Agent Undone

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Agent Undone Page 15

by Cassidy Reyne

  “How’s your arm?” Carter asked Nate, who was looking a bit tired and pale.

  “Hurts like a bitch, but there’s no permanent damage so I should be good in a few weeks. Have to take mandatory medical leave till I’m recovered, though. I don’t like it, but the boss is giving me no choice.”

  Carter thought about what Nate had just said and an idea popped into his head. He explained to his friend what he needed him to do and, although Nate was surprised, he promised to do his best.

  They’d followed the intel on their missing agent and found he’d been taken to a compound outside Tampico, 200 miles north-east of Mexico City on the Gulf Coast. When they arrived, they found a heavily fortified and guarded residence and knew immediately it belonged to someone with a lot of money and plenty of secrets to hide. With the help of some Mexican contacts, they managed to establish that it was the home of cartel boss Felipe Garrido and he was holding their man prisoner.

  There was only one access road, so the team waded through a mangrove swamp, completely surrounded by mosquitoes and other bugs, while watching out for any crocodiles that may be lying in wait. It took them four hours to make their way from the insertion point to the most vulnerable part of the high walls surrounding the property. From there, they waited for nightfall to begin their attack.

  Carter led some men through the house and took out anyone who resisted. In a large bedroom suite on the third floor, a terrified woman was being forced at gunpoint to help a man who was trying to escape through a window. Carter shouted at him to drop the gun and raise his hands, but the man stupidly enough grabbed the woman and held her in front of him like a human shield. It made anger run hot through Carter’s chest. Using innocent victims to protect yourself was something he hated with a passion. When the man turned around to face him, the blood drained from Carter’s face and his veins filled with ice.

  “Drop your weapon and let her go.” Carter growled.

  “I don’t think so. She’s coming with me.”

  “Final warning, Garrido. Drop the gun and let the woman go. Now!”

  Garrido stopped and looked at Carter with a cold and calculating stare. “I know you. You tried to kill me before.” Garrido’s dark eyes narrowed as he tried to place where he’d seen Carter previously. He pulled the woman tighter to his chest as Carter inched closer. Gunfire sounded from other parts of the house and outside. Garrido’s men were putting up a fight and Carter could only hope everyone was ok. The agent on Comms was feeding them updates on enemy movements, but so far no one was closing in on his position.

  “I’m surprised you remember. You barely made it out alive.” Carter sneered. Mira’s face hovered in front of his eyes and he had to shake his head to dispel the vision.

  “Oh, I remember now. I killed your little girlfriend, didn’t I? I put a bullet in her heart and there was nothing you could do to save her. You watched her bleed out, didn’t you? Did she beg for her life? Did she plead with you to help her? You let her down. You killed her, not me.” A low snigger reached Carter’s ears and the anger threatened to explode in his chest. He had to keep his cool, he couldn’t let this man get away again. Carter’s training and instincts took over, the anger was pushed down and replaced by an icy calm. He trained his sight on Garrido’s forehead, visible just to the side of the terrified woman’s face. All he needed was for the cartel boss to move an inch the right way. Praying the woman didn’t try to move, he issued one last order for Mira’s murderer to surrender. His eyes narrowed and an icy calm tempered the anger that flared as the drug lord smirked at Carter’s demand.

  “Never. You don’t have the cojones to pull that trigger, gringo. Just know this, I will hunt you down like the dog you are and I will kill every last person you ever loved, and then I will kill —“ A loud bang split the air and Garrido’s head flew backwards. A spray of blood and brain matter painted a grisly picture on the wall behind him. Carter lowered his weapon and stood stock still for a few seconds until the woman Garrido had used as a shield started screaming. She was covered in gore, but she was alive. Carter snapped back into focus and sprang forward to pull her away from the dead man still gripping her clothes. He helped her to a chair where she collapsed, sobbing hysterically.

  “Carter, where the hell are you? What’s your status?” Comms was shouting in his ear.

  “Third floor, last room on the right. Target has been neutralized. I repeat, target has been neutralized.”

  “Copy that. Stand by.”

  Carter was still staring at Mira’s killer when the rest of the team stormed in with their guns raised.

  The helicopter rotors were loud even over the headset which made conversation difficult. Carter was happy to just sit back and relax. The past few weeks had been sheer hell, but it was finally over, and he was pleased to go home. Carter leaned against the bulkhead and closed his eyes. He was exhausted and his whole body ached. It would only be a short ride in the chopper as it took them back to the airfield where a plane waited to fly them home, but he welcomed the relief from having to be on constant alert. His mind was a jumble of flashbacks, memories, visions and sounds. He had finally avenged Mira, but the sense of satisfaction he’d thought he’d get out of it just wasn’t there. All that remained was another life taken. No matter how cruel and evil Garrido had been, he’d still been a man with a family of his own. They’d found his wife and two children hiding in a small, concealed room, fearing for their lives. They had been taken to a safe house for the time being until the authorities decided what to do with them. Two little kids now had to grow up without their father, which was probably a blessing, but eventually they’d find out what kind of man he’d been, and the pain and suffering he’d caused. God only knew what the future held for them.

