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Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days

Page 27

by Tomoco Kanemaki

  Of course, Nobodies weren’t supposed to exist. Including her.

  But still—it hurt.

  Naminé hung her head, staring at nothing.

  Sora, fast asleep in the pod, almost seemed to be sneering down at her.

  In the Round Room, Saïx looked up at Xemnas high above. “Are you sure we’re dealing with Xion and Roxas the right way?”

  His tone was markedly different from usual, as if he spoke to an old friend rather than a superior.

  “I will admit, Xion has strayed from our original designs,” Xemnas replied. “But this unpredictable behavior is proving to have an interesting side effect.”

  “Really?” said Saïx, unconvinced.

  “The Key…”

  Key? The key connecting everything, perhaps? The Keyblade was the key to the worlds. Would it also unlock all these mysteries?

  “Xion’s exposure to Roxas effected a transfer of its power, just as we had hoped,” Xemnas continued. “Had things stopped there, Xion would have been an unequivocal success. But then, through Roxas, Sora himself began to shape ‘it’ into ‘her,’ giving Xion a sense of identity.”

  Sora’s influence was more potent than they’d accounted for. That would be the power of a Keyblade wielder, apparently.

  “Our plan seemed like a failure at this point, but then it occurred to me. Xion is keeping Sora’s memories trapped by claiming them as her own.”

  This unexpected development for the Organization also posed an unanticipated problem for Sora and his slumber, as well as those seeking to protect him.

  “Keeping her close to Roxas will ultimately prevent Sora from ever waking,” Xemnas finished.

  “I see. Then what about that impostor in the black cloak?”

  The other thing that concerned Saïx was the cloaked man—Riku.

  “That gadfly? See that he stays away from Roxas. He only poses a threat if his buzzing reaches Xion’s ears.”

  That was an order, and Saïx politely bowed his head. “Then we shall return to our original plan.”

  As he kept his head low in obeisance, Xemnas couldn’t see his bitter approximation of a smile. Back to the original plan. No room for hesitation.

  Isn’t that right, Lea?

  Xion awoke in her bed. But she remembered sleeping somewhere else, in a big machine—some kind of pod.

  She closed her eyes again. There were so many things she could recall. She wouldn’t forget…probably.

  Her sleep had been dreamless. She felt amazingly refreshed, her body light and agile. How did that pod work? Maybe it even had the power to heal puppets.

  Xion sat up in bed, took the seashell from under her pillow, and gazed at it in the palm of her hand.

  A promise…of time.

  She wouldn’t have come back like this if Axel hadn’t done what he did. And without Riku’s prodding, she never would have been able to see them again.

  Roxas, though… Maybe it would have been better for him if I didn’t come back, she thought. Even so…I want to find my own path.

  And I still have time. It’s not too late.

  We’re friends, aren’t we?

  Xion’s fingers closed tightly around the seashell.

  His cheeks felt cold.

  “Huh…?” He rubbed his face. Somehow it was wet. His vision was all misty.

  He lay in his normal bed, and outside the window, Kingdom Hearts hung in the sky.

  He’d been dreaming. It left him in terrible anguish—a nightmare about his two best friends torn away from him because he was too weak to protect them. Because he had lost the use of the Keyblade.

  He wondered if Xion had that same helplessness when she couldn’t use her Keyblade.

  Roxas got up and stared into space. He felt so…heavy. So tired and listless. Like he hadn’t slept at all. He just wanted to go back to sleep.

  Was it because of the dreams? But he dreamed all the time. Even if he couldn’t always remember them so vividly, the dreaming was nothing new.

  His reflection in the mirror was no different from usual. Maybe his eyes were a little red—probably because he was so tired.

  He got himself ready and headed for the Grey Area.

  Xion was there. Axel, too.

  He recalled what Xemnas had told him yesterday, and he felt a little better. Xion was still part of the Organization—she wasn’t being penalized or anything. It was good to see.

  “I’m sorry, Roxas,” Xion said by way of greeting.

