Agent Undone

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Agent Undone Page 14

by Cassidy Reyne

  The following morning, he half expected to find a text from her saying she wanted to sleep longer, but as there was nothing on his cell, he dragged himself out of bed and gently stretched his bad leg. He washed the sleep out of his eyes and brushed his teeth in the bathroom before pulling on his running clothes and lacing up his sneakers.

  He spotted her from far away where she was standing looking out to sea. She seemed lonely and sad with her hair blowing in the wind and her tiny frame looking even smaller than usual. He was overwhelmed by a sudden urge to just wrap her up in his arms and never let go. Memories of his wild sex dream and the night of the storm swirled past in his head and he had to fight to not let them get a hold of his thoughts. He wasn’t sure he would be in control of his actions if they did.

  They took it easy on the way to the cape and stopped to rest once they’d reached the tip of the peninsula. They didn’t do much talking, but instead were content with just being in each other’s presence. Once back at her cottage, they didn’t linger and just said goodbye quickly. Madison had a lot of work to catch up on and Carter wanted to check in with his boss. He still hadn’t found out what Nate had been dragged back for and needed an update. He only had another week or so of his medical leave and he figured he should work out his next steps.

  He had just got back to the house when his cell rang and without looking at the screen, he knew it was the boss calling. The man had impeccable timing.

  “Hey boss, miss me?” He laughed down the phone.

  “I need you back, Hollis — as in yesterday. How soon can you be here?”

  “Wait, what's going on? I still have more time on my leave before I’m scheduled in for evaluation.” Carter felt himself coil with tension.

  “The shit is about to hit the fan because of that motherfucker Gaines. I need you on Comms for an op. Pembry has been hospitalized with a ruptured appendix of all fucking things, and you’re the only one I trust. You’ll be sitting down the whole time so the eval is not important. Just get your ass back up here, pronto.” Kampeche barked out the order.

  “No problem, I’ll let you know how soon I can be there. There’s got to be an airfield around here somewhere with a plane I can charter. I’ll get back to you.”

  DK did his typical hanging up without saying goodbye and Carter stood in the doorway of the cottage feeling like he’d just been hit by a truck. Something was clearly very wrong, and it was no surprise Gaines was involved. They really needed to get rid of that fucker before he destroyed the whole spec ops/undercover office they’d worked so hard to build up. They took on all the dirty jobs no other office wanted and specialized in deep undercover assignments. When their government got a request from another country for help with destroying illegal poppy fields and coca plantations, or breaking up drug smuggling operations, and they lacked the personnel or fire power necessary, Carter’s office was called in. It was a dangerous and stressful job, but he had always thrived on it.

  Carter got straight back on his phone to find somewhere he could charter a plane with a pilot — or just a plane if he had to. His pilot’s license was current, and he could fly himself back if necessary. After a little bit of phoning around, he found a willing pilot and made arrangements to fly to Virginia Beach that afternoon. Next, he arranged for the cleaners to come in after he’d gone to tidy the whole place up so Nathan wasn’t faced with a mess when he got back. He also phoned in a grocery order for Nate’s mom as he’d promised to get it done for her that afternoon. After packing the few belongings he’d brought with him, all that remained was to tell Madison. He had no idea how she’d take it and he was not looking forward to the conversation. It dawned on him he didn’t want to lose her and have her disappear out of his life for good. He decided there and then he would do everything in his power to keep her there. Just as a friend, of course, unless he could convince her to spend a few hours with him between the sheets every now and then.

  After throwing his duffel on the backseat of his truck, he stood and looked at the beach house he’d called home for the last few weeks and felt a bit sad at leaving. He’d enjoyed his time here, but he could always come back another time. He hopped in behind the wheel and turned the key in the ignition. The Jeep started up with a low rumble and he pulled out of the drive and on to the sandy lane that led to Madison’s house. Once he reached the entrance to her cottage, he drove in and parked behind her car. She must have heard him coming as she walked around the corner of the house as soon as he got out.

  “Hi Carter. Is everything all right? I didn’t expect you this afternoon.”

