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Cowboy’s Demands: Brides of Juniper Junction, Book Five

Page 7

by Jones, Celeste

  “Y-yes,” I said, locating the spot where the pulses originated and rubbing my finger over it. “Oh,” I gasped.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it? Keep going, Minnie. I’m just about there and I want you to have your climax first.”

  I could feel his cock swelling and pulsing inside me while I massaged the hard nub of my clitty. Dark spots danced in front of my eyes and a shudder ran through me as my climax built and then washed over me. Just as I reached the top of that wave, Roy cried out and released his essence inside my passage with a roar.

  Our ragged breathing echoed around the hotel suite as he lifted me from his cock and laid me over his chest, pulling the blankets up to cover us.

  “I love you, Minnie Gantry,” he whispered.

  Chapter 7


  I blinked awake and looked around the room. Something felt strange, different. I glanced toward the window then jumped out of bed, rushing around the room looking for my clothes.

  “Minnie? What are you doing?”

  The voice startled me at first and then I recognized it as belonging to Roy. My husband. There were telltale signs of soreness between my thighs that reminded me of our vigorous marital relations the night before.

  “I have to get dressed, Roy. It’s late.” Panic bubbled inside me and I gestured to the window. “Look! The sun is fully up. We have to get out of bed. There’s work to be done.”

  Roy sat up against the headboard. His hair was ruffled from sleep and the many times I’d run my hands through it during our lovemaking. The sheets fell to his waist and I marveled at the muscles of his shoulders and chest. His flat stomach. And though the sheets covered his lower half, I had some familiarity with what was hidden beneath.

  “Minnie, we’re on our honeymoon.” He held his hand out to me. “Come on back to bed.”

  “But, this place is a mess. Clothes everywhere and the bath needs to be emptied.” I spun around pointing at the items that ought to be picked up and put away.

  “Minnie!” This time his voice was not so tender sounding and I turned to look at him. “Get over here right now.”


  “No more excuses. Move. Now.”

  I scurried over to his side of the bed, though the untidiness of the room distracted me, and I had a hard time keeping my gaze on him.

  “We are guests of this hotel. Someone else will tidy the room later. Now, get in the bed where you belong.” He held up the covers and scooted over to make space for me next to him.

  My eyes darted around the suite and I hesitated. How could I get in bed and relax knowing my clothes, including my undergarments, were strewn all over the place? Even if someone else was coming to clean later, I’d die of humiliation if they found my shift and drawers in a heap on the floor.

  A tight pinch to my nipple got my attention and I stared up at Roy. “You aren’t listening to me, Minnie.” He squeezed a bit harder and I gasped. There was pain, but it also caused heated thrums to pulse in my pussy. He reached out his other hand and held both my nipples in a vise-like grip.

  I whimpered and wiggled my feet. The clutter in the room faded in importance. He let go of my nipples and waves of pleasure spread outward through my body, like ripples from a pebble dropped in a pond.

  “I know this is new for you, Minnie. I believe you need some reminders of who is in charge here. A good distraction wouldn’t hurt either.”

  He sat up in the bed and swung around so that his feet were on the ground while he perched on the mattress. He spread his legs wide, the length of his manhood rested on his thigh, though I could see it was hardening and rising up with each passing moment.

  I was thoroughly distracted now. My toes wiggled against the thick carpet and I could feel wetness gathering between my thighs.

  “This morning I am going to teach you how to suck cock,” he announced.

  “Suck cock?”

  “It is precisely what it sounds like.” He pointed to a spot on the floor between his knees. “Stand there.”

  Much as I had detested being ordered about by others for my whole life, when Roy gave me a command, flutters of excitement and anticipation moved through me. I moved to the spot he indicated.

  “Good girl.” He smiled at me, then pointed to the floor again. “Kneel right here.”

  I did as he said, my face mere inches from his cock, which was now almost fully erect. I remember how it had reacted to my palm the night before and I was eager to touch it again, to learn how to please my husband.

