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Page 20

by Cheyenne McCray

  Ranelle sucked his seed from his body, swallowing his semen as she worked his cock. Shudder after shudder vibrated Jalen, straight to his lifeforce.

  Grasping her head between his palms, he held her still. “Enough.” His voice rumbled like thunder, sounding ominous even to his own ears.

  A blush stole over her face and she pulled away, slipping his still hard cock out of her warm mouth. “Did I do it wrong?”

  “Nay.” Jalen dropped to his knees and brought Ranelle into his embrace. “It was perfect.”

  “I could try it again,” she murmured against his chest, her softness pressed tight against him. “This time I could do better.”

  He laughed softly in her ear. “If you do any better I fear I will sleep nigh on a week from exhaustion.”

  “Are you tired, then?” Ranelle tilted her head up. “Perhaps you should rest.”

  “No, my fledgling.” Jalen touched his nose to hers. “I have something far better than sleep in mind.”

  Ranelle smiled at Jalen, warmth filling her in ways she never dreamed possible. This man had somehow touched her very heart and soul. She knew little of him, yet it was as though she had known him forever. As though he had lived in her dreams and her consciousness before he ever followed her in the village.

  In all her life, the only people she had ever been able to trust were Liana and Tierra. She desperately missed them both, and prayed that her heart-sisters were safe from the Sorcerer.

  At the though of her halias, Ranelle's smile faded. Where were they? She had to find them, had to make sure they were out of danger. How could she be enjoying herself with this incredible man while her friends faced certain peril?

  “Why have I lost your smile?” Jalen raised his head and stroked her hair from her face with gentle fingers.

  “My heart-sisters.” Ranelle’s voice faltered. “I need to ensure they each remain safe from Zanden.”

  He cupped her chin, his sapphire eyes capturing hers. “Your friends must each face their own destinies.”

  Frowning, Ranelle pulled away from his grasp, got to her feet and glared at him. “I cannot turn my back on them if they need me. Damn their so-called destinies!”

  Jalen stood so quickly that she caught her breath in surprise. “Think of your visions.” He caught her hands and held them within his own. “Do you not remember what your senses told you of their fates? That Liana would be safe with the man from the tavern, and of Tierra’s future with the scarred man?”

  A sense of violation swirled within Ranelle, and anger rose within her. “You read all my thoughts?” She tried to snatch her hands from his, but he held her fast.

  “Not all.” Jalen drew her so close that she felt his cock hard against her belly and she could scarcely think any longer. Her anger faded as quickly as it had risen. “And now,” Jalen continued, “when you block your mind against me, I know nothing but what you allow.”

  She needed time and space away from this man, because right now all she wanted to do was hold him, feel him…and to have his cock deep within her. “I—I think it would be best if we sleep.”

  “Sleep?” His lips curved into a smile. “Are you sure that is what you desire?”

  I want you, her senses screamed. But no. She needed time to think. Time to breathe.

  Jalen brushed his lips over hers, and against her mind’s will she melted in his embrace. The feel of his muscled chest on her breasts, his thighs firm against her own, his arms tight around her, his masculine scent and his smile…all served to intoxicate her beyond reason.

  His breath was hot along her cheek as he moved his mouth to her ear. “What would you have?”

  She couldn’t fight it any longer. She didn’t want to fight it.

  “You,” she whispered. “I desire you.”

  Doubt had never crossed Jalen’s mind that Ranelle wanted him. She was his heartmate, and their joining would bond them together for eternity.

  She gave a small sigh as he released her to retrieve the krstn cloth. With a quick movement he unfurled the material and it came to rest on the cave’s floor, shimmering like the rainbow sands of the Mairi Sea.

  “Lie upon the krstn.” He gestured toward the cloth. “It is much softer than it appears to be.”

  Ranelle stepped onto the material and he smiled at her look of amazement. “It feels like a cushion—thick and downy,” she said.

  “Aye.” Jalen knelt beside the krstn. “It is Elvin magic that makes it so.”

  Delight spread across her features as she sat upon the material. “This krstn is the softest thing I have ever felt.” She paused and ran her tongue over her lower lip as her gaze rested upon the head of his rigid cock. “Well, the second softest.”

