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Cowboy’s Demands: Brides of Juniper Junction, Book Five

Page 10

by Jones, Celeste

  Obediently, she did as instructed and pulled up her skirts. I parted the slit in her drawers and spent a moment enjoying the sight of the second to largest plug poking out of her bottom hole. It was just a matter of time before I’d be able to claim her ass with my cock and the thought nearly drove me mad with anticipation.

  I gave the plug a turn and listened as my wife inhaled sharply. Immediately the scent of her arousal filled my nose. So responsive. I was a lucky man. Reaching down, I played with her clit until she arched her back and came with a lusty groan.

  “Just a little taste for now, sweetheart.” I removed the plug then cleaned her up and washed my hands before we went back downstairs for our evening meal.

  She took my hand and led me into the kitchen. “I’ve been learning to cook,” she said, lifting the lid from a pan on the stove. “Vegetable soup!” she said with pride.

  “Well now, that looks real tasty, Minnie.”

  “I know! Go sit down and I’ll get dinner on the table.”

  Minutes later I scooped up a taste of the soup as Minnie watched eagerly.

  If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was trying to poison me. I’m not sure what she’d done, but the soup was awful. Fortunately, I recovered quickly and smiled at her. “I’ve never had anything like it, sweetheart.”

  Chapter 11


  I could tell Roy didn’t like the soup I’d made the night before but he was kind and didn’t say anything. I really needed to learn to cook. Lizzie knew even less about a kitchen than I did when she got married. At least I’d spent months scrubbing pans and listening to the cook scream for more potatoes.

  The house was tidied up and Roy wasn’t going to be home for a few hours. He’d made a habit of stopping by in the afternoons to insert a plug in my bottom. He was determined to put his cock in there and I had to admit, though I was nervous, I was also quite eager for it too. The plugs awakened something in me and every evening before supper when he removed the plug, he found me wet and wanting. Fortunately, he was kind enough to oblige so that meant nearly every night I had an orgasm before dinner.

  It made my mediocre cooking more tolerable for me, though I wasn’t so sure about Roy.

  The house was tidy as could be so I grabbed my wrap and headed for the door. I’d call on Lizzie and see if she could give me some tips on cooking.

  I grabbed a key from the hook by the door. Since the attempted theft at the bank and the newspaper story about The Dandy possibly being in the area, everyone was more vigilant about locking their doors. Roy had given me a stern reminder before he left that morning.

  I opened the front door and drew back in surprise.

  “Uh. Oh. Hello, Lloyd.” Lloyd Carter stood on the porch, shoulders slumped and hair covering his face as usual. I’d not seen him, or given him much thought, since the incident at the box social more than two weeks ago.

  I was tempted to slam the door in his face and lock it, but I didn’t want to be rude.

  “Hello, Minnie,” he said, holding up a small package. “I brought you a wedding gift.”

  That was an even bigger surprise than finding Lloyd Carter on my front porch. “Th-thank you,” I said, taking it from his hand and setting it on a table just inside the door. “I’ll open it when Roy gets home so he can see it.” I smiled and tried to step past him, but he didn’t budge. Lloyd didn’t have a lot of social graces and he seemed unaware that he ought to allow me to pass.

  “I’m just on my way to Lizzie Foreman’s house,” I said, hoping he’d take the hint and shove off.

  “I was hoping to watch you open the gift I brought,” he said.

  “That’s very kind of you, Lloyd. I know you and Roy had words at the box social so I appreciate your generosity.”

  “It’s really for you more than Roy,” he said, taking a step toward me and forcing me back into the house.

  I told myself not to worry. It was simply Lloyd and he’d never been a threat to me before. More of a nuisance than anything. Though he did have a hateful look in his eye at the box social when Roy had won my basket. Still, Roy and I were married now and Lloyd had even brought a gift. It was likely a peace offering.