  He took hold of it at the base and crooked his finger for me to move closer. He rested the rounded tip of it against my lips. “Open.”

  When my lips parted, he put the tip between them. “Lick.”

  His one-word commands had an unexpected effect on me and the pulses in my pussy beat faster. As I knelt, I could feel moisture dripping along my inner thighs.

  I ran my tongue across the broad head of his cock. “Take more into your mouth, Minnie.” I opened wider and the girth of it touched my cheeks. It tasted musky and salty and of… Roy.

  Breathing through my nose, I held my head in place, my tongue lapping at his hardness, while Roy set the pace of sliding in and out of my mouth. Though he moved slow at first, after a few strokes he sped up, holding the back of my head to keep me where he wanted me. His breathing turned ragged until he groaned as his cock pulsed inside my mouth, his hot seed shooting down my throat.

  “Swallow it, Minnie. Swallow all of it.”

  I did as he ordered, taking every drop of his salty essence until he withdrew from my mouth.

  Roy cupped my chin tenderly with his palm. “That was wonderful, Minnie.” Then he took my hand and helped me up from my knees and tugged me into the bed with him.

  “Isn’t that better than tidying up the room?” he asked.

  “Yes. Much better.”

  * * *

  By the time I woke again, the room was warm with the afternoon sun streaming full through the windows and there I was lounging in bed, like I was some sort of heiress or something.

  Sitting up, I looked around the suite. “Roy?”

  No answer.

  Glancing to his side of the bed, I saw a piece of paper on his pillow.

  I’ve gone out to do a couple of errands. Back soon. Roy

  I wondered where he might have gone. I truly knew very little about him. But, Black Clover had many more amenities than Juniper Junction so it could be anything from clothes shopping to watch repair.

  Roy had said that someone would be in during the afternoon to tidy up the room. Surely that could be any time.

  I found the suitcase which Lizzie had packed for me and opened it, grateful to see my familiar clothes inside. I quickly dressed and sat in one of the wingback chairs and tried to relax.

  It was pointless. Sitting in the upholstered furniture was reserved for ladies of leisure. I was not a lady of leisure.

  No matter how much I tried to ignore the bed, I simply couldn’t do it. The sheets were disheveled and clearly told the story of what had taken place last night and in the wee hours of the morning. I couldn’t have the housekeeping staff come in and see that.

  It would only take a minute for me to fix it.

  In fact, I could clean the whole room and then just tell Roy that the hotel employees had already been there.

  Pulling the pile of pillows and linens from the bed felt good. I ran my hands over the bottom sheet and smoothed it out, feeling my tensions decrease as I set about the familiar task. I snapped the top sheet over the bed with an expert flick of the wrists and had the corners tucked in neatly in seconds. I stepped back and observed the tidy sheets with satisfaction.

  For a fleeting moment visions of the activities Roy and I had engaged in on the big bed came to mind and a sense of womanly knowing filled me. I was a married lady.

  Gathering up the rest of the bedclothes, the bed came together in moments. Just as I fluffed the final pillow the door opened and Roy stepped in.
/>   The smile on his face faded as he took in the sight of me making the bed.

  “Min-nie,” he said, dragging it out to two long syllables in a way that expressed displeasure.

  I gulped and put the pillow in its place on the bed before turning to Roy with a bright smile plastered to my face. “Hello, Roy. I didn’t expect you back so soon.”

  The door closed behind him with a click. “I’m sure you didn’t.” He did not return my smile.

  He set down some packages and a newspaper on a side table, then approached me where I stood, frozen in place, next to the freshly made bed.

  “Did you buy some things while you were out?” I asked, desperate to distract him. There was a dark look in his eyes that made the flesh of my bottom prickle with dread.

  “Yes, I did make a few purchases. But there are other matters to address first.”

  “Oh, really?” I asked, all innocence.

  “Drop the act, Minnie. I distinctly told you that you were not to lift a finger to do any cleaning or housekeeping activities while we are here and the first time you’re left alone for just a few minutes, you disobey me.”

