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Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy

Page 7

by TJ Dallas

  I stifled a giggle. “That’s a brush.”

  “For fuck’s sake,” she grumbled, upending the entire bag over the dressing table.

  Althea jumped at the clatter, reeling around. “All right, you’ve succeeded in being completely useless. Go on, shoo.”

  Emilia ran from the room, but Althea grabbed the door as it started to swing shut, hollering down the stairs. “Send Riley up here.” She turned to me, her expression softening. “How are you feeling?”

  “Nervous,” I admitted, raising a hand to my face to remove an eyelash.

  Althea grabbed my wrist. “Don’t you dare.”

  “Althea, that’s not helping,” I whined, my eye watering as yet more butterflies rose in my stomach.

  “Sorry, toots. Wait, I’ll get it.” She knelt in front of me and patted a fingertip to the corner of my eye. “Make a wish.” She held out her finger.


  She pouted until I closed my eyes. I opened them and blew on her fingertip, and the eyelash disappeared.

  Did you wish for me, pet?

  I jumped at Harry’s interruption. You need to stop doing that, I gasped.

  Althea frowned, narrowing her eyes, but she leaned forward again, sliding more grips into my hair.

  And miss out on you jumping ten feet in the air every time? Harry snickered. I thought you’d be used to it by now.

  You’d think, I muttered. How’s Zoe?

  She’s better than you. I can sense your anxiety from here. What are you scared of?

  I shrugged, and Althea struggled to disguise her displeasure when a hair grip wound up in the wrong place. She pulled it back out again, flattening a few stray wisps.

  I don’t know what I’m scared of, I admitted.

  You’ll be fine. Just don’t get cold feet. I don’t want to have to tackle you to the ground in your dress.

  I won’t. I chuckled, ignoring Althea’s agitation. I couldn’t imagine any situation in which I’d actually leave Zoe alone at the altar. My resolve strengthened as I thought of her, my heart swelling.

  Good. Now don’t move until Althea finishes your hair. If it isn’t perfect, she’ll end up in a foul mood, and you’re not the one that has to live with her. I have to get ready, but I’ll see you soon. Harry broke the connection at the same time the door opened, and Riley peeked her head in.

  “Ahh, finally,” Althea grumbled. “Pass me that eyeshadow, will you? No, the other one. The other one, Riley. Oh, God, remind me again why I didn’t ask for Bella?”

  “Because she’d have stolen the rings.”

  My pulse raced as I stood at the bottom of the aisle. Riley had insisted I turn around when Zoe walked up with her dad, and I still hadn’t seen her today. My heart fluttered.

  Thirty seconds later, Riley kissed me on the cheek and departed to take her seat. I took a deep, steadying breath. It took me a moment to compose myself, but I soon took my first tentative step forward.

  A wolf-whistle distracted me, and I glanced back, my heart skipping a beat. Harry stood behind me, looking the sexiest I’d ever seen her. My breath caught in my chest, and my eyes widened as I took her in. She looked incredible.

  She wore a dark grey three-piece suit, with a black shirt and a silver tie. The waistcoat was tight to her body, leaving nothing to my imagination, and my imagination was running wild. I couldn’t breathe as she approached me and leaned towards my ear. “You look beautiful, pet.”

  I swallowed hard. I couldn’t say anything, not even to thank her. She was so close to me, her scent lingering. She had aftershave on, a delicate fragrance mixed with her own skin, and my insides clenched. What is she doing here? Why isn’t she waiting at the end of the aisle with Zoe and Althea?

  “I’m here to give you away,” she said, grinning.

  Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes, and I blinked them away furiously. Althea hadn’t spent that long on my make-up for me to ruin it before getting to the altar.

  “That was Zoe’s second instruction; I hope that’s OK?” she added, raising an eyebrow.

  I still couldn’t speak, so I just pulled her to me, burying my head into her chest. She chuckled as she put her arms around me, squeezing gently and kissing my hair. I couldn’t imagine anyone more perfect to give me away. She’d taken me under her wing when I’d first appeared at the Cardinal over two years ago, and she’d saved my life, in more ways than one. She was more family to me than my own had ever been.

