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A Journey to the Land of Spirits

Page 2

by J. L. Chan



  The disembodied voice once again rang inside my head. "My soul sleeps so soundly"? What did it mean? More importantly, I heard a familiar phrase yet once more. "Open your heart". This particular phrase. I could only be left thinking about it without actually knowing what it meant even if it had a meaning.

  Pondering in my thoughts, it was soon enough I reached the end of the pathway. I found myself on another circular platform, but this time it was glowing blue and had a beam of white light shining down from above. The hummingbird flew in a circle around the light, escorting me to stand in it. Trusting it, I did. I felt a blast of fulfillment as the arrays of light glimmered me. I also felt something so nice, so... so good. The beam disappeared shortly after a while and a big white door appeared.

  I walked towards it. My chest reacted with the door. Glowing really white, it shot a ray at the door, opening it and revealing an entrance. I did not know what had just happened. The door opened up to a stairway leading to somewhere. The hummingbird immediately flew ahead upwards. As I was about to step as well, a dark shadow emerged from the mist.

  The shadowy apparition took the form of me. It then asked me to come to him. I hesitated for a bit.

  "Come here. You need not worry," said the figure.

  I stepped towards him in caution. He appeared to be the same thing that appeared in my 'simulation' earlier.

  "Yes. Come closer. I have something I need to tell you,"

  "...Yes, what is it?" I asked nervously.

  "Michael, you have to be very aware of what was going on. Although, I am very convinced you didn't have a single clue, am I right?"

  "Well, yeah,"

  "You're currently deep within your heart. What you had just done was unlocking it. That is good!"

  "Now, I... will be watching you,"

  "How can you be so trustworthy? I've just met you,"

  "You can. After all, I am you. And you are me. We are the same. You can refer to me as your 'subconscience',"

  "Alright then. I will be wary,"

  "Please, enter the stairway. I shall see you in a while."

  I left him and scaled the stairs. I'd just met with myself and it gave me quite a good advice. I shall take the liberty to listen to his further instructions at every opportunity. After all, he was right about being me, and me being him. There was no one better to trust than yourself, right?


  "Hmm... What just happened back there? I just talked to myself. It was totally weird. I should keep his words in my heart. He's trustworthy; I know so―I believe so".

  I was left to wander in my thoughts while climbing up the stairs. Was that really my subconscience speaking to me, warning me of something? The more I traversed aimlessly here, the more I found it getting weirder and weirder by the second.

  Before long, I could see a bright light shining from the top of the stairs. I walked closer to it and I saw a night sky, filled with sparkling stars and a glowing full moon. I stepped off the stairs and I saw that I was on an island. However, it was not the same one I was on before that disastrous boat trip. The island was filled with a dense tropical forest and there were ancient ruins lying everywhere.

  I awed in my surroundings until I spotted a figure under a tall palm tree. I depicted the figure to be a girl around my age. It seemed to be waving at me, calling me to come to it. I tried stepping back, but I realized that the stairs that once were disappeared. They were left with nothing but the soft sand of the coast. I had no choice but to trust my instincts and approach it.

  Slowly and steadily I crept closer to it. I saw that it was indeed a young teenage girl. She had long, blonde hair and was wearing a cherry-pink tank top underneath a zip-up jacket. The jacket, however, was left opened. She was also wearing denim jeans and a pair of lace sandals. She had the visual of a high school girl.


  She yelled at me, asking me to get over there. I began assuming my normal posture and walked to her casually. She smiled as I stepped closer.

  "Hey! You're Michael, right? I'm Bianca. Nice to meet you!" the girl introduced herself while swaying her hair.

  "Hello, Bianca. Yes, I am Michael. It's nice to meet you too," I replied.

  "I've been expecting you. I live around these areas. I was told to escort you somewhere,"

  "Wow. As far as I can see, you're the most straightforward person I've met since I came here,"

  "Hahahaha! Michael, who knew you were funny? You must know I'm a spirit too, right?" she chuckled, twirling her hair.

  "Uhh... yeah! I knew that," I said, rolling my eyes.

  "Anyway, let's get back to business. I need you to follow me. You can trust me, can't you?"

  "I mean―look over there! Your hummingbird friend. It's asking you to trust me,"

  The hummingbird flew down and perched onto her shoulder. It nodded and tweeted happily while looking at me.

  "Alright then. I see I can trust you, no doubts,"

  "Tee-hee! 'kay, now follow me!" she said with a wink.

  She guided me through the dense forest. The canopy swallowed the sky. The only thing that was illuminating the shadows was the light of the moon. Bianca seemed like a cheery girl, despite being a spirit. I attempted to start a conversation with her.

  "Say... Bianca,"

  "Hmmmmmmm..?" she titled her head, looking at me.

  "How long have you been living here?"

  "Oh! Ever since I was born here!"

  "Wait.. spirits are able to live a human-like life? I thought they were just figments of one's thoughts!"

  "My, my, Michael. You still have nooooooo idea~" she giggled.

