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Master of My Heart

Page 26

by Marissa Honeycutt

  To his surprise, she relaxed and let him lift her out of Chase’s arms. He laid her back in bed and stroked her arm, then looked at Chase expectantly. “You have to stay now.” He laughed softly.

  Chase glared at his friend, but in all honesty, the thought of going back to the couch made him sad. He wanted nothing more than to hold Sabrina in his arms all night long. But he was nervous about what Jayson called her “wandering hands.” An accidental sexual wake-up call would mean he couldn’t marry her. They had to be platonic until their wedding night. It was a very strict rule of the Brotherhood.

  But even now, she reached for him. He figured he could keep it together for one night. He had to. Good thing he’d gone to the Gathering earlier. It would certainly make temptation less alluring. “Leave the door open. If you hear anything going on, please stop us.”

  Jayson chuckled again. “Sure thing.”

  Chase sighed as Jayson left the room and he stretched out behind Sabrina. He buried his nose in her soft hair as he wrapped his arms around her. He inhaled deeply. She smelled of vanilla. She snuggled back against him. His breath caught in his throat as her ass pressed against his hips and his cock twitched.

  God, I do not need this right now.

  He closed his eyes and slowly counted backward from one hundred, concentrating on his breathing and praying he’d keep his hands to himself in his sleep.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Sabrina woke feeling wrapped in a cocoon of warmth and safety. She’d never felt such a sensation upon waking next to a man. Normally, if they held her at all, she felt like a prisoner. But not this man. He held her tightly against him. There was something different about it, though. Something that made her feel like she could get up if she wanted to, but she really didn’t want to.

  It wasn’t Jayson. Jayson was long and lean. This man was certainly tall, but he made her feel tiny, and it wasn’t just the huge body behind her. It was something in his very presence that made her feel that way. But it wasn’t threatening in the least.

  He breathed deeply, one arm around her waist. His other arm was bent, his hand hidden beneath the pillow. Her head rested on his massive bicep. She was snuggled beneath the covers, but he was on top of them.

  When she shifted, he tensed, his heart pounding against her back. He was nervous. She could sense it, but she didn’t understand why. Why would anyone be nervous around her?

  Who was behind her?

  Sabrina started to turn, half afraid he wouldn’t let her, but he loosened his grip and she turned easily. Then gasped. “Chase?” she whispered, her heart skipping a beat.

  His scar deepened as he smiled at her. “Good morning,” he said with a gravelly voice.

  “W-what are you doing here?” How on earth did he end up in her bed?

  “You had a nightmare.”

  Sabrina frowned. “I did?”

  Chase nodded. “You don’t remember?”

  She shook her head. “No.” Then she shrugged. “That’s not unusual. I wake up from horrible dreams a lot and can’t remember anything after a few minutes.” She chewed her lip. “But you don’t live here . . .”

  “Jayson said you hadn’t been sleeping well, so I stopped by after . . . something I had to do last night. You started screaming and I tried to help.” He frowned. “You really don’t remember any of that?”


  He smiled, looking a little embarrassed. “You wouldn’t let me go, so Jayson said I should stay.”


  He stroked her cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  She closed her eyes at his gentle touch, leaning into his hand. “Fine.”

  “All better?” His voice was as gentle as his touch.

  Her eyes flew open. Did he know what she was? Did he know about her healing ability? Why else would he ask such a question? Should she lie and pretend to be human? She studied his eyes, not really wanting to read him. She felt as if it would be intruding to do so. “Mostly.”

  He arched a brow. “Only mostly? You’ve slept for,” He sat up slightly and looked behind her, “almost twenty-four hours. Only mostly better?”

  Sabrina chewed her lip, not sure what to say. “Yes,” she finally whispered. “I think I’m all better.”

  “Good.” He nodded his approval.

  He continued looking at her and she grew nervous. What does he want? Then it hit her. She scolded herself as she realized what he wanted. It was what every man wanted. Disappointment brought tears to her eyes as she trailed her hand over his t-shirt and down his broad chest to his flat abdomen, moving lower.

  He grasped her wrist. “What are you doing?”

  She blinked and looked at him. “Don’t you want sex?” Isn’t that why he asked if I was healed?


  Chase’s mouth dropped open at Sabrina’s question.

  Her face turned red and she twisted her arm to escape his hold. When he released it, she scooted away from him. It was only an inch, but it felt like a mile. She looked away, staring at his chest, and bit her lip as she clasped the quilt covering her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  Now he knew what Jayson was talking about when he said she believed some fucked-up stuff about sex. What kind of woman asked a question like that? Yes, he knew people enjoyed morning sex. Hell, he certainly did. But the way she asked it tore at his heart. He cupped her chin and lifted it, but she wouldn’t meet his gaze, keeping her eyes downcast.

  “Sabrina . . .” He stopped himself before he could ask her why she would ask such a question. He knew why. She would probably feel even more ashamed if he asked. “You know you don’t need to ask that anymore, don’t you?”

  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as she nodded. “I’m sorry,” she repeated in a choked voice.

  “Why are you apologizing?”

  “You’re upset.”

  “Only because I’m sad that you believe you need to ask such a question.”

