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Master of My Heart

Page 31

by Marissa Honeycutt

  “Let me cut the rest.” Someone appeared next to Chase and cut and tugged at the ropes until she was freed. It hurt, but she didn’t care.

  She wanted to wrap her arms around Chase, to assure herself that he was really there, but she couldn’t control her limbs.

  He hugged her tightly, kissing her head, her cheeks, her hair. She didn’t care that it hurt. Chase is here! He came for me!

  “Here. Wrap her in this.”

  Chase loosened his embrace long enough to wrap her in something soft and warm, then he picked her up and cradled her to his chest. “You’re safe, Sabrina,” he murmured against her hair. “You’re safe. Sleep if you can. I’m not leaving you. You’re safe.”

  She melted into the warmth of his embrace and fell into an exhausted, dreamless sleep.

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chase jerked awake and sat up in the dim room. A single lamp across the room cast a dull yellow glow. He’d been resting his head on the bed where Sabrina slept. She lay on her back, still sound asleep, her hand holding his in an iron grip. He wanted to reach out and caress her cheek, but it was badly bruised and he didn’t want to hurt her.

  He had a crick in his neck and his foot felt as if it were on fire, but Sabrina was safe. That was all that mattered.

  His men were all asleep, too. At least he hoped they were. They deserved it. He couldn’t leave Sabrina to check, though. The thought of leaving her alone made his heart ache. If only he could keep her by his side forever.

  Remembering how Sabrina looked when he walked into that room—tied up, bruised, bloody, eyes blank and staring up at the ceiling, her body jerking with pain . . .

  The man had turned as Chase broke down the door. In one smooth move, Chase had raised his rifle and shot him between the eyes, just as he’d promised himself he would. Though, now that he thought about it, he should have beat him to death with that fucking stick.

  He shook his head. Sabrina was safe. That was what mattered. That was what counted. He should go sleep in his own bed, but he didn’t want to. And when he tried to free his hand, Sabrina’s grip on him tightened. Just like before.

  He smiled, loving the thought that even in her sleep, she wanted him. Maybe that was the only place she wanted him right now. He should be content. But it was quickly nearing the end of the year. He had to figure out a way to win her over and help her overcome her fears and trust him. He couldn’t bear the thought of marrying someone else. Who would protect her if he didn’t?

  A soft knock sounded at the door and Ethan walked in.

  “Did you sleep?” Chase asked.

  Ethan nodded. “Yup. You?”

  He chuckled. “I think so.”

  Ethan smiled. “Well, Richard and Tom want to see you. They’re in the living room.”

  Chase looked back at Sabrina. “What time is it?”


  He looked up sharply. “Are you serious?’

  Ethan nodded. “You’ve been in here all night.”

  Chase rubbed his face with his free hand. “She won’t let go.”

  His friend walked over and took Sabrina’s other hand. “Tell her you’ll be back. I’ll stay with her.”

  Chase leaned over and kissed Sabrina’s forehead. “I’m not going far,” he said, trying to disentangle his hand from hers. “Ethan is here. He’ll watch over you.” He gave a gentle squeeze. To his surprise, she released him. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but he trusted Ethan with his life, so he let it go.

  “They’re in the living room,” Ethan said, settling down in the chair Chase had just vacated. “Go. I’ll come get you if she wakes up.”


  Chase made his way into the living room. He’d called Richard after he’d retrieved Sabrina, but hadn’t seen him. Chase had assumed he’d gone home, but apparently, Richard and Tom were still there. They looked up as he walked in. Theo was there, too, standing at the window and staring at the rising sun.

  “Good job last night,” Richard said, beaming at Chase.

  He shrugged. Inside, he was glad Richard was happy. “Thank you.”

  “Tell us what happened.”

  Chase sat down on the couch and recounted the previous night’s mission. The older men and Theo listened attentively until the end.

  “You killed him?” Tom asked, frowning.

