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Dear Mr. Firefighter: The Match Maker Series

Page 8

by Callahan, Kelli

  “Yeah, looks that way.” I nodded and looked around the parking lot.

  “Before you go…” He leaned towards me.

  “Yeah?” I turned my head—and he kissed me.

  Fireworks and explosions all over again. It was downright magical. The sensations that had been rushing through me all night amplified. He put his hand on my leg—then started to move it up my thigh. I wanted that hand to go underneath my dress so bad. I didn’t care if he felt the heat radiating between my legs—or found out how wet the kiss was making my panties that I had went through so much trouble to dry. But, he didn’t. He let his hand linger there on my leg—inches from the edge of my dress—and continued kissing me until I couldn’t breathe. I would have let him kiss me until I passed out if he hadn’t pulled back to take a breath. I was totally gasping, feeling my chest heaving hard, but my heart was beating even harder.

  “Abby said I have to ask you to be my girlfriend before it’s official.” His lips twisted into a slight grin.

  “Abby’s a smart girl.” I nodded slowly and narrowed my eyes. “Are you asking?”

  If he proposed, I might say yes—damn—am I really that smitten by this incredible man? I think I am.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “And if you say yes, I’m going to kiss you again before you open that door.”

  “Then yes—a million times yes.” I nodded furiously.

  His lips came for mine and I didn’t hesitate to meet his kiss with the same amount of ferocity resonating from him. My hands grabbed the front of his jacket and I clung to it, pulling him towards me until his weight was against my chest. He could have taken me on the spot—easily. I would have spread my legs and ripped my panties off myself. All he did was kiss me though—a deep, long, passionate kiss. When he finally pulled away, my head was spinning. I definitely wasn’t going to be able to drive without collecting my thoughts.

  “Goodnight, Chloe.” He reached over and traced my cheek with his finger.

  “Goodnight—wait.” I shook my head as I managed to collect one thought in the middle of a million. “I don’t even have your phone number. We set this date up through Grace.”

  “Right.” He blinked in surprise and nodded. “We should definitely exchange numbers.”

  I gave him my contact information and put his number in my phone. My fingers were trembling, but I managed to steady them long enough to make sure what I inputted was right. Once I double checked and triple checked, I reached for the door handle. It was like pushing my hand through molasses while hating ever second of it. I just wanted him to stop me—to say he craved everything I didn’t think I could go a second without—but my hand kept going, and then the door was open.

  “Wait…” His words paused me in my tracks.

  “Yeah?” I turned back, hoping—just praying—that he wasn’t going to let me leave.

  “I need to help you down. You might fall.” He opened the door and quickly walked around to my side of the truck.

  “Oops, I’m falling.” I grinned and half-fell, half-leaped into his arms—because I trusted him—for the first time, I could trust someone to catch me when I fell.

  “Whoa.” His arms grabbed me before I moved more than a few inches in the air. “You must really want to find out what it feels like to land on concrete.”

  “I knew you’d catch me.” I smiled as he safely put my feet on the ground.

  “Your roommates shoes.” He motioned towards his truck.

  “Can’t forget those.” I nodded and grabbed them.

  “You’re very difficult to say goodnight to…” He wrapped his arms around my waist the second I turned back towards him.

  “Probably because I don’t want to say goodnight.” I exhaled sharply.

  One more kiss—at least. His lips devoured mine and my panties were starting to get so wet I was afraid they would be sagging between my thighs before I got into my car. When his lips finally pulled away, all I could do was stare at him as I struggled to draw a breath. A man as sexy as him, that was the total package in every way, was almost criminal. It was definitely criminal to say goodnight, but that was all I could do.

  “Okay, I’m going now.” I fumbled with my keys and pulled them out of my purse.

  “Me too.” He smiled and opened my door as I unlocked it.