  “No. I mean yes, everything's fine, but my boss called and I’ve been ordered back to work. There's a bit of an emergency and they need me to come back early to help sort things out.” Regret carried through his words and sliced his tongue on their way out.

  “Oh. I see. I guess this is goodbye then.” Madison’s voice was low and hesitant. Carter stood quietly and just looked at her as her gaze lowered to the ground and her shoulders sagged ever so slightly. At least he thought they did, but maybe it was wishful thinking. He had no idea what to make of it, but he’d expected a bit more emotion. Then he reminded himself that she kept all her feelings tucked away safely and didn’t often show more than what was required in the moment.

  “Yeah, I guess it is.” This time it was Carter’s turn to hesitate. “Look, Maddie, I’ve enjoyed spending time with you these last few weeks and I’d hate to lose touch with you now. I really like you and I want to come back as soon as I’m done. This job is only going to take one week, ten days tops, and then I’ll be here to see you. If you want me to, that is?”

  “I’d love that, I really would, but don’t worry if you can’t. I’m not going anywhere. I’ve been offered to buy the cottage and I’m going to accept. I love living here and as long as I can write, it doesn’t really matter where I am.”

  “That’s great. But I promise, I’ll be back as soon as I can. This work shouldn't take more than a week and a half, and then I’ll come straight down here. I still have nearly two weeks left of my medical leave before they’ll even give me a physical and they won’t let me return to field duty before I’m cleared.”

  “Ok, I guess I’ll see you in a week or so then. Hope your work goes well.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be chained to a desk and a computer, so it won’t be very exciting. I'll text and call you as much as I can.” Carter gave her a crooked smile. He was reluctant to leave, but knew he had no choice. If he didn’t get on the road soon, he’d miss his meeting time with the pilot, and as the man was doing Carter a favor, he didn’t want to mess him around. “Right, well, I’ll be off then. I’ll see you soon, ok? I promise.” Carter knew better than to make promises he wasn't sure he’d be able to keep, but he was determined this wasn’t going to be one of those broken promises. He was going to return to Florida as soon as he was done with the Comms job DK wanted him to do. He’d make sure of it.

  “Bye, Carter.” Madison stretched up and gave him a soft kiss on his cheek for the second time that day. Her lips stayed a second or two longer than usual and he could feel her sweet breath on his mouth. All he really wanted to do was to grab her and kiss her passionately and then take her to bed for… forever. Gritting his teeth, he looked down into her mesmerizing green eyes and drew a deep breath.

  “Bye, Maddie. I’ll be back — soon, I promise.”

  He took a last look in his rearview mirror at the captivatingly beautiful woman as she stood watching him leave with a sad smile on her lips. It almost killed him to see her disappear behind the bend in the lane, and he had to shake himself out of his morose thoughts to concentrate on the road.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Comms, secure line — now!” The voice in Carter’s ear barked the order and then disappeared. He sighed and wondered what the hell had gone wrong now. This op hadn’t even started and already he could tell it was going to be an unmitigated disaster if he couldn't get the Team Leader to cooperate. Having the bos
s demand an unscheduled secure-line phone call could only mean more trouble.

  “Comms secure. SCIF secure. Boss, what’s up?” Carter raked his fingers through his hair as he sat on the folding chair in the tiny, mobile Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility that functioned as their only space for encrypted communications with their Field Office back in Virginia Beach. They’d been camped out in a cramped Galveston apartment for a few days and were already getting on each other's nerves. Or more accurately, Gaines was getting on everyone's nerves with his arrogance and superior attitude. Every day, Carter was inching closer to beating the shit out of him and could feel his blood pressure spiking. Nathan was ready to snap as well and the whole team would fall apart if it continued.

  “Latest intel from our asset suggests he’s worried about having been made and suspects the leak is on our side somewhere. Nothing deliberate, more like someone is sloppy with security and letting too much slip over open lines. I’m trying to find out who from this end, but you are all on complete blackout until this op is done. That means no cell phones, email, social media or even switching the fucking things on. Confiscate everyone’s devices, take the batteries out of the phones, and restrict access to all equipment. That includes the sat phones. I can’t have any more fuck ups or the whole office will be under investigation.”

