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Marked By The Devil

Page 10

by Joanna Blake

  I nodded, watching Callaway bring all the Italian taco fixings out to the table. He couldn’t hear me, but Tommy sensed my agreement. I did like Callaway. Even though it scared me, I liked him a lot.

  “See you tomorrow, Sis.”

  “Okay, Bro. I’ll catch you mañana.”

  I heard the whoosh of air as he set the phone down. I set my phone on the heavy wood coffee table and pushed my damp hair behind my ears.

  Callaway carried out a bottle of wine and two glasses. He stopped, checking in with me.

  “All good?”

  I nodded, smiling brightly at him.

  “Yes. All good.”

  “Great. Let’s eat.”

  My stomach made a loud rumble in response. Yes, we would eat. And after that, I wasn’t quite sure what would happen.

  Liar. You know exactly what’s going to happen. It’s about time too.

  Tonight, I was finally going to lost my V-card.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “Had enough?”

  Molly was leaned back in her chair, holding her cute little belly. She’d been so tired and hungry, she’d put away almost three helpings. I hoped she hadn’t overdone it. I didn’t want her upchucking while I had my way with her.

  Because I had plans for her.

  Big plans.

  I smiled reassuringly. No need to make her nervous about what was to come. She’d been through so much, it kind of made my head spin. She was so sweet and yet so strong. She broke my heart and healed it, all at the same fucking time.

  All I wanted to do was keep her close, put my hands on her, see her fucking perfect face every day, and protect her.

  Well, I wanted to touch her with a lot more than my hands. I wanted her against me as often as possible. It wasn’t just about sex either. It was almost as if I wanted to absorb her, just lay my body on hers and get as close as possible. Not just with my cock.

  I want to freaking mind meld with her.

  Yeah, Molly was turning me into an alien from a Sci-Fi movie. Only this was the soft-core porn version of that Sci-Fi movie. If I was an alien, I wanted to mate with a human.

  This human.

  I smiled at her again, reaching out to pick up our plates. We’d both had a little wine, but not enough to make us act foolish. Just enough for a little courage.

  The truth was, I needed it.

  I was laying my cards on the table tonight. Laying down the law. I felt sure that my way was right, and the best thing for both of us. Best for her brother too.

  But deep down, I was afraid she would say no. Push me away again. Tear me apart without even realizing what she was doing. I’d nearly lost my mind when she’d tried to turn me away. It was like the sun had gone out and it was never coming out again. I had been crumbling, and she had barely noticed, too tired to even pay attention while she ripped my heart out.

  Because I knew without a doubt that Miss Molly had no clue how much power she had over me.

  And she had a lot. I’d never let someone in like this. Never wanted to. But with her . . . she was it. She had more power over me than anyone, ever.

  Tonight, I was going to show her how much.

  I prayed to God she didn’t run away from me.

  “Thank you. I feel human again.”

  I shooed her away when she tried to help me clear the table. She was going to need her energy. Every bit of it.

  “Why don’t you go sit on the couch? I’ll be there in a second.”

  I made short work of the mess, leaving some things to soak and sticking a few things in the dishwasher. I put the leftovers into Tupperware and into the fridge. It wasn’t like I spent a lot of time cooking and cleaning, but I was no slob. Bonnie hadn’t raised me to be disgusting.

  Even my messy day after party nights got cleaned up within twenty-four hours. Not that I ever brought the party home. But I had definitely tied on one in my apartment or finished up early in the morning at home. Most nights, I crashed at the club house, usually with a bed full of club girls.

  Man, those days feel a million miles away. And not in a bad way. I couldn’t care less that my days of running wild are over.

  I dried my hands and leaned against the door to the living room, watching my quarry. Molly was reading a magazine, something I’d had lying around. She was so serious, so proper-looking sitting there. My mouth twisted in a wry smile.

  She’s a very proper young lady, and I’m about to do filthy things to her.

