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Master of My Heart

Page 16

by Marissa Honeycutt

  Jayson opened his mouth, but Liz slapped him on the arm and shook her head. He closed his mouth and frowned at her.

  “I’m so sorry,” Sabrina repeated, looking between the two of them, wanting to explain . . . something. “Really. I am. I-I lost track of time and . . . forgot to tell anyone where I was,” she finished lamely. “I’m not used to people caring about me. I was never allowed to go anywhere alone after . . . stuff changed and . . .” She sighed. “I won’t do it again. I promise.”

  Liz hugged her. “I understand. It’s okay. We forgive you.” She kissed Sabrina’s wet cheek, her own damp with tears. “We care a lot about you.”

  “I care a lot about you, too,” Sabrina said sincerely. “Both of you.”

  They hugged her again, then helped her to her feet. She tried not to wince, but Jayson saw it. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Just really tired.”

  “Do you want to stay home this morning? Martin’s okay with that, as long as it doesn’t happen often.”

  Sabrina shook her head. She’d been through worse nights and still danced the next day. “No. I’m okay. I’m gonna go shower and have some breakfast.”

  She hurried to her bedroom, her heart aching with guilt. She was the worst person in the world for what she put Liz and Jayson through.

  But at least the girls in the company would be safe from Aiden.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Friday evening, Liz helped her get ready for the donor cocktail party. Before the stuff happened with Aiden, she’d been looking forward to going. Not because of the donors, but because it was her first grown-up party. Now, she knew Aiden would be there and would want something from her. He’d hinted about as much on Thursday morning before she’d left his apartment.

  Liz zipped up the black beaded sheath dress and Sabrina turned around in front of the mirror. She looked good. Part of her wished she didn’t. But the other girls are safe, she reminded herself.

  Liz, Jon, Jayson, and Sabrina took a taxi across town to the Boston Public Gardens, then walked up the tree-lined road to a four-story limestone townhouse. The cold wind whipped down the street and she pulled her coat tighter around her.

  And it’s not even October yet. I’m going to die this winter!

  A long line of expensive cars and limousines ended at the house. Men and women dressed in elegant clothing stepped out and made their way up the steps to the protected entryway where a tall, broad-shouldered man in a dark suit stood and checked people’s names against a list in a leather-bound book he held in his hand.

  “Hey, Casey,” Jayson said to him.

  The man grinned and shook Jayson’s hand. “Hey, Jayson. How ya doing?”

  “Good. Things good out in the world?”

  “Yup. Should be hearing news any day now.”

  Jayson looked pleased, but Sabrina was completely confused by their conversation. The man noticed her standing there and arched a brow. “Who’s this?”

  Jayson beamed. “This is Sabrina.”

  Casey’s eyes widened as he looked back and forth between them, then looked confused. “Really? You’re Sabrina?” he asked, staring at her as if he’d seen a ghost. She nodded. He looked back at Jayson. “Have you called Chase?”

  “Yup,” Jayson answered.

  Casey stared at Sabrina and gave her a warm smile. “Wow.”

  Sabrina frowned in confusion and looked at Jayson. He shrugged and put his hand on her back, urging her up the stairs. “See ya,” Jayson said as he gently pushed her forward.

  Sabrina looked back at Casey, who still watched her. “Who is that? He knows Chase?”

  Jayson nodded. “Yeah. They’re army buddies.”

  Sabrina felt very uncomfortable as she walked through the large wooden front door that stood open, welcoming them with warmth and light. Would she see anyone else who knew Chase? Anyone else who would seem to know who she was? She looked back at the door, wishing she could escape. This was not the way she expected the evening to go. The last thing she wanted tonight was to be reminded of Chase. Especially now that she was involved with another man, however much she wished she weren’t

  Once inside, they made their way across the marble entryway, through a wooden doorway, and into a huge room filled with people. She saw a few dancers she knew scattered around the room, but most were strangers.