  “Well, of course,” I said and allowed him into the house. “But I must be on my way in a few minutes. Lizzie will be worried if I’m not there soon,” I lied. I wasn’t sure what prompted me to fib like that, but something about Lloyd seemed more strange than usual. I wished Roy was here. Or that Lloyd had not shown up at all.

  I left my wrap around my shoulders to indicate my intention of exiting the house very soon, and opened Lloyd’s gift. It was a gold locket. I gasped with surprise as I stared at the piece of jewelry in my hand. Afraid to look him in the eye, I kept my head down as I spoke. “Lloyd, this is lovely, but it’s too much. I can’t accept such a valuable gift from you.”

  Honestly, I felt bad. How could he afford something like that? He dressed like a vagabond. I’d often wondered how he managed to come up with the money each week for his lodgings at Mrs. Campbell’s.

  “Look at me, Minnie.” His voice had changed. Deeper and more commanding.

  I lifted my head and gazed at him, a gasp of shock escaping me. “Lloyd?” I asked, utterly confused.

  The man who stood in front of me, the man I knew to be Lloyd Carter had somehow transformed. The hair which always hung limply and obscured his face had been slicked back to reveal an extremely handsome man. Instead of his shoulders slumping forward, he stood straight, his gaze direct.

  “I saw you admiring it in a shop window when you were in Black Clover,” he said.

  “Wh-what are you talking about?” I felt a bit faint and I reached out for a chair to steady myself, but Lloyd took hold of my hand instead. A chill of dread moved through me as soon as our fingers touched.

  I snatched my hand away. “I’m fine, Lloyd, but I think you ought to leave.”

  He ignored me. “How did you like traveling in the first-class car of the train and staying in the bridal suite? If you come with me, we could travel like that all the time.”

  “What are you talking about? How did you get this locket and how do you know about our trip to Black Clover?” My voice wobbled a bit as I spoke. I’d never experienced anything like this, and I was frightened and curious and angry all at once.

  “I’m a master of disguise, Minnie. Don’t you remember seeing me when you and Roy were standing outside the bank? I followed you and your husband, the deputy sheriff. He had no idea. Some lawman he is. Of course, he wasn’t much of a lawman in St. Louis either. He caught a couple lucky breaks, though, and nearly caught me. But it won’t happen again. He’s too stupid.”

  “Roy’s not stupid!” Fright and curiosity fell away and all I felt was angry. “How dare you come in here and insult my husband? Get out!” I pointed toward the door as though that would make him leave.

  I was wrong. He laughed. “Oh Minnie. You always could make me smile. We’re going to have such a nice life together.”

  I stared at him. What did he mean by us having a nice life together? Thinking calmly, or as calmly as I could under the circumstances, I tried another tactic.

  “Yes, Lloyd, I think we will. I’ll tell you what, let’s go in the kitchen and I’ll give you some of the soup I made. You’ll need your strength for our travels and then I’ll go upstairs and pack my bag.”

  A slow smile spread over his face. “That’s more like it. But, I don’t want you to leave my sight so we’ll both pack your things, but let’s have some soup first. I am a bit hungry and I miss having you serve my meals like you did at the boarding house.”

  “Of course, Lloyd. Right this way.” We went into the kitchen and I got him to sit down at the table. At least then he wasn’t so tall and imposing. My hands shook as I lit the stove. “I just need to get the soup heated up. Shouldn’t take long.”

  He seemed to relax a bit. I still couldn’t believe this handsome man was the same Lloyd Carter who’d been living at Mrs. Campb
ell’s Boarding house all these weeks, but when I looked closely, I knew it was true.

  “People tend to overlook you when they think you’re a bum. Makes it easy for me to get in and out of a new town,” he said, as though reading my thoughts.

  “How did you know that’s what I was thinking?”

  “I always know what you’re thinking, Minnie. It’s because we’re meant to be together. I’d have bought your basket at the box social but I didn’t want to draw too much attention to myself. Didn’t want anyone to know I had that kind of money. Roy is just a big show off.”

  I bit my tongue and ladled up some soup for him and set it on the table. “Here you go, Lloyd. I hope you like it.”