  He grinned as he reached for his waist pouch, still resting on the floor where Ranelle had set it earlier. From within its endless depths, he withdrew the sacred enrli dye stick and a minute blade to shave the symbol into her woman’s curls, along with a vial of orlai. He discarded the pouch and moved onto the krstn beside Ranelle.

  Her eyes widened as she looked from his face to the instruments in his hand. “Ah…what are you going to do with those?”

  Jalen set the dye stick and the blade upon the cloth. “You will only feel pleasure, I promise you.”

  And she would be bound to him for all time.

  Only a moment did she hesitate before she nodded and gave an uncertain smile. “What would you like me to do?”

  “Drink of the orlai.” He uncorked the vial and put it to her lips. “It will enhance your enjoyment.”

  Ranelle’s nervousness was apparent as the pulse at the base of her throat fluttered while she obeyed. The moment the fluid touched her tongue, she visibly relaxed.

  “Strawberries and a bit of wild ginger.” She licked her lips and smiled, but then pressed her fingertips to her forehead as she added, “I do feel a bit odd.”

  He set the vial on the cave floor. “Lie back, mi enchantrei.” When she complied, he straddled her hips, taking care not to put his full weight on her. “Now close your eyes and do not open them.”

  Jalen picked up the dye and murmured a prayer of devotion to the goddess while he pressed the tip of the stick to Ranelle’s temple. Slowly he sketched a symbol upon her forehead, a design that flowed from his soul, fed to him by the goddess. Every Seraphine Elvin man and woman received the enrli when they reached adulthood, and every symbol was unique. The ceremony was erotic and exquisite, and was normally attended by the whole of Seraphine.

  The enrli glittered in a silver trail on Ranelle’s forehead as the sacred design came to life, and became a permanent part of her. “It tingles,” she murmured as he finished. “May I open my eyes?”

  “I will tell you when.” Jalen set the dye stick onto the krstn. “Now spread your thighs wide.”

  Ranelle arched her back, thrusting her breasts into the air as she complied, and he knew the orlai was working its magic. She would be so aroused and so wet by the time he took her that she would feel no pain when his cock penetrated her virgin shield, only pleasure. He was anxious to be joined with her, but by Seraphine laws, they could not be bound to one another unless both had gone through the enrli ceremony and bore the sacred design.

  He moved lower down her body so that he was crouched between her legs. Her slit glistened with wetness, the dark curls damp with her desire. Unable to resist, he dipped his head close to her mound and breathed deep of her woman’s essence. Her aroma filled him, causing his cock to ache even more than it already was. He longed to taste her again, to bring her to climax repeatedly.

  Jalen retrieved the blade and moved it to her mound. “Mmmmm, that feels so good,” Ranelle murmured as he began shaving the enrli into her curls.

  The design twisted and turned through the soft brown hair. ‘It was one of the goddess’s symbols for strength, honor, and love. After he finished shaving, he set the blade down and then used the dye stick, tracing the bare skin and filling it in with the enrli. Again it left a trail of
silver that matched her beautiful eyes.

  When his task was completed, he replaced the empty vial, dye stick and blade into his waist pouch. Still kneeling between her thighs, he braced his arms on either side of her waist, but did not touch her. Her enrli symbol glittered upon her forehead, and pleasure filled him, deep and satisfying, knowing that he would soon experience the bonding with her.

  By the laws of the goddess and the Seraphine Elves, Ranelle would be his.

  Ranelle’s body screamed for Jalen’s touch. The potion he had given her flowed through her veins, warming her blood and stimulating all her senses. The tingling at her forehead and mound sent waves of pleasure through her body. Gods but she wanted him to take her.

  Her senses told her that he was above her and she squirmed beneath him. “Can I open my eyes?”

  “Aye,” he murmured.

  When she lifted her lids, she saw that his face was above hers, his sapphire eyes focused on her and the symbol upon his forehead glittering.

  She couldn’t wait any longer. She had to have his cock inside her now.

