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Surviving Love (Surviving #2)

Page 13

by Mrs Ada Frost

“Has he...?”


  The room was quiet for a while, then four feet appeared in my line of site. I could see ten painted toenails peeking under the sheet hanging from the bed and larger feet covered in bright white socks.

  “Sweetheart, I’m Will’s mom. Can you come out please?” she asked kindly.

  I liked her voice but I promised Ryan I wouldn’t come out, I promised I would hide until he came back for me.


  “Shush.” She hushed Will and continued to talk to me. “Chase...”

  “Call him Jo,” Will interrupted again.

  “Willem, will you be quiet?”

  “I’m just saying the kid doesn’t like being called Chase, it’s a curse of some sh...rubbish. Ry calls him Jo.”

  She let out a huff, then knelt beside the bed. I still couldn’t see her face, just her knees. Her hands rested upon them.

  “Jo, sweetheart, can you come out here and talk to me? I want to tell you about Ryan. He’s in the hospital.” She waited. I didn’t crawl out.

  “Your grandpa has been taken into police custody for hurting Ryan.” She waited again, I think for that news to settle in. “So there’s nothing to be scared of.”

  “Little buddy, listen.” Will’s head popped into view under the bed. “It’s me, Will. I promise I won’t let anyone hurt you. Remember Ryan said you can trust me. I promise you can trust my mom. I know our deal is that I don’t come up here but—”


  He ignored his mom’s question.

  “But Ryan told me to come up here and check you were okay. And I can’t go to the hospital if I can’t see that you are okay. You know Ry would kick my ass. Plus I brought you your favourite soda. And I have some candy today. What do you think?”


  “Is Ryan okay?” I asked quietly and heard his mom take a noisy breath.

  “Yeah Jo, he’s doing great. He’s banged up pretty bad, but maybe we could arrange for you to see him.”

  I shook my head and pulled the blanket over my head, my body shaking. “I can’t leave here. They’ll know,” I whispered.

  His momma’s knees shuffled away as Will lay fully on the floor facing me. “Your gran...Chase is in the police station. He can’t hurt you no more. Ryan kept his promise, little buddy.”

  I peeked out of the blanket, and shuffled along the floor a little closer to him. I whispered so his momma wouldn’t hear. “I wet my pants....and...and...”

  “Doesn’t matter, Jo, we can get you some new pants. My momma is real good at laundry.” He smiled. “Wanna go get your candy? Bet you’re hungry. Maybe we could make some pancakes, what do you think?”

  “I like pancakes.”

  “Me too.” He turned his head towards his mom. “Can we have pancakes, Mom?”

  She didn’t answer straight away, and I thought she was going to shout and tell us no. Grandma Violet hit me upside the head the first and only time I asked for pancakes instead of raisin bran.

  “Do you want butter or syrup, Jo?” she asked softly.

  I froze, I didn’t know what to say. I hadn’t been given the choice in so long. It was Momma who used to make me pancakes, I hadn’t had them since she left me.

  “What about if I put both out and you choose?”

  I smiled, then hid it behind my hand. Will grinned. “I like both, little guy. Come on, buddy. Let’s get something to eat, I’m starving.” He slowly reached his hand out to me, waiting for me to hold it. After a moment or two, I reached out and grabbed onto him. I crawled out from under the bed and into Will’s lap. He didn’t move at first, then his big arms wrapped around me and held me to him.

  “He’s gonna be fine, Jo, I promise.”

  “Who’s going to keep me safe if he’s in hospital?” I asked, scared the monsters would come get me again. I wanted to beg him not to let them get me.

  “Me, and my parents. I won’t let them take you away, buddy. If they try we run again, okay? But you gotta trust me until Ryan comes out the hospital, okay?”

  I nodded. I lifted my hand to move his floppy blond hair away from his eyes. He had the brightest yellow hair I had ever seen. He laughed and stood with me in his arms.

  “Come on, let’s get you changed.”

  Soon I was sitting at the table, staring at a huge pile of pancakes, a plate of bacon and biscuits. I pressed my side against Will so I knew he was there.