  Axel was behind her with his arms crossed.

  Roxas shook his head. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  She turned. “I must have freaked you out, too, Axel.”

  “Don’t sweat it,” Axel replied.

  Roxas no longer knew what to say to either of them.

  Why had Axel attacked Xion like that? He’d been for real. Serious enough that he almost seemed about to take her down for good. The thought made Roxas nervous.

  Axel wasn’t saying anything to him, either.

  As the awkward silence settled over them, Xion cocked her head. “Roxas, is something wrong? You don’t look so good…”

  “No—I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure…?” Xion looked uncertainly to Axel, but he had nothing to say.

  Roxas gave up and quietly dragged himself toward Saïx.

  “I’m deploying you and Xion together today,” was the order.

  That, too, let Roxas breathe a bit easier. He was glad the mission was with her. Especially since it meant he wasn’t with Axel. “All right. Let’s go, Xion.”


  Roxas started off by himself, opening the portal to the Corridors of Darkness.

  “Hey, Roxas, wait up.” Xion came after him, but she stopped right in front of the portal to glance back at Axel.

  “Go easy on yourself,” Axel said.

  She smiled at him and disappeared into the corridors.

  The mission took them to Agrabah to destroy a giant Heartless.

  The desert air was so dry it was almost painful to breathe, just like always. Or was it…? Had it really been this bad before?

  Roxas looked at his open hand and summoned the Keyblade.

  It’s okay. Nothing’s changed.

  “Roxas? What’s the matter?” Xion said at his back.

  “It’s nothing.” He let the Keyblade wink out again. Maybe it was just that he didn’t know how to talk to Axel now. What else would it be? It was like anxiety from his dream had followed him into reality.

  “You really do look pale,” Xion remarked.

  “Why would I? You’re imagining things.” Normally, Roxas was in higher spirits when he and Xion got to do a mission together. But today, he couldn’t muster any enthusiasm. “Come on.”

  “Well, okay…”

  Roxas took off at a run, and each footfall kicked up a cloud of dust.

  Roxas wasn’t himself.

  Xion anxiously followed behind him as they journeyed from the city of Agrabah deep into the caves, taking out the Heartless in their way. She didn’t know what exactly was wrong, but there was pent-up anger in each swing of his Keyblade, and she couldn’t bring herself to ask.

  Something’s not right, Roxas.

  He stopped at a dead end. “Looks like we hit the bottom…”

  A memory suddenly came rushing back to her. How do I know this place…?

  No, not me… But my memories know this place.

  “I remember this…,” Xion murmured.


  She approached the cave wall. It was smooth as the rest of the stone—but she knew this was it.

  “It’s a keyhole…” Xion lifted her Keyblade, and the lock to the heart of Agrabah revealed itself in the wall. “See?”

  She glanced back at Roxas, and memories flooded her. The breath left her lungs and her head spun.

  There’s a boy holding the Keyblade aloft… Who…? Who are you?

  Are you Sora?

  “Xion!” Roxas cried, catchi
ng her as her knees buckled. “You okay?”

  “Y-yeah…” She peered into the face of the boy holding her up. It was Roxas, not the boy in her memories, and yet… “You look so much like him.”

  “What?” he asked—just as the ground rumbled beneath them. “It’s here!”

  The pair had their Keyblades out in nearly the same moment. A huge round Heartless, the Spiked Crawler, dropped from above their heads.

  “Let’s get it, Xion!” Roxas called.

  “Right!” She charged, feeling light on her feet, like she could fight forever and never get tired.

  The Keyblade struck the solid body with a satisfying impact.

  The Spiked Crawler spun furiously and launched itself at Roxas. Xion shouted to him, but he didn’t dodge in time.


  “Ngh!” Roxas thudded into the cave wall.

  I was right… Something is off with him today. With her Keyblade ready, Xion leaped into the Spiked Crawler’s path and halted it with another strike.

  It collapsed into a glowing heap, then dissolved into nothing. But Xion didn’t even spare a moment to watch the released heart float up. Roxas was still on the ground.