  Tom didn’t get upset easily, so Chase’s stomach lurched.

  “He was beating Sabrina,” Chase said deliberately. “She was barely conscious, bloody and broken. Yes, I shot him. I shouldn’t have been so kind, though.”

  Tom sighed. “You shouldn’t have done that, Chase. He might have had information we could have used.”

  Chase glanced at Richard, who nodded. “He’s right.”

  “You don’t think he’s the main guy?”

  “It’s possible, but we don’t know for certain because you killed him.”

  Chase stood and crossed his arms as he walked across the room. His only regret was that a bullet to the head was too quick to be painful.

  “Corey said the room had electronic equipment and cameras,” Richard said. “There was probably someone watching, but the equipment was fried before he could get a look.”

  Chase turned and stared at them. There was another person. “Fuck.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Fuck. I fucked up. I’m sorry.” The thought of someone else out there wanting Sabrina, watching her be beaten and raped, made his blood boil. And now they had to start from scratch to find out who he was. “Fuck,” he repeated, turning to look out the window.

  “Maybe Sabrina heard or saw something,” Tom said with a sigh. “I know why you did it, Chase, and I understand.”

  “Am I to be corrected?” Chase asked, not turning around. “Correction” was a nice way of saying punished for doing the wrong thing. The Brotherhood was pretty firm in their expectations and didn’t take this kind of thing lightly.

  The men didn’t answer right away. “I don’t think this was an official Brotherhood mission,” Richard said slowly. “We don’t have the right to correct you.”

  Chase let out a long exhale through pursed lips and turned back around. “Thank you.”

  “Did you call Jayson and let him know Sabrina is okay?”

  He nodded. “Right after I called you. Told him to stay home, though, since she’s sleeping.” Chase tilted his head. “She’ll heal, right? Even with all that happened?”

  “Yes.” Theo turned and studied him with that intense cerulean gaze of his. “She will be fine physically. Mentally? Probably, but it is an unknown until she awakens.” Theo had looked in on her when they arrived back at the condo. “I am eager to talk with her. She is unlike other demi-Immortals I have encountered in a very long time.”

  “Richard said the same thing,” Chase said. “How is she different?”

  “She is not merely half-Immortal. She is much more than that. I cannot tell for certain how much, but the Immortality is at least two generations deep in her. Perhaps more.”

  “What does that mean? I mean, I know it means she’s extra-Immortal. But why?”

  Theo looked thoughtful for a minute. “It is very unusual to have such a female born these days. One of my brothers could not accidentally do such a thing. It is possible that he fell in love with a half-Immortal, but again, unlikely.” Theo frowned. “I fear that her presence foretells of a dark time approaching.”

  Richard and Tom looked at each other, and Chase felt a chill run through his body. Theo, while usually serious, looked more sober than Chase had ever seen him.

  “What makes you think that?” Richard asked quietly.

  “Who would need such a powerful Daughter as Sabrina? And why would they risk her being adopted and raised by humans if not for some need of powerful magic? Emotions make them stronger.” Theo’s gaze swept over the two Elders.
Chase saw them shiver ever so slightly. “I know each of you, and each of the other US Elders. I see no darkness in your hearts. You hide nothing from me. This only increases my concern because whoever decreed her birth is powerful enough to hide from us.” Theo paused. “Only a great evil would bring about such a creature.”

  Chase stiffened. “You’re saying Sabrina’s evil?”

  “No, Chase. Not at all. She is a sweet girl, but residing inside her is a frightening power that, if left unchecked or allowed to fall into the wrong hands, could destroy the world.” Theo’s eyes turned mournful. “Who would want to create such power, except for an evil purpose? A good Elder would not hide it and would share it, at least with his fellow Elders.”

  Chase stared at the Immortal, trying to process what he was saying. “So, Sabrina’s not evil, but the reason she’s here is?”