  She looked up. “Really?”

  He nodded and stroked her cheek again, breathing in her scent. “I’ve dreamed of seeing you again for so long . . .” He swallowed hard. So many thoughts and emotions filled his heart and mind at that moment, he felt overwhelmed. He hardly knew what to say. “Thank you for talking to me yesterday,” he said finally. Start in the present and move backward. He wanted to hear her story from the time she got home, but he knew he had to be patient.

  Her cheeks darkened again.

  He took a breath to tell her what happened in Martin’s office yesterday, but Jayson spoke from the doorway. “You guys finally awake?”

  Chase turned to see his friend watching them with raised brows. He resented the intrusion until he realized Jayson was probably trying to help him avert temptation, as he’d asked him to. “Yeah,” he said, looking back at Sabrina. “I’m gonna go out into the living room. Why don’t you get dressed and then we can keep talking?”

  Sabrina nodded and watched him with furrowed brows as he stood and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Can I use your bathroom?” Chase asked.

  “Sure,” Jayson replied.

  Chase made his way through his friend’s messy room and into his equally messy bathroom. Jayson wasn’t exactly a pig, but he didn’t pick up after himself, either. Then again, Chase’s place might look the same if he didn’t have a housekeeper.

  He splashed cold water on his face and over his stubbly chin, then looked at himself in the mirror. Sabrina didn’t seem to be afraid of him anymore. That was a good thing. Now he just had to figure out how to get her to open up to him about her past.


  Sabrina couldn’t hide her surprise when Chase stood and walked out of her room. He really wasn’t going to have sex with her? Everyone had sex with her. Even Jayson had done it the first morning she was there. When Chase ha
d said he was sad she felt the need to ask, she believed him, but she still figured they’d get around to sex sooner or later.

  But then he left!

  What a strange man.

  It made her warm inside, though.

  She stood and stretched, closing her eyes and reaching up to the ceiling before leaning down to touch the floor. She felt completely healed, both inside and out. Her body healing itself during sleep was normal, but there was something about Chase’s presence that soothed her aching heart.

  How could just being with a man do such a thing? As far as she knew, he was just a normal man. But was he really? Why had she opened up and told him about Aiden when she’d fought telling Jayson and Liz? He wasn’t like Richard, commanding her to answer his questions. He just sat next to her and asked, prying open her heart with a feather, and she’d told him everything.

  She sat down on her bed, staring at the wooden floor. Talking was dangerous. Why had she done such a thing? Why had she told Chase what had happened? Now the girls were all in danger. Aiden would be so angry at her.

  At the same time, she couldn’t bring herself to regret opening up to him. She didn’t understand why.

  And it scared her.

  Yes, he’d seemed to understand what she’d done with Aiden, but would he understand what she’d done at Ramon’s? Would he be as understanding if he found out she’d killed men? What man would want a murderer in their life?

  She sighed. But she liked him. His presence was so comforting.

  She walked over to her dresser and pulled out his ring. It was warm and heavy, as always. How had this ring captured his presence and comforted her for so many years? There were so many things she didn’t understand. Did he know what she was? If so, why didn’t he use her? And how did he know? Richard seemed to know that he could control her, and he knew Chase in some capacity. Had Richard told Chase?

  She rubbed her face, feeling incredibly confused. Would she ever have any answers?

  Voices carried from the kitchen. She remembered Chase still wanted to talk some more. Maybe she’d be brave enough to ask.


  She dressed quickly and went out to the living room. The smile Chase gave her made her heart flutter. He patted the couch next to him and she hurried over, longing to be in his presence again. Jayson smiled and gave an approving nod when she glanced at him.

  “I’m not taking that back,” Chase said, nodding to her thumb where she’d put his ring.

  “But it’s yours,” she protested.

  “I gave it to you. And until we talk about everything, it stays with you.”

  She glanced down at the gold on her hand. If she were being honest, she didn’t mind keeping it. It still comforted her. “Okay,” she whispered, running her fingers over it.

  “Do you want me to go?” Jayson asked.

  Sabrina shook her head as Chase said, “No.”

  Jayson laughed. “I’m glad I’m so wanted.”

  Chase rolled his eyes, then turned to Sabrina. “I went to talk to Martin yesterday afternoon while you were sleeping,” he began, then proceeded to tell her what had happened.


  Chase told Sabrina what had happened at Martin’s office, but didn’t tell her about Aiden’s confusion or Richard’s thoughts. He didn’t want to scare her with the thought that someone might be trying to find her after he’d just rid her life of one asshole. He’d tell her once he had more information, but she was scared enough as it was. He didn’t want to add confusion on top of that.

  “You threatened him?” Sabrina asked, her beautiful green eyes wide with surprise.

  Chase nodded. “He won’t ever hurt you or any of the other girls.” He hesitated. “Martin is working on finding a replacement.”

  She looked down at her lap and pressed her lips together.

  “What’s wrong?” He thought she’d be thrilled that Aiden was gone.

  After a long moment, she spoke. “I feel bad that Martin has to find someone else to play Drosselmeyer. It’s my fault.”