  "You see, we may be spirits. But you should understand this: we can live, like you do. We're actually supernatural entities, but with human-like qualities!" explained her, with the hummingbird chirping in agreement.

  Holy moley in the name of God! Wow! I never knew spirits were just like humans, save for their itty-bitty hocus-pocus magic tricks. I might start to like this world after all. Although, as much as I hate to say, the voice in my head told me I was here to 'learn'. Maybe this was one of it? Beats me. My brain hurts. I can know more like why I was here. Alas, it was time I started to understand.

  "Amazing! Basically, spirits are living things, like humans, but are somewhat like messengers?"

  "Not exactly. Mikey, if a human was sent here, we were trying to teach you something very valuable. More valuable than that Mona Lisa painting! If not, we were just living our lives,"

  "Mona Lisa? But... Bianca! That painting is priceless!"

  "Then it's more priceless than priceless! If... that's how you put it,"

  "Okay? By the way, I need to know something: can you tell me why I was here in the first place?"

  "I'm sorry, but I can't. This is all up to you to find out," Bianca said, sighing.

  "But don't fret! You'll learn soon! Just you wait!" she said excitingly.

  I expected such an answer. Sigh... I let out a disdained breath. But hey, she was right. I shouldn't fret. I felt like I was learning something here. I could feel it like it was on the tip of my finger.

  "We're almost there... and... there we are!"

  To my eyes, I saw a large dark cave. The hummingbird flapped its wings and started flying. It looked very much ominous and I did not feel comfortable... not at all

  "This is the 'Cave of Regrets'. You're going to have to pass some trials. But you don't have to worry a single bit, I'm sure you'll pass with ease,"

  "It's all up to you now. Remember: your fears are your worst enemies,"

  "Now, open your heart... and feast your eyes."

  And with that, she turned around and into the bushes and shrubs, away from me. I turned around and faced the cave. I was about to confront my biggest challenge. Gulp! The hummingbird immediately darted towards the cave, leaving me all alone. All right
! With a huff and a puff―and also a big heart, I shall be stepping into the cave!


  I stopped in my tracks. Turning around, I saw my subconscience emerging from the dark. He seemed to be more serious than ever this time.

  "Stop, Michael. Do not proceed into that cave,"

  "Oh, it's you again. I mean me, I mean you, I mean―whatever. What brings you here?"

  "As your subconscience, I forbid you to enter. You need to trust me. You will not survive in there!"

  "If you go in, you won't be able to come out. EVER!"

  "Come with me, I'll take you somewhere where it is safe."

  With an outstretched hand, my subconscience was barring me from entering the cave. Then again, recalling what Bianca said, I would make it in there. But at the same time... if I was to fail, it would be the end of me. Argh! This was difficult! I was left discombobulated. I felt like tearing my hair off! I was left with one choice: should I enter... or should I not?


  "Michael... come with me. You know you can trust me,"

  "Let us not waste time. Make your choice."

  I couldn't decide. I was being pulled apart by two speeding horses running in opposite directions. This was way too much for me. Ah, but wait! If I recalled correctly, I said there was no one better to trust than yourself. Sweat ran down my body as if a new waterfall was just formed. Nervous, I was. It was time to make my final decision.

  "I... I..."

  My subconscience stared at me―glared at me―with his sharp red eyes. I definitely could not stall this any longer. Huu... I let out a deep breath. Looking at him, then looking back at the cave. Again and again and again.

  I turned my back and faced him, reached my hand and clasped it with his.

  "Wise choice, Michael..." he said with a sneer.

  "Now, come."

  Facing around one last time at the cave, I couldn't change my mind anymore. I was then dragged by him into the shadows of the jungle. Who knew what kinds of creature lurked around here?

  "Where are you taking me?"

  He gave a short silence before vaguely saying,"...Somewhere."

  Something about him was ominous. I just didn't feel safe around him. Maybe I shouldn't get too chummy with him. But... he was my subconscience. He guided me. He knew about me. H-he was everything about me. He was me.

  He continued leading me through the thick forest. The forest was so big―it could be the Sahara of trees! The branches brushed my cheeks while I ran passed. Ouch! I rubbed one of my fingers on my left cheek and I saw blood. One of the branches had cut me. Fortunately, it was just a small wound.

  "We are almost out."

  Thank you, my Lord. I was going to spazz out at any moment. My legs were sore, not to mention.

  And after several tunnels of trees, I could see a light at the end. Yes! The exit! I totally forgot about my exhaustion and ran straight out.

  The moment I stepped out, a spring breeze blew across my skin. I realized I was on a grassland filled with ancient symbolic ruins. A dirt trail ran across the green and into the distance. My subconscience instructed me to walk along the path.

  "So, why are we here exactly?"

  "It's another way out of this island. The cave was a more dangerous path,"

  "Basically, you saved me from my doom?"

  "Indeed. It is my duty as your subconscience to put you on the right path."