  The whole operation had been messy, bloody and sweaty with injuries on both sides, but thankfully, no agents’ lives were lost. They'd found the undercover agent in a basement room, beaten to within an inch of his life — but alive, and he was now on his way to a hospital in Virginia.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Madison watched Carter’s Jeep drive up the little lane from her house and disappear around a curve in the road. A familiar pit appeared in her stomach and she wrapped her arms around her middle as she walked back into her house. It seemed strangely empty and gloomy in there despite the glorious sunshine outside. For the first time in many months, she felt alone and lonely. Those were feelings she could ill afford, and she tried to bury them as deep as they would go.

  Sighing heavily, she picked up her laptop and notebooks as she had more work to do and went out on to the porch to her usual spot by the wooden railing. With her computer booted up and the little umbrella giving her enough shade to allow her to see the screen and keep her cool, she clicked on her file and the document popped open. Her fingers hovered over the keyboard, but the words wouldn’t come. Even though she could see and hear them in her head, they just wouldn’t flow onto the screen. Her gaze kept wandering towards the turquoise blue sea and the waves lapping against the powdery white sand. In her mind, she saw only Carter. She’d often sneaked a peak at him when they were out running, just to admire the way he moved, how his arms pumped effortlessly with every stride of his strong legs. The first thing she’d noticed about him was his height. He towered over her without being intimidating, had wide shoulders and a broad, well defined chest. His ripped muscles flexed under tanned skin and it was obvious he worked out to stay fit. She’d seen his upper body when he’d taken his shirt off after one of their runs and his abs had been taut, and his chest sculpted to perfection. The beginning of his happy trail disappeared underneath the waistband of his shorts. She’d gone to sleep many nights wishing he would be interested in her, but he’d kept his distance and only ever showed a friendly affection. Was she that unattractive? Or was she just not attractive to him? Gah! She was being so stupid! There was no way she could get herself involved in a relationship anyway, no matter how short-lived. Being with someone would have meant tell
ing them all your secrets and she didn’t want to be rejected because of her horrible past. What man would ever want to be with her with all her fears and insecurities? As long as her ex was alive she would never feel completely safe, and she didn’t want someone like Carter to be with her out of pity, always worrying about her past catching up with her. Being alone would be better than to suffer that. Memories of being in his arms flooded her thoughts and a warmth spread in her heart. She’d felt safe and secure there, something she hadn’t felt in a very long time — if ever.

  A pelican came in for a landing with its wings flapping. It was such a comical sight and Madison smiled despite her melancholy. Forcing herself back to her writing, she tapped out a few more words before stopping again. A boat went past further out to sea, its sleek hull cutting through the water like an arrow. She could just about make out a few people on the deck who seemed to be having a party. A wistful smile ghosted across her lips and her eyes misted over. Maybe one day, she would be able to go to a party again, or even throw one herself. One day, she would do all the things she’d missed out on so far in her life, but that day wasn’t today. Today, she would write a few words and then maybe a few more, while enjoying the warm breeze and the beautiful view. Madison sighed and returned her focus to her screen. It was no use though, and she soon gave up completely and just stared out to sea. She watched the white yacht return with the party in full swing. It was going slower now, and she could hear music playing and people laughing. With an irritated huff, she closed the lid of her laptop and picked up the unopened notebooks. She dumped it all on the coffee table in the lounge before grabbing a bottle of wine from the fridge, a glass, and her book. She went back outside and slumped on the swing seat. With the glass within easy reach, she lay back and opened the book to where she’d left off the previous evening. It only took a few minutes before her eyes closed and the book fell out of her hand. She slept without dreaming of monsters and by the time she opened her eyes again the sun had set, and it was pitch black on the little veranda. Her neck ached from leaning against the hard armrest and her body was all folded up into an awkward position. She took her time to stretch out her sore muscles before grabbing what was left in the bottle and going back inside. It was still early evening, so she opened the fridge to find something for dinner. Not having much of an appetite, she made herself take a few bites of the spinach omelet she whipped up. It tasted mostly of cardboard, so halfway through she gave up and threw the rest in the trash. It was still too early to go to bed and she had no desire to read more of her book, so she settled for the tv. She rarely used the thing and had to hunt for the remote before she could switch it on. After finding an old film to watch, she sank down on the couch and stared at the screen. She’d seen it many times before, but never tired of the outlandish stunts and over-the-top action. Bullets were flying and cars exploded. It was a good distraction which didn’t need any real concentration.

