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Page 24

by Cheyenne McCray

  Laughter bubbled out of the Faerie and she covered her mouth with her dainty fingers. Her smile grew positively devious as she moved her hand from her mouth to Ranelle’s tresses.

  “Prince Jalen told you naught of me?” the woman asked as she stroked Ranelle’s hair away from her brow.

  “Prince…Jalen?” A warning flare erupted in Ranelle’s senses.

  “This is precious.” The Faerie giggled. “You have been bound to the Prince, and yet he did not explain his position among the Seraphine Elves? Ah, truly priceless, that is.”

  Ranelle narrowed her gaze. “Who…are…you?”

  The Faerie trailed her fingers from Ranelle’s hair, over one breast and the flat of Ranelle’s belly towards her woman’s curls. Bending down, the woman leaned so close that her hands were but a fraction from Ranelle’s folds. The Faerie’s breath was warm on Ranelle’s clit as she parted the wet folds with her fingers.

  “Stop!” Ranelle gasped and tried to scoot away, but the mist wrapped around her so that she was unable to move. Ye gods how she needed to come—the Faerie was driving her mad.

  “I am Anistana,” the woman murmured and then smiled as confusion, then recognition filled Ranelle.

  Swallowing hard, Ranelle said, “You are Queen.”

  “Aye.” Anistana breathed in, as though savoring Ranelle’s scent. “I am Queen of Faerie and all of Wilding Wood.”

  * * * * *

  The morning following Ranelle’s flight from him, Jalen neared Astral. The throbbing at his enrli lessened, and he was even more certain that Ranelle was being held within the magical realm. While he traveled, the only sounds were the gentle calls of the elusive krakilee, along with the rush of wind through pine and hynling trees.

  With grim determination he passed by the Faeries’ many traps for the unwary, silently wending his way through the mist ’til he reached the barrier to Anistana’s realm.

  Invisible to all but faire folke, the gates soared toward the upper reaches of the forest. A testament to the vanity of the Faerie Queen, Anistana’s beautiful image was sculpted into the gates that were made of gold and littered with diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires and amethysts.

  Jalen shook his head at the extravagance of Faeries. Elves believed that beauty was in the world around them, not in material possessions fabricated by humans or other beings. Elves lived as one with nature, communing with the goddess’s gifts. It was a bone of contention between the two races, causing much friction between the faire folke.

  He placed his hands on the mouth of Anistana’s image. The lips moved beneath his fingers and it felt as though a tongue flicked against his palms.

  Ah, Prince Jalen, the Faerie Queen’s musical voice murmured in his mind. Why have you dared to enter my realm?

  Jalen attempted to pull his hands away from the gate, but they were held fast by Anistana’s magic. He did not have to look around him to know that he would not see the Faerie. You know well why I am here, your Majesty, he replied.

  Your Majesty, is it? Anistana giggled and he could picture the wicked mirth in her emerald eyes. When I last saw you and sucked the seed from your cock, you did not stand on such formalities.

  Taking a deep breath, Jalen struggled to find words that would appease the fickle Queen. I have come for my heartmate, Ranelle. Please allow me entrance or bring her to me so that we may go to Seraphine.

  Laughter and blue mist swirled around Jalen, along with the scents of roses and lilies. He sighed. Of course it had been too much to hope for, that Anistana would make this easy. He steeled himself for what he knew would come next.

  Heartmate, you say? The Queen’s tone held amusement and mischief as the mist pulled at the ties fastening Jalen’s breeches, and they dropped to his feet. You mean the fair Nordain maid whose delicious nectar I have sampled? Mist rose up and passed across his lips, and he swore he smelled and tasted Ranelle’s sex. Anistana’s voice was throaty as she added, Perhaps I should drink your seed and compare her taste with yours.

  Mist wrapped around Jalen’s cock and he barely held back a groan as it began working his shaft. The mist felt warm and wet like Ranelle’s sweet mouth. In the next instant all his clothing and weapons vanished, leaving him naked at the entrance to Anistana’s realm. His hands were still bound to the gates, the magical mist suckling his cock.

  How does it feel? Anistana sounded playful and teasing, yet with a hard edge to her words. Do you not remember the times we fucked beneath the mishnui? When I took you deep within me, and your brother-at-arms entered my nether hole?

