by Balz, Dan
Wall Street Journal columnist: Peggy Noonan, “Time for an Intervention,” Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2012,
Romney taped an interview: “Romney: My Campaign Doesn’t Need a Turnaround,” transcript,, September 21, 2012,
A cartoon by Rob Rogers: Rob Rogers, “Electoral Map,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, October 23, 2012,
The writer Susan Orlean: Matt Weiland and Sean Wilsey, eds., State by State: A Panoramic Portrait of America (New York: Ecco, 2008), 360.
An analysis by the Bliss Institute: “Basic Information on Ohio Politics #2: The ‘Five Ohios,’” Bliss Institute, University of Akron, undated,
Taylor Havens told a Denver Post videographer: The quote is taken from a video prepared by the Denver Post. To view video, go to:
An analysis of Ohio voting statistics: Brent Larkin, “Surge of Black Voters Wasn’t Romney’s Undoing,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, March 9, 2013,
The historical average had been: Bill Bishop, “Finding the ‘Flippers’ in 2012 Vote,”, January 1, 2013,
Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist: Alan Abramowitz, “The Emerging Democratic Presidential Majority: Lessons of Obama’s Victory,” prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Meeting, January 2013.
And then they waited: Glenn Thrush and Jonathan Martin, The End of the Line, e-book (New York: Random House, 2012), 7.
America was still divided: Alan Abramowitz, “The Emerging Democratic Presidential Majority: Lessons of Obama’s Victory,” prepared for the Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, January 2013.
Conservatives dominated the Republican Party: William Galston, “The 2012 Election: What Happened, What Changed, What It Means,” Brookings Institution, January 4, 2013,
The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
ABC News, 183, 191, 193, 227, 267
abortion, 30, 32–33, 135, 297
Abramowitz, Alan, 334, 349
Adelson, Sheldon, 185–86, 273
Affordable Care Act, 25, 231, 256–57; see also Obama, Barack, and health care
African Americans:
and civil rights, 354
and election results, 333, 336
and Obama presidency, 63, 287
and polls, 345
and race issues, 108, 188–89
Alabama, Santorum victory in, 224
Alaska, Republican primary in, 222
Alexander, Lamar, 50
Alfalfa Club, 339
Alinsky, Saul, 195
Allbaugh, Joe M., 152–54, 156
Allred, Gloria, 162
American Crossroads, 172, 261
American dream, 14, 54
American Dream Movement, 69
Americans for Prosperity, 103, 159, 218, 261
Americans for Tax Reform, 103
American Solutions, 172, 186, 201
American Spectator, 206
Ampad, 254
Anderson, Curt, 152, 156
Angle, Sharron, 35
Annenberg Public Policy Center, 240
debates in, 217–18
Republican campaign in, 213, 215, 216, 217–18, 220, 222
Romney’s victory in, 224
Arpaio, Joe, 177
auto industry:
bailout of, 47, 62, 101, 320–21, 323, 324, 333
in Michigan, 215–16
in Ohio, 320–21, 323, 324–25, 333
Axelrod, David, 11, 46, 249
and debates, 306, 307, 309–10, 311–12, 315
and Democratic convention, 290, 291
on election day, 18–19, 337, 338
and Republicans, 49, 66
research and data, 51, 54–55
and 2004 campaign, 40
and 2012 campaign, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, 41, 57, 58, 67, 181, 252–53, 330
Ayers, Nick, 132, 133–34, 135, 137, 139, 141
Bachmann, Michele, 65, 146, 201
candidacy of, 113, 130, 135–37, 138, 139–41, 147, 173, 174, 177–78, 220
and debates, 135, 136–37, 140–41, 150n, 171, 181
and health care, 135–36
and Tea Party, 136
Baiano, Lucas, 130
Baier, Bret, 150, 187, 189
Bain & Company, 29
Bain Capital:
and Ampad, 254
and Chinese factory, 294
competitive business practices of, 58, 186, 322
as focus in debates, 183, 187–88
as focus of political attacks, 183, 186–88, 195, 234, 255, 261
and “King of Bain” documentary, 186–87
photo of Romney and partners, 59
Romney as partner in, 30, 31, 58, 89, 201
Romney’s departure from, 257–58
and Romney’s wealth, 30, 59, 186
and “Steel” ad, 246–47, 251, 254, 259
TV commercials about, 30, 246–47, 249–51, 322, 344
Bannon, Stephen K., 113
Barbour, Austin, 308