  I enjoyed the scenery, strolling under the magnificent night sky. My eyes then picked up a peculiar rock formation. I immediately focused on it without any control. Suddenly, the whole sky faded white. The ground faded to white as well. I turned around, seeing that my subconscience was no longer there. I rubbed my eyes, seemingly itchy for no apparent reason. Then, I saw something completely out of my mind.

  My whole surroundings have just changed! It was gloomy. There was no sky, but only clouds. Dark clouds. The ground was littered with wilted grass and flowers. I shivered in fear. Where exactly was I now?




  The disembodied voice spoke once again. What did it meant by "feasting my eyes on the truth"? I couldn't understand this. I couldn't decipher it.

  "That's because you're still naïve."

  I heard a familiar voice. I looked to my right and saw Bianca appearing from a distance.

  "Michael. The truth is out there, but you can't see it,"

  "...What do you mean by that, Bianca? No... that's not what I wanted to ask; how are you here?"

  "That does not matter. You have to learn more now. It is time."

  With a wave from her arm, part of the scenery distorted and turned into a portal.

  "Walk in, Michael. I'll be waiting!" Bianca said, raising her index finger in a cute manner.

  I stepped in and I found myself on the same map. But, everything turned the opposite. The skies were light blue, the sun was there, shining. The ground was blanketed with healthy grass and spectacular flowers.

  "Welcome to my domain! Ahem, I mean welcome!" she joked.

  "Bianca, what is th―"

  "Atatatatata! Ssssh, just step in that light," interrupted her, putting her pointer over my mouth.

  "What light?" removing her finger, I asked in confusion.


  An echoing tweet soothed my ears and there, I spotted the hummingbird. It flew across our heads and hovered mid-air. It then closed its wings and a beam of light shot from the sky.

  Bianca looked at me, directing me to step in that light.

  Without hesitation, I stood under the beam of light. The rays showered me. I felt a blast of enlightenment and energy from it. As soon as I indulged in the feeling, I remembered having the same experience in that misty area. Yes... that place where I first met myself... The beam then disappeared a while later.

  "It's time for a test!"

  I blinked for a second, and I found myself in a room. No doors, no windows, only brick walls, floor, and ceiling. No means of escape. I was trapped. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't do anything here. Will I be here forever? Was I going to inherit claustrophobia?!

  "Michael! Feast your eyes, look into the horizon!"

  Bianca's voice radiated from within the vacuum of the space, hinting me. With her words, I stood up and focused. Not a minute later, my eyes started glowing white. The wall in front of me started flickering quicker and quicker. Soon enough, the wall turned into a tunnel.

  "Yes! Good job, Michael! You did it!"

  I did what? Psch, not that it mattered. I had to go out the tunnel ASAP. I walked out and saw Bianca outside.

  "Time to wake up," Bianca said, snapping her fingers.

  Woah! I saw myself back at where I was, with the rock formation in front of me. I realized I was back to where I was. I looked to my side and saw my subconscience there. Wait a minute... my eyes started picking on him.

  "What is wrong, Michael?" asked my subconscience.

  I didn't know what was going on, but I had the weirdest feeling―no.. weirdest couldn't describe this―the beguiling feeling that my subconscience... wasn't actually my subconscience. What was happening? I felt like I could see through deceits and lies now. I knew what I must do with my newfound abilities. I must meet my true destiny.


  The world that I was living with him was all a lie! I really didn't know why, but the truth was screaming into my ears. Wait! The experience I had before... "Feast your eyes", was it? Did it mean: To see the truth? Michael, does it, now? I couldn't say if it was wrong or right, but this edgy feeling I was having right now was telling me I was wrong.

  My "subconscience" stared at me with confusion. I was not even sure if I should even call him that. Because, deep down, he was not my subconscience, but a mere impostor. He played me like a puppet within his strings.

  "Is something the matter, Michael? Speak
," demanded him an answer.

  I stayed completely silent as if I had duct tape wrapped around my mouth.

  Without thinking twice, heck even once, I dashed away.

  "Just where do you think you're going?"

  He was on my trail. I had to go somewhere. But, where to?... I know: I should run to where I was before!

  With that in mind, I ran into the dense jungle, leaving nothing but my 'subconscience' following my every footstep.

  Pushing shrubs, bushes, and even small trees out of my way, I kept running and running aimlessly, hoping I would reach the cave.

  "I was here to help you, Michael!" he screamed at me.

  Hearing his voice, I looked behind to see if he was near. Ahhhhh! Ugh, I think I just landed on my face in the ground. Luckily, the leaves broke my fall. It looked like I tripped on a sprouted root.

  Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching nearer and nearer to me by the second. I quickly got up on my feet, and continued moving before it could come closer.

  There it was! The Cave of Regrets! Without any further distraction, I was going to go in. That was until...

  "Don't you dare, Michael!"

  Turning around, I saw the dark shadowy figure of me standing still wearing an infuriated face.

  "You know what happens if you go in there, Michael. I won't let it happen to you,"

  "You're lying. You've been lying to me since day one,"


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