  But we didn’t leave—not in that minute. We kissed again and my head spun as I started thinking about all the things, he could do to me without us ever laying down on a mattress. He could pin me to the car—I could straddle his waist. The hood of my car wasn’t necessarily comfortable, but it would do. The filthy, dirty things running through my head were ridiculous, but that didn’t stop my brain from continuing to try and come up with new ways for me to lose my virginity before I went home.

  “Okay…” He took a step back, but still held onto my hand. “Three months. We can do this.”

  No. There’s no fucking way I can do that.

  “Yeah.” I nodded, with an obvious lie pouring over my lips. “Three months.”

  I climbed into my car and closed the door—catching my breath as I turned the key over in the ignition. I would have stared at him until he left, but he seemed intent on making sure I was the first one to leave. I relented and backed my car up. He followed me to the exit and then I turned left while he turned right. Each mile that passed beneath my tires felt like my heart was being stretched—trying desperately to reconnect to the man who had stolen it over the course of three letters and one incredible night.

  “How was your date!?” Lola met me at the door. “I didn’t get an SOS text, so I haven’t popped the cork on a bottle of wine.”

  “No, I don’t need wine.” I shook my head back and forth. “It was—incredible.”

  “Yay!” Lola grabbed me for a hug. “Wait, why are you carrying my shoes—and where did you get those shoes?”

  “These heels are definitely not for me.” I put them in her hands. “I broke one of them too.”

  “What?” She turned them over in a panic.

  “I got them fixed—well, Cain did.” I smiled and nodded.

  “Okay, tell me everything!” Lola grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the living room.

  I filled her in on the details that I felt comfortable sharing. I really didn’t know how to put the things going on inside of me into words. I assumed Lola would understand since she had a lot more experience than I did, but I still held back. I just told her how great he was, how unbelievably attractive—how sweet—how kind—and how much I wanted to see him again. My phone buzzed in my hand while I was talking to her, and my words trailed off as I looked at the screen.

  Cain: Thinking about you…

  Chloe: Talking about you…

  Cain: Oh?

  Chloe: My roommate. She wanted to know everything.

  Cain: Don’t leave out the good parts.

  Chloe: Some things aren’t exactly sharable!

  Cain: The parts you can’t share haven’t happened yet.

  Chloe: :)

  “Alright, I guess I’m going to bed.” I looked up at Lola and smiled.

  “That’s Cain isn’t it? He’s texting you.” She looked down at my phone as it buzzed again.

  “Yeah…” I grinned and looked down at the screen.

  Cain: I don’t have a picture of you except for the one on the website, and I have no idea how to add that to your contact information in my phone. Will you send me one?

  Chloe: Yeah, I’ll find one to send you. Give me a few minutes. I want one of you too, though!

  “Don’t stay up all night texting him.” She giggled and stood. “I need to go to bed myself. I stayed up much later than I should have waiting on you.”

  “See you tomorrow.” I walked down the hallway to my room.

  I’m about to do something I’ve never done before.

  I was about to embark on a million eternities masquerading as three months. The tension between was so ignitable that I wasn’t sure the entire fire department could have p
ut out the blaze if I dared to strike the match with more than a kiss. I wanted her—bad. It wasn’t the kind of desire that would only last one night either, it was the kind of desire that made me want to wrap my arms around her and never let her go. But that was foolish—that was true madness. I had done little more than exchange a few letters and go on one date. I shouldn’t have been thinking about anything except the next date, yet I was thinking about the rest of my damn life.

  This is ridiculous. I need to calm the fuck down…

  I parked my truck and went inside. I was actually kind of relieved that Bridget wasn’t up. She would want to know about the date, and I just wasn’t in the mood to share. If I talked about it, I would end up regretting my decision to say goodnight when I did. There was no real reason to let her drive way—she wanted it as bad as I did. But there was a major complication—one I didn’t expect. Chloe was a virgin.

  She’s never trusted anyone enough to let them get past all of her hesitations, yet she’s ready to throw them all away after one date with me. I should feel honored—but I’m feeling something I haven’t felt in years—fear.