  Similar to the ways of the Faeries and the Nordain, in the world of the Seraphine Elves, sex between multiple partners, men and women, and those of the same gender, was an enjoyable aspect of their culture. Such pleasures were gifts of the goddess, and to deny one’s sexuality was unheard of. Once an Elvin man found his heartmate, as a couple they might share pleasures with others. However, the man would only penetrate his heartmate, and she would only allow his cock in her core.

  Despite the sexual freedom of his culture, Jalen desired pleasure from no one but his heartmate. But he was powerless to stop his cock from hardening to its full length as the mist continued its erotic assault.

  Ah, yes, Anistana murmured. Perhaps you and I shall both fuck the sweet Nordain maid at once. Or perhaps I will allow you to watch me lick Ranelle’s folds, bringing her to climax while Ibella suckles her breasts and your cock spills its seed into Elinni’s mouth. The Faerie Queen giggled. You do remember the nights and days you fucked us all time after time, do you not?

  Stop this now, Jalen replied, even though he knew she would ignore his request.

  I think not, her voice whispered in his head while visions of their past sexual encounters began to fill his mind as the Faerie Queen forced them upon him.

  Jalen gritted his teeth as the pressure built within him, stroke after stroke, sucking and licking, drawing him closer to climax. He pushed away the images of the times spent fucking Anistana and the Faeries Elinni and Ibella, and instead concentrated on Ranelle’s beautiful face and the feel of being buried inside her hot core.

  Anistana giggled again. I shall rather enjoy this revenge.

  The sensations stopped abruptly, and Jalen bit back another groan. His hands were released from Astral’s golden doors, and without looking he knew he was surrounded by a guard of four Faeries. He straightened and took a deep breath, using his rigid control to rein in his body’s desires.

  “Enough.” Jalen clenched his fists at his sides. “Take me to my heartmate.”

  Faerie laughter tickled his ears as the doors swung open, and the exotic scents of Faerie incense washed over him. Anistana’s guard followed close behind as Jalen strode ahead, comfortable in his nakedness, through the gate, and into Astral’s grand entryway.

  Silver leaves of mishnui glittered overhead, making a soft musical sound. Gold and crystal couches, chairs and tables furnished Anistana’s opulent crystal-walled palace. Rose petals littered the marble floor, and with every step Jalen took, their sweet scent was released into the air.

  The smooth marble was cool beneath his bare feet as he strode forward, past countless doorways and rooms, ’til he reached the doors to Anistana’s private chambers. As he paused before the entrance, the pain in his enrli all but vanished, replaced by a warming sensation, assuring him that Ranelle was in the Queen’s bedchamber.

  Anistana’s guard positioned themselves at the entrance, two on either side. Jalen paid them little heed as he shoved open the doors and walked through, the doors making no sound as they closed behind him.

  Upon the Faerie Queen’s bed lay his heartmate, her eyes closed but her face tense as though in frustration. Her mahogany tresses spilled across the golden bedcovers, and his cock became so hard he thought he might die if he did not fuck her. Ranelle’s legs and arms were splayed, showing her beautiful folds and her pink clit. And goddess above, her nipples were tight buds, calling for him to claim them with his hot mouth.

  Realization trickled through him that the damn mist bound his love to the bedposts. A feral growl rumbled deep in Jalen’s throat and he strode across the chamber to where she lay—

  And struck something. An invisible wall.

  Jalen fought to get though the wall to his sleeping Princess, slamming his fists against it, but it was to no avail.

  “By the goddess, Anistana!” he shouted, his voice hoarse with fury. “Let me through!”

  The Faerie Queen’s laughter came from behind him, and he whirled to face the redheaded enchantress.

  She gave her wings a lazy flap and rose into the air, moving closer to Jalen. “When I have had my way with you both, perhaps then I will allow you to be together again.” Her emerald eyes sparkled with mirth as she added, “That is, if it suits me.”

  And then the Faerie bitch vanished.

  Chapter Ten

  Ranelle opened her eyes to stare at the silver leaves above as she shifted on the bed, testing her bonds. Gods but she was going to lose her mind if Jalen did not come to her soon. If she did not come soon. Had her hands been free, she would have stroked her clit to bring about some relief.