  “Would you like a biscuit, Jo?” His momma asked. I nodded and eyed her as she came around the table towards me. I curled closer to Will and he held up his hand to stop her.

  “I’ve got it,” he said. He grabbed two biscuits and some bacon and put it on my plate and poured some sausage gravy over it. I stared at my plate until I felt Will nudge my elbow. He nodded to my plate and smiled.

  I started eating quickly until my stomach ached a little, then I slowed down. I piled my fork and as I brought it to my mouth a big blob of gravy landed in my lap. I snapped my eyes to Will’s mom terrified she would punish me for it and take the food away.

  She simply chuckled. “Will does it all the time.”

  I lowered my head and continued eating, I wasn’t sure if it was a trick and she would punish me later, but whilst I ate I rubbed at the mark on my shirt. When I looked up again, his momma was watching me with glassy eyes. She looked like she was about to cry. I felt bad that I’d made her cry.

  “Sorry,” I whispered and placed my knife and fork on the table.

  She shook her head. “No, sweetheart, you continue eating. I just...” She held her hand to her heart. “We will keep you safe. Here with us, no one will hurt you.”

  Will’s big arm came around my shoulders and pulled me to him. “See, what did I tell you, little guy?”

  I nodded, but I still wasn’t sure what to think. She seemed kind enough, but I would wait until Ryan said she was okay.

  “Mom, Jo needs some new clothes, those in there don’t fit him. Little guy is getting tall.” He nudged into me again. I sat up taller, pulling my shoulders back because I wanted to be taller. Jace was younger than me and he was much taller, and that wasn’t right.

  “We can do that. But maybe we should go out of town, so no one...” She frowned, appearing thoughtful. “Just so people don’t ask questions about us buying the little one’s clothing.”

  Will nodded.

  “Maybe we can buy you some swim shorts too so you don’t have to go in the pool in your underwear.” Will laughed when my cheeks burned bright red.

  “Do you like to swim, Jo?” his mom asked softly. I looked up at Will and he nodded gently, telling me it was okay to answer.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  She laughed softly. “Anesu, sweetheart...You can call me Anesu, or Ane. My husband calls me that, and my friends.”

  “Okay.” I couldn't help smiling because she sounded so nice. And I liked I could call her Ane if her friends called her that.

  “I think you’re going to be such a special friend to have.“

  I jerked and dropped my fork, then jumped from my chair and started to run for the stairs. I heard Ane calling for me, but I ignored it and ran as fast as I could. But it wasn’t fast enough because big strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me from the floor. I beat my tiny fists against his hard chest but he just held me closer.

  “Buddy, she didn’t mean it that way. She...listen to me, Jo, look at me,” he demanded. The stern sound of his voice scared me. “Look at me, please.”

  I kept my head bowed but looked up at him through my lashes and tried to hide behind my bangs.

  “Listen, no one will hurt you in this house, I swear it. Special in this house means magical, nice, and happy things. Not pain. I promise there is never going to be the kind of special Chase gave to you.”

  I heard his momma gasp behind him. I lifted my head to peek at her over his shoulder. She had her hands to her mouth.

  “She’s nice,” I whispered to Will.

Yeah, she’s the best,” Will said and hugged me to him. I wasn’t sure if I liked being held by Will. He made me feel safe, but I don’t know if it was right to be like this. So I wriggled in his arms for him to let me down. We returned to the table and finished our pancakes. Ane watched as I ate and kept refilling my juice and adding pancakes when I wanted more. She let me eat until my stomach was full.


  It was dark outside again. Will had to go back to school tomorrow, he was at the same one as Ryan so he explained he wouldn’t be home for a few days. He promised to come home during the weekend. Ryan was still in the hospital and I hadn’t seen him yet. Will said Grandma Violet knew where I was but she didn’t want to come get me.

  I curled under the bed and wrapped the sheet around me. Sometimes at night it got real cold, but Ryan said not to use the heater or the hot water because they would find me. I shivered and snuggled farther into the sheet. I froze when I heard soft footsteps coming up the stairs.