  A rustling noise from the front door made her sit up and mute the sound. She listened hard with fear pooling in her stomach. Everything was silent except for the cicadas giving their nighttime concert. She chided herself for being jumpy and nervous for no reason and returned to her film, though she kept an ear out for any more sounds from the outside. A couple of times, she thought she could hear some scratching on the verandah, but when she got up to check there was nothing — and no one — outside. With the door ajar, she listened out for anything unfamiliar. All she could hear was the gentle swell of the ocean against the sand. She shook her head at her overactive imagination, closed the door and turned the lock. She stood for a minute, leaning her back against it with her eyes closed and a sinking feeling in her stomach. Was this how her life would always be? Constantly looking over her shoulder and being suspicious of every new person she met? Was it worth it? Yes, dammit! It was worth it. Any sacrifice she had to make was better than how her life had been before she came to Florida. She pushed away from the door and went back to the film, but it no longer held any interest. With a click of the remote control, she turned it off and sank back against the cushions. It was getting late so she might as well go to bed and get a good night’s rest. At least she’d be able to get up for her run in the morning, even if she had to do it alone from now on. As much as Carter had promised he’d be back, she had a feeling it was the last she’d seen of him. The thought filled her with emotions that were best ignored.

  She got herself ready for bed in the little bathroom and then curled up under the sheets and tried to find a comfortable position. Before long she was fast asleep, lost in a dream world only she could see.

  With a scream forcing its way up from her lungs, Madison bolted upright in bed. Her heart beat in her chest like a drum and sweat was soaking her through to the skin. She felt disoriented and the nightmare which had infested her mind while she slept was still trying to rake its claws through her chest. Throwing off her bedclothes, she quickly flipped on the small lamp on her nightstand and pulled her dressing gown on. Her flip-flops were next to the bed and she slid her feet into them before padding out into the kitchen. In her head, the visions from the nightmare were still swirling around and she needed something normal to do to dispel the last of the images. She took a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water from the tap. Standing in the dark, looking out through the window, she slowly drank the cool liquid and felt her body returning to somewhat more normal after the reactions to the bad dream. Moonlight shone on the white sand in her driveway. All of a sudden, her heart lodged in her throat. She stared out at the area outside her front door where her car was parked. Was there someone out there? She could have sworn she’d seen the shadows move. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest. Frozen to the spot, she kept her eyes on the slightly lighter patches around her car. If anyone was out there, they’d be visible against the white ground. She held her breath and squinted out through the window. When a shadow came out from under her car and scurried across the little front yard, she jumped and nearly dropped the glass on the floor. The cat stopped and stared back at her, its eyes luminous in the pale light. The air left her lungs with a whoosh and a small laugh bubbled up. All that for a stray kitty. She shook her head at her own foolishness and loosened her grip on the glass in her hand. She gave it a quick rinse and placed it upside down on the draining board, then took a deep breath and straightened up, figuring she might as well go back to bed and try and get a few more hours of sleep. Before she’d finished that thought, a sudden icy shiver trickled down her spine as she felt a hot, rancid breath on the back of her neck. Her heart stopped and her mind shut down. He’d found her.

  Chapter Eighteen

  A voice over the headset pulled Carter back to the present, announcing they were about to land. Once down on the ground, the whole team jumped out, grabbed their gear and transferred to the waiting plane.

  The whole flight back, Carter couldn’t help but think of Madison and what Nate had found when he’d gone to stay at the beach house in St. George while his shoulder healed. Carter had asked him to visit Madison and explain why he hadn’t been in touch, and to say he would contact her as soon as he was back from his mission. He still couldn't wrap his head around it and was eager to go there himself and check it out. When Nathan had walked over to Maddie’s cottage, he’d found the front door open and no sign of her. All her clothes were gone, and it looked as if she’d left in a hurry. The kitchen was tidy and only had a mug, some plates and glasses still on the draining board waiting to be put away in the cupboards. Nothing else seemed to have been disturbed, but there had been some marks on the carpet in the bedroom that looked like dried blood. Nathan hadn’t been sure and it was possible they could have been there a long time. Carter tried to remember if he’d seen the marks the few times he’d been in her bedroom but drew a blank. Nathan had immediately checked with the local police and hospitals, but no one matching Maddie’s description had been in contact with the emergency services or been reported missing, so she hadn’t been injured or fallen ill
, as far as he could tell.

  It was strange, though, Carter thought to himself, that she would have left so suddenly and not made sure the cottage was left clean and tidy. Also, she had said she was going to buy the property. Had that fallen through, or was that why she’d left things out? The front door being unlocked was the only thing he couldn’t explain fully, but it was possible the lock didn’t work properly, and she’d been in too much of a hurry to leave to worry about it. She may even have called a locksmith to come and fix it and he just hadn’t turned up yet. Carter had no idea when she’d left, it could have been only hours before Nate got there, for all he knew. She had his phone number on her cell and if she wanted to get in touch she would. His phone was being monitored by the office back in Virginia, and the team’s assistant would deal with anything that needed replying to as if he was the one doing it, and just say he was out of the country and would call when he was back in the office. The boss had already hinted at a mission he needed Carter to take charge of as soon as he got back. Nate was staying in Florida for the next couple of weeks while his arm healed and had promised to keep his ear to the ground for any information about Madison. Maybe it was for the best if he just left it alone. He’d decided four years ago he wasn’t going to fall in love again and settle down, and he had no intention of changing that decision now. He was better off trying to just forget Madison with her shimmering green eyes and kissable lips.


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