  Filthy, unspeakable things. Things she had never done before. Things she had never imagined.

  As soon as we had our little talk.


  Her head snapped up and she gave me a sweet smile. That smile melted my heart a little. But it wasn’t going to make me go easy on her. I had to be firm. Otherwise, she’d keep pushing me away.

  “Things are going to change. Starting now.”

  She blinked, her smile fading away.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean this morning. You said some stuff.”

  “You said some stuff too.”

  She crossed her arms over her curvy chest. I got momentarily distracted by her glorious rack before getting back to the matter at hand. I cleared my throat.

  “You think it’s you and Tommy against the world. That’s over.” She opened her mouth to speak but I held up a hand. “You have me now. And you can’t just push me away every time you get cold feet. This is real. This is permanent.”

  She didn’t say a word. Her eyes were very big and wide as she stared at me. Her gorgeous pink lips opened a fraction.

  Damn, but I wanted to kiss that look right off her face.

  She didn’t believe me. Well, before the night was over, she would. I would make sure she knew it real good.

  “I am buying a house for us. All three of us.”


  “No ‘buts’. I was thinking about doing it anyway. And now that you’re in the picture, it makes more sense than ever.”

  “You can’t just buy a house.”

  “Yes. I can. My business is doing well. I have a waitlist.”

  “But you can’t spend all your money on me!”

  “Yes, I can.” I smiled at her coolly. “Besides, who said it was all my money?”

  She stared at me. I stared back. I was still outwardly relaxed but my blood was pumping. I wanted her clothes off. I wanted her in my bed. I wanted to keep her in my damn pocket forever.

  “You can’t just tell me to move in.”

  “Yes. I can.”

  “What gives you the right to tell me what to do?”

  She stood up, looking like a furious kitten. If she had hissed at me or swished her tail, I would not have been surprised. My lips curled into a smile. She really did look beautiful when she was angry.

  “Because I love you. That’s why. And you love me.”

  I took three steps until I was standing toe-to-toe with her.

  “And if you don’t love me yet, I will make you.”

  Some of her anger melted away. I saw it leave. Her shoulders relaxed. The fierce glare in her blue eyes softened.

  “You can’t make someone love you, Callaway.”

  I leaned in close, tipping her chin up so that our lips were inches away.

  “Watch me.”

  My lips brushed hers and she sighed. It was a feminine, yielding sound. It said, ‘I’m not going to fight you.’ It said, ‘I will let you take my clothes off and have your way with me.’ It was the best sound I’d ever heard.

  And I meant to hear it a hundred times before the night was over. Thankfully, it was still early, and she was well-rested and well-fed. So was I. And I’d been planning what to do the entire day while she slept.

  Molly was in for a big surprise.

  I scooped her up and hoisted her over my shoulder, my hand on her ass. It felt damn good under my palm. Juicy and so feminine. She let out a squeal, wiggling around a bit. But I wasn’t having it. I spa
nked her, and she held still, probably more from surprise than anything.

  “Behave yourself.”

  I squeezed her sweet ass and she let out another shocked noise. It was cute, but I wasn’t going to be distracted. I lowered her carefully to the bed.

  “Now, we’re going to get a few things straight, you and I.”

  I wagged my finger when she tried to stand up. She sat back down again. Good girl.

  “We are together. This is not a fling. This is permanent.” Her eyes grew wide. “You belong to me.”

  She opened her mouth to argue and I hushed her.

  “And I belong to you too.”

  Her mouth shut like a trap.

  “So. Since you are mine, it’s my job to teach you when you get off-track. This right here is what I call a correction.”

  I sat down and patted my lap.

  “Lie over my legs.”

  “What? You’re crazy.”

  “You’re getting a spanking.”

  “For what? I’m not a child!”

  “No, you aren’t.” I gave her an evil smile. “I would never spank a child.”