  Carter heard his boss take a deep breath before continuing in a calmer voice. “Look, Hollis. I know you're doing your best. It’s Gaines who’s the problem — again, but until I can get rid of him, we all just have to deal with whatever happens. The Director told me his hands are tied and unless there’s a fucking death caused by Gaines, he stays. I have no choice in the matter, either. It’s a complete farce, but what can I say. Just keep an eye on the idiot and try to stop him from ruining everything we’ve worked for. Rumor is that Garrido is the top of this distribution chain.”

  “I hear ya’, boss. I don’t like it, but I’ll do what I can. For the team’s sake, not Darryl’s. He can go fuck himself as far as I’m concerned. We start infiltrations tomorrow. I’ll keep you updated whenever I can.”

  Carter returned to the main living room where they all gathered while keeping watch on the warehouse across the road. Once he’d collected every electronic device he could think of and put pass codes on the three computers they had with them, it was all stashed in a lockable storage box and he held the only key.

  It wasn't until hours later he realized he hadn't told Maddie he’d be out of communication for a while. He’d sent her a few texts since he’d gone back to work, but things had been so crazy he hadn't had a chance to call her. Not that she’d replied, so he wasn’t even sure she’d received them. Maybe she didn’t want to keep in touch and this was her way of telling him to leave her alone? Or maybe she was pissed at him for going radio silent and wanted nothing more to do with him. Shit, maybe she’d been glad to get rid of him altogether? There was a good to even chance he’d misread the signals completely and she’d only spent time with him to be nice. Fuck it, no matter what, he missed her voice and could kick himself for not keeping in touch more. Damnit! Now, he had no fucking idea how long it would be before he could get hold of her again. If only for her to tell him to take a hike. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! He was such a stupid idiot and it wouldn't surprise him if Maddie didn’t want speak to him again after this.

  “Gaines, come in! Gaines! You have two hostiles approaching from the north corridor. Gaines! Fucking answer me!" Carter shouted into his throat mic as he watched the screen in front of him. His breathing quickened as the adrenaline flooded his veins. He had everyone else standing by until the coast was clear, except for Darryl Gaines who had apparently decided to not only remove his earpiece, but also go in without backup with no idea of where the enemy was coming from.

  “Nathan, Gaines has gone in and has two hostiles coming up on his six. Can you support? Over.” Across the static on the connection, Carter was relieved to hear two clicks signaling an affirmative. Nate had heard him but wasn't able to answer verbally, probably because it would give away his position.

  The steel construction of the warehouse they were raiding created blind spots in their communications, and the blueprints for the building were incomplete. On top of that, it seemed the drug dealers had been alerted to their presence just as they were about to go in. There was too much riding on this bust to abort now, so they just had to make the best of a really fucked up situation.

  The sound of rapid gunfire split the air and all hell broke loose over the comms. It took Carter twenty tense minutes of directing his men to where the enemy could be subdued without causing casualties. Just when he thought they had a handle on the situation, more gunfire broke out, but no one knew who was involved. All he could do was sit tight and wait for one of his men to come back online and tell him what the fuck was going on. He was sweating and felt claustrophobic in the windowless box he was sitting in. The air was stifling and there was little ventilation. He waited in complete silence with his heart in his throat, his breath coming in shallow puffs.

  “Carter, we’ve got them under control. fourteen bad guys in total, five are dead and two wounded.”

  “Good work, Nate. What about the team?” Carter let out the breath he was holding and loosened his grip on the computer controller. This was the part he hated the most and why he never liked being on Comms. Finding out what had happened to the people he worked with and was supposed to protect by giving them as much information as possible while the op was ongoing.

  “No casualties, but a few injuries. Gaines got shot.” Nate went quiet.

  Of course, the fucker got himself shot! That’s what happens when you don’t follow directives.