  She ran over to him. “Roxas!”

  He dragged himself to his feet.

  “Hey, are you all right?” She looked at him with concern. Something was definitely wrong.

  “’Course I am. Just a little worn out…” Roxas gave her a wry little laugh.

  It’s more than that, isn’t it?

  “Are you sure?” Xion pressed.

  “Sure I’m sure!” He nodded, still smiling. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.”

  So he said, but his pallor told a different story, and Xion didn’t like it. What does this mean…?

  Roxas was already on his way. Xion followed with a hand to her chest, as if to hold in her misgivings.

  The mission completed, they perched on the clock tower. Roxas had wanted this for so, so long—to have ice cream like this again with Xion.

  He munched on the sea-salt ice cream and stared at his fingers. Something wasn’t right with him today. He felt like his strength was leaving him somehow, and it was hard to breathe.

  Eh, I’m just tired. That’s all.

  “You’re really, really okay?” Xion sounded anxious.

  Roxas forced a smile, not wanting to worry her when she’d just come back to them. “Okay, you’re starting to weird me out.” He laughed and took another bite.

  “Huh? Why?”

  “Since when do you ever worry about me?” He shrugged good-naturedly.

  She caught on to the joke, and a tiny laugh escaped her. She put her hands on her hips in mock offense. “Well, excuse me!”

  Then Roxas burst out laughing. “Just feels strange, that’s all. Usually, I do all the worrying over you. I don’t think it’s ever been the other way around before.”

  He thought of all the times he and Axel had done just that.

  “Roxas, of course I worry about you.”

  Was it that bad today? Roxas wondered. It just felt…like his body wouldn’t do what he told it to. Like he was disconnecting.

  He didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Anyway…I’m just glad you’re back, Xion. I just wish Axel didn’t have to be so rough with you.”

  “…I guess he’s not coming today?”

  He wasn’t ready for that one. Axel was the last topic he’d expected her to bring up. Uneasiness lodged in his chest. “Who knows…?”

  “You didn’t fight, did you?” Xion gave him a nervous glance.

  “How could he? How could that jerk attack you like that?” Roxas looked down, his fists balling.

  He was still furious with Axel. Why?

  Xion sighed. “Roxas, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you if Axel hadn’t done that.”

  Her voice was perfectly calm, as if the whole mess didn’t bother her at all.

  Roxas didn’t know what to say. The words would stick in his throat even if he did.

  “He’s your best friend.”

  “So are you!”

  She sighed again.

  “It’s just not the same without all three of us,” she murmured after a moment.

  No, it’s not. Of course, it’s not. The three of us should be here together, Roxas thought in anguish. But I don’t know how to deal with Axel anymore.

  “The sunset’s gorgeous today,” Xion remarked.

  Roxas looked up at the red sky.

  When would they have their sea-salt ice cream together again? Ever…?

  She wanted to talk to someone about Roxas. She needed advice… Well, Axel’s advice, specifically. She felt like she had to talk to him.

  Back in the castle, Xion searched for him. Maybe he’s already in his room…

  She was heading for Axel’s room, when she caught a glimpse of a redheaded figure in the hallway. “Axel!”

  He paused and turned toward her. “You need something?”

  Xion ran up to him, but then the slight chill in his words nearly froze her. She could hardly talk. “Well, um… It’s just…”

  “If you don’t, I’ve got places to be.” Axel started walking.

  She caught his sleeve. I can’t just chicken out. “I just— There’s something wrong with Roxas. You don’t know why, do you?”

  Axel looked at her again.

  Xion gathered her courage and kept going. “He says the Keyblade wears him out now when he goes to use it. And suddenly, I find myself fighting the same way he does…”

  She was trying, but she couldn’t quite explain it.

  Axel heaved a sigh. “Well, you know him better than me.”

  “Why would you say that?” Xion stared up at him. It still felt like he was speaking coldly to her. But she didn’t understand what he was getting at, and she had to ask.

  “Ask yourself, Xion.”

