Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation

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Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation Page 51

by Andrew Lycett

  Ward, Frank (Charles’s son), 340–1

  Ward, George Raphael (Henrietta’s father), 66

  Ward, Henrietta (née Ward; Ned’s wife): marriage, 66–8, 70, 314; painting, 66, 256; WC’s mother advises against combining career and family, 73; attends theatrical first night, 87; moves to Slough, 110; and WC’s travelling in country, 223; attends staging of Man and Wife, 328; and Ned’s death, 372; proposes writing book on husband, 372

  Ward, Jane (née Carpenter; WC’s cousin): courtship and marriage to Charles, 63; and Henrietta’s marriage to Ned, 67; attends Millais-Effie wedding, 142; invites WC for Christmas (1858), 186

  Ward, Leslie (‘Spy’), 208, 219, 321

  Ward, Wriothesley, 372

  Washington, DC, 339

  Waters, Sarah, 420

  Watkins, Herbert (photographer), 174

  Watson, Ellen, 415

  Watt, A.P. (Alexander), 382, 396, 402, 406–7, 409

  Watts, Alaric A., 70

  Waugh, Edith, 324

  Waugh, Colonel William Petrie, 141

  Webster, Benjamin, 142, 283

  Weldon, Georgina, 332

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of, 87; death, 125

  Wells, Mrs (Martha Rudd’s landlady), 263

  West, Benjamin, 22

  Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, 93–6

  Weyer, Jean-Sylvain Van de, 351

  Whicher, Inspector Jonathan, 221–2

  Whipple, Edwin, 344

  Whistler, James McNeill, 400; Symphony in White, No.1: The White Girl, 215

  Whitby, 226–7

  Whiting, Charles, 299

  ‘Who is the Thief’ (WC; later as ‘The Biter Bit’), 182

  Wigan, Alfred, 265

  Wigan, Horace, 265–6, 268, 306

  Wildbad, Germany, 249, 250–1

  Wilde, Oscar, 384, 399

  Wilde, William, 410

  Wilkie Collins Memorial Library, Mile End Road, 411

  Wilkie, Sir David: friendship with William Collins, 16, 27; unaware of William Collins’s marriage, 18; WC named for, 21; visits baby WC, 22; tour of Europe, 24; advises William Collins to visit Italy, 32, 34; as Ned Ward’s mentor, 35; and William Collins’s return from Italy, 39; Collins family visit on return from Italy, 40; death, 51; home in Bolsover Street, 261

  Wills, Janet (née Chambers), 100, 140, 174

  Wills, William: editing at Household Words, 82, 86; withdraws from acting, 82; Dickens invites to Boulogne, 117; pays WC for ‘The Diary of Anne Rodway’, 164; and WC’s joining staff of Household Words, 166; tones down WC’s review of The Heir of Radclyffe Hall, 184; part-owns and manages All the Year Round, 189, 283; and WC’s Woman in White, 191; blackballed at Garrick Club, 253

  Wilton, Marie (Mrs Squire Bancroft), 328, 332

  Wimpole Street, 403–4

  Windus, William E., 354, 369

  Winter, William, 367, 386–7, 394

  Winterton, Suffolk, 358

  Wiseman, Cardinal Nicholas Patrick Stephen, Archbishop of Westminster, 121

  Wolzogen, Ernst von, 36

  Woman in White, The (WC): character of Count Fosco, 3, 62; part set in Avenue Road, 40, 200; Caroline Graves portrayed in, 159–60; French translation, 190, 225; title, 191–2; writing, 191, 207–8; plot and themes, 192–3, 200–1, 207; on role of private lunatic asylums, 193–5; dedicated to Procter, 195; sources, 198–200; as detective story, 201–2, 273–4; serialised, 203–4, 213; publication as book, 204; musical references, 212; popular success, 213–15; dramatised, 215, 311, 315–16; reviewed, 215–16, 220; and circulating libraries’ terms, 219–20; cheap one-volume edition, 225, 269, 287; German translation, 225; as sensation novel, 232–3, 235; WC proposes abridging, 270; and Martha Rudd, 300; theatre poster, 315–16; US sales, 336; US stage production, 340; will in, 413