Barbour, Haley, 107–9
and Christie, 120, 121
decision not to run, 109, 136, 159
as lobbyist, 107, 108
as possible candidate, 89–90, 92, 106, 107–8, 114, 121, 130, 200
and racial issues, 108
Baucus, Max, 39
Bauer, Robert, 109, 257, 306
Beck, Glenn, 103
Beeson, Rich, 21, 209, 215, 223, 326, 330, 335–36, 345
Benenson, Joel, 19, 52–54, 287, 306
Benghazi, Libya, violence in, 296, 308, 315–16
Bennett, William, 44, 164
Bentsen, Lloyd, 131
Bernanke, Ben, 147
Bialek, Sharon, 162
Biden, Joe, 28, 290, 320
and bin Laden, 46
and debate, 313–14
and debt ceiling negotiations, 46
and polarization, 276
and tax deal, 38
Big Bird, 304
Binder, David, 54–55
bin Laden, Osama, killing of, 46, 66
Bird, Jeremy, 75, 80, 82, 83, 325, 327
Bishop, Bill, The Big Sort, 244, 334
Blake, Aaron, 79
Bliss Institute, 321
Blitzer, Wolf, 177, 204–5
Block, Mark, 159–60
Bloomberg News, 324
Blow, Charles M., 302
Boca Raton, Florida, Romney campaign in, 5–6
Boehner, John, 38
and debt ceiling, 47–48, 60, 61, 62
and Gang of Seven, 211
and jobs bill, 69
and Obama speech to Congress, 65–66, 68, 69
and Scozzafava, 102
and Tea Party, 47
Booker, Cory, 251, 252, 301
Boston Globe, 257
Bowles, Erskine, 45
Brabender, John, 177, 179
, 210, 212, 213, 217
Branstad, Terry, 169
Brauchli, Marcus, 255–56
Broder, David, 115
Brokaw, Tom, 203
Brookings Institution, 350
Brooks, Albert, 304
Brooks, David, 47, 62, 298
Brown, Scott, 60, 80, 88
Brownstein, Ronald, 350
Buck, Ken, 35
Bullock, Bob, 144
Burka, Paul, 148
Burkett, Becky, 172
Burns, Jeff, 264
Bush, Barbara, 124
Bush, George H. W., 30, 39, 89, 118, 272
Bush, George W., 148, 248, 272
as adviser, 115, 123–24, 311
and campaign finance, 351
and the economy, 335
election of (2000), 103, 118, 123, 143, 182, 185
and immigration issue, 228, 342
and midterm elections (2006), 100
No Child Left Behind, 217
and polarization, 244, 245
presidency of, 3, 106
reelection campaign of, 40, 41, 78, 84, 123, 175, 300, 320, 323
reelection of, 144, 244, 248
and tax cuts, 38, 216, 349
as Texas governor, 144
Bush, Jeb, 17, 106, 340, 341
Bush administration, George H. W., 108
Bush administration, George W., 37, 100, 114, 133, 152, 172, 215, 231, 271, 336
BuzzFeed, 251, 304
Cain, Herman, 220
and debates, 132, 140, 155, 160–61
in media interviews, 161, 162
and Politico report, 155, 161
as possible candidate, 91, 138, 152, 159–60, 173, 343
rise and fall of, 159–63, 167
and tax reform plan (9–9–9), 160–61, 232
and Tea Party, 159–60
withdrawal from race, 162–63
election results in, 334
Proposition 187 in, 231
Cameron, David, 272
Canfield, William, 268
Cantor, Eric, 46, 47, 61, 136
Carney, David, 145–46, 147, 150, 153–54, 155, 156, 165
Carney, Jay, 65
Carter, James (grandson), 294
Carter, Jimmy, 39, 294
Carter, Wanda, 318
Castellanos, Alex, 112
Castro, Julian, 288
CBS This Morning, 257, 285
Chaffetz, Jason, 203
Chen, Lanhee, 95, 229, 230, 232–33, 272, 308
Cheney, Dick, 149
Childs, Edith, 14
Christie, Andrew, 122
Christie, Chris:
and debates, 311
and his father, 125–26
and Hurricane Sandy, 13, 19, 331
keynote address by, 276, 282–83
and leadership, 47
as New Jersey governor, 119, 125–26, 268–70, 283
and “pay to play” rule, 267–70, 271
possible candidacy of, 106, 118–26, 130, 159, 200
as possible running mate, 265–66, 267, 269–70, 271, 273, 275–76
Romney endorsed by, 126
Christie, Mary Pat, 119, 122, 123, 124, 266
Chrysler, 324–25
Citizens Councils, 108
Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 172, 351
Civil Rights Act (1964), 108
Clinton, Bill:
biographers of, 23
and campaigning, 12–15, 24, 40, 57–58, 182, 252, 302, 315
and Congress, 38
convention speech by, 287, 289–92
and government shutdown, 43
legacy of, 337
and midterm elections (1994), 35, 37, 42
political persona of, 27, 28, 254
presidency of, 163
reelection campaign of, 40, 227
Republican opposition to, 223
and welfare reform, 206–7, 277
Clinton, Hillary Rodham:
and bin Laden, 46
and debates, 131
and health care, 94
and Iraq War, 93
as secretary of state, 289, 308
and 2008 primaries, 12, 289, 307, 311–12
Clinton administration, 37