  She looked outraged, and I used her moment of distraction to pull her over my thighs. She wiggled but I just held her still until she wore herself out. I wasn’t going to spank her hard. I just wanted to make a point.

  Plus, I really liked the view from this angle.

  “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  I admired the round cheeks as she finally stopped struggling. Then I lifted my hand and swatted her ass. I felt my cock start to harden as I watched her butt jiggle.

  Holy mother of God, that was sexy.

  “This is for trying to run out on me again.”

  Swat. Jiggle. Pause.

  “This is for not accepting help when it’s offered.”

  Swat. Jiggle. Deep breath. Pause.

  “This is just so you don’t forget who butters your bread.”

  She was laughing when I pulled her upright again. I frowned. Laughing? This was a serious matter.


  “Butters . . . my . . . bread?” She choked out each word around loud, unladylike guffaws. I scowled at her, then started to laugh myself.

  “Young lady, do not make me spank you again.”

  That only made her laugh louder.

  “That was the world’s softest spanking.”

  “Well, I didn’t want to hurt you. I was just proving a point.”

  “You know, Callaway, you’re not very scary. Not like I thought at first.”

  I pulled her close and stared into her eyes.

  “You thought I was scary?”

  “No. I thought you were hot and dangerous-looking. There’s a difference.”

  I started smiling and couldn’t stop.

  “You thought I was hot?”

  “Oh, shut up, like you don’t know that you’re gorgeous!”

  “Gorgeous? Hmm . . .”

  I stroked my imaginary beard. But I was getting distracted. I needed to make my point. The spanking was only the first step.

  “Lie down, woman. I need to do things to you.”

  My smiled faded as she lay down without protest. I looked her over, from the tips of her bare toes, up the long, luscious legs, past the curved hips, trim waist, and narrow ribs to her unbelievable tits, all the way to her sweet, perfect, prettier than possible face.

  “Are you going to behave, or do I need to restrain you?”

  Her eyes got really big.

  “Restrain me?”

  I felt my lips twitch but refused to smile. I held out a finger.

  “If you aren’t good, I will tie you up.”


  She was intrigued but not intimidated. That was fine. I wanted her gasping with pleasure and begging for my cock, not scared. I wanted her to admit she loved me, dammit.

  And to tell me once and for all that she was going to stick around.

  I started by running my hands over her. Over her clothes. I touched every bit of her, lingering the slightest bit over her most sensitive parts. She squirmed restlessly as I touched her, over and over again. I felt like an artist, painting a masterpiece. Using my gun to stain skin in colors and shapes that caught the eye and sparked the soul.

  But I wasn’t using ink or paint.

  I was just trying to get her to soak those cute little panties.

  Hell, I wanted her to soak the damn bed.

  So far, it was working. I knew I was fucking amazing in bed, even without trying. And I’d made her come before. Twice. But tonight, she wasn’t going to get satisfaction until I did.

  I smiled grimly and traced the seams of her jeans. She was already horny. I’d seen to that. Ladies loved foreplay, and I was going slow as fuck tonight. She was going to overdose on foreplay. Each stage was going to last ten times longer than usual. And by dawn, she’d be begging me for release or riding my cock.

  “I think we’re ready to take these clothes off.”

  She nodded breathlessly as I ran my fingertips over her nipples, which were already poking holes in her shirt.

  “Or should I start with these? Hmm, yeah let’s just focus up here for a while.”

  Her eyes got wide as she realized I wasn’t going to finish her off right away. But she didn’t misbehave or argue with me. I toyed with her tits through her shirt for a good long while, ignoring the restlessly rocking hips just inches away. She was squirming, trying to hold back and failing. It took all my willpower not to pounce on her, but I did it. Finally, I pulled her shirt off but left the bra on.

  And then I started again, circling, plucking, teasing until she was tossing her head and writhing on the bed. I wondered briefly if she could come from me playing with her luscious tits alone and decided to switch tactics.

