Collision 2012: Obama vs. Romney and the Future of Elections in America

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Collision 2012: Obama vs. Romney and the Future of Elections in America Page 53

by Balz, Dan

Republican responses to, 72

  research and data on, 52–54, 55–56

  stimulus package (2009), 36, 101, 239–40

  taxes, 38, 44, 60, 68, 69, 148, 160–61, 216, 218, 232–33, 303–4, 349

  unemployment, 3, 35–36, 189, 239, 240, 322, 340

  welfare reform, 206–7, 277, 278, 324

  Edwards, John, 75, 148

  Egypt, protests in, 296

  Emanuel, Rahm, 41, 47, 288

  Empower America, 44

  Epstein, Reid, 197

  Erekat, Saeb, 273

  Erickson, Erick, 214

  Fabrizio, Tony, 152

  Facebook, 40, 78–79, 352

  Fagen, Sara, 132

  Falwell, Jerry, 201

  Family Leader, 169

  Fannie Mae, 171, 201, 204

  Favreau, Jon, 11, 306

  Federal Election Commission (FEC), 172, 234

  Fehrnstrom, Eric, 89, 96, 230, 273, 285

  and attack ads, 260–61

  and Bain, 250, 251, 261

  and debates, 149, 308

  and health care, 256–57

  and Romney’s image, 227, 295

  Ferguson, Andrew, 108

  Ferguson, Jim “Fergie,” 248

  Ferraro, Geraldine, 274

  Finlayson, Pam, 284

  Flaherty, Peter, 89, 273, 308


  as battleground state, 17, 59, 280, 299, 319, 325, 332, 333

  debates in, 194, 198, 200–202, 204–5, 316–17

  election results in, 332, 333, 336

  field operations in, 83, 325

  Hispanic vote in, 333, 341

  hurricane season in, 280–81

  and immigration, 229–30, 342

  midterm elections in (2010), 102

  polls in, 329, 330

  Republican campaign in, 194, 196, 197–208, 209, 210, 221, 343

  Republican Party P5 conference in, 150

  Republican scandal in, 271

  Romney campaign in, 17–18, 92, 93, 198–99, 201–8, 214, 221, 224, 299–300, 328, 347

  Fluke, Sandra, 297

  Forti, Carl, 172

  Fox News, 110, 140, 150, 161, 257, 300, 336–37

  Fox News Sunday, 135

  Franklin, Danny, 53

  Freddie Mac, 171, 197, 198, 201, 204

  Frey, William, 242–43

  Frum, David, 303

  Gage, Katie Packer, 17, 215, 218

  Gallup polls, 329, 330

  Galston, William, 350

  Gangel, Jamie, 119

  Gang of Seven, 211

  Gardner, Amy, 136

  Garin, Geoff, 289, 324

  Gaspard, Patrick, 57

  Gates, Robert, 46

  gay and lesbian rights, 38, 350, 354

  Gaylord, Joe, 207

  Geithner, Timothy, 28

  General Motors (GM), 325

  George Washington University, Obama’s speech at, 44–45


  Gingrich’s victory in, 222

  Romney’s loss in, 224

  Gephardt, Richard, 144, 220

  Gerber, Alan, 81

  Gergen, David, 37

  Gibbs, Robert:

  and debates, 312

  on election day, 337

  and 2012 campaign, 11, 13, 41, 66

  Gidley, Hogan, 217

  Giffords, Gabrielle, 42

  Gillespie, Ed, 231, 258, 274, 295, 299, 308

  Gingrich, Callista, 164, 165, 191

  Gingrich, Marianne, 191, 192

  Gingrich, Newt:

  comeback of, 163–67, 169, 185–96, 200, 351

  and Contract with America, 30

  and debates, 140, 161, 166, 167, 170–71, 183–84, 187–89, 192–93, 197, 201, 204–5, 351

  ethics violations by, 203

  and government shutdown, 163

  as House Speaker, 100, 163, 193, 197, 198, 203, 207, 211

  and immigration, 171, 205, 228, 229, 341

  as lobbyist, 171, 197, 198, 201

  moon colony proposal of, 204, 206

  and nomination contest, 145, 169, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 185–96, 197–201, 203–8, 210–11, 212–13, 219, 220, 222, 232, 250