Clooney, George, 285
Club for Growth, 103
CNN, 131, 135, 193, 227
Coakley, Martha, 80
Cobb, Joe, 246
Colbert, Stephen, 187
Cole, Tom, 104
Coll, Steve, 187
Denver debate, 301–13, 352
election results in, 332, 333, 336
midterm elections in (2010), 102
Obama campaign in, 7, 13
as pivotal region, 7, 319
polls in, 330
Republican campaign in, 328–31
Santorum’s win in, 209, 210, 222, 343
Comella, Maria, 122
Conant, Alex, 133, 138
Conda, Cesar, 342
Confessore, Nicholas, 89
Congress, U.S.:
and budget cuts, 44–45
and debt ceiling, 46–48, 60–61
and election results, 334, 349
executive orders circumventing, 230
and health care, 94
lame-duck session of, 38–39
and leadership issues, 61
and midterm elections (2010), 100–101, 102–5
Obama’s speech on the economy to, 65–67, 68–69
Republican opposition to Obama in, 42–43, 48–49, 52, 56, 61, 66, 94, 102
taxing power of, 256
Tea Party members of, 42, 46, 47, 100, 104
Connecticut, Hurricane Sandy in, 331–32
Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), 114–16, 214
Contract with America, 30
Cook Political Report, 332
Cooper, Anderson, 161
Cooper, Helene, 110
Corn, David, 293–94, 304
Corzine, Jon, 119
Coulter, Ann, 206
Craig, Sara, 169
Crawford, Tim, 113
Crossroads GPS, 261
Crowe, Russell, 40
Crowley, Candy, 315, 316
Cuban American vote, 333
Curry, Ann, 191
Cutter, Stephanie, 250, 257, 300, 303
Daley, Bill, 41–42, 45, 48, 65–66
Daley, Richard M., 42
Daniels, Cheri, 115, 116–17
Daniels, Mitch, 89, 92, 106, 114–17, 130, 159, 200
Daschle, Tom, 37
Dashboard (software), 77–78
Davis, Fred, 179, 181
Davis, Tom, 104
Dawson, Katon, 165
Dawson, Mike, 333
Dawson, Sam, 165
Dean, Howard, 75, 220, 351
Delaware, midterm elections in (2010), 102
DeLay, Tom, 206
Delisi, Deirdre, 146, 155, 156
DeMint, Jim, 103
Democratic National Committee, 57, 75, 79, 80
Democratic National Convention (2004), 12, 279, 280, 283
Democratic National Convention (2008), 287
Democratic National Convention (2012), 286–92, 295–96
Bill Clinton’s speech, 287, 289–92
Michelle Obama’s speech, 287, 288–89, 292
Obama’s acceptance speech, 292
Democratic Party:
and budget fight, 44–45
campaign contributions to, 251
and Congress, 38–39
critics of Obama in, 39, 50, 62
and election results, 332–35, 350–51
liberal bloc in, 350
and middle class, 291
and midterm elections (2010), 35–36, 60
new voters sought by, 41
nomination process (2004), 220
Obama-Hillary primaries (2008), 12, 289, 307, 311–12
Obama’s lack of ties to, 24, 49–50
Obama supporters in, 69
and Occupy Wall Street, 71
split in, 144
and women’s issues, 297–98
Denver, debate in, 301–13, 352
Des Moines:
debates in, 170–71
Obama campaign in, 11, 14–15
research and data in, 51–52
Romney campaign in, 16–17
Des Moines Register, 138, 178, 191
Detroit Economic Club, 218
Dickerson, John, 64
Dillon, Jennifer O’Malley, 75, 76–77, 79, 80–82, 83, 326
District of Columbia, Republican contest in, 224
Dole, Bob, 108, 159, 205–7
Dowd, Matthew, 37
Draper, Robert, Do Not Ask What Good We Do, 49
Dream Act, 229–30, 342–43
Dream and Achieve Act, 342–43
Drudge Report, 175, 191
Dubuque Telegraph Herald, 64
DuHaime, Mike, 122
Dukakis, Michael, 131, 144
Dunn, Anita, 71, 306
Dunn, Karen, 306
Durenberger, David, 128
Earnest, Mike, 254
Eastwood, Clint, 284–86
budget cuts, 42–45
as campaign issue, 3, 5, 7, 8, 41, 51–52, 58, 70, 91, 96, 98–99, 114, 173, 189, 218, 232, 248–49, 252, 261, 264, 295, 314, 319, 320–22, 334–35, 340
debt ceiling, 43, 45–48, 49, 50, 56, 60–61, 62, 64, 66, 69, 73, 125, 240, 346
financial regulatory reform, 62
fiscal cliff, 349, 353
government credit rating, 50, 61
government default, 60
Great Depression, 12, 62, 240, 290
and greed, 72
housing crisis, 204, 239
income inequality, 3–4, 70–71
jobs issue, 240, 248, 255, 291, 325
jobs outsourced, 255–56, 257, 258, 278, 322, 323, 325, 344
jobs package, 68, 69
and leadership issues, 62, 63
and middle class, 3–4, 52, 71, 72, 249, 252, 291, 303, 335, 347
in the new America, 239–42
Obama’s speeches on, 3–4, 44–45, 65–67, 68–69, 72–73
recession, 12, 63, 72, 239, 242, 290
recovery, 62, 63