  I slid my hands down to her thighs and rubbed them lightly, up and down, coming close but never touching her pussy. She moaned helplessly in pleasure and my cock lurched in response. This was harder on me than it was on her. But even if it was torture, it was pleasurable torture.

  There was nothing better than having her at my disposal. I could do anything to her at this moment and I knew it. It was the best damn feeling I’d had in my life. But I still held back.

  My hands were itching to do more, press harder, touch skin. But this was the way to drive her wild. I knew it. I sensed it. Hopefully, I wouldn’t completely lose my mind in the process.

  I prayed fervently that the payoff was worth it. That she’d give in. That she would admit she was mine.

  I lost the battle to keep this up and unfastened her jeans. I wanted to see those panties and I wasn’t waiting another minute.

  I swallowed as her sexy little mound came into view. The white cotton of her panties clung to her pussy lips, clearly outlining them. It was almost too much for me.

  “You are moving in with me,” I said as I tugged her jeans the rest of the way down. “You belong to me.”

  She whimpered but didn’t say anything. I wasn’t sure she was even listening to me. I ran my thumb over her cleft through her panties and was immediately rewarded by a damp spot. She looked so good lying there in her bra and panties. Her body was strong and supple and made for my loving. I decided I wanted to get her a white bikini and take her to the beach. Hawaii, maybe.

  Either way, I was never going to forget this moment.

  “If you want me to keep touching you here, you’re going to have to agree with me.”

  “Mmm hmm . . .”

  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Please.”

  “Are you going to move in with me?”

  My hand lifted and her eyes popped open.

  “I don’t know. I can’t think, Callaway!”

  My fingertips made a lazy whirl on her inner thigh and she gasped.

  “It’s very simple, sweetheart. Do you belong to me?”

  She stared at me.

  “I’ve never belonged to anyone.”

  Her words cut
through me like a knife. She’d been on her own for so long. But I couldn’t stop now.

  “Well, you do now. I won’t hurt you. I’ll keep you and your brother safe. I promise you, Molly.”

  “Okay.” She sighed and closed her eyes again. I moved my fingers closer to her pussy.

  “Okay, what?”

  “Okay, I belong to you.”

  I grinned and leaned down to kiss her pussy through her panties. She rewarded me with a sexy whimper. I tugged them down with my teeth, growling at her like a wild dog. Then I got her bra off. There she was, laid out in all her glory. Jesus Christ, the woman was spectacular naked. She was the most beautiful thing I’d seen in my life.

  And she’s mine.

  “Good. That’s real good, baby. Can I hear it again?”

  I kissed her stomach and looked up at her.

  “I belong to you, Callaway.”

  “And you’re moving in with me.”

  She sighed again.

  “That scares me.”

  I lay beside her, letting my hands wander freely over her silky skin. I had my jeans on still. It was the only thing keeping me from plunging my desperate cock inside her. The big guy was desperate for her, to say the least.


  She stared at the ceiling.

  “What if you change your mind?”

  Her voice was so tiny. So scared. She’d been alone for so long, and I knew this was something that had scared her since she lost her parents.

  “Listen to me.” I gently lifted her chin so I could look into her beautiful eyes. “There are only a few things certain in this life. One, that we all come into this life and we all leave it. And two, that I am going to love you until the day I die.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. I think mine may have too. But that didn’t last long because we were too busy kissing. Kissing side by side soon turned to kissing with her long legs wrapped around me as I held her firmly in place. My cock wanted out of my jeans, but I wasn’t going to rush this. I wanted to savor my moment of victory.

  Before long, we were rolled over, with me over her, kissing and touching and, dear Lord, dry humping like a pair of teenagers afraid that their mom was about to come in.

  But we were alone. And we weren’t teenagers. And she loved me. I knew she did. She had to.

  “Tell me.” I nuzzled my face into her neck, kissing her softly as I breathed my question into her perfect little ear.


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