  “A simple summary, but in essence, yes.” Theo turned suddenly to face Chase. “She called for you . . .” He studied Chase carefully. “There are always choices to be made, both good and evil. Evil is powerful, but good is more so. It is sometimes a harder path to travel, though. When such a creature is born, there are always two paths laid out for her. She can choose to walk the path of good or evil.”

  “She’s a good girl, Theo,” Richard said. “I hardly think she’s going to destroy the world.”

  “She makes her choice by the partner she chooses.” Theo turned back to Chase. “I believe you are a choice for good, Chase. Her calling to you tells me she has a connection to you.” He looked at Richard. “Richard, she is in your city and you are the Elder. A choice to belong to you is also a choice for good.”

  Chase blinked and grasped his desk. He’d always desired to be a force for good, but he imagined it to be on a far lesser scale than saving the world. He never thought his life would be so significant as Theo seemed to believe it was.

  Theo chuckled. “All lives are significant, Chase. We all leave our footprints in the world. Some just leave larger prints than others.” Being an Immortal, Chase knew Theo was more than capable of reading any human mind, but he usually did it more subtly.

  “What happens if she doesn’t choose Chase or Richard?” Tom asked.

  “I cannot see exactly what will happen, but I fear it will lead to destruction. There is obviously someone out there who wants her. It is probably the same person who came after her years ago, capturing and abusing her. Or who had her abused.”

  Richard told Theo about Aiden and his odd confession. The Immortal listened and nodded. “It is likely the same person then. He prefers to stay in the background and pull the puppet’s strings. Do you know if Aiden has any associates in the area?”

  “At the cocktail party, he was with a new ballet donor named Damian Sinclair, but he was all human. Seemed harmless enough.”

  “Whoever is behind Aiden would be powerful enough to hide in plain sight. I would recommend keeping an eye on this Damian and his associates.”

  “He’s a Brother, though an inactive one,” Tom added. “His family has been involved for generations. They live in DC and help keep an eye on the politicians.”

  Theo nodded, looking thoughtful again. “We must be wary and watchful. Evil is coming. We must be prepared.” He looked at Chase. “Sabrina will wake soon. You should be there when she does. Be strong. Be bold with her. She has been abused and needs a gentle, yet firm hand to find her place in this world.”

  Chase nodded. Theo smiled. “I will return when she is awake. She will need help to finish healing in a timely manner.”

  The Immortal disappeared from sight and Chase sighed. “Wow.”

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Sabrina heard birds faintly chirping in the distance. She felt a slight breeze across her cheek . . . soft material next to her skin . . . a soft pillow beneath her head . . . a large hand holding hers . . . She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to escape the lovely feeling of peace.

  She moved slightly and groaned as the aches began anew, though less intense than before.

  “Sabrina?” A masculine voice intruded into her peace. But it was a pleasant voice. A gentle voice.

  Was it a trick? It had to be. No one was coming for her. She was back in hell with no hope of escape.

  She swallowed hard, steeling herself against reality, and slowly opened her eyes. A dark shape moved in front of her. She blinked several times and the shape morphed into a man sitting next to the bed. His eyes, full of worry, searched her face.

  “Chase?” she whispered, drawing her brows together.

  A smile broke out across his face, deepening the scar that ran down the side of it. A sigh escaped her lips.

  “How are you feeling?” he asked.

  She moved again and winced. “Sore.”

  He nodded and squeezed her hand gently. “I can only imagine.” He reached forward and caressed her cheek. “I was so worried about you. We all were.”

  Darkness clouded her vision and she was transported back to the hell she was so recently in. She shivered and cried out, then warm arms surrounded her, bringing the light back.

  “Sabrina, you’re safe. I promise, you’re safe.”

  She blinked, shivering and grasping desperately at Chase, unable to escape the darkness that wanted to consume her. Tears spilled down her cheeks and she let out choking sobs, hardly able to catch her breath. She felt him shift, pressing his body against hers.

  Her lungs opened up and she sucked in a deep breath. The vision faded and all she could feel was Chase. Keeping her safe. Taking away the darkness.

