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Sunkissed Summer

Page 2

by Gwen Martin

  He had insisted on cooking on the days they were eating in. Since college, he had become the co-owner of several food trucks in Tampa. They were wildly successful, and while he loved managing the business, he often said he craved getting his hands dirty and missed the hustle of prepping food for people.

  The house smelled amazing, warm with spices and the sweetness of fresh-cut fruit. There was a spread of grilled meats and several sides ranging from sweet potato salad to grilled artichokes. Eli had created an incredible fruit plate, filled with watermelon, pineapple and mango. There were also elotes, a Mexican style street corn that was also Carter’s favorite barbecue food. Marco chuckled at the way Carter whooped when he walked back into the kitchen.

  “Eli, I could kiss you,” Carter vowed when he saw the huge plate stacked with his beloved cobs of corn thick with seasonings. “You love me, you really love me.”

  “Of course I do,” Eli said with ease. “Now go set up the table while I mix the guacamole.”

  “Do you need help with anything?” Marco asked.

  “Nah, I’m good. I’m nearly done,” Eli replied. He nodded to the pitcher filled with a deep plum mixture. “Made sangria, though.”

  “I can’t believe you made all of this,” Kieran said in awe as he walked into the kitchen smelling of citrus and vanilla from his shower. Gone was the beach attire, replaced with khaki shorts and a black tank top.

  Kieran’s hair wasn’t as mussed as it had been after surfing, but it wasn’t styled either. It gave him a relaxed look that made Marco want to get closer. He had the urge to brush his mouth over the sharp line of Kieran’s jaw and card his fingers through those wet locks.

  Marco cleared his throat and nodded toward the bedroom. The same room where he’d be sleeping with Kieran.

  “I’m gonna go get cleaned up,” he said, hoping they didn't notice how rough his voice sounded. “You guys can get started without me.”

  Marco slipped out of the conversation, still thrumming with pent-up desire, and walked to their bedroom down the hall. It felt like an eternity before he made it inside, desperately ready for some alone time in the shower.

  Once he was under the hot spray, breathing in the scent of Kieran’s soap, he closed his eyes and wrapped his hand around his dick. He couldn’t possibly do anything else, not if he wanted to survive an evening in Kieran’s presence without giving all his friends a show.

  He thought about heated dark brown eyes, heart-shaped lips, and a smile that radiated like the sun. He thought about sunkissed skin, and how it would taste like salt against Marco’s tongue. He thought about fucking Kieran into their full-size mattress, making his back arch as he breathlessly begged for more.

  Marco stroked himself hard, bracing one hand on the tiled wall, lost in fantasy, and came over his fist with a sharp gasp. It was going to be a long five days.

  “C’mon, dude, you gotta go out with us. The nightlife is calling!” Carter declared. He was wearing a T-shirt that was so tight it looked like a second skin, and his jeans appeared to be in the same state.

  “I shall fully support your night of hedonistic debauchery right here on this couch,” Marco said, patting the empty seat cushion next to him. “Just me and Netflix.”

  “The point of Netflix and Chill is that you actually have someone to chill with,” Carter said with a dramatic wave of his hands. “And the chill is a euphemism for fucking.”

  “You don’t say,” Marco deadpanned, picking up the remote and turning on the TV. “I’m ever so glad for your infinite wisdom.”

  “You’re welcome,” Carter said. “Now go get ready. We got shit to do.”

  Marco sighed, shifting his gaze to Carter. “As much as you’re trying to sell me on it, I don't want to watch you trying to hookup with someone at a club with overpriced lower-shelf booze.”

  Carter scoffed, placing a hand over his heart. “Did you just say try to hook up with someone? Baby, I’m a home run.”

  “Well, you can’t do that here in the living room. Go and get into the car with the rest of the crew,” Kieran ordered Carter as he sauntered in. “I’ll stay here with Marco to make sure he doesn’t subject himself to any danger.”

  Carter’s eyes flitted back and forth between Marco and Kieran, assessing the scene. Marco didn’t really give a shit what he was thinking because Kieran was settling right next to him, his arm brushing against his. He could feel the warmth of Kieran’s thigh against his own.