  “I’m not sure.”

  “No? Is that because you’re just a puppet?”

  She gasped at that word.

  “Come on, don’t look shocked,” Axel went on. “You already know you’re a replica. A puppet whose original purpose was to duplicate Roxas’s powers. If he’s getting weaker, and you’re getting stronger, maybe you’re taking a little more than you oughta be.”

  He didn’t gloss over anything. Confronted with the plain truth, she looked away. Right. I’m a puppet. Organization XIII built me.

  A doll to copy Roxas’s powers.

  But still…that’s not all I am. Axel doesn’t know the whole story. And maybe I don’t, either. What other secrets are hidden inside me?

  “…What should I do, then?” she mumbled at the floor. She didn’t have the answer.

  “I can’t make that decision. You’re no puppet in my book.” Axel took hold of her shoulders, and she turned up to him again. There was sincerity in his eyes and kindness. “You’re my best friend. Mine and Roxas’s. Got it memorized?”

  “Yeah.” Xion nodded.

  Riku probably would have told her the same.

  I have to find the answer for myself, huh? That’s what Riku would say…and that other boy, too.

  “Um, Axel, can I ask you one other thing?” she said.

  He let go of her. “What’s that?”

  “I saw a boy today who looks just like Roxas…”

  Surprise registered on Axel’s face for a moment.

  “Is he…who I think he is?” Xion asked. “Was that boy…Sora?”

  Axel folded his arms and said nothing.

  “Am I just—? I mean, is copying Roxas’s power all I do?”

  “…I can’t answer that for you, either.”

  “Oh…” Xion’s gaze dropped again.

  What if I’m copying more than his powers? Her chest felt tight with apprehension. If that boy I saw today was Sora… Then maybe that means—

  “Power and memories…,” Axel mused.

  Xion’s head snapped up.

  Chapter 5

  Xion — Seven Days

/>   OF THE THIRTEEN CHAIRS, ONLY THREE WERE OCCUPIED. Xemnas, Xigbar, and Saïx sat in their respective seats.

  “Sora has a pretty powerful effect on her,” said Xigbar, pensively stroking his chin.

  “Yes, it was not supposed to gain a mind of its own—nor become the person we see.” Xemnas closed his eyes. “But in the end, it only proves that the puppet is the more worthy vessel.”

  Saïx studied the two others. Become the person we see. Yes, Xion had such a power—transforming in response to the memories of those it encountered. But Saïx himself had only ever seen the blank void of Xion. Not just anyone’s memories would do.

  It had to be those with some connection to Sora—to the wielder of the Keyblade. Xion would take on a different form based on the memories of anyone bound to him in some way. And to those who had no memories of him at all, Xion would manifest as no more than a puppet.

  Saïx had to wonder what Xemnas and Xigbar saw when they looked at Xion. He’d done some research into their human pasts, but he found more mysteries than answers.

  “The time has come. Saïx, are the devices ready?” Xemnas drawled.

  Saïx nodded. “All three will be operable in a matter of days.”


  “And what of Roxas?” Saïx inquired.

  “Both of them have connections to Sora, but we only need one of them under our thumb,” Xemnas replied. “Whether Xion takes from Roxas the rest of what he has to give…or whether he destroys her first and takes back what is his, there is no change to our plans. No matter how, Sora’s power will belong to us.”


  Xemnas disappeared nearly before he heard his order acknowledged.

  “Don’t let us down now, kiddo. Shouldn’t be too much trouble without a heart,” Xigbar told Saïx.

  Then he was gone, too. Alone in the Round Room, Saïx raised his eyes to the high domed ceiling.

  All they needed was Sora’s power. Everything was proceeding as anticipated. If Xemnas’s plan remained unchanged, then so would his. Still, Saïx saw a potential wrench in the works—Axel and his patently obvious doubts. It might have been a mistake to let him get so close to Roxas and Xion.

  Saïx let out a rather human sigh and vanished from the room.

  I can’t keep doing this. Xion sat on her bed, hugging her knees.


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