  She swallowed, not understanding how or why, but so grateful for someone beside her.

  He stroked her hair and held her tightly. Not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to assure her of his hold on her.

  She listened to his heartbeat and let it hypnotize her back to sleep.


  Light trickled in through the window and danced across Sabrina’s face. Peace surrounded her, which felt strange. She searched her mind, trying to figure out why she felt peaceful when her mind told her she shouldn’t.

  Then she remembered.

  Memories of hell broke down the walls of her mind and she screamed and struggled, trying to break loose. Someone held her, not allowing her to move.

  “Nooooo!” she wailed.

  “Sabrina! Sabrina, wake up. You’re safe. I promise, you’re safe!” A gentle hand pressed against the side of her face. “Open your eyes, Sabrina.”

  She forced her eyes open and saw a blue t-shirt over a broad chest. She blinked several times and slowly looked up into a concerned face. She exhaled slowly. “Chase,” she squeaked.

  He nodded and stroked her cheek with his thumb. “Yes, Sabrina. You’re with me. You’re safe.” His voice was low, soothing, and warmed her from the inside out. He wrapped his arms around her again and pulled her close to his chest.

  Her breathing slowed as she relaxed into his embrace. Safe. The feeling was so foreign, yet so welcome. She was wrapped in a cocoon of protection. Nothing could hurt or even touch her. Chase ran his hands up and down her back, soothing her, just as her dad did when she had nightmares as a child.

  When she felt calm, she looked up at him. “I fell back to sleep?”

  He nodded.

  “How did you find me? Where was I?”

  “I have a lot of resources at my disposal,” Chase answered, searching her eyes. “You were a few miles outside the city. Are you feeling better?”

  “I think so.” She shuddered, remembering the pain. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “Almost twenty-four hours. You were in really bad shape when we found you.”

  “Have you been here the whole time?”

  Chase shook his head. “But you were never alone. Richard and my friend, Ethan, watched over you, too.”


; “You’ve met him, right?”

  Sabrina nodded. “At the donor party.” She winced, remembering what happened when she met him. “Who is he? To you, I mean.”

  “He’s a long-time family friend,” Chase said. “He’d like to talk to you when you’re ready.”

  “What about?”

  “What happened to you.”

  “Why? Why does he care?” Why would someone like Richard care what happened to her? She’d only met the man once and he scared her.

  “Do you trust me?” Chase asked, deflecting her question.


  “Do . . . you . . . trust . . . me?” he repeated slowly.

  She nodded. He’d not given her a reason to distrust him. On the contrary. He’d rescued her. Twice. He deserved her trust

  He smiled. “I’m glad. I want to make sure all your questions are answered, but they’re . . . complicated. I need to be sure you’re okay first. Can you wait until I have my friend check on you?”

  “Another friend?” she asked, wondering how many people were here and wanted to see her. And why.

  Chase nodded.

  Sabrina studied his eyes. He looked completely sincere. “Okay.”

  He moved to sit up, but she grabbed him before he could. He chuckled and put his hand on hers. “You’ve done that every time I’ve tried to leave.”

  “I have?”

  He smiled warmly. “Yes. And I like it.” He brought the back of her hand to his lips. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get my friend, Theo.” Sabrina relaxed slightly and released his hand. “Be right back. I promise.”

  She nodded and watched him stride across the room and disappear through the doorway, closing the door behind him.

  Sabrina sat up and rubbed her face, trying to erase the last few vestiges of darkness that threatened to creep back into the forefront of her mind. She closed her eyes and took deep breaths.

  I’m safe. Chase found me and rescued me. I’m not in hell anymore.

  Looking around, she saw that she was in a large, D-shaped room that had three tall windows set into the rounded wall across the room. Two armchairs sat in front of the center window, and the walls and ceiling were painted white. The bed was covered with a soft gray blanket that matched the curtains.


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