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Highlander Unmasked

Page 23

by Monica McCarty

  Though the summer evening was warm, she felt a sudden chill from leaving the protection of his arms. Little sensitive bumps appeared across her naked flesh, heightening her senses with anticipation.

  “God, how I’ve dreamed of this,” he said, lifting off his shirt and tossing it on the floor. His eyes moved across her bare skin, warming her instantly, burning a path from her head to the tips of her toes. “You are perfect.”

  She loved the huskiness in his voice. Meg hardly knew how to respond, her initial modesty eviscerated by his admiration and then by the powerful tanned chest and arms that blocked all rational thought. “So are you,” she said. And he was. She would never get used to the perfectly chiseled masculine features or the sensual appeal of his powerful body. He was so much larger than her, so obviously male. His arms and chest were deeply tanned and smooth except for the thin triangle of golden hair below his neck. There was not one spare ounce of flesh on his muscled torso. He seemed ripped from steel without the bulk of most heavily muscled men.

  His trews hung low on his hips, emphasizing the hard lines of his flat stomach. He sat on the edge of the bed and lowered his mouth to her breast, sucking until she arched against him and cried out. Smothering her cries with his mouth and tongue, he dusted his hand across her stomach, then lower.

  She sighed, sinking deeper into the bed. Her body pooled with the hot memory of what he’d done to her before. She wanted that feeling again. Craved it. This time, he did not tease her but entered her gently with his finger, holding her gaze until her lids lowered and her head dropped back with the power of the sensations he wrought within her.

  The rhythmic motion of his fingers drove all coherent thought from her mind. Her attention was consumed by the mastery of his hand.

  He stroked her and stroked her until she writhed under him. Until her body grew slick with need. Until she felt the steady building toward the promise of the sweetest release.

  Alex watched her eyes close as her head fell back on his pillow, tossing back and forth in sweet agony. He watched her body writhe with desire. His hand worked languidly between her legs, even as his own body cried out with urgency.

  He couldn’t stand this. He fought for every moment of her pleasure with the demons of his own desire. All he wanted to do was sink into the damp heat surrounding his finger. To thrust deeper and deeper, until her muscles tightened around him with the shattering ecstasy of her climax.

  Almost. She was almost there. Almost ready for him.

  He brought her to the brink with his hand before sliding off his trews and moving over her. His hands settled on either side of her shoulders as he propped up his chest and looked into her fluttering eyes. The beautiful, bewitching eyes of the woman he wanted above all others.

  “It will hurt,” he warned, his voice strangled. “But only for a moment.”

  Her eyes stopped fluttering as she fastened her gaze on his with sudden inquiry. Slowly, her eyes traveled down the ridges of his chest to his engorged staff.

  Her eyes widened with shock. Even wet with desire, her innocent body could never prepare for a man of his size. Somehow she seemed to know that. “Trust me,” he said.

  She nodded. “Always.”

  Her heartfelt response humbled him. Alex moved the tip of his erection between her legs and resisted the sudden urge to make it quick. Even if it killed him, he would make this good for her. He pressed into her, inch by agonizing inch, going slowly, giving her body time to adjust to him. Sweat gathered on his forehead with the strain of restraint as the tightness of her body gripped him like an erotic glove. Nothing had ever felt this good. He wanted to close his eyes, throw back his head, and let the rhythmic sensations overtake him.

  Not yet. He knew he was hurting her, but slowly her body opened for him. When he hit the point of no return, he hesitated. The full knowledge of what he was about to do, what he’d already done, hit him with a poignancy that he wanted to remember. The significance of this moment would be forever imprinted on his soul. He held her gaze, knowing that he’d never felt closer to any other person in his life.

  Then, with one powerful thrust, he drove into her, plunging through her veil of innocence.

  Meg Mackinnon was his.

  Meg let out a cry that he covered with his mouth, seducing her passion away from the pain. The agonizing pinch of his entry dissipated into the tingling sensation of pleasure. Slowly, her body softened around him as she became accustomed to the feel of their joining. He was inside her. She reveled at the sense of fullness. Of the connection. Of how much she loved this man.

  She sensed how hard it was for him to hold back. His muscles bunched along his shoulders, and his face was taut with restraint. Despite his obvious need for more, he desperately wanted her to enjoy this. His consideration tugged at her heart as nothing else could. Alex was harnessing all that power and strength for her.

  Power and strength that had been revealed to her feasting eyes. His body was magnificent, as finely honed as a statue. A statue that radiated heat. The first touch of his hot skin under her hands was like pure magic. The granitelike muscles flexed beneath her fingertips as her hands trailed down his naked skin, exploring every inch of his back and arms. Just touching him aroused her.

  And he sensed it. It was all the signal he needed. Slowly, he started to move. This was it. This was what she’d been waiting for. Yet she’d never imagined how it could feel. How the pleasure could rise and fall like a wave crashing on the beach. She could feel every erotic inch as his long, deliberate strokes drove her wild with need. Her nails bit into his arms as she fought to hold on. Her hips rose to meet him, taking him deeper. But soon it wasn’t enough. This, whatever it was between them, could not be controlled. She wanted it harder. Faster. Deeper.

  And God, he gave it to her.

  His hand fell between her legs, and he caressed her gently as he plunged in and out. The pressure built until something in her broke, shattering, like thousands of shards of glass. Her legs wrapped around him, and her hand grabbed his muscled buttocks, driving him deeper.

  With one last thrust, heaven found them both, releasing the tension that had built between them in a powerful burst of passion. Two souls tumbling together over the waterfall of tingling sensation. The emotions that ripped through her were so divine that Meg couldn’t believe she had once thought she could live without love.