  Ranelle slipped her hands into his hair and pulled him down to meet her. His lips were firm yet soft against hers as he kissed her, gently, reverently. But he was too slow. She wanted more…needed more. And when her tongue delved within his warm mouth, his kiss grew more urgent, meeting her need as though his fine rein of control had vanished.

  But still his body was braced above hers, and she wanted to feel his weight. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him down to meet her. His cock was hard against her mound and his hips solid between her thighs.

  Jalen groaned and broke off the kiss. “Slow down.”

  “No.” Ranelle shook her head and tried to pull him back to her. “I want to feel you from the inside.”

  “You will.” He lowered his head and nuzzled her ear, his golden hair sliding across her breasts. “Soon, mi enchantrei. Soon.”

  Frustration coursed through her. She was wild with need for him and couldn’t bear to wait any longer. He trailed light kisses down her jaw line, slowly working his way to her chin, and then on to her collarbone.

  And when he reached her breasts, he kissed the soft skin between them, ignoring her nipples.

  ”Jalen,” she cried. “Stop this torture.”

  “Is that what you call it?” A hint of laughter was in his voice, and Ranelle considered slugging him.

  “Yes. Now suck my nipples,” she demanded.

  With a hungry groan Jalen complied, fastening his hot mouth on her breast and flicking her nipple with his tongue. She arched her back, moaning with pleasure. “My other nipple. Suck it, please.”

  As he captured it, Ranelle wriggled beneath him, feeling as though she might explode if he didn’t enter her right now.

  “I want you to take me.” She almost screamed when he moved his mouth from her breast, and began kissing a trail down her belly. “You are near to driving me out of my mind.”

  He gave a soft laugh and placed a kiss in her curls. “Soon, my love.” And then he flicked his tongue along the inside of her thigh.

  Unable to take another moment of this sweet torture, Ranelle grasped his head and pulled his mouth to her folds. “Lick my clit.”

  Jalen gave a rumble of pleasure and delved into her wetness. By the gods, his mouth was incredible. He swirled his tongue, twirling it around her woman’s pearl, sending her closer and closer to the precipice.

  Just as she reached the summit he stopped, and Ranelle did scream at him. “Jalen!”

  He rose above her and pressed his mouth tight to hers, and she tasted herself upon his lips and tongue.

  When he pulled away, his blue eyes were dark with passion. “You belong to me, Ranelle. Do you understand?”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck as she writhed beneath him, trying to pull him back to her. “Jalen, please. I need you.”

  “Answer me,” he commanded as he pressed his cock to her belly. “Do you understand?”

  “Yes.” She dug her fingernails into his back. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  A possessive smile crossed his face and he murmured, “Then we are as one.”

  And with that he thrust his cock deep inside her, tearing past her virgin shield and Ranelle screamed with the incredible pleasure of it. Amazement flashed through her that she had experienced no pain at his penetration. She rocked her body up to meet him and the feelings that coursed her body were so intense and exquisite she thought she might fly apart.

  The tingling at her mound and on her forehead grew more powerful with every thrust. Blood rushed in her ears and the only sound she heard was the pounding of her heart.

  Every fragment of her body was alive and on fire as he took her. Higher and higher the sensations rose. Vaguely she was aware that the cave had filled with a pulsating silver and blue light that seemed to emanate from their bodies.

  And just as she reached the precipice, Jalen pressed his forehead to hers.

  Silvery blue light blinded her as she screamed with her orgasm. Distantly she heard Jalen shout and felt his cock throbbing as he spilled his seed inside her. Flash after flash of lightning-like aftershocks tremored throughout her body.

  The incredible pleasure was almost more than Ranelle could bear, and it didn’t seem as though it would ever stop. Her orgasm had not only rocked her body, but she had felt it in her mind when Jalen had pressed their foreheads together.

  When the sensations finally ebbed, Jalen rolled over, bringing Ranelle with him so that she was resting on top, his cock still deep within her.

  “You belong to me,” he murmured, his voice rumbling with exhaustion. “For eternity, mi enchantrei.”