  Sex was going to complicate things, especially if Chloe had never been with anyone before. No matter how amazing our date was, there was no way I could take things that far without spending more time with her. I knew that I liked her—but would I love her? Would we run into the same problems couples ran into down the road—a week, a month, a year later? She was putting all of the trust in me and I believed in fighting for what I wanted, but I also didn’t want to pull her across the threshold of my life where she could be hurt. I could never do that to her, because she had felt the sting of betrayal before.

  I’ll control my urges and I’ll probably have to control hers too. Imagine that—me telling a woman that I don’t want her to take off her panties.

  I couldn’t get Chloe out of my head, so I decided to send her a message. I stared at the blank screen next to her name—where a picture should have been. Her face was burned into my memories, but I definitely wouldn’t mind seeing her smile there next to her name. I flipped over to the website for What the Heart Wants and tried to figure out how to take the picture from the profile link Grace sent me, but I couldn’t figure it out. I remembered Abby showing me how to hold my finger on a picture and save it, but that didn’t work, so I just decided to ask Chloe for one.

  Of course, she wants one of me. Fuck.

  I flipped through the camera roll on my phone, trying to find something that was usable. I wasn’t really the kind of person that took a selfie. I didn’t even have a social media account. There were a couple of old ones, one of which had been used by Abby when she made my account. There definitely wasn’t anything new, not that I had changed much except for a little more salt-and-pepper in my beard. The phone lit up with a message from Chloe, but I still hadn’t found one of me that I wanted to share.

  Holy fuck!

  I blinked in surprise when I flipped to Chloe’s message. She sent me a picture alright, but it wasn’t one of her smile. It was a picture of her sitting on the edge of a bed with the phone at an angle over her head—and while I could only see her face and upper torso, it looked like she was naked. The only thing hiding her breasts was the angle and her arm. Her cleavage was certainly on full display. Just looking at the picture made my cock get hard in my pants.

  Cain: Wow…

  Chloe: Your turn.

  Okay. Two can play that game if she wants to tease me.

  I stripped down into my boxers and climbed into bed. I didn’t know if she liked tattoos or not, but she was about to see every inch of ink that covered my chest and arms. I angled the phone, took a photo—and nearly blinded myself with the flash. That wasn’t going to work. The picture barely got half my face, but it captured my headboard perfectly. I hit the button that would flip the camera to the one on the front and framed myself in the shot before taking a second photo. I checked it a couple of times to make sure it was good, and then sent it to Chloe.

  Chloe: Wow yourself! I knew you had some tattoos!

  Cain: Yeah, just a few.

  Chloe: Hot!

  Cain: Can I get a picture that I can use for your contact now? I really don’t think you want that flashing up on my screen every time you call.

  Chloe: True. Okay, will I get one in return?

  Cain: Yep.

  Chloe sent me a second photo that was safe enough for me to set as her picture, and it captured her smile perfectly. I definitely wasn’t going to get the image of her curves out of my head, even if her arm was covering her breasts, but the one of her beautiful smile was one that I could stare at all day long. I was just about to put my phone down when it lit up again. I clicked her text message and saw another picture—a little more risqué than the first. Her arm was still across her breasts, but the fingers on her right hand were parted ever so slightly—enough for me to see the pink on the top of her nipple.

  Cain: You really, really don’t know what you’re doing to me. Three months!

  Chloe: I’ve never been able to send anyone naughty pictures before. I kind of like it.

  Cain: Don’t girls usually end up regretting these kinds of pictures? Doesn’t everything end up on the Internet?

  Chloe: I trust you.

  Cain: Okay, fine…

  I took another picture of myself, but I slid the blanket down enough to give her a slight view of my hip, making sure that six-pack was perfectly framed. It felt weird sending a dirty picture to a woman, but she started it. If she was going to turn me on, then I had no problem doing the same to her. Three months was going to be a really long time—that was for damn sure. I hesitated for a moment, but then I went ahead and sent the picture.

  Chloe: A little more and I could see what I’m getting in three months.

