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Steven: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance Novel

Page 4

by Wallace, R. S.

  Whoops...I thought.

  I stopped in my tracks, my eyes locked onto Steven. He was facing away from me, but I could see the entire back half of his naked body. The muscles in his back contorted as he lathered himself up with soap.

  “Wow...” I whispered, as a moist heat presented itself in my crotch at the sight of him.

  My eyes moved up and down his body, watching as the lathered soap slid down his back and across his ass. I could practically feel my mouth water as I stood there admiring him. He was perfect that I could hardly contain myself.

  This is so wrong. I can’t just stand here and watch.

  But despite what I told myself, I stood there. My body began to tingle and I felt myself become more turned on than I had in some time. Steven finished lathering himself up and I watched as he reached down to his crotch with one of his hands. A moment later, I saw him arm moving quickly. It only took me a minute to realize what he was doing.

  Steven leaned his head back slightly and the movement of his arm quickened rapidly. He was jacking off right there in the shower and he had no idea that I was only a few feet away, watching intensely.

  God yes...

  I felt like I had struck gold. My pussy became damp immediately and before I knew it, I had one of my hands over my crotch, massaging my clit over my pajama bottoms. The desperate throbbing in my pussy became more intense, as Steven turned slightly to the side, allowing me to see his cock for the very first time.

  Holy shit...

  His shaft was long and thick and he continued stroking it quickly, bringing his hand all the way from the base to the tip with each movement. My flower pumped out juices as I pleasured myself, causing my panties and my pajamas to soak through in the front.

  Steven placed his free hand onto the shower wall then increased his pace a bit further. A few moments later and I heard him let out a powerful grunt of pleasure. Immediately after, I watched as thick streamed of white liquid poured out of the tip of his cock, spilling onto the shower floor.

  Oh, my God...

  It turned me on so much that I felt myself rise to orgasm. I did my best to stay quiet, so as not to give away the fact that I was in his bedroom. But it was difficult. A powerful wave of ecstasy pumped through me and I felt my legs tremble beneath me.

  “Jesus Christ...” I whispered, as I rode the wave of pleasure all the way to the end.

  As soon as my orgasm was complete, my pussy began to feel content and the desperate throbbing finally ceased. Steven stood in the shower for a moment longer and then reached forward, turning off the water. I knew then that it was time for me to leave if I didn’t want to get caught. I guess I was going to have to tell Steven about my feelings some other time.

  I quickly turned and ran back out into the hallway and toward my bedroom. I needed to change my panties and pajamas anyway. I decided that no matter what, though, I’d spill my guts to Steven by the end of the week. No matter what.

  Chapter 9

  The next week ticked by. It seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t get Steven alone to tell him how I felt. One of us was always working and when that wasn’t happening, Steven was usually out on a date with Allison. I wanted so badly to just not have these feelings toward him. I wanted to be free and able to go about my life without my predominate thoughts being on Steven.

  But as the week finally came to a close, I ended up getting an opportunity to pour my heart out to him. I knew that I had to do it soon or else I’d lose the courage and end up just keeping it all inside.

  It was Friday and I had just walked into the door after a long day at work. My mom stepped out of the kitchen, looking all fixed up in a long, black dress.

  “Whoa, Mom,” I said, my eyes widening. “Wow. What are you all dressed up for?”

  My mom beamed with excitement as she finished putting in her pearl earrings.

  “Well, William decided that it would be a good night to take me out to a nice dinner,” she explained.

  I cocked my head to the side.

  “Is it for a special occasion?” I asked.

  Mom smiled and shook her head.

  “Nope, William just wants to do something nice for me,” she responded. “Can you believe how nice he is?”

  I couldn’t believe it. My dad had never done anything like that before. So I was shocked, to say the least.

  “That’s so great, Mom,” I said. “Where’s William?”

  “Oh, he’s upstairs getting ready. He’ll be down any minute,” Mom said.

  As soon as she finished speaking, Steven popped around the corner. He was holding his cell phone up to his ear, pacing around the house with an urgency that I hadn’t seen in him before.

  “Yes, I know, Allison,” he said into the phone, with an obvious annoyance in his voice. “I get it. You’re mad at me because I wasn’t excited about going to your work party, even though I agreed to do it anyway. How am I supposed to be excited about going to your work party?”

  He walked past me, rolling his eyes as he moved. It was clear that sweet little Allison was beginning to get on his nerves.

  “Well, honey,” my Mom said, breaking the awkwardness in the air. “What are you going to do tonight? Any fun plans?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, watching as Steven disappeared around the corner, his voice fading as he walked to the other side of the house.

  “No plans for me,” I said, bringing my attention back to my mother. “I think I’ll just hang out here and take it easy. Maybe I’ll pop in a movie or something.”

  A concerned look crossed my Mom’s face and she stepped closer to me, pulling me in for a hug.

  “I think you need to try to get out more,” she said, as she held me close. “I’m worried about you, Kelsey. All you ever do is work any more.”

  I squeezed my mom affectionately and then gently pulled away from her hug.

  “I’m just trying to save up some money, Mom,” I responded. “Besides, all my friends do is go out and get drunk. I did enough of that in high school.”