  * * *


  The day had been frustrating, trying to track down any information about The Dandy. No one in town, including Nosey Posey, had seen anything unusual.

  It was like The Dandy showed up in a puff of smoke and then vanished into thin air. How was that even possible?

  Knowing that he’d used my grandfather’s name made me even more determined to hunt him down and make sure he was brought to justice. It was sacrilege to use the name of a good man like my grandfather in order to further his horrible crimes.

  I just needed a distraction for a few minutes and then I’d be able to think more clearly about the whole thing.

  Besides, my wife’s bottom hole needed tending. I hustled down the street toward our house, just the sight of it and knowing Minnie was waiting for me brightened my mood.

  I went to unlock the front door, but it fell open with the slightest touch. I scowled. I had very clearly told Minnie to keep the door locked at all times. It wasn’t that I thought The Dandy would try to break in and steal anything at our house, but he seemed to have it out for me as evidenced by his use of my grandfather’s name. Something strange just kept nagging at the back of my mind and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  Regardless, I was about to have some strong words with Minnie about her carelessness. Her safety was of utmost importance to me and there’d be no avoiding a punishment for not following my instructions.

  I heard someone moving in the kitchen and assumed it was Minnie. My stomach churned a bit when I considered the possibility of what she might be making for supper. Maybe I should have told her the truth about the soup, otherwise I was just encouraging more bad cooking. But, she’d been so excited about making it, I couldn’t hurt her feelings by criticizing her hard work.

  “Here you go, Lloyd. I hope you like it,” I heard Minnie say.

  What the hell was going on? Lloyd? The only Lloyd I knew of was Lloyd Carter and he ought to know better than to set foot in my house. And Minnie was serving him food?

  As if my day hadn’t already stunk to high heaven, now this? Well, I wasn’t going to put up with that. I charged into the kitchen.

  “Just what the hell is going on here?”

  There was Lloyd Carter sitting at my kitchen table eating soup that my wife had made. Oh, I saw red.

  Lloyd had been focused on Minnie so my entry startled him. When he turned in my direction, Minnie clobbered him with a frying pan and he slumped to the floor at my feet.

  Minnie and I both stared at him for a minute and then she flew into my arms. “Roy! I’m so glad to see you. It’s Lloyd. He’s The Dandy. Look!”

  When I pried her arms from around my neck, I looked down at the unconscious man more closely. It was definitely Lloyd, but like a new and improved version of Lloyd. His usually scraggly hair was slicked back and his whole face was visible.

  “He said he’s a master of disguise and that he was in Black Clover and even saw us at the bank. He wanted me to go away with him, but I told him to have some soup and I didn’t know what I’d do and then you came home and I whacked him with the frying pan. Is that bad? Did I hurt him, Roy?”

  I looked at Lloyd Carter, the elusive thief who’d been chased out of St. Louis and across the west by law enforcement, and my little wife, Minnie, had been the one to capture him.

  I laughed until tears ran down my face.

  * * *


  “All right, Minnie. Can you tell me that one more time?” Cal sat at the kitchen table taking notes on what I said.

  “With all due respect, Cal,” I said, “I’ve told you three times. I’m starting to think you don’t believe me.”

  “Well, it is a little hard to believe that you captured The Dandy, especially after Roy and I have been trying to find him since before you got married.”

  “I didn’t actually capture him. Roy’s the one who put the cuffs on him and dragged him out onto the porch. I just smacked him with the frying pan.”

  “I saw her hit him. She’s got a good aim,” Roy said.

  “Well, I guess that’s all I need to know,” Cal said. “I was hoping we could take credit for the capture, but it sounds like Minnie did all the work.”

  “If Roy hadn’t startled him, I wouldn’t have had a chance to knock him out. You should get some credit for that,” I said. “You’ve got him in custody. What does it matter how it happened?”

  “Well,” Cal said, “there’s a fifty-dollar reward for him. Law officers aren’t allowed to collect rewards, but you can.”