  Will promised no one would come get me, he promised. I closed my eyes and curled into such a tight ball my muscles hurt.

  “Jo? It’s Ane. Where are you honey?” Her soft voice made my muscles relax, but I didn't answer just in case it was a dream and the monsters were pretending. I opened my eyes and I could see her sandaled feet peeking under the bed.

  “Jo?” She sounded scared.

  “I don’t like people coming here,” I whispered, and I heard her gasp.

  She walked away and a light came on. Then she returned to kneel beside the bed.

  “Sweetheart, what are you doing under there?” she asked. I didn't answer, I wrapped the sheet around me because it was getting colder.

  She let out a long breath and shook her head. “You are allowed to sleep on the bed.” When I didn't answer, she stared at the floor; I could see she was thinking about something. Then she surprised me by laying on the floor like Ryan and Will did. She started humming a tune to me and it sounded so beautiful that I fell asleep listening to her.

  The next few days were the same. I stayed under the bed hiding. I wasn’t afraid to go to the toilet though, so I would run to the bathroom and run back to my hiding place. Ane called to me to say she had brought me some breakfast and lunch, then at supper time she brought different meals. Tonight she brought me a pizza, a whole pizza just for me. She never brought me soda though, but I always had a glass of milk.

  At night she would sing to me. She would lay on the floor and hum the same tune and I would fall asleep. She had given me a pillow and a thick comforter to have. She kept saying I was allowed to sleep on the bed but I didn't. I would be found if I slept there.

  “Jo, do you think you would like to come up to the house tonight? You could sleep in a guest room, or if you felt better, in Will’s bed.”

  I shook my head, I didn't want to go up there.

  “Okay, sweetheart.” She let out a long sigh. “What about if you sleep on the bed?” I started to shake my head when she spoke softly. “I will stay with you, I can sleep beside you or downstairs. I have a story to read to you,” she added gently. She slid her hand under the bed towards me, but didn't touch me, just reached out and held her hand there, waiting for me to take hold of it.

  I waited for her to grab me, or hit me, but she didn't. She just waited. I un-tucked my hand and reached out to touch my fingertips to hers. I slid my small palm against her hand; it didn't feel like Ryan’s. It was soft and small.

  “An angel has sent you to me, Jo. A piece of my heart was missing but now I have found it in you. I won’t hurt you. If I hurt you, I hurt myself.”

  “Ryan says my momma’s an angel,” I said without thinking.

  “Then your momma sent me to you, and you to me. We have to promise to keep each other safe.”

  “I can’t keep you safe,” I said sadly. I was too small to fight the monsters.

  “I’m giving you my heart, honey, and I need you to promise you will protect it. Keep it safe.”

  “How can you do that?” You couldn't give someone your heart, the lady was crazy.

  She laughed softly and I liked that sound.

  “Because, Jo, I am going to love you. And when you love someone you give them your heart, you trust them not to break it. I’m trusting you with my heart. “

  I thought about that. No one had loved me other than my momma.

  “My momma used to say she loved me. No one else says it.”

  “I love you, Jo. Your angel momma made me promise to love you and I will.”

  “Is she coming back now?”

  “No, honey. She is watching from Heaven. She is going to see you grow into a brilliant young man. And she is going to watch you fall in love, create your own family, and she is going to love you from Heaven above. God took her away to keep her safe, God brought you to me to keep you safe.”

  “I would like to hear a story,” I said quietly.

  “Sure, sweetie.”

  We stayed quiet for a while. I held her hand and shuffled towards her. I didn't touch her other than her hand. And when she spoke, the story was beautiful, and the sound of her voice so musical it lulled me to sleep.

  Chapter 7


  York, England

  Lord, was I ready for break time today, I think every parent must have added giddy juice to the kids’ cereals. Christmas time always tests a teacher’s patience because the kids become little irritable monsters waiting for the man in red to arrive.