  A shiver trembled up Marco’s spine, his skin hypersensitive to the warmth of Kieran’s body against his. Kieran had said something to Carter, but Marco didn’t hear any of it. He was too focused on the way Kieran’s throat bobbed as he swallowed, the way his tongue glided over his bottom lip.

  “You’re staying?” Marco managed, his voice low and scratchy.

  Kieran turned his attention to Marco. Those dark brown eyes were so clearly focused on him that he felt like Kieran could reach inside of him to all of those hidden fantasies and lay them out one by one.

  “Yeah, is that okay?”

  Marco nodded, his tongue thick in his mouth as he spoke. “Yeah, that’s—”

  “Yo, Carter!” Devon called from the other side of the house. “Get your Paco Rabanne-soaked ass out here or else we’re leaving you!”

  “Well, booty calls,” Carter said, putting out a fist for Marco and Kieran to bump. “Enjoy your boring night in.”

  “Make sure you’re safe,” Kieran called, adjusting on the couch.

  Carter muttered something back, but Marco didn’t hear him. Once the front door was closed, and the sound of Eli’s Outlander drove away, Kieran leaned in closer so that his face was mere inches from Marco’s. “Well, now that that’s settled,” he murmured. “What should we do?”

  “I don’t know,” Marco answered, searching Kieran’s face for a clue to what he was feeling. Did Kieran feel the same urge to get closer, to touch, to taste? He was so close that Marco could see tiny flecks of hazel in his eyes. “Got any ideas?”

  Kieran’s smile was borderline sinful. “Yeah, I got a few.” He rose from the couch and extended his hand to Marco. “C’mon, let’s go to the beach.”

  The sun finally began setting against the horizon, swirling the sky in pink and tangerine. Thick puffy clouds reflected broader hues, purples and hints of blue and gray. The view was so ethereal and beautiful it left Marco breathless.

  They had to discard their shoes on the wooden steps of the boardwalk to avoid getting them wet from the incoming high tide. He had never walked on the beach in the evenings when the tide was at its peak, the sun turning over to the moon. The sand under his feet was soaked from the ocean, and as the waves crashed against the shore, they left a frothy foam in their wake.

  “This is far better than going out and getting trashed,” Marco murmured. A blistering wind gusted around them, blowing his hair into his face. He inhaled a deep breath, filling his lungs with warm, salty air.

  Kieran hummed in agreement. “Yeah, I’m a bit partied out, myself.”

  “What? Washed up at twenty-five?” Marco teased.

  Kieran bumped their shoulders together and tucked his hands into his pockets. “Sometimes you just have to be an adult, you know? I have a job that I have to be up for early, and I have to take care of myself because if I don't, no one else will.”

  Marco caught sight of Kieran’s profile, the sharp slant of his nose, the dark lashes around his eyes. His hair was a wavy mess from the salty wind, and Marco wanted to kiss him so badly it hurt.

  “Do you not like Chicago?”

  Kieran blinked, his eyes flitting to Marco. “I love it,” he said easily. “Being a traveling nurse is incredible, because I get to explore new places that I wouldn’t normally be able to do otherwise. It also helps that the pay is great because I've got insane student loan debt.” He bit the inside of his cheek, as if contemplating Marco’s question further. “But it can be lonely, you know? Everyone I work with has a partner, or kids, even a damn dog. And I don’
t. So, it’s hard to navigate that sometimes.”

  Marco felt his heart twist at the melancholy of Kieran’s voice. He reached out for Kieran’s hand, clasping their palms together. Kieran smiled as their fingers twined comfortably.

  Then Marco kissed him.

  It happened quickly. Marco didn’t expect to close the space and brush his lips against Kieran’s. He didn’t anticipate the low moan that rumbled through his throat as Kieran’s hand wrapped around his neck. Kieran tasted sweet and salty at once, and Marco savored every second of it. The sensation of the kiss set Marco’s blood aflame, and he twined his arms around Kieran’s waist, pulling him closer until their chests were flush, his hand balling up two fistfuls of Kieran’s shirt.

  Kieran broke the kiss first, his shoulders rising and falling with his heavy pants. He rested his forehead against Marco’s and whispered, “Let’s go back to the house.”