  “B-but, Roy—” He held up his hand to silence me and I stopped mid-sentence. Butterflies erupted in my stomach.

  Silently he took the pillows I had fluffed and made a pile of them in the center of the bed. I didn’t know what he had planned, but I didn’t expect it to go well for my bottom.

  After he arranged the pillows he looked at me, then moved his finger to indicate he wanted me to turn around. Though my knees wobbled, I did so.

  He rested his hands on my shoulders for a moment and the gesture gave me a brief bit of comfort. Then he unfastened the buttons of my dress and tugged it downward until it pooled around my feet. Next he removed my shoes and stockings and I was left in just my drawers and corset. His gaze roamed over me and I squirmed under the intensity of it.

  “I’m sorry, Roy.”

  “I’m sorry, too, Minnie.” His eyes lingered on the swell of my breast at the top of my corset, then he glanced over his shoulder to the packages he’d brought with him. “Because I had other things planned for us.”

  “Well, couldn’t we do that now?” I asked, hopefully.

  He shook his head from side to side. “No, Minnie. You disobeyed me and you know it. I promised to always respect you and I expect the same in return.”

  “But I do respect you, Roy. I respect you more than anyone.”

  “Yet you disobeyed me.”


  “It was just the bed, Roy. I didn’t want the housekeepers to come in and see how rumpled the bed was. They’d know what we’d been doing.”

  “Are you ashamed of what we did last night? And this morning?”

  “No, not at all. It was wonderful, but…” I felt like I was just digging myself into a deeper hole.

  Roy must have felt that way too because he said, “We’d better take care of your punishment because the more you talk, the worse you’re making it for yourself.”

  He patted the pile of pillows on the bed. “Lay on these, make sure your bottom is nice and high.” He took my hand and helped me onto the mattress and arranged the pillows with me over them.

  “Usually, you can expect punishments to be given while you are naked, but I find that you are quite fetching in just your corset and drawers today.”

  Was it crazy that I was happy when he said I looked fetching?

  “I understand,” I said, wrapping my arms around the pillows and wishing more than anything that I hadn’t made the stupid bed. Why didn’t I listen to what Roy had told me?

  I could hear him moving around the room while I waited—and waited—for him to get started. The waiting and wondering only made things worse. He probably knew that.

  Peeking out from the pillows, I watched as he removed his jacket and opened the collar of his shirt, then rolled up the sleeves. The sight of his hands reminded me of all the ways he’d pleasured me and the things he’d taught me.

  I’d felt those muscles. Roy was strong, with broad work-worn hands that would hurt when they cracked against the tender flesh of my bottom.

  Burying my head in the pillows, my whole body tensed up when I heard the sound of Roy’s boots as he approached the bed.

  Pushing my drawers all the way to the sides, he rested his hand on my bottom and I startled from the contact.

  “Hush now, Minnie,” he said, rubbing my bare flesh. “You need to relax. It won’t hurt as much.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at him, skeptical.

  “I know it sounds backwards, but it’s true.” He swatted my tightened bottom and I yelped.

  “Let’s try one with you relaxed. Just take some deep breaths and think happy thoughts.”

  Happy thoughts? Oh, he was a funny one.

  But, I managed to relax and when he swatted again, it wasn’t quite so bad. It stung and after a few more swats over both cheeks of my bottom, the sting turned to a burn that had me kicking my feet and crying into the pillows.

  “I’m sorry. I’m very, very sorry. Please, Roy. It hurts so bad.”

  “I mean for it to hurt, Minnie. I need to make a point.” He chatted while swatting like he’d just run into a friend at the general store. Meanwhile, I was a sobbing, blubbering mess.

  “Please don’t be mad at me, Roy.”

  “I’m not mad at you, Minnie. I’m disappointed. And hurt. You promised to love, honor and obey me and not even twenty-four hours after we got married, you’re flaunting the rules I gave you.”