  After my visit with Eve, I’d been a little more settled, as if the equinox had realigned and everything was as it should be. I missed her so much; it was weird not having her around. I was sad she wouldn’t be coming back to live with me, but I understood why it was too difficult for her. Who could return to a place they were almost brutally killed? I close my eyes at the thought. I really don’t know how I would have coped with that.

  Whether she realises or not, Eve is like our glue; we all adore her. She’s my best friend and my sister. It’s a neat little package and I want to keep it that way. Johan remained quiet at breakfast. We ate in silence and then I left for school. He never mentioned his nightmare or us sleeping in the same bed, so I assumed he was either too embarrassed or regretted saying the things he did. I’d tried making conversation but he simply shrugged or grumbled a response. It was like talking to someone with a monster hangover.

  Previously when his nightmares would strike he wouldn’t wake no matter how much I called to him. Last night was the first time I’d been able to get through to him. Most of the time I don’t think he knew what was happening, or that I was there at all, because he would settle back into a deep sleep. Not once has he mentioned it the morning after, but today he appeared embarrassed and regretful. I didn't think either of those responses were necessary; I liked being his comfort and support. When Eve was first hospitalised the nightmares happened every night, but then he stopped staying with us. Until last night I wasn’t sure if they were still happening. I always assumed they were caused by what had happened to Eve because I hadn’t heard him before and we had been living together for a week or so before Elliott attacked her. But last night it became apparent they were caused by past wounds.

  I pulled my glasses off and rubbed my eyes. I needed caffeine, and seeing as my little bean couldn't have that, we’d have to settle for a hot chocolate. I rubbed my growing stomach, enjoying the warm contentment I felt from having this special little life growing inside me.

  I opened the staff room door and heard the most vile voice.

  “It’s just heartbreaking to see my brother struggling through this,” Samantha whined. I’d heard that tone a million times; it was fake and total manipulation.

  “I never would have thought she was like that.” I think that was Kate.

  “Appearances can be deceiving,” Samantha snapped. “She’s destroyed my brother, and I just cannot forgive that.”

  What the hell was she talking about? I knew ear wigging was wrong but I couldn't help it; I listened

  “She’s been cheating on him all this time and he still wants to marry her. It shows you how she’s manipulated him. We all told him not to go through with it, that he can’t raise another man’s child, especially when she’s living with him.”


  “Yeah, apparently she moved the other bloke in a while back. He went to the scan and everything, knowing full well my brother works in the next ward. How cruel can one person be?”

  Fuck that! I opened the door wide and stared at the vapid bitch.

  “I take it, you silly cow, you’re talking about me? Well for your information, this baby is Darren’s. One hundred percent, no questions asked. Johan is my house mate and stepped in when your brother was too much of a chicken shit to face his responsibilities. Darren is a slime ball who thinks spreading ridiculous rumours will get him out of being a father. Well, you know what? I don’t want him, or his sodding marriage proposal. He’s a pathetic excuse for a man if he has to go to his sister to whine and lie. Kate, what she has just told you is a lie, do I care if you believe her? No!” I turned to look at Samantha and wanted slap the bitch. “You need to grow up and get a bloke of your own. I can prove this baby is Darren’s, but do you know what, the kid deserves better than him anyway.”

  Samantha’s mouth dropped open, her fish-like gawk almost amusing. Her beady eyes narrowed in a defiant glare and I could see she wanted to fire back a retort but her mind was slow to reciprocate. I turned to glare at Kate for being so gullible, and she refused to meet my stare. Her gaze flicked around the room trying to fix on anything but me. Her cheeks were bright red and her shoulders drooped. I almost felt sorry for her, almost.

  I turned on my heel, feeling satisfied . I went back to class, grabbed my bag, then went to sit in my car to cool off. I hated that woman.

  I pulled out my phone to text Eve.

  Hey. How r u today?

  I wiped angrily at my eyes.

  Hi. I’m good. Not much changes around here, lol. How’s u n baby bean?


  What’s happened?

  I smiled, because even through text my sis could tell when something was wrong.


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