  Marco’s hands slid down Kieran’s back, grabbing two fistfuls of his ass. Kieran gasped, canting his hips up, his erection brushing against Marco’s hip.

  “Yeah,” Marco murmured, his voice low and husky. “Let’s go back.”

  They barely made it inside the house.

  Marco pushed Kieran against the door as soon as it closed behind them, his hands rucking Kieran’s shirt up to his armpits. He wanted to touch every inch of Kieran’s skin, wanted to lick and suck everything he could get his mouth on.

  “I want this shirt off of you,” Marco growled, grazing his teeth over Kieran’s neck. Kieran shuddered under him, a sharp gasp escaping his mouth. He lifted his arms for Marco to get the T-shirt off, and Marco took a step back to do the same with his.

  As he removed his shirt, Marco took in the view of Kieran in front of him. His chest was flushed, his eyes heavy-lidded, his lips red from kissing. His dirty blond hair was all over the place, and Marco wanted him so badly it was a physical ache.

  “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” Marco whispered, captivated by the sight of Kieran’s defined stomach, his erection straining against his shorts. Marco licked his lips, his mouth watering at the thought of getting his mouth around Kieran’s cock.

  “Take your shorts off. Slowly,” Marco said roughly as Kieran reached for the button.

  Kieran bit his bottom lip, lifting his hips off the door. He traced a fingertip slowly over the waistband of his shorts before unbuttoning them with one deft hand. He carefully unzipped himself, reaching inside to palm his cock. The moan that rumbled through Kieran was positively sinful.

  Marco took the two short steps forward and dropped to his knees. He grinned at the surprised gasp above him and licked his lips as he tucked his fingers under the waistband of Kieran’s boxer briefs and yanked them down to his ankles. He carefully balanced Kieran as he removed the clothing, tossing them over his shoulder, leaving Kieran on full display in front of him.

  “Not fucking fair,” Kieran breathed, his fingers threading through Marco’s hair. “You still have your pants on.”

  “Not for long,” Marco promised, grabbing at the base of Kieran’s dick. “I wanna make this good for you.”

  Before Kieran could respond, Marco guided the head of his cock into his mouth. He swirled his tongue over the slit and underneath, filling his senses with the taste of Kieran. Marco ran the palm of his other hand up Kieran’s thigh, over his hip and to his ass, giving it another gentle squeeze, pulling him forward.

  Marco sat back on his heels so he could look up into Kieran’s eyes, his parted mouth and heaving chest. There was an intoxicating curl of anticipation inside of Marco, spreading down to his toes. He wanted to show Kieran what he did to him: the years of circling each other, the burn of missing him after he left, and the physical need he felt. He wanted to give everything he could to Kieran in this moment.

  Marco finally had him. He had Kieran panting and naked and ready for him. It was almost too much to take in, overwhelming and perfect.

  Opening his mouth wider, he slid Kieran’s dick over his tongue before pulling back and rasping, “I want you to fuck my mouth.”

  “Shit,” Kieran whispered, his eyes screwed shut. “Okay,” he whispered again, as if he were speaking to himself. Once he regained control, his fist tightened in Marco’s hair, yanking his head into position. Then he reached down and removed Marco’s hand from the base of his cock.

  Marco clasped his hands behind his back, leaving his mouth open and his tongue waiting. His heart pounded between the space of his ribs, and he clutched onto his palms tightly to ease their trembling. He locked his eyes onto Kieran, his breath ragged as he waited.

  “Hell yeah,” Kieran murmured, sliding the head of his cock up and down Marco’s wet tongue. Saliva was building up in Marco’s mouth, pooling at the corners. When Kieran pushed further inside, the smooth skin trailing all the way to the back, Marco closed his lips and sucked hard.

  “Goddamn,” Kieran gasped, thunking his head against the door. A low chuckle huffed out next. “Keep doing that and I won’t last.”

  Marco hummed around the fullness in his mouth, the salty bitter tang taking over his taste buds. He didn’t move, even though he wanted to, and the way Kieran was slouched against the door gave Marco everything he needed: the furrow between Kieran’s brow; the way his eyes fluttered shut the more Marco worked his tongue; the ripple of muscle over Kieran’s stomach every time he rolled his hips forward.