  Prickling erupted at Ranelle’s forehead and her mound at the same time her senses stirred.

  She turned her head and saw her lover across the room. Fierce joy rose within her breast as she saw his naked splendor, and she grew wet at the sight of his enormous cock.

  Angry. Yes. I am supposed to be angry with him…

  And I am.


  Gods. What do I feel for him? Besides the unquenchable desire to feel his flesh on mine?

  “Jalen!” Ranelle pulled against her bonds, but she was held fast.

  Why did he stand across the room, watching her with a tight expression on his handsome face, rather than coming to her? Was he so furious with her for running away?

  Arrogant Elvin bastard. He should have known she would not appreciate a forced marriage.

  Jalen put his hands up and braced them on the air, and she realized an invisible wall kept them apart. His lips moved, yet she could hear nothing but the tinkling of silvery leaves above the bed.

  But then he gave her a wry smile, and his deep voice entered her thoughts. Ranelle, mi enchantrei. ’Tis my greatest joy to see you—but there is peril here. No matter what, do not resist the Queen in her own realm.

  “A pity he has chosen to settle his affection on you.” Anistana’s voice startled Ranelle, and she snapped her gaze to where the naked Faerie Queen now stood, at the foot of the bed. “He was such a good fuck.”

  “Cease this torture.” Ranelle’s cheeks burned at the realization the Faerie had enjoyed Jalen’s cock in the past, but she refused to acknowledge her jealousy to the Queen. “Free us. Now.”

  The flutter of the Faerie’s wings pushed the scent of roses over Ranelle. Anistana moved so close that Ranelle felt warmth radiating from the Queen as she leaned over Ranelle’s breasts. Ranelle’s nipples hardened and her quim ached from the sensual feel of the Faerie’s breath upon her skin.

  Anistana glanced at Jalen and smiled when she saw desire rise in his face. “Amazing, is it not? The man has lost his head over a Nordain maid.”

  “He rejected you.” Ranelle’s voice was calm as everything clicked into place. “That is why you seek revenge.”

  Anistana’s wings twitched and her smile turned into a frown as her gaze returned to Ranelle. “We would have ruled well together, Jalen and I. Both realms, Astral and Seraphine. But he chose to decline my offer to join our worlds.”

  Mischief returned to the Faerie’s expression and then she vanished.

  Only to appear again on the bed, on her hands and knees, between Ranelle’s legs. Her long auburn hair tickled Ranelle’s thighs and her emerald eyes filled with mirth.

  “No.” Ranelle’s refusal was strong, but Anistana only laughed, lowered her head, and stroked Ranelle’s clit with her tongue.

  Intense sensation flooded Ranelle, the mist raising her buttocks from the bed and forcing her folds to the Faerie’s teasing tongue. Ranelle was torn between being incredibly aroused by Anistana’s mouth, and feeling as though she betrayed Jalen by not struggling against her bonds.

  Do not resist the Queen…

  Jalen’s words echoed in her mind. He must have known something like this would happen. It was nearly impossible for a human—or a Nordain—to resist Faeries. Or Elves, for that matter.

  A part of her thought of trying to use her magic to push the Queen away, yet another part knew it would not work—because the Queen was too powerful.

  Ranelle cried out at the pleasure of the Faerie’s touch and looked at Jalen on the other side of the invisible wall. A pained expression crossed his handsome face as he stared—his look was one of fury at not being able to join with her, and incredible lust at seeing her being pleasured by the Queen. His cock jerked as though ready to spurt its seed.

  Relax, Jalen’s husky voice entered her mind again. Enjoy. And rest assured, I will enjoy watching this if I know you feel only pleasure.

  Gasping, Ranelle nodded.

  Anistana’s tongue swirled and teased, just enough stroking and pressure to bring Ranelle close to climax before pulling away and starting the whole process over again. The Faerie was so talented, and Ranelle was so aroused, her body screamed for release.

  Ranelle looked across the room to her heartmate. “Please allow Jalen to pass through the wall.”

  The Faerie Queen only laughed. “Watch as Elinni suckles him.”

  Silver sparkled in the air beside Jalen, and then a dark Faerie appeared on her knees before him. She was naked and beautiful, with ruby lips, lovely breasts, skin like the night sky and gossamer wings of iridescent ebony.