  “How bad? Will he live?”

  “Yeah, he’ll live, but he’s screaming like a banshee and blaming it on you already. The medic is patching him up now.”

  “Ambulances are on the way. Get his bodycam footage, it'll hopefully show how he didn’t respond to my calls. Did anyone see him without the piece in his ear?”

  “Lasalle caught it all. Gaines even said he’d taken the earbud out as he could handle it without you in his head. The bullet went clean through his upper right arm and it looks as if it shattered the bone, so he’ll probably never be able to hold a gun again — let alone take part in another mission.” Nathan sounded out of breath and he paused between sentences.

  “Who else, Nathan? Who else got injured?” Carter sucked in a lungful of air.

  “Anderson got knocked out from a blow to the head and most likely has a concussion. I took a bullet to my shoulder. Looks like just a flesh wound though, and I can still move my arm. Just about.”

  Carter swore loudly. It should have been him down there. Maybe Nate and Anderson wouldn’t have been injured if he’d led the team, and Gaines would never even have left the office. They’d never know, though, and in any case, it was all too late. At least the team hadn’t suffered any fatalities.

  “Get yourself checked out as soon as the EMTs arrive. I’m not having you die on me while I’m on Comms, you hear?” Carter growled at his best friend.

  “Sir, yes, sir.” Nathan quipped, but Carter could hear the pain lancing through his voice and was relieved to be told the EMTs had turned up on the scene. The FBI were also there to take the drug dealers into custody. It had been a joint operation from the beginning with the Feds providing intel and surveillance. As they had more resources they would also take responsibility for the prisoners.

  An hour later, things had settled down and all the injured had been transported to the hospital. Carter could finally break out their electronic gear and immediately put a call in to the boss back at headquarters. Don Kampeche answered on the first ring with a gruff “yes?” down the line.

  “Hollis here. We’ve got them, boss. It got a bit hairy for a while and some bullets went flying but our guys are mostly ok.” He stood by the window in the small apartment and looked out over the loading yard where the Feds were still going over the warehouse piece
by piece.

  “Mostly? What the hell does that mean? I need details, Hollis.” Kampeche’s voice exploded in Carter’s ear.

  “Gaines took a bullet to the upper arm which most likely shattered the joint, according to the medic. He’s at the hospital now being prepped for surgery. Cross also took a bullet in the top of his shoulder, but it seems to have gone straight through without causing too much damage. He was still able to move the arm and flex his fingers so he should be good in a few weeks. It wasn’t his shooting arm, either.”

  “Fuck! Gaines just had to go and get himself shot, didn’t he? Thank god, Cross is ok.”

  Carter sighed in frustration. “Yeah, Gaines went in without Comms and no backup, and I had no way of telling him he had hostiles coming up close. Nate had to go after him and cover his ass, but he was too late and ended up with a hole in the shoulder for his efforts.”

  “Right, at least now I can get rid of the idiot. Sorry about Cross, I’ll contact him as soon as I can and see you when you're all back. Did you find out anything about our agent?”

  “Sorry, there was no sign of him. Has he not been in touch, yet?” Carter didn’t know who the agent was, but it didn’t matter, he was one them, and they would stop at nothing to get him back.

  “No, he hasn’t and what little intel is filtering in is suggesting he may have been exposed and is being held somewhere. What a fucking mess! I need you to stay on Comms blackout until further notice. We may have to send your team after our man and bring him home.”

  Carter swore silently at the boss’ directives. He had to get a message to Madison somehow. Behind him the door opened, and he turned around to see the team filtering in. They were dirty and sweaty after the confrontation in the warehouse, but at least they were all still alive.

  A couple of hours later, Nate arrived with his arm bandaged, but still in good spirits. He gave Carter the low down on Gaines who had just come out of surgery and was awake and talking. He’d already asked to speak to the boss about Carter and was clearly going to lay all the blame on him. Well, good luck with that. They already had all the bodycam footage they needed. Lasalle’s camera had picked up Gaines’ comments about not wanting Carter in his ear and going in on his own.


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