  “Let’s get you married, eh?” She pulled away and wiped a tear from my cheek. “Althea will blame me if there’s so much as an eyelash out of place, so it’s time to pull yourself together.”

  I laughed, and she held out her arm. I hooked my own under, nestled into the crook of her elbow, and we started to walk forward. I finally looked up towards the altar.

  Zoe looked sensational, and my jaw dropped. She wore a floor-length satin white gown, cut down to the small of her back. The waist sparkled as tiny silver diamonds curved around her hip, and she held her bouquet of roses. Her hair was long at one side, framing her face and blowing in a gentle breeze. The sunshine glowed on her skin, and her eyes sparkled.

  I almost froze as I neared her, panicking I’d never be good enough, but Harry tightened her hold on me and kept me moving forward. Zoe smiled as I drew closer and her eyes took in the sight of my own dress. Her lips parted, and she exhaled carefully, her gaze taking me in. Her eyes told me she had, once again, swooned appropriately.

  I stood beside her, my heart thumping. Harry unhooked her arm, and I turned as she planted a kiss on my cheek. “Thank you,” I murmured, afraid to say anything else in case the tears started again.

  She winked and then kissed Zoe’s cheek. She left to stand next to Althea, who looked stunning in a black and silver ballgown, and I saw Harry do a double-take, her own jaw dropping.

  I grinned at the amazed expression on her face as she stood stoic, facing forward, her hands grasped tightly in front of her, save they started to wander. I knew where those hands would be later, and I knew that Althea wouldn’t be wearing that dress again. Harry would ruin it when she got her hands on it.

  I swallowed again, turning back to Zoe, and I saw my future staring back at me. It took half a heartbeat before I leaned forward to press my lips against hers. I felt her smile through the kiss.

  The officiant cleared her throat, and I broke away, colour flooding my cheeks. She grinned, her expression asking if I was ready, and I nodded. Zoe nodded in agreement as well.

  I scarcely heard a word the officiant said; I was too busy watching the stunning woman opposite me. I bubbled as we declared our “I dos,” and Zoe reached forward, squeezing my hand. Her smile was enough to make me forget my name, and I lost myself in her hazel eyes as she promised me the world.

  Before I knew it, Zoe’s lips were on mine again, and I kissed my wife for the first time to loud applause and a standing ovation. I bubbled again, joyous tears trickling from the corner of my eyes, and I couldn’t miss Althea throwing her arms up in despair because I was, yet again, ruining my make-up.

  Zoe just chuckled, wiping them away and kissing me deeper, tightening her arms around my waist.

  The reception was in full swing by ten. I kicked off my heels, sinking back with a glass of champagne, wondering when my life got this good. I zoned out for a moment, but Cody’s raucous voice drew my awareness back.

  “It has to be done,” Cody said.

  “What has to be done?” I asked, taking another sip.

  “Ring of Fire.”

  “Oh, hell no.” I snorted, jerking upright before I spilled the champagne on my dress. “I’d like to remember my wedding tomorrow, thank you very much.”

  “Aww,” Cody whined, sulking and crossing his arms.

  “She’s right, Cody. I’d rather not begin married life with a raging hangover,”
Zoe agreed, settling herself next to me and draping an arm over my shoulder.

  “Well, we should play something. Let’s get this party started,” he grumbled.

  I laughed, placing my empty glass on the table. “I’ll play something, but nothing that involves me downing a pint of God-Knows-What. I’ll give you a few minutes to decide while I nip to the toilet.” I stood up, bunching the bottom of my dress and holding it to my waist. I stepped over Zoe’s legs and headed towards the back of the garden.

  I turned a corner, ducking behind the wall leading to the bathrooms. The night air was cool against my skin, goosebumps rising on the surface, but I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

  Althea caught my gaze as she looked up. She grinned, her dress hiked up around her waist and her foot on Harry’s shoulder, leaning back against the wall. Harry knelt in front of her, the straps of her braces tight over her shoulders, her attention lost in Althea’s pussy. My clit tingled.