  “That’s right! I’d forgotten all about that. Do you really think I’ll get it?” It seemed like my head had been spinning and spinning all day long. There was just too much information to take in.

  “The reward is from the regional marshal, so it’ll be up to him. I just need to fill out the report and we’ll see what happens.”

  Cal bid us good night and then Roy and I were alone. It had been a hectic couple of hours. He took me onto his lap and held me close. Resting my head on his shoulder, I sighed and some of the tension of the day disappeared.

  “Chasing criminals is hard work, isn’t it, Roy?”



  It had been three days since I whapped Lloyd Carter with a frying pan and suddenly became a celebrity. A reporter from Black Clover even came knocking on the door to interview me for their newspaper. Cal had stopped by earlier to say that the reward had been approved and I should be getting the money soon. I could already taste the champagne I was planning to buy for the next quilting gathering. I supposed we wouldn’t be able to meet at the church that day. I doubted if we’d get a lot of stitching done anyway.

  Needless to say, it had been hectic and I was glad when the sun set and everyone went home so Roy and I could be alone.

  “I hope all this commotion dies down soon,” I said to Roy.

  “Me too,” he said. “Though I hope you still have some energy left for the special plans I have for you.”

  We’d just gotten to our bedroom and I turned to look at my husband. “Special plans?”

  “You’ve finished all your butt plug training. It’s time for your graduation.”

  I laughed. “Graduation? I’ve never graduated from anything before in my life. Will I get a diploma?”

  He came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, then whispered in my ear. “You’ll get something better. A thorough ass-fucking from your husband along with several orgasms.”

  I shiver ran up my spine. I’d known this night was coming, but I was still nervous.

  Roy’s hands skimmed upward from my waist and settled over my breasts with a warm squeeze. “I have a feeling you’re going to be an outstanding student.”

  “Well, I have had an excellent teacher,” I sighed as his hands closed over my nipples with a pinch.

  “Let’s get you out of these clothes,” Roy said, and it only took him a few moments to complete the task, then he stripped out of his own clothes as well.

  I took a moment to boldly glance at his naked body. My pussy pulsed with heat as I took in the hardness of his cock.

  “You’ve certainly changed from the shy girl who couldn’t even say butt plug.”

  “You’ve corrupted me,” I said, reaching out to s
troke a finger down the length of his cock. I licked my lips and gave him an inquiring look.

  “Having you suck my cock is certainly tempting, Minnie, but tonight is for other things. Let’s get you up on the bed.”

  With his help, I was soon on all fours atop the mattress, my backend at just the right height for Roy’s cock.

  “Now that’s a pretty sight,” he said, stroking along my bottom and then between my thighs. “Minnie, you’re so wet. Already.” He gathered up some of the moisture there and rubbed it over my bottom hole, pushing his finger in deep.

  I swallowed hard and steadied myself on the mattress. He worked his finger around until I was panting for breath and pushing back against him for deeper penetration. It only took a few deep thrusts before I came with a loud groan. After the stresses of the past couple of days, it felt good to let loose and allow an orgasm to wash over me.

  “That’s my good girl,” Roy said, his voice husky. A moment later I felt cool salve laid thickly down the crack between my cheeks and into my bottom hole.

  I moaned and swayed. My knees felt a bit weak.

  Roy gripped both of my bottom cheeks and pulled them wide then rested the tip of his cock at my bottom hole. “Just relax, Minnie.”

  I blew out a breath and nodded my head. He pushed the tip of his cock into my opening then paused.

  “Oh Lord, Minnie. This is incredible.”

  He gripped my hips and carefully penetrated my anus, pausing along the way for us both to adjust to the sensations.

  I concentrated on relaxing the muscles back there, but as more of his cock got shoved into my bottom, the harder it was for me to do anything other than whimper and moan with pleasure. The fullness was indescribable.

  When he finally seated himself completely, he let loose a moan too. “Sweet Jesus,” he shouted, then slapped my ass.


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