  Cain: Not happening. I thought girls hated guys that sent them pictures of their dick.

  Chloe: I guess I’m not like most girls. :)

  Cain: Still not happening.

  Chloe: When are we going to go out again?

  Cain: Tomorrow?

  Chloe: Okay!

  Cain: I’ll pick you up this time. Send me your address.

  She sent me her address and I fumbled my way into adding it to her contact information. We traded a few more texts, but no pictures, and then we finally said goodnight. I rolled over to my side with Chloe practically stuck in my head. I flipped to the last picture she sent, and I just couldn’t control myself. My cock was throbbing so much it was starting to hurt. I shoved my boxers down, wrapped my hand around my dick, and started to stroke it as I stared at her picture. I was engorged with lust in a matter of seconds.

  In three months, I’m going to do so many dirty things to you that you’ll never stop begging for more.

  I could taste Chloe on my lips, imagine what was hiding behind her arm—and dream about what was beneath the edge of the picture—her sweet cherry. When the time came, I was going to do more than claim it—I was going to devour it. She was so fucking gorgeous. It should have been a crime to even see the outline of her body on the screen.

  Those tits. Those soft pouty lips. They’re going to be all mine.

  My hand started to gain momentum, furiously stroking my length as I imagined how amazing her tight virgin pussy would feel when I was inside it. She had never given it to a man, and I was going to be the first. I would wait until the time was right. Three months might be too soon, or too late. The rules gave us a parameter, but I was going to do what felt right. She was worth the wait. Everything she went through had made her stronger and when she finally gave herself to me, she was going to know that I would be her first—and her last.

  I’m going to savor every moment until the time finally comes…

  My cock started to throb in my hand and then it pulsated against my fingers. It had been so long since I had chased a release that it was going to be over even before the fantasy was complete. That was okay—my hand was barely more than a placebo for what I really wante
d it. It was just all I had. I stroked myself faster and felt the pressure in my balls. A few seconds later, cum surged through my shaft and erupted. I kept going until every drop was drained, and then my hand fell away.

  Goodnight sweet Chloe. I’ll see you tomorrow.

  My thoughts refused to let me rest, despite the fact that I was in bed with the lights off. I kept reaching for my phone, picking it up, and staring at Cain’s pictures. I had one of his face, which was nice to have next to his phone number, but the other two—they were smoking hot. I knew he had some ink, but his upper torso and arms were covered in gorgeous tattoos. His physique was incredible. All I could see was rock hard muscles from shoulder to abdomen, and in the second picture I saw a little more skin—and every inch of it was delicious looking.

  He could have any girl he wanted. Some of them probably wouldn’t even care if he treated them well—they’d be happy having that amazing body in bed next to them all the time.

  Cain was definitely different than any guy I had dated and the fact he was hot-as-sin was just a bonus. He certainly made me want to sin. My body was crying out for his touch—and I couldn’t wait until I had a chance trace those muscles—just to feel them against the tips of my fingers. My panties were already wet, and I knew they were coming off. The fire burning between my legs was going to have to satisfied by something, and since Cain wasn’t ready to throw the rulebook out the window, I would just have to take care of things myself.

  There’s no way I’m going to be able to go to sleep with all of these urges coursing through my veins.

  I slid my hand down my stomach and pushed my panties below my knees. It only took a couple of kicks to get my legs free. I was beyond wet—I was saturated. Cain’s picture was just icing on the cake after having his lips on mine so many times before our date was over. My hand moved between my thighs and I rubbed my clit several times. It quickly formed a hard knot against my touch.

  This may be all I get for the next three months.

  I rarely masturbated and it had definitely been a while. Usually, I had some random guy in the back of my head to imagine—a perfect combination of good looks and a charming smile. The fantasies were safe because I could chase what I needed in the moment without getting my heart broken. None of those fantasies matched Cain—he was better than anything my imagination could have cooked up, and he would never destroy me. He could have taken me—stripped me of my innocence—but he wanted the time to be right.


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