  My mother laughed at my comment and then nodded in agreement.

  “Good point, honey,” she said. “You’re probably good on the whole drinking thing.”

  She shook her head, reminiscing all of the times I got drunk and in trouble with my girlfriends when I was younger. I was a bit of a wild child, let’s just say.

  “Okay, well whatever you end up doing tonight, I hope you have fun,” my mom said.

  Then she placed her hand on my forearm and leaned in close, whispering in my ear. “And don’t wait up for us. I have this feeling that we are going to be out late.”

  I chuckled under my breath and then nodded.

  “Sounds good,” I said. “Love you, Mom. Have fun.”

  My mom smiled and then turned to leave the room. A few seconds later, I listened as William came down the stairs, whistling as he made his way toward the front door to meet my mom. A moment later, and they were gone. The sound of their car faded into the distance as they drove off.

  Well, it looks like it’s just going to be me tonight. That is, if Steven ends up going to that work part with Allison that I just overheard.

  I sighed and then shrugged my shoulders.

  “Oh well,” I said to myself. “I guess maybe I’ll just go to bed early.”

  I began to walk away from the kitchen, when I heard Steven storm across the room and toward the back of the house. When he got to the patio door, he pulled it open quickly.

  “Yeah, well you know what, Allison?” he said into his cell phone, with a stern tone in his voice that I had never heard. “If you want to break up with me because of this, then go for it. I personally think it’s ridiculous, but I don’t have time to deal with this. We’ve only known each other for a few weeks and you’re already trying to control me. So if that’s how you’re going to be, then please, break up with me.”

  I stood there, listening to Steven’s conversation. I watched as he walked out of the pat
io doors and onto the outside deck. A second later, I listened as he said, “GOODBYE,” in a loud and stern voice, before hanging up his phone.

  Oh wow...did they just break up?

  A part of me thought it would be best to just leave Steven alone, giving him his space. But the motherly part of me felt suddenly drawn toward him. I knew that he was hurting or at the very least upset and all I wanted to do was to be there for him. So instead of heading up the stairs like I had planned, I turned and made my way outside to where Steven was standing on the deck, leaning his elbows against the railing.

  “Mind if I join you?” I asked.

  Steven glanced over his shoulder at me, but then immediately looked forward once again.

  “Sure,” he said.

  I stepped up next to him, leaning against the railing in the same fashion as he was. Then I turned my head toward him.

  “Everything okay?” I asked. “That didn’t sound like it went very well.”

  Steven shrugged his shoulders, his eyes locked forward.

  “Yeah, well...what are you doing to do?” he asked. “It’s the same old story.”

  I gently placed my hand on Steven’s muscular shoulder. He was wearing his tailored black suit. It looked like he had spent a lot of time getting ready for Allison’s work party.

  “What do you mean when you say that?” I asked. “What is the same old story?”

  Steven took a long sigh then finally turned to look at me. His blue eyes locked with mine and even though it was dark on the deck, the fluorescent color still glowed.

  “It’s the same old thing, Kelsey,” he responded. “You can never have what you really want, no matter what that is. Maybe it’s the universe’s way of making sure we stay motivated or something.”

  I listened as he spoke and I instantly became hypnotized by him. He could have said just about anything and I would have found myself hanging onto every word. We looked into each other’s eyes for a few more moments in silence and then Steven brought his gaze upward toward the night sky.

  “These stars are beautiful, aren’t they?” Steven asked. “You hardly ever see the sky like this.”

  I looked up as he spoke. There were thousand of stars above us, illuminating the sky. It was incredible and I began to wonder why I never took more time to look up at them. We stood in silence for a bit, just taking it all in.

  The moment was so perfect for me to tell Steven everything I had on my mind. We were there alone and it felt like maybe there was a chance for us to actually open up to each other. It seemed like the perfect time for me to express my feelings to him.

  “Steven,” I said, breaking the silence. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.”

  Steven slowly brought his gaze back down, locking his eyes with mine. His intense stare caused the words to freeze in my mouth and I felt my heart flutter as a burst of excitement shot through me. Steven looked at me up and down, giving me a slow once over. Then he stepped forward, immediately bringing his hands to my hips.

  “You don’t have to say anything, Kelsey,” he said. “I know.”

  Then without saying another word he leaned forward, bringing his lips to mine. It took my breath away and my initial reaction was one of shock, so I gently pulled away, keeping my eyes locked with his. We looked deep into each other’s eyes and less than a second later, I leaned forward again, pressing my lips into his and resuming our kiss. Steven kept his hands firmly on my hips, pulling my body up against his. I moaned softly as I fell gently into him, letting myself go in a way that I never knew was possible.

  Oh my God...this is really happening.

  We kissed gently for a moment, our lips pressed against each other’s. After a few seconds, I opened my mouth slightly, allowing Steven’s tongue inside. Our tongues danced, darting in and out of each other’s mouths. I lifted my hand, bringing it to Steven’s cheek, feeling his thick stubble underneath my fingertips as I pulled his face into mine.