  Something, a feeling, made her freeze just inside the room. A very uncomfortable sensation that made her think of Khyan. She quickly scanned the room. Seeing no sign of the giant anywhere, she relaxed . . . a little. However, the feeling still nagged at her. She didn’t like it. It unnerved her.

  “Are you okay?” Jayson asked. “You look a little pale.”

  “I don’t know,” she confessed softly.

  “You want something to drink?” Jayson asked, leading her over to a bar in the corner of the large room.

  Sabrina looked at the bar and hesitated, remembering what happened the last time—the only time—she drank. She bit her lip and looked at Jayson. He gave her a warm smile. “I promise. No one will drug your drink here.”

  “What if I wasn’t drugged on the train? What if I’m just stupid when I drink?”

  “I’ll be here the whole time and so will the other dancers. We’ll watch out for you. I can see you’re nervous. It might help you relax.”

  “Okay,” she finally agreed, figuring it might help when Aiden showed up.

  Jayson smiled and ordered something from the bartender. A few minutes later, he handed her what looked like a glass of orange juice.

  “Orange juice?” she asked.

  “It’s called a screwdriver. Has vodka in it.”

  Sabrina took a sip and wrinkled her nose at the burning sensation in her throat. It changed to a soothing warmth almost immediately and she smiled. “I hope it helps.”

  Jayson placed his arm around her shoulders and hugged her to him. “Don’t drink too much and you’ll be fine.”

  She stayed close to him as they wandered around, looking for people they knew. It amazed her how at ease he was around people. She felt awkward and was glad he was with her.

  The feeling she’d felt when she first walked into the room intensified. She felt someone watching her. Khyan. Sabrina was certain it was him. She searched the room desperately, not seeing him. She knew he was here, but not being able to see him made her sick

  She should leave. It wasn’t a good idea to be here. Khyan wouldn’t hesitate to hurt anyone near her.

  She closed her eyes and relaxed, trying to pinpoint the location of the sensation. When she opened her eyes, though, it wasn’t Khyan. She stared at a tall, handsome, older man across the room who watched her with intense brown eyes. His sharp jawline was clean-shaven and his dark hair, which was trimmed into a conservative style, had glints of silver around the temples. His black pinstripe suit was impeccably tailored, but his blue-plaid silk tie hinted at a whimsical side. When their eyes met, he smiled. A friendly, warm smile. Even though Sabrina didn’t understand why he felt like Khyan, she relaxed a little bit knowing it wasn’t the Immortal. Until the man started walking toward her.

  “Who is that?” she whispered to Jayson a little too forcefully.

  He frowned, then looked around. When the man stopped in front of them, Jayson smiled and extended his hand. “Hi, Richard.”

  She looked between Jayson and the man he called Richard. Jayson seemed completely at ease with him. Friendly, even. Sabrina didn’t understand how he could be welcoming and feel like Khyan at the same time . . .

  Richard smiled at Jayson as they shook hands. She noticed a diamond ring on his pinky and something flashed in her mind, but it was gone an instant later. “Hello, Jayson. I was wondering when you’d show up.” He looked at her curiously, then smiled again. “And you have a very pretty date.”

  “Richard, this is my frie
nd, not my date. Sabrina, this is Richard Hawks. Richard, this is Sabrina Mansfield.”

  She stared at him, willing herself to not tremble. When Jayson softly elbowed her in the ribs, she extended her hand. “Hi,” she said nervously.

  Richard’s brow arched slightly before giving her another warm smile. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. “A pleasure, Sabrina.”

  She nodded and pulled her hand back quickly, then swallowed hard, afraid he would think her rude. “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Hawks.”

  “Please, call me Richard.”

  He studied her eyes carefully. She felt as if he was trying to read her mind and looked away nervously.

  “Are you from the Boston area?” Richard asked, genuine interest in his eyes.

  She shook her head. Something told her to be careful what she said around him.

  “She’s from Arizona,” Jayson volunteered. She frowned at him.

  “Ah. What brings you out to our fair city?”

