, 286

  Spencer, Herbert, 162

  Spirit of the Times (New York journal), 369

  spiritualism, 114, 359, 378

  Spooner, Anne (Alice Rudd’s daughter), 357–8

  Spooner, James, 358

  sport see athleticism

  Stanfield, Clarkson, 86, 140

  Stanton, Edwin M., 336

  Staplehurst, Kent: rail accident, 254

  Stark, James, 14

  Stead, W.T., 401

  Stebbing, William, 206

  Stephen, James Fitzjames, 274

  Stephenson, George, 79

  Sterne, Laurence: A Sentimental Journey, 37

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 354

  Stilwell, Dr James, 194, 198

  Stoker, Bram, 379

  Stone, Frank: attacks Pre-Raphaelites, 88–9; in France, 117; The Merchant of Venice (painting), 88

  Storey, Gladys, 294

  Story, A.T., 29

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 298

  Strahan, Alexander, 241

  Stringfield, Joseph, 94–5, 145, 148, 185–6, 287–8, 366

  Stringfield, Mary Anne (Teresa) (formerly Garment), 186, 288

  Sunday Times, 331, 373

  Surrey Theatre, London, 215

  Swallowfield Park, Berkshire, 281

  Swan, Joseph, 383

  Swedenborg, Emanuel, 359, 378

  Swell’s Night Guide, 76

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles, 387

  Switzerland, 361

  Tales for an Idler (collection), 48

  Tauchnitz, Christian Bernhard, Baron, 373

  Taunton Place, London, 346, 353, 380

  Tavistock House, London: theatricals at, 137, 140, 165, 172

  Taylor, Jeremy, 122

  Taylor, Tom, 384; Garibaldi, 208; The Ticket-of-Leave Man, 273; The Whiteboy, 266

  Temple Bar (magazine), 225, 286, 322, 328, 357, 360, 369

  Tenniel, Sir John, 102

  Tennyson, Alfred (later 1st Baron), 79, 113

  Ternan family: CD helps support financially, 188

  Ternan, Ellen (Nelly): Dickens’s infatuation with, 175–6; CD visits in Doncaster, 176–7; in Staplehurst rail accident with Dickens, 254; supposed child by Dickens, 254; and Dickens’s funeral, 306

  Ternan, Fanny (Ellen’s sister) see Trollope, Fanny

  Ternan, Frances (Ellen’s mother), 175, 177

  Ternan, Maria (Ellen’s sister), 176–7

  ‘Terribly Strange Bed, A’ (WC; story), 143, 332

  Thackeray, William Makepeace: WC meets, 143; attends professional performance of The Lighthouse, 176; feud with Dickens, 180; novel-writing, 184; edits Cornhill, 225; resigns from Cornhill, 243; Thackerayana, 354

  theatres: air pollution in, 382–3

  Thompson, Amelia, 47

  Thompson, George Agar, 99; suicide in Australia, 220–1

  Thompson, Dr James, 27–9, 40, 42, 57, 77

  Thompson, Miss (Irving’s sister), 33

  Thrale, Hester (Mrs Piozzi), 157

  Thurso, Scotland, 54

  Thurtell, John, 19–20

  Tillotson, William, 366, 379, 382, 391, 394

  Times, The: attacks Pre-Raphaelites, 91; reviews The Woman in White, 220; reviews The Moonstone, 286; reports Dickens’s funeral, 306; on Frederick Lehmann’s political position, 355; criticises Rank and Riches, 388

  Tindell, William: as WC’s legal adviser, 289, 299–300, 314, 317, 330, 333, 344; and WC’s attending Dickens’s funeral, 306; WC invites to Ramsgate, 327; attends WC’s reading, 328; and WC’s US tour, 331; gives WC information on Madeleine Smith case, 349; replaced by Bartley as WC’s solicitor, 366