  Watching again, Lara? Althea thought with a wink.

  I couldn’t respond before she threw her head back, fisting Harry’s hair and tugging her closer with a loud groan. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. She came fast, rocking her hips, and I stood paralysed, adrenaline firing through my chest as she rode out her orgasm against Harry’s expert mouth, uncaring who else might be listening. I knew her insides were clamped hard around Harry’s fingers.

  I spun on my heel. Althea had quested towards me when she’d looked into my eyes, whether or not she’d meant to, and I needed to come.


  I found Zoe where I’d left her, and I leaned over the back of the chair to whisper in her ear. She took one look at the serious expression on my face and nodded, her gaze dropping to my swollen bottom lip.

  I took her hand, snatching up our jackets as I made my way towards a secluded area at the back of the roof garden, obscured behind a line of tall leafy plants.

  Taking a cursory last look around, I pulled her into a passionate kiss, my hands snaking across the exposed skin on her back. She sighed, leaning towards me, her eyes adjusting to the darkness.

  She broke the kiss, and I threw the jackets on the ground. Zoe lowered herself down and pulled me on top of her. I barely had time to move my dress before she entered me with a growl, lust dancing in her eyes as she felt the arousal that had pooled in my pussy already.

  I moaned, my heart pounding as she pushed inside me, her fingertips massaging my G-spot and her thumb circling my clit.

  She brought me to the edge in a few short minutes, and I squeezed my eyes shut as she propelled me over, no hesitation and no tenderness. My pussy throbbed, my moans stifled yet unyielding. I finally exhaled, arching over her.

  “Better?” she asked, and I snickered.

  “Yes, thank you.” I was silent for a moment longer before I sensed it. “They’re watching us, aren’t they?”

  “So, it’s OK for you to watch, but not the other way around? Why so many double standards, pet?”

  I peered through the darkness and saw the burning embers at the end of Harry’s cigarette. Narrowing my eyes, I spied Althea sitting in her lap, her dress surprisingly still in one piece.

  “Consummated already? You don’t hang about,” she added before exhaling a large cloud of smoke.

  “I couldn’t wait, even if I’d wanted to,” I retorted. “Althea didn’t give me much choice when she quested towards me.”

  “Sorry, toots.” Althea giggled. “I didn’t mean to. You know the effect Harry has.”

  I nodded in agreement. I couldn’t argue with that.

  Despite my best efforts, I was tipsy by midnight. My uncle David had hugged me goodbye half an hour ago, and I’d held him tight, wishing him a safe journey home.

  Zoe’s family had departed as well, advising they needed to get home for the puppy, and Zoe’s mum had once again gushed at how beautiful her daughter was and how proud she was of her. Zoe had fought back her own happy tears as she waved goodbye. Zoe’s cousin, Melissa, had remained behind for longer, but she’d soon left as well.

  Cody jumped up as soon as we returned to the bench around the firepit. “Right, now the oldies have gone, we’re free to play. Harry’s got a game for us.”

  I rolled my eyes, but my inhibitions were lowering. “And what game is this?”

  “It’s a game of dares.” Cody grinned, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “Come on.” He grabbed my hand and hauled me up. “We’re going in teams. Me and you versus Zoe and Michael.”

  He dragged me towards the DJ booth, and I heard Zoe giggling as Michael pulled her to her feet. My eyes landed on Harry as we approached, a pair of headphones to her ear as she fiddled with a few dials. One song faded as another began, and she glanced up. “What took you so long?”

  “They were being mushy saying farewell to Mummy and Daddy,” Cody quipped, and Zoe shoved him. He stumbled but Michael caught the back of his shirt, roaring with laughter.

  “All right, no scrapping under my watch.” Harry grinned. “Are you ready to play?”

  We agreed that we were. I copied Zoe’s example and slipped off my heels as Cody and Michael rolled up their sleeves.

  “OK, the first challenge is a big one, so whoever returns to me first gets a thirty-second head start on the second challenge. Understood?” Harry looked at each of us.

  We nodded. I caught sight of Zoe’s face, her eyes bright, determination etched in the furrows on her forehead.