  As we kissed, I felt myself become so turned on. But it was more than just a sensation of horniness or lust. The kiss represented everything that I had been wanting from Steven. It felt like the beginning of something real and the conclusion of something that I had been carrying on my shoulders since we had first met. I finally was able to express how I really felt and words were not even necessary.

  Steven began moving his hands up my side, dragging his fingers along the white dress shirt that I still had on from the day at work. His touch sent a tingle through my body, as he eased his hands upward along my ribs. He held me like this for a moment then gently pulled away from our kiss.

  “You’re so beautiful, Kelsey,” he said. “I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to come to terms with that.”

  I smiled as I looked up at him. Then I bit my bottom lip flirtatiously as I responded, “Don’t be sorry. Just kiss me again.”

  Steven smiled and then leaned forward once more, resuming our kiss. This time, there was even more passion behind it and I could feel as Steven began to let go even further, allowing himself to finally express his feelings toward me in a physical way.

  We both moaned softly and I wrapped my arms around his muscular torso, pulling him in as close as possible to me. I began to feel something pressed against my belly. There was a firm bulge that had grown in the crotch of Steven’s pants. It seemed as though my kiss was turning him on.

  A smile crossed my face, causing Steven to pull away from our kiss once again.

  “What?” he asked, with humor in his voice.

  I smiled and then gently brought my hand down, touching the bulge in his crotch.

  “Nothing,” I responded. “I just didn’t think you liked me like that.”

  Even though it was dark out on the deck, I could see Steven begin to blush.

  “Well, I’ve been wanting this for a long time,” he said. “I just didn’t know how to express it. And I kept telling myself that it was so wrong. But now I don’t care. I know what I want and even though society disagrees with it, well I don’t really mind any more. Fuck them. Fuck everybody who tells us that we can’t have what we want in life. This is our life and I think we should start living it like we actually believe that.”

  My panties grew damp as he spoke. The words that were coming out of his mouth were the exact words that I had been waiting to hear for a long time.

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing,” I said.

  Steven looked at me for a moment and I watched as his eyes dilated, filled to the brim with lust.

  “Come here,” he said, grabbing my hand.

  Then he began walking into the house. I followed his lead, gripping his hand with excitement. He led me to the living room, which was dimly lit by a lamp in the corner.

  “I want you so bad,” Steven said, as he turned to face me. “I need you.”

  My jaw dropped and I took a breath inward, feeling his passion as he spoke.

  “Then take me,” I said.

  Steven gritted his teeth then breathed inward slowly, creating a quiet hissing noise. I could tell he was so turned on. He looked at me for a moment then stepped forward, pressing me against the living room wall with his powerful body.

  He immediately brought his face down to the outside of my neck, kissing my sensitive skin. I moaned softly as I began to get more and more turned on. Then I brought my hand to the back of Steven’s head, gently running my fingers through his hair.

  Steven moved his lips downward across my neck, dragging them toward the front of my body. He kissed each inch, then gently pulled away, before kissing the next inch. I closed my eyes, becoming overwhelmed with the excitement.

  This is happening. This is really happening.

  Steven kept my back pressed against the wall as he moved his lips across my chest, kissing the very top of my exposed cleavage. I kept my hand on the back of his head, pulling his face into my chest. He moved his mouth back and forth between the top of my breasts, moaning as he went.

  “God yes, Steven,�
� I said, so quietly that it was barely audible.

  Steven reached a hand up and slipped his fingers into the top of my shirt, gently pulling it down and exposing more of my cleavage.

  “You’re so perfect, Kelsey,” he said, before leaning in and giving the top of my breasts attention once again.

  A smile crossed my face as I leaned my head back against the wall, pushing my chest toward him. This was the moment that I had been waiting months for. And as I stood there with Steven’s face in between my breasts, I realized that it was all worth the wait.

  Steven kissed my chest for a moment longer and then took a step away from me. I watched as he unbuttoned his suit coat then took it off, tossing it carelessly onto the arm of the couch. Then he immediately went to work on his white dress shirt, taking his time with each button, his eyes locked on me.

  “Take your shirt off,” he said.

  A smirk crossed my face as he gave me the command. I liked when he told me what to do.

  I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head, letting it fall to the ground below. My bra was still on, covering my breasts. Steven finished taking off his shirt, revealing his muscular chest and abs that I loved so much. My pussy throbbed as he stepped close to me once again.

  He immediately reached toward my bra, unclasping it in the front. I shimmied it off of my body, letting it fall to the floor. My naked breasts were fully revealed to him, my nipples growing firm instantly from the change in temperature.

  Steven moaned with approval as the looked at them. Then he licked his lips and leaned forward, placing his mouth over one of my nipples.

  “Oh, fuck...” I whispered, as a wave of pleasure shot through me.

  Steven began flicking my sensitive nipple with his tongue, causing it to grow even firmer in his mouth. I became so turned on that I could hardly control myself. I started to buck my hips forward, grinding my crotch against the bulge that had grown in the front of Steven’s pants.

  I brought my gaze down, watching as Steven slowly pulled his mouth away from my nipple, creating a wet kissing noise. The little pink nub was fully erect, shining from his saliva. Steven then immediately moved his face to my other breast, giving it equal attention.


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