  “I just joined the ballet company,” she answered quietly.

  He nodded slowly, still studying her face.

  She needed to escape his disconcerting presence and looked around desperately for someone she knew, but didn’t see anyone. She glanced at Jayson. “Is there a bathroom here?” she whispered.

  He nodded and pointed to a door in the center of the side wall.

  “Excuse me,” she said and hurried to the doorway. She could still feel Richard staring at her. She went inside and locked the door behind her, chest heaving with each breath.

  She leaned her head against the marble wall and took deep breaths.

  In . . . out . . .

  In . . . out . . .

  Richard hadn’t hurt her, hadn’t grabbed her. Maybe he wasn’t like Khyan. He didn’t give any indication he knew who or what she was. He only looked curious. Maybe he wasn’t a threat. Just to be sure, she decided to avoid him. Not that avoiding him would do any good if he wanted her. She was Immortal now. She couldn’t hide.

  What if Khyan had sent him to find her? The thought terrified her and she closed her eyes against the tears threatening to fall.

  She was getting too comfortable in this place. She was letting down her guard and her past seemed to be catching up with her.

  She exhaled through pursed lips and lifted her chin. She was here now. If Khyan had sent this Richard to get her, then nothing would stop him from doing so. If he hadn’t and Richard was just . . . whatever he was . . . then worrying about it wouldn’t do any good. She just needed to make the best of things and pray that no one would get hurt because of her.

  After a few minutes, her heartbeat calmed. Well, as calm as she could imagine it being. She’d stopped shaking, though, and could breathe normally. She opened the door slowly, thankful that Richard was nowhere in sight. She spotted Mya and Audrey nearby and headed over to them.

  “You look awesome, Sabrina!” Audrey exclaimed.

  “You do, too,” she replied with a smile, pushing aside her nerves. “Both of you.” Audrey wore a red dress with a very short skirt and low-cut top. Mya’s purple dress was long with a slit up to mid-thigh.

  “There are so many hot men here,” Mya said, looking around. “Wealthy, too.”

  Audrey giggled, and Sabrina forced a smile.

  Sabrina listened to them size up the men in the room, deciding which ones they wanted to “go after.” Sabrina offered her opinion here and there, and they were surprised at the things she caught about the men that they didn’t.

  “No. He’s not nice,” Sabrina commented about one. “Look at his eyes. He’s like a vulture.”

  She was surprised at the number of men who actually appeared to be nice. Much more than she would have expected.

  “Sabrina, I was hoping you’d be here.”

  She turned, feigning surprise at the familiar voice behind her. “Hi, Aiden,” she said with a practiced, shy smile. “I didn’t know you’d be here.” It was a lie, but he’d told her to pretend they barely knew each other and that she liked him as any other woman would a movie star. And he looked every bit like an actor. His dark suit looked custom-made, his watch glinted with gold and diamonds, and he held himself as though a dozen cameras were pointed at him.

  Mya and Audrey gave her big knowing grins before turning and disappearing into the crowd, leaving her alone with Aiden. She wanted to call them back, to be surrounded by other girls, but knew she couldn’t. She’d agreed to play her part.

  He shrugged and gave her a big, boyish grin. “Here I am.” He glanced down at her empty glass. “Can I get you a refill?”

  Sabrina nodded. “Sure.” He really is a good actor. If I didn’t know better, I’d believe he was just a boy-next-door.

  She followed Aiden across the room to the bar where he ordered her another drink.

  “Having a good time?” he asked as they waited.

  “I just got here a little while ago.” She looked around. “There are a lot of people.”

  “Not big on crowds?”

  She shook her head.

  “Let’s see if we can find somewhere quieter. Have you been up to the roof terrace?” he asked, holding out her drink.

  She shook her head as her stomach twisted with nerves. “Isn’t it cold out?” She’d left her coat with an attendant.

  He put a hand on her lower back and guided her across the room. “There are heaters.” His hand against her back made her tingle.