  “OK, the first thing I want you to do … bring me Althea’s underwear.”

  We froze, peering at each other in confusion. What?

  “Clock’s ticking,” Harry murmured, making a show of looking at her watch.

  Cody suddenly disappeared beside me, and I darted after him, craning my head around the garden. I spotted Althea at the same time as Michael, and we raced closer, skidding to a stop. Althea’s eyes widened in shock.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I need your underwear,” Michael gasped, trying to catch his breath after our sprint. Althea looked confused, and she glanced between us as Zoe and Cody caught up.

  “Can I get your underwear, Althea?” Zoe purred, fluttering her eyelids.

  We stood in silence, watching Althea think it over. She must think we’re all mad.

  “OK.” She shrugged, and her hands disappeared under her dress. We looked at each other in bewilderment.

  Althea quickly stood back up with a smirk, her red lace panties dangling from the end of her finger.

  Cody was quickest, and he snatched them from her and sprinted back towards Harry. The rest of us strove to keep up, giggling hard, and I virtually ran into the back of Cody, not realising he’d stopped. He held them up.

  “Very good.” Harry took the panties from Cody and tucked them into her trouser pocket. Looking over our heads, she winked, and I turned in time to catch Althea blowing her a kiss.

  “All right, now the game can begin,” Harry said, chuckling.

  “What? That wasn’t the first challenge? But we won.”

  “And as promised, you’ll get a thirty-second head start.”

  Zoe and Michael struggled to control their laughter at my puzzled expression. I can’t believe you played me like that.

  You don’t have to play if you can’t handle it, Harry replied.

  Catching Harry’s gaze, it was hard to miss the devilish glint in her eye. “I’m ready,” I said firmly. “What’s the next challenge?”

  “Bring me a bottle of beer.”

  “That’s not a real challenge. You’re just making us run errands for you. Didn’t you get a bottle of beer a minute ago?”

  “That’s long gone.” She held up an empty bottle. Propping a headphone to her ear again, she pressed two buttons on the decks, a second song starting to play behind the first. After a few more buttons, she turned down the volume and the
first song faded to silence as the beat dropped on the second. She lowered the headphone again, hanging them around her neck.

  “Bottle of Budweiser, please.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. I’m waiting until the actual challenges start before I run again. I’m unfit, and I won’t run unless I have no other choice.”

  Harry shrugged. “Suit yourself.” She narrowed her eyes at the laptop screen, scanning through the list of songs.

  Michael nudged Zoe, and the pair of them ran off.

  “Hang on, aren’t we meant to get a thirty-second head start?” Cody asked.

  “You had it, but Lara spent it arguing.”

  “Damn it.” Cody spun around and raced towards the bar.

  “You’re loving this, aren’t you?” I muttered.

  “Loving what, pet?”

  “Making everyone run around for you?”

  “I deny that accusation.” She winked as Zoe returned, handing Harry two bottles of beer. Harry’s eyebrows lifted. “Nice. Bonus point to Zoe.”

  Zoe smirked, puffing up her chest. Michael and Cody appeared beside us, and Cody looked less than pleased.

  Harry took a long swig of beer and placed the bottle down. She bent forward, resting on her forearms. “Lara wants a proper challenge, so what can we do next? Oh, I’ve got it. I want Bella’s purse.”

  I started running before Harry had finished, and I heard footsteps right behind me. I didn’t have a plan, but I needed to find Bella first. Bella wouldn’t let that purse out of her sight, and I doubted she’d hand it over as freely as Althea had her underwear. I halted, panting as Cody stopped beside me, scanning the crowd.

  “Can you see her?” he asked, squinting.

  “Not yet. Where’s Zoe and Michael?”

  “I’m not sure … Oh, there!” Cody darted towards the buffet table at the rear of the garden, and I scrambled to catch up.

  Bella stood talking to Emilia and Faith, and Cody wind-milled his arms to stop himself as he approached at speed. They frowned, clearly curious why we were there. My mind went blank as I tried to think of anything that might convince Bella to let us borrow her purse.


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