  Jalen tried to push himself away from the wall, his muscles bulging with effort, but his hands appeared to be stuck to its invisible surface. He shook his head as he looked down at the Faerie who reached out and grasped his cock, her fingers dark against his golden length. Her black hair shimmered like raven feathers as she leaned forward, her lips nearing his staff.

  Even though she could not hear him, Ranelle saw Jalen’s mouth move and she knew he was attempting to refuse the Faerie.

  Yet Elinni ignored him and in the next moment, her tongue flicked out, licking Jalen’s cock as he fought to free himself from his magical bonds. The Faerie slid her crimson lips over his staff ’til she had taken his full length.

  Jealousy filled Ranelle, but she could scarcely think with the sexual torture the Faerie Queen was inflicting on them both. Her thoughts spun between intense arousal and desire to be with her man.

  “Mayhap Ibella should join in Jalen’s pleasures, too.” Anistana gave Ranelle another wicked smile and more silver sparkles filled the air beside Jalen.

  Another Faerie appeared, almost identical to Elinni—except she had no wings.

  Elinni’s twin, Anistana murmured in Ranelle’s surprised thoughts. Ibella was second-born. Second-born twins never have wings

  “Please.” Ranelle gasped for breath, her gaze moving from Jalen and the twins to the redheaded woman between her thighs. “Stop this insanity and set us free.”

  “Why?” Anistana raised her head and licked Ranelle’s juices from her lips. “You do not enjoy my tongue upon your clit?”

  Ranelle bit her lip, then nodded. “You are driving me nearly out of my mind. ”

  “You ask that I set you free.” With a smile, Anistana trailed one finger along the enrli on Ranelle’s mound. “Why would you wish to leave the safety of my realm? Zanden seeks you, even as we speak.”

  “No matter that we face certain danger. I only wish to be with Jalen.” Ranelle’s eyes met Anistana’s. “I beg of you.”

  “Perhaps…” The Faerie Queen lowered her lids as her gaze flicked from Ranelle to Jalen, and back again. “If the Prince licks Ibella’s quim and fucks Elinni while you watch, then you both may leave Astral.”

  “What?” Ranelle tried to sit up and screamed in fr
ustration as the bonds held her tight. “No!”

  Anistana blinked and gave Ranelle a lazy smile as she trailed one finger down the inside of Ranelle’s thigh. “You came here enraged with Jalen, fleeing his affections, and now you claim him? Why?”

  “Because Jalen is mine,” Ranelle shouted as she glared at the Queen. “And I love him!”

  Mirth sparkled in Anistana’s emerald eyes as she raised herself up and then forward ’til she straddled Ranelle. The Queen’s mound was shaved, her folds soft as silk as it brushed over Ranelle’s belly.

  “You truly love the Prince?” Anistana pressed close, her perfume of rose petals invading Ranelle’s senses. The Queen brushed her lips over Ranelle’s and whispered, “That is all I needed to hear.”

  And the witch vanished.

  Jalen fought to free himself, even as the beautiful and talented Elinni wrapped her slender fingers around his cock. He did not wish to hurt her, but if his feet hadn’t been magically fastened to the floor, he would have done what he could have, gentle or no, to push her away without harming her.

  Elinni sighed and her lips brushed the head of his staff as she murmured, “How I have missed your fine cock.”

  “Stop this at once,” he demanded through gritted teeth as the dark Faerie slid her mouth over his staff, and it was all he could do not to groan.

  The Faerie only giggled, the hum of her laughter on his cock driving him closer to madness and the need to come. Her lily scent swirled around him as her almond-shaped amber eyes met his, and he saw mischief in their depths that nearly matched Anistana’s. She moved up and down his cock with her hot mouth and fingers while her free hand caressed his balls.

  A groan escaped his lips as Elinni’s twin appeared beside him. Ibella smiled and ran her hands over Jalen’s chest. It has been a long time since I have enjoyed your body, the Faerie said in his mind.

  His tortured gaze returned to Ranelle and the Faerie Queen, who had been licking Ranelle’s clit. His heartmate was struggling against her bonds and shouting at Anistana, and he wished he could hear her sweet voice.


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