  Woman’s World, The (magazine), 399

  women: WC on injustices to, 4; in WC’s fiction, 27, 62, 75, 81, 102–5, 112, 192, 235, 238–9, 303–4, 323, 348, 371; as writers, 49; in Victorian society, 90; WC disparages in Folkestone, 143; detectives, 162–3, 192, 273; WC’s sympathy for, 162; and marriage laws, 169, 181, 292; feminist campaigners, 189, 197; in sensation novels, 235, 237–8; authors, 392

  Wood, Mrs Henry, 237; East Lynne, 232, 350

  Woodlands, Muswell Hill, 211, 296, 304

  Wordsworth, William, 15, 34, 71

  World, The (weekly), 356–7, 364, 373

  Worth, Charles, 268

  Worthing, 360

  Wyatt, Richard James, 34

  Wynne, Anne (‘Nannie’), 395

  Wynne, Emily Le Poer, 395

  Yarmouth, 248–9, 255, 260–1

  Yates, Edmund, 173–4, 180, 191, 286, 364, 410

  Yeats–Brown, Timothy, 146

  Yelverton, Major William (later Viscount Avonmore): divorce case, 292, 301, 304

  Yonge, Charlotte M.: The Heir of Radclyffe, 184

  Zola, Emile, 371


  1. Wilkie as a child

  2. Wilkie and Charles

  3. William Collins

  4. Harriet Collins

  5. Margaret Carpenter

  6. Italian boats at Sorrento

  7. The Caves of Ulysses at Sorrento, Naples

  8. Charles Collins

  9. Wilkie Collins, 1850

  10. ‘May, in the Regent’s Park’

  11. Mr Honeywood Introduces the Bailiffs to Miss Richland as his Friends

  12. Scene from The Lighthouse

  13. Scene from No Thoroughfare

  14. Wilkie Collins and Richard Doyle

  15. Frontispiece to Mr Wray’s Cash-Box

  16. Armadale

  17. Rehearsal for The Frozen Deep

  18. John Everett Millais

  19. William Holman Hunt

  20. Wilkie Collins, 1857

  21. Hotel bill

  22. Caroline Graves

  23. Caroline Graves: entry in registry of baptisms

  24. Wilkie Collins and poster for The Woman in White

  25. ‘The Fosco Galop’

  26. Christmas message

  27. Frontispiece to No Name

  28. Wilkie Collins and Martha Rudd

  29. Martha Rudd studio portrait

  30. Martha Rudd in older age

  31. Frederick and Nina Lehmann

  32. Edward Smyth Pigott

  33. Katey Collins

  34. Ned Ward

  35. Harriet Ward

  36. Commemorative locket

  37. Mary Anderson

  38. Letter from Wilkie to ‘Nannie’ Wynne

  39. Harriet Graves

  40. Doris Beresford (née Bartley)

  41. Wedding menu

  42. Martha Rudd and family

  43. William Charles Collins Dawson

  44. Birth certificate of William Charles Collins Dawson

  45. Wilkie Collins, c. 1873/4

  46. Wilkie Collins, caricature

  47. Wilkie Collins, c. 1880

  The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce these illustrations: Faith Clarke 1, 3, 4, 8, 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 39, 40, 42; Private collection 2, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34, 36, 37, 38, 43; © National Portrait Gallery, London 5, 9; © The Trustees of the British Museum. All rights reserved 6; © Victoria and Albert Museum, London 7, 11; Tate Gallery © Tate, London 2013 10; Topham Picturepoint 14; Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images 17; Andrew Lycett 19, 23, 32, 35, 46; Jeanette Iredale 41; © Crown copyright 44; Grays of Salisbury, private collection, California 45; Susan Hanes 47

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  Epub ISBN: 9781448136896

  Version 1.0


  Published by Hutchinson 2013

  2 4 6 8 10 9 7 5 3 1

  Copyright © Andrew Lycett 2013

  Andrew Lycett has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

  First published in Great Britain in 2013 by


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  ISBN: 9780091937096

  Map by Jamie Whyte




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