  Chapter Six

  Jalen awoke with Ranelle still atop him, his cock still buried in her. As always when he wakened, he was instantly alert. His senses told him it was late morning, but overcast outside the cave. They were yet undetected by the Sorcerer—not that Jalen had doubted his magic shield would hold.

  Drinking deeply of Ranelle’s womanly essence and the smells of their sex, Jalen smiled with satisfaction. His first mating with her had been far beyond anything that he had dreamed. He had heard that joining with one’s heartmate was the greatest of all Elvin joys. Now that he had experienced such a joining, he knew it to be true.

  “Mmmmm,” Ranelle murmured as she stirred in her sleep, and his cock hardened within her. He tightened his grip around her waist, and her dark tresses slid along his arms, her breath warm upon his chest. A smile flitted across her lips, and the enrli at her forehead glittered silver.

  It would be the greatest joy in his long life to wake every morning with his heartmate. She would be even more beautiful when her belly grew large with his child, and with every babe to follow.

  The Council might be displeased with a non-Elvin woman as his mate, but even they could not refute the choice of the goddess and her wisdom in giving him a Nordain female as his heartmate.

  Jalen began massaging Ranelle’s back, her skin so soft against his callused palms. She gave a small moan, and he cupped her buttocks and pressed her tight against him.

  “Wake, mi enchantrei.” He pressed his lips against her forehead, enjoying the pulse of her enrli against his lips.

  Ranelle blinked and a slow sleepy smile spread across her face. “Is it morning?”

  “Aye.” He smiled in return. “My cock is near to bursting for you.”

  “I feel you inside me.” She wiggled her hips and he groaned at the sensation.

  “Sit up,” he told her as he grasped her tighter. “And ride me.”

  “My Elvin stallion.” At her words a light blush stole across her cheeks. Her eyelids fluttered and she moaned as she pushed herself up, her small hands braced against his chest. “By all the gods, your cock feels so good within me.”

  Jalen gave a quick pump of his hips, causing Ranelle to arch her back and cry out. Begging for his touch, her breasts thrust forward. He captured them in his large hands, enjoying the fee
l of their lush softness against his palms.

  “Ride my cock,” he commanded as he pinched and rolled her nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. “Fuck me.”

  She moved her hips, sliding his staff within her tight core. Her cries and her movements grew more and more frantic as she rode him harder yet.

  “That’s it.” He moved his hands from her breasts to her hips, his eyes focused on her face. “Aye, my lovely Ranelle, ride me.”

  Her head was thrown back, her eyes closed, and her enrli sparkling with silver light, growing brighter with every plunge as she rode him. Just watching her was pleasure in and of itself, adding to his own fervor. Another joining like the one they had experienced last night would render them both exhausted again, so he refrained from touching the enrli at their foreheads together.

  Jalen gripped her hips and held her tight as he thrust into her hard and fast. “Come with me,” he ordered. The enrli above his cock pulsed, in sync with the one at her mound. Ranelle cried out with her orgasm as his own climax burst through him. He continued pumping his staff in and out of her, ’til every last drop of his seed was spent.

  Feeling absolutely boneless, as though her body was made of water, Ranelle collapsed against Jalen’s chest. She might never move again.

  “As much as I wish for it, I fear ’tis not possible to lie here all day,” Jalen said, a teasing note to his voice.

  She raised her head and frowned. “You were reading my thoughts.”

  “Nay.” He trailed one finger down her nose to the tip. “I was voicing my own.”

  “Ah.” Her eyes widened as she caught his hand in hers and studied his fingers, then looked at his forehead and arms. “All your wounds have healed. There is no sign that you were ever injured. Not even a scar.”

  “I am Elvin.” Jalen smiled. “Come. We must ready ourselves.”

  With regret, Ranelle moved from Jalen’s chest and onto the krstn blanket. His cock was still hard when it slid from inside her, and she missed the feel of it deep within her.

  In an effortless movement, Jalen got to his feet and retrieved his waist pouch. While he dug through the pouch he settled beside her on the krstn, then brought out a wrapped bar and handed it to her. “’Tis gorni. Elvin food,” he said as he brought out another one for himself. “It will give you nourishment enough for several hours.”


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