  Tinsley Brothers (publishers), 286–7, 295

  Tinsley, Samuel, 316–17

  Tinsley, William, 286

  Tinsley’s Magazine, 286

  ‘To Think, or Be Thought For’ (WC; article), 167

  Toddington, Gloucestershire, 156–7

  Tomalin, Claire, 254

  Tomtit (boat), 145

  Topham, Francis William, 102

  Town Talk (magazine), 180

  Townshend, Revd Chauncey, 119

  Tractarians (Oxford Movement), 26–7, 42, 59, 71, 89, 184

  Train (journal), 174

  Trollope, Anthony, 243, 351, 367, 385

  Trollope, Fanny (née Ternan; Ellen’s sister), 188, 267

  Trollope, Thomas Adolphus, 267

  Troy Daily Press, 338

bridge Wells, 244–5, 253, 262, 272, 284

  Turgenev, Ivan, 381

  Turner, J.M.W., 15

  Tussaud’s, Madame (wax museum), 20

  Twain, Mark (Samuel Langhorne Clemens), 344

  ‘Twin Sisters, The’ (WC; story), 81, 102

  Two Destinies, The (WC): writing, 30; plot, 358–9; publication and reception, 360–1; serialised in Temple Bar, 360

  United States of America: WC published in, 173, 181–2, 336; sensation novels in, 232; copyright violations, 299, 382, 399; WC invited to visit, 318; CD tours and reads in, 331, 334, 335–8, 340–6; financial crisis, 338

  Universal Review, 400

  ‘Unknown Public, The’ (WC; articles), 185, 188

  Upper Norwood, Surrey, 314

  Urania Cottage, 76

  utopian communities, 243, 345, 359

  Uwins, Thomas, 34

  V, Mademoiselle, 95–6

  Vanity Fair, 321

  Venice, 121, 123, 363, 365, 367

  Verdi, Giuseppe: Il Trovatore, 120

  Vernet, Horace: The Capture of Abd-el-Kader’s Camp at Taguim (painting), 63

  Victoria, Queen: coronation, 39; sees WC act, 85, 87; inaugurates Great Exhibition, 88; reviews troops in Folkestone, 143; sees The Frozen Deep, 174–5; receives Koh-i-Noor diamond, 280; Golden Jubilee (1887), 393

  Victoria Street Society, 385

  Vining, George, 315, 330

  vivisection, 384–6

  ‘Volpurno’ (WC (story), 57

  Voltaire, François Marie Arouet: Zadig, 273

  Walford, Lucy Bethia, 346

  Walker, Frederick, 315–16, 329

  Walker, Joseph, 403

  Wallingford, Connecticut, 345–6, 359, 371

  Walter, John, 215

  Ward, Alice, 208

  Ward, Charles, Jr: career, 35; holidays abroad with WC, 59, 61, 65, 70, 72; courtship and marriage to Jane, 60, 63; and reviews of Antonina, 77; WC describes Cornwall to, 79–80; and translation of Balzac story, 98; WC dedicates Basil to, 103, 106; and WC’s views on Crimean War, 126; and WC’s hopes to dramatise stories, 136; attends Millais-Effie wedding, 142; invites WC for Christmas, 186; meets Caroline Graves, 188; helps WC financially, 204, 245; provides wine for WC, 210; and reception of The Woman in White, 215; and Thompson’s journey to Australia, 221; visits WC in Broadstairs, 229; and Harriet Collins’s illness, 237; and WC’s trip to Italy, 242; friendship with Caroline Graves, 245–6, 255; accompanies WC to Norfolk, 248; looks after WC’s business interests during absence abroad, 266; sailing with WC and Pigott, 272; copies instalments of The Moonstone for WC, 283; death, 397

  Ward, Charles, Sr, 51, 57

  Ward, Edward (Ned): engagement and marriage, 35, 66–8, 70, 116, 314; in Italy, 35–6; paintings, 60, 69, 134, 256; amateur dramatics, 73; in Clique, 73; attends dress rehearsal of Not So Bad As We Seem, 87; exhibits at Royal Academy, 88; moves to Slough, 110; as WC’s father figure, 130; portrait of Dickens, 134; and WC’s ill-health, 138; takes lease on Hanover Terrace, 148; WC entertains, 210; friendship wiith Egg, 239; attends staging of Man and Wife, 328; cuts throat, 372; General Hearsay in the Dress of the Irregular Native Cavalry E.I.C.S. (painting), 139


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