  Chase grabbed her hand and squeezed gently. “Sabrina, Martin doesn’t want someone like that womanizing asshole in his company. He deserved to be fired. Martin was glad I told him. He felt terrible that this happened.”

  “Why? It’s not his fault.”

  “He cares a lot about you,” Jayson said. “He cares about all his dancers and the thought of one of them being hurt by someone he’d brought in . . .” He shook his head. “He’s really upset it happened.”

  Sabrina looked up at Jayson’s words. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Really.”

  “But he thought I wasn’t cut out to be a professional dancer,” she whispered.

  Jayson moved to sit on the table across from her. “You had a tough week, and now we know why. We were all worried about you. You weren’t doing well, but considering all that happened . . .” He glanced at Chase. “You were handling it really well.”

  “It was like being back home,” Sabrina whispered, blinking rapidly. “He was right. I couldn’t handle it.”

  “Sabrina, Aiden is gone,” Chase said. “You’ll be able to get all the rest you need.”

  “It’s Aiden’s fault you were struggling,” Jayson growled. “I’m glad he’s gone; otherwise, I’d give him a piece of my mind.”

  Sabrina froze, and Chase felt his heart stop. When she pressed her lips together, he and Jayson looked worriedly at one another. Her shoulders shook slightly. And then a sound escaped her mouth.

  Is that a laugh?

  Jayson bent down and tried to see Sabrina’s face, but she turned away. “Sabrina!” he exclaimed. “Are you laughing?”

  She shook her head, but she was turned toward Chase and he saw her trying desperately not to laugh. Chase grinned when he understood what she found so humorous. At the idea of Jayson getting in Aiden’s face, he found himself leaning back and laughing uncontrollably.

  “Hey!” Jayson said, almost pouting. He punched Chase in the arm. “Thanks a lot.”

  Sabrina covered her mouth, but Chase could see her eyes dancing with amusement. “I’m sorry, Jay,” Chase said as he gasped for breath. “But the image of you confronting Aiden is rather amusing.”

  Jayson huffed and crossed his arms. Sabrina stopped laughing instantly and looked at him. “I’m sorry, Jayson,” she said, eyes filling with tears again.

  Chase started to glare at his friend, but he didn’t need to. Jayson pulled Sabrina into a hug. “Hey, it’s okay. You’re right. It is pretty funny.” He looked at Chase over Sabrina’s shoulder and shrugged slightly.

  “You’re not mad?” she asked, pulling back and studying his face.

  “Nah,” Jayson replied. “That’s why I stick with Chase. He’s good at intimidation and doesn’t make idle threats.”

  Sabrina looked at Chase and smiled shyly. “Thank you for helping me.”

  “I’ll do anything to help you in any way I possibly can,” he said earnestly.

  “So, Martin will let me try again?” she asked, her voice soft and full of hope.

  “Absolutely,” Chase said firmly. “As long as you promise to tell him or one of us if something like this happens again.”

  “You’re not alone anymore, Sabrina,” Jayson added. “We care about you. Never feel like you can’t come to one of us if you don’t know how to deal with a situation, okay?”

  She looked between the two men and nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “Good,” Chase said, then stood. “I should get home. I have some things to work on.” Like figuring out how to win Sabrina over by the end of the year so she’ll marry me. Something crossed his mind that should have crossed it earlier. Then again, he’d been consumed with making sure Sabrina was okay. “Would you like to go out with me? Tonight?”

  Sabrina’s eyes widened and she glanced at Jays
on, who grinned and nodded. Her face lit up. “I’d like that.”

  Chase grinned and glanced at his watch. It was just after noon. An idea started forming in his head, but he had to make some calls. “How does six sound?”

  Sabrina nodded.

  “I’ll see you then.”

  He leaned down to kiss her forehead and inhaled the vanilla scent that seemed to seep into his veins and fill his whole being with warmth. He and Jayson shook hands, then he walked out of the apartment, heart pounding with happiness. He pulled out his phone.

  “Mom, can I borrow your car and driver tonight?”

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  You okay, Sabrina? You look nervous.”

  Sabrina looked away from studying the green dress in the mirror and saw Liz standing in her doorway. “I am nervous.”

  “Why?” Liz walked in and sat down next to her on the bed. “Do you think he’s going to hurt you?”

  Sabrina’s eyes widened. “Oh, no! Of course not!”

  “Good. I know there are a lot of assholes out there, but Chase isn’t one of them.”

  “I know.” Sabrina wasn’t just saying that. She really knew he was a good guy. After doing what he did to get rid of Aiden, then not sleeping with her . . . He was a strange kind of man she’d not encountered before.

  “Then why are you nervous?”

  “I’ve never been on a date before,” she admitted softly.

  Liz stared. “Never?”

  She shook her head.

  “Not even before . . . stuff happened?”

  “I was focused on my dancing,” she said with a small shrug. “No one ever really caught my attention before Chase. And after he did . . .” She frowned slightly. “Things changed. But even if they hadn’t, who could compare to him? Especially to a silly sixteen-year-old girl?”

  Liz grinned. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  A knock sounded on the front door. Sabrina looked at Liz. “It’s him,” she whispered nervously.


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