  My tears turned to sobs of misery. Not only did my backend feel like I’d fallen into a nest of fire ants, but I’d disappointed Roy. Oh, that was the worst feeling. And he was right, I hadn’t even made it a whole day before I’d disappointed him. That didn’t seem to bode well for a long and happy marriage.

  And it was all my fault. I always messed things up.

  All of my self-loathing came out in tears that soaked the fancy hotel pillows.

  I didn’t even realize Roy had stopped swatting until he gently loosened my arms from the pillows and brought me around to sit on his lap. He drew out a linen handkerchief and held it to my face. “Blow,” he commanded.

  This was not the time to disobey him yet again, so I blew. It wasn’t a delicate lady-like blow either, but a big honking noise that might have carried into the room next door.

  “Good girl,” he said, mercifully not mentioning the less-than-dignified way I’d complied.

  “I-I’m so so-sorry, Roy. Please forgive me.”

  He wrapped his strong arms around me and pressed my head to his shoulder, swaying back and forth as though I was an infant. “Of course, I forgive you, sweet Minnie. I will always forgive you, especially when you take your punishment as well as you just did.”

  “I feel awful,” I sniffed into his neck.

  “The spanking takes away all the guilt so there’s no reason to feel awful, Minnie. This incident is forgotten and won’t be mentioned again.”

  I pulled away from his shoulder and looked him in the face. “Really?”

  “Yes, really,” he said. “I promise.” He kissed me tenderly.

  “Now, I believe I have some purchases to show you and our lunch should be delivered soon, so let’s get you dressed and we can enjoy the rest of our day. Our second day as Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gantry.”

  That sounded nice to me.

  Chapter 8


  There was a short delay before I got dressed. After examining my reddened bottom, Roy instructed me to lay on the bed with my backside up. I heard him rustling some paper and wondered what he was up to. He returned to the bed and I felt something cool applied to my chastened bottom.

  “There you go, Minnie. That should make things feel better.”

  I sighed and relaxed into the freshly made bed.

  Roy applied the balm liberally across my skin and the tension of the morning lifted.

  Long after I would have thought he’d massaged
enough of the salve into my bottom, Roy continued using both hands to work the globes of my rear end.

  Just as I was about to drift off from the delicious lethargy created by his touch, Roy worked more of the lotion along the crease between my cheeks, stroking his finger over the pucker back there.

  I gasped and raised my head. Roy pressed his hand between my shoulder blades. “Put your head back down and just relax, Minnie. I’m just exploring a bit.”

  “Ex-exploring?” I buried my red face into the soft pillow with a groan of embarrassment.

  His finger tapped the opening back there. “Yes, exploring.”

  I clutched at the pillow and wiggled my feet.


  “Hold still, Minnie. I know this is new to you, but I promise, it won’t hurt.” To prove his point, he pushed a well-lubricated finger into my back hole.

  “Ohh,” I moaned into the pillow.

  Roy reached up with one hand and massaged between my shoulders. “Just calm down and trust me, sweetheart.” His fingers worked magic on my tense shoulders and I let out a deep breath.

  “That’s it,” he praised just before I felt his lips on the tender flesh of my neck. He pushed his finger deeper into my bottom hole while his mouth moved down my spine, sending shivers through me.

  The finger in my pucker circled and pumped and soon pleasure began to build within me. Oh this was wrong, It had to be, I lamented.

  “Nothing is wrong if we enjoy it, Minnie. And from the sounds you’re making, you’re starting to enjoy having my finger in your bottom. That’s good, because I plan to put my cock in here very soon. Just think how good that will feel.”

  “Your cock?” I screeched. “But, it’s huge!”

  Roy chuckled then nibbled at my shoulder blade. “Thank you for noticing, Minnie, but I promise it will fit. We just need to do some preparation first, like I’m doing now.”

  I closed my eyes and relaxed into the sensations created by Roy’s finger in my bottom. The heat built rapidly and my hips began to move in rhythm with his plunging digit.


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