  and Obama, 49, 188–89, 200

  Perry’s endorsement of, 191–92

  personal traits of, 163, 167, 193

  as possible candidate, 91, 138, 163–64, 166–67, 173, 343

  and Romney, 233–34, 250, 174, 176, 177, 178l, 183–84, 194, 197–201, 203–4, 206, 213

  and South Carolina, 185–86, 187–89, 190–96, 197, 198, 208, 209, 342

  and split Republican Party, 102, 200, 205–7, 216

  and super PACs, 171, 172, 186–87, 188, 203, 233, 250

  team walkout, 165, 166, 172

  and Tea Party, 200

  vulnerabilities of, 163, 199–200, 204

  withdrawal of, 224–25, 260

  Ginsberg, Ben, 132

  Gitcho, Gail, 199, 234, 255–56

  Giuliani, Rudy, 33, 123, 145, 229

  Glassner, Mike, 113

  Goeas, Ed, 136

  Goff, Teddy, 76, 79

  Goldberg, Jeffrey, 302

  Goldman Sachs, 268

  Goldwater, Barry, 29, 101, 166

  Goolsbee, Austan, 45

  Gordon, J. D., 161

  Gore, Al, 144, 336

  Gorka, Rick, 273


  consumer confidence in, 61, 64

  corporation power vs., 3

  credit rating of, 50, 61

  default of, 60

  and entitlement, 6, 44, 69, 96, 188, 241–42, 354

  and fiscal cliff, 349, 353

  flawed system of, 240–41

  funding, 43

  national debt, 101, 114

  regulations of, 64

  roles of, 3, 25, 102

  separation of church and state, 218–19

  shrinking, 43–44, 173, 245

  shutting down, 43, 163

  size and scope of, 101, 349–50

  skepticism toward, 101, 245

  spending by, 36, 43, 44, 60, 68, 101, 278, 349

  Grant, Ulysses S., 107

  Great Depression, 12, 62, 240, 290

  Green, Al, 14

  Green, Don, 81

  Greenfield, Jeff, 304

  Gregory, David, 164, 183, 305

  Grisolano, Larry, 52, 56, 72, 252, 255

  GST Steel, 246–47, 277

  Haley, Nikki, 176

  Halperin, Mark, 111, 189

  Hamburger, Tom, 255

  Hamilton, Alexander, 27

  Hammond, R. C., 203

  Hannity, Sean, 103, 116

  Hansen, Linda, 159

  Harkin, Tom, 15n

  Harris, John, 149

  Harrison, Kelli, 89

  Hart, Gary, 131, 182

  Hart, Peter, 227, 240–42, 297–98, 353

  Harvard University, Institute of Politics, 228

  Harwood, John, 155

  Havens, Taylor, 328

  Hayes, Stephen, 274

  Healey, Kerry, 309

  Heilemann, John, 111

  Hemingway, Mark, 305

  Heritage Foundation, 94

  Hewitt, Hugh, 304

  Hightower, Jim, 144

  Hoffman, Doug, 102

  Hofstra University, second debate at, 314–16

  Huckabee, Mike, 146

  and immigration, 341

  as possible candidate, 110–11, 136, 200

  and 2008 campaign, 33, 92, 93, 106, 110, 130, 182, 183, 202, 233

  Huffington Post, 294
  Hu Jintao, 179

  Human Rights Campaign, 39

  Hunt, Al, 132

  Huntsman, Jon, Jr., 31n, 140, 179–82, 183, 184, 186, 187

  Hurricane Isaac, 280–81

  Hurricane Katrina, 280

  Hurricane Sandy, 13, 19, 331–32, 340

  Husted, Jon, 322

  Hutchison, Kay Bailey, 143

  Ickes, Harold, 289

  Idaho, Republican primary in, 222


  Obama’s bus tour in, 64–65

  Romney’s victory in, 224

  immigration law:

  and California Proposition 187, 231

  and demographics, 242–43

  and Dream Act, 229–30, 342–43

  and Gingrich, 171, 205, 228, 229, 341

  and in-state tuition, 151, 171, 228, 341

  and Perry, 151, 154, 171, 228–29, 341

  and Romney campaign, 151, 154, 157, 202, 205, 228–31, 341–43

  and self-deportation, 202, 228, 229, 342

  income inequality, 3–4, 70–71

  Indiana, 319, 332

  Ingraham, Laura, 116, 302

  Innocenzi, Jim, 152


  campaign online, 77

  fund-raising via, 220, 352


  as battleground state, 319

  debates in, 170–71, 173

  early caucus in, 93, 127, 128, 178–79, 192, 223, 224

  election results in, 333, 336

  and ethanol subsidies, 134

  evangelical voters in, 224

  Obama campaign in, 11, 14–15, 63–64, 75, 254

  Paul campaign in, 173–74, 177, 178, 179, 183

  Pawlenty campaign in, 127, 128, 134, 138–41

  Perry campaign in, 146–47

  Republican campaign in, 41, 168, 172–79, 185

  research and data in, 51–52

  Romney campaign in, 16–17, 92–93, 168–71, 176–79

  Santorum campaign in, 174, 177, 178–79

  straw poll in, 137–38, 139, 141, 147, 169–70, 178

  in 2008 campaign, 90, 92, 106, 175

  see also Des Moines

  Iowa State Fair, 113, 147, 169, 178

  Iraq War, 93, 100

  Israel, Romney’s trip to, 273

  Issenberg, Sasha, The Victory Lab, 80

  Jackson, Barry, 65

  Jackson, Garrett, 16–17, 18, 21, 337

  Jackson, Jesse, 144

  Jacobs, Jennifer, 138

  Jacobson, Gary, 244

  James, Sharpe, 118

  Jarrett, Valerie, 11, 336–37

  Jarvis-Shean, Elizabeth, 57

  Jay-Z, 13

  Jeeps, production of, 324–25

  Jennings, Scott, 323, 325, 333

  Jindal, Bobby, 268

  Johnson, Boris, 272–73

  Johnson, Gary, 132

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 40, 56, 108

  Johnson, Rob, 145–46, 165

  Kahn, Nikki, 15

  Kaiser Family Foundation, 103, 245


  campaign in, 3, 72–73

  Santorum’s victory in, 224

  Kantar Media, 258, 320, 322

  Kasich, John, 18, 322

  Kasten, Bob, 44

  Kaufman, Ron, 21, 89, 92, 169, 273, 308, 338

  Kean, Thomas, 118

  Kelly, Megyn, 150, 336

  Kemp, Jack, 44

  Kennedy, Edward M.:

  and health care, 32, 94

  Kennedy-Romney debates, 33, 288

  Obama endorsed by, 289

  Senate race (1994), 30–31, 94, 171, 177, 184, 250

  Senate seat to be filled, 80, 88

  tribute to, 288

  Kennedy, John F., 218, 334


  midterm elections in (2010), 102

  vice presidential debate in, 313–14

  Kerry, John:

  and campaign financing, 351

  and debate preparation, 306–7, 316

  and social issues, 32

  in 2004 campaign, 12, 24, 220, 250, 280, 283, 300, 319–20

  Kid Rock, 16

  King, John, 135, 192, 197

  King, Rev. Martin Luther, Jr., 62

  Kissinger, Henry A., 121–22, 123

  Klain, Ron, 306, 312

  Kloppenberg, James T., Reading Obama, 25–26

  Knox, Olivier, 306

  Koch, David, 122–23

  Koch brothers, 103, 218

  Kochel, Dave, 168, 169, 199

  Krauthammer, Charles, 161

  Kristol, Bill, 305

  Kroft, Steve, 36

  Kudlow, Lawrence, 131

  Labaki, Shirley, 222

  LaBolt, Ben, 276

  Landler, Mark, 64

  Langone, Ken, 122–23, 124

  LaPierre, Wayne, 104

  La Raza Unida, 288

  Late Night with David Letterman, 156

  Laudner, Chuck, 174

  Leavitt, Mike, 17

  Leder, Marc, 5

  Lehman Brothers, 61, 314

  Lehrer, Jim, 301, 302, 304, 305

  Lerner, Jon, 133

  Letterman, David, 156

  Lew, Jack, 303, 306

  libertarianism, 173, 183

  Libya, U.S. embassy attacked in, 296, 308, 315–16

  Limbaugh, Rush, 103, 116, 164, 234, 297

  Lincoln, Abraham, 26–27

  Lizza, Ryan, 94

  “lobbyists,” coining of term, 107

  LOLGOP (Twitter account), 303


  Olympic Games in, 272–73

  Romney’s trip to, 272–73

  Loughner, Jared Lee, 42

  Louisiana, Santorum’s victory in, 224

  Love, Reggie, 11

  Lowry, Rich, 274

  Lubbers, Mark, 115

  Lugar, Richard, 114

  Luo, Michael, 248

  McAuliffe, Terry and Dorothy, 290, 292

  McCain, John:

  courage of, 308

  and debates, 307, 308, 314

  McCain-Palin ticket (2008), 62, 111, 112, 129, 264

  and 2000 campaign, 168, 185

  and 2008 nomination contest, 23, 33, 93, 182, 184, 202

  and 2008 presidential election, 23, 90, 168, 179, 228, 240, 248, 271, 334

  and 2012 Romney campaign, 182

  McConnell, John, 286

  McConnell, Mitch, 38, 39, 69

  McDonald, Matt, 256

  McDonnell, Robert, 119, 268

  McHugh, John, 102

  McInturff, Bill, 61, 227

  Mack, Connie, 203

  Mack, John, 122

  Mack, Mary Bono, 203

  Madden, Kevin, 285, 294, 310

  Magner, Sherry, 263

  Maher, Bill, 305

  Maine, Romney campaign in, 343

  Malkin, Michelle, 302

  Mangold, Nick, 222

  Maraniss, David, 23

  Marchionne, Sergio, 325

  Marcus, Ruth, 33

  Margolis, Jim, 255, 287

  Marriott, Bill, 339

  Marshall Tucker Band, 18

  Martin, Jonathan, 212

  Martinez, Mel, 106

  Maryland, Republican primary in, 224


  Brown’s election in, 60, 80, 88

  health care in, 31–32, 60, 93–99, 108, 127, 133, 135, 174, 217, 340

  Republican primary in, 222, 224

  Romney as governor of, 31–33, 89, 94, 97, 148, 183, 201, 214, 249, 255, 258, 341

ey as resident of, 88, 174, 226, 319


  amplification effect in, 251–52

  cable, 62, 210

  changing, 221

  conservative talk radio, 66, 103, 110, 116

  and conventions, 286, 287–88, 290, 291

  and debates, 65–67, 131–32, 134–35, 150, 301–5, 315, 351–52

  earned media tactics, 199

  and election day, 338

  and 47 percent video, 6, 293–95

  green room culture, 223, 252

  negative stories in, 192–93, 221, 223, 258

  and Occupy Wall Street, 70

  op-ed pages, 61–63

  and performance vs. substance, 302–4, 305–6, 307, 310, 313, 347, 352

  and polls, 329–31

  Republican firms, 89, 247

  and Republican primaries, 210, 221, 330

  Romney campaign’s relationship with, 256, 260, 325

  and selection of running mate, 267

  spin alley, 305, 306, 311

  television ads, 91, 93, 207, 216, 222, 231, 246–47, 249–53, 259–62, 277, 320, 322–25, 344, 352–53

  Medicare/Medicaid, 354

  in attack ads, 278

  and health care legislation, 97, 278

  Part D, 201

  restructuring, 43, 44, 45, 175, 274, 276

  Meet the Press, 57, 183, 251

  Mehlman, Ken, 37, 123, 129

  Mellnik, Ted, 334

  Messina, Jim, 39–41

  and ads, 59, 78, 252–54

  and debates, 301

  on election day, 18–19, 336, 337

  and OFA, 80

  research and data, 51, 78, 80, 81, 320, 326, 327

  and technology, 40–41, 74, 75, 76–77, 78

  and 2008 campaign, 74

  and 2012 campaign, 13, 15, 57, 59, 74, 75, 76–77, 78, 83, 249, 252–54, 318


  auto industry in, 215–16

  debates in, 154–55

  election results in, 334

  Republican campaign in, 213–20, 222

  Romney campaign in (2008), 90–91

  Romney campaign in (2012), 92, 97–98, 214–16, 218–20, 222, 224, 343

  middle class:

  and the economy, 3–4, 52, 71, 72

  and swing voters, 71

  midterm elections (1994), 35, 37, 42

  midterm elections (2006), 100

  midterm elections (2010):

  and Democratic Party, 35–36, 60

  lessons learned from, 80, 105

  and Obama’s presidency, 12, 35–36, 49, 100–101

  and preparation for 2012, 80

  and Republican Party, 7, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 112, 119, 180

  and super PACs, 172

  Milken Institute Review, 242–43

  Millsaps, Patrick, 188

  Miner, Mark, 153


  election results in, 334

  governors of, 129

  nomination contest in, 343

  Santorum campaign in, 209, 210, 222, 343

  Mintz, Daniel, 69


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