  Kieran wrenched his eyes open and licked his lips. “You look so fucking sexy on your knees like that,” he whispered, moving his hips faster. His voice was reedy and breathless, and Marco moaned at the onslaught of pre-come in his mouth. “Fuck, I’ve wanted you for so long and now—”

  The moan that ripped out of Kieran was loud and the most glorious noise that Marco had ever heard. Kieran’s grip on the back of his head tightened painfully, but he didn’t have time to think about that as his mouth filled with musky warmth. He swallowed quickly to avoid choking on it, keeping Kieran’s dick in his mouth until he slid it out.

  Marco swallowed thickly, still feeling the remnants of Kieran on his tongue. His dick was aching, and his knees were killing him, but it was worth every fucking second. The way that Kieran whispered those last words right before he came unlocked something inside of Marco. Something tender and fragile, a hope he'd been too afraid to examine for fear Kieran would never want him back.

  Kieran’s words were nearly as sacred as watching him slide down the door into a boneless puddle on the floor. Kieran’s chest was rising and falling as he took several harsh breaths, his eyes closed and a lopsided smile etched on his face. He looked perfect.

  Marco considered how to get himself out of his uncomfortable position without causing undue harm to the straining erection against his fly. It took a couple of tries, but he managed to move his legs out from under him, sliding them against the tile.

  “Well,” Marco said, his voice hoarse from the abuse his throat had just endured. “That was pretty hot.”

  Kieran opened his eyes and lunged forward, slamming his lips against Marco’s. He pushed his tongue into Marco’s mouth, swirling and insistent. Marco moaned and wrapped his arms around Kieran’s middle, brushing fingertips over warm, sweaty skin.

  Kieran pushed Marco back onto the tile, straddling him. “We’re not done yet,” he said in a low voice. He quickly released Marco’s cock, and Marco let out a sigh of relief. Then Kieran leaned over, allowing a small sliver of saliva to fall out of his mouth onto the head of Marco’s dick.

  “Shit,” Marco whispered, squeezing his eyes shut as Kieran began to jack him off brutally. “Oh, shit.”

  It didn’t take long, since Marco nearly felt like he could come on just sucking Kieran off alone. He could feel his climax building, his body tensing as a familiar heady rush crashed over him. He arched his back and cried out, feeling the familiar warmth splatter over his stomach and up to his chest.

  Marco had to take several long moments before he willed his eyes to open. He needed to do it just to get one more look at Kieran st
raddling him naked on the floor. Kieran smiled devilishly, bringing up his filthy palm and lapping at the mess on his skin.

  “Jesus,” Marco muttered, flinging an arm over his eyes. “You’re going to fucking kill me.”

  Kieran chuckled and said, “I’ve wanted to know what you tasted like for too long. I wasn’t going to miss the opportunity.”

  Marco peeked out from under his arm. “Oh? And what’s the verdict?”

  Kieran leaned over, laying directly on top of Marco and giving him one last dirty kiss. Marco tasted himself against Kieran’s tongue, and it sent a shudder of electricity through him like a nine volt. Kieran groaned and deepened the kiss, pressing their bodies together. The slide of Marco’s release spread between them, but Kieran didn’t seem disgusted by it at all.

  “Incredible,” Kieran whispered against Marco’s lips. A warmth bloomed throughout Marco’s chest, and he couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on his face. “Now let’s shower and get cleaned up, then we can order something to eat. I’m starving.”

  Marco chuckled and grabbed for his T-shirt to clean up the mess on his torso. “Hell hath no fury like a man with hanger.”

  Kieran held out his hand and helped Marco up. His legs were a little wobbly, and he tried to tell himself it was because of the mind-blowing orgasm. But his body was aflutter over Kieran's debauched appearance, a sight Marco hadn't been sure he'd ever see and one that affected him deeply.

  Kieran wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him steady.

  “And the next time we have sex, we’re doing it in a bed,” Kieran said seriously. “I’m too old for porno moves.”

  Marco’s heart leapt with excitement. “You want there to be a next time?” Kieran had crossed the master bedroom toward the bathroom and Marco took the time to admire his ass.

  “Hell yes, I do. I have things I want to do with you, Marco Flores. This is just the beginning.”


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