  Disgusting whore. She knew he was going to use her, yet she was getting excited.

  They walked up several flights of stairs and out onto the roof. She gasped in astonishment. “Oh! What a beautiful view.” The area had been filled with plants and flowers and was remarkably warm. The lights in the surrounding buildings twinkled in the darkness, and she could see the river in the distance.

  Aiden led her over to a corner of the terrace where there weren’t many people. She looked out at the view, which was less obstructed.

  She took another sip of her drink and felt herself relax.

  “You’re doing excellent, Sabrina,” he said in a low voice, running his hand up and down her back. “Did you miss me yesterday?”

  She swallowed, not wanting to lie, and didn’t say anything.

  “I don’t know why you don’t like our arrangement,” he said. “You came how many times Wednesday night? You like my twisted ways.”

  She couldn’t deny it. He wasn’t cruel, and his pain was gentle compared to what she was used to. It was a lot easier to enjoy herself than back home.

  He pinched her arm. “Would you rather me find entertainment elsewhere?”

  She turned, eyes wide. “No! Please, Aiden. Yes, I like what you do to me.” That wasn’t a lie. Her body liked it at least. Her mind? Well, she was used to dual emotions.

  Aiden grinned, his eyes gleaming in the dim light. “Good girl.” He looked around. “Let’s see if we can find some true privacy.” He grasped her chin and ran his thumb over her bottom lip. “I’ve been thinking about this mouth all day.”

  She swallowed as he guided her around a wooden planter and to a dark corner of the roof. Then he pushed her to her knees. She knew what he wanted.

  Sabrina knew he wasn’t interested in their relationship being public and was fairly certain he’d found this place earlier to ensure privacy. She unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock, and began sucking. It would likely appear as if he were simply staring out at the view behind her.

  He groaned softly as she worked. A few times, he pressed the back of her head forward until his cock was deep in her throat, her lips flush against his balls. She struggled slightly, as she knew he liked, but knew he would release her in time to get air. He really didn’t get off on hurting her too much. He just wanted her to know he was in control. And she accepted that.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket and h
e pulled it out, tapped on the screen a few times, then put it back. When he yanked her hair, she pulled back and looked up. “I’m going to fuck you. Turn around, bend over, and put your hands on the wall.”

  Sabrina obeyed. He pushed her skirt up to expose her ass. “God, I wish I had my cane,” he said, running his hands over her skin. “Absolute silence,” he murmured as he pushed her thong aside and thrust deep inside her in one movement. She winced as he dug his fingernails into her hips, thrusting with long, languid strokes, in no hurry.

  A few times, she heard voices carry from other parts of the roof, but he kept moving and she couldn’t do anything except let him. The moon was bright enough that she saw shapes and shadows around her, but not much else.

  Aiden ran his thumb over her asshole, making her suck in a breath. Would he fuck her ass? He’d threatened to on Wednesday, but she was relieved when he didn’t. She hadn’t had anal in so long, she was certain it would be incredibly painful if he did.

  “Someday soon, I’m going to take you here,” he growled, pressing his finger in slightly. She hissed softly, but he didn’t go any farther than that.

  The slow thrusts began to feel good and she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations. Her mouth opened and she gasped softly when he reached forward and flicked her clit.


  She pressed her lips together and tried to ignore the building pleasure inside her. She grasped the edge of the low wall and closed her eyes, wondering if she could come silently. She imagined clenching around him as he throbbed inside her, pleasure filling her as it had so many times the other night.

  He grasped her hips, thrust deeper, and groaned low as she felt him pulsating inside her. He was coming hard, judging by the feeling of his fingers digging into her hips. But he was quiet.

  “Ah, there you are Aiden.”

  The voice made her jump, but Aiden didn’t seem surprised. He gave a few tiny thrusts as footsteps approached, then pulled out. “Stay there,” he growled.

  Sabrina glanced back and saw him shaking hands with a tall blond man she didn’t know.

  “What’s this?” the man asked.


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