  Gasping with wonder, she clutched Alex to her, her breathing short and shallow. His arms gathered her up in his protective hold, cuddling her body close to his. When their breathing returned to normal, he rolled to the side, one arm still resting across her naked chest.

  He reached over and gently removed a strand of hair caught in her lashes. A look of pure adoration lightened his features almost beyond recognition.

  He stroked her cheek with his finger, and his expression grew tender. He seemed poised to say something. Meg wanted to believe that it would be significant to their future.

  Her heart clenched, waiting.

  But she would never find out what it was that Alex was going to say, important or not.

  Because at that incredibly promising moment, when anything and everything seemed possible, the door burst open and Meg’s life changed forever.

  Chapter 16

  “You bastard!” Jamie swore savagely. “I should kill you for this.”

  Alex immediately moved to block Meg from Jamie’s view. Meg was only a second behind with the coverlet, lifting it up to hide her nakedness.

  Alex’s face hardened as he stared down his former friend. “You could try,” he said with deadly calm. “But I wouldn’t advise it. Especially after you’ve just barged into my room without invitation or without the courtesy of a knock.”

  “I was looking for Meg, and when her maidservant told me where she’d gone…” Jamie looked purposefully at the bed with a sneer. “Well, it seems I was too late.”

  “Have care, Campbell. Before you say something that I cannot overlook.”

  Some of
Jamie’s righteous indignation faded under the barely harnessed threat of Alex’s rage. Alex should be the one issuing challenges, and if he hadn’t felt guilty over the other man’s jealous plight, he might have done so. He was furious at Jamie for bursting in on them and embarrassing Meg. His mere presence seemed to turn what they’d shared into something shameful and sordid. But most of all, Alex was angry at being forced to confront the reality of what he’d done before he’d even had a chance to savor the moment of contentment and bliss.

  “Unless you want to bring the whole court down on top of us, you’ll lower your voice and close the door.”

  Jamie looked as though he wanted to refuse, if just on principle, but after a quick glance at Meg’s pallid face, he shut the now broken door.

  In the same hard tone, Alex ordered, “Now, if you’ll turn around for a moment, you can save Meg from further embarrassment.”

  Jamie did as instructed, turning away stiffly, giving them both time to dress. Alex slid off the bed, picked up his trews and shirt from the heap of clothing on the ground, and quickly clothed himself. When he’d finished, he handed Meg her garments, allowing her a moment to pull on her sark, then helping her as best he could with the laces of her stays and gown.

  When her clothing had reached some semblance of order, Alex indicated to Jamie that he could turn back around. The quiet in the small room was deafening as they took turns staring at one another. Silent recriminations darted back and forth.

  Jamie broke the silence. “So, it appears you’ve changed your mind. You’ll be asking for her now?”

  Everything went still.

  Alex felt the consequences of his decision crashing down on him. Consequences that he’d been aware of but had hoped to work out on his own.

  He knew what he had to do. Honor demanded it. The moment he’d taken her to his bed, the decision had been made. Even taken away by passion, he’d recognized it. Jamie’s ill-timed arrival had only hastened his decision. But it didn’t make it any easier to say the words. Nor did he know what this would mean for his plans to go to Lewis. He didn’t want to put Meg in danger, and how could he be the husband she needed if he was fighting on Lewis?

  How could he have jeopardized all that he’d worked for these past five years? He thought of the hours spent on the battlefield honing his skills, the years away from his family and home, living in conditions not fit for a dog. But most of all, he thought of his cousins and the ill-fated decision that had led to their deaths. Must he choose between Meg and his conscience?

  This was exactly what he’d wanted to avoid. Alex cared for Meg more than he’d ever cared about another woman in his life. More than he wanted to think about. Enough to know that marrying him would create problems for her. But there was no choice. He couldn’t leave her to face ruin, to face the disappointment of her father.

  He blamed no one but himself, but he didn’t like being forced into anything, and certainly not like this.

  Meg couldn’t believe this was happening. One moment she was luxuriating in the single most beautiful moment of her life, the next Jamie burst through the door, discovering them in flagrante delicto. It all felt suddenly…wrong.

  For a second, she thought they might come to blows. These two strong men she cared so much about squared off at each other with violent undercurrents running between them. Meg hated to see them at each other’s throats because of her.

  She wanted to say something to Jamie, to try to explain, but the words seemed to tangle in her mouth. He wouldn’t even look at her. Meg felt ill. She’d never meant to hurt him. She cared for Jamie; he’d always been like a brother to her.

  She knew what she’d risked in coming here, but she’d certainly never contemplated a nightmarish situation like this. A situation that had gotten that much worse when Jamie forced the answer to the question she’d most wanted to hear. But she wanted it from Alex. Freely given and without coercion.

  Meg waited.

  It was clear that Alex was waging an inner battle with demons she did not understand.

  Her stomach twisted with apprehension. With every stretching second, she fought to hold on to the hope for the future that threatened to disintegrate into thousands of pieces at her feet.

  Alex fixed his gaze on Jamie, refusing to look at her. “I do not need you to remind me of my duty.”

  Duty. The word ate a hole in her chest. She didn’t want to be a duty. Meg could feel the resentment flowing between the two men, resentment that she feared would eventually extend to her.

  Finally, Alex turned and took her suddenly ice cold hand in his. “Meg, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  There it was. Her heart’s desire.

  His voice rang strong and steady, in the deep timbre that she loved. He did not hesitate or prevaricate, but Meg’s chest squeezed painfully all the same. The proposal was sincerely given, but not his own. Not his choice. Not spoken with words of love, but compelled by his unfailing honor and nobility.

  The truth nearly felled her. He doesn’t want to marry me.

  What could she have been thinking, coming here like this?

  I’ve forced him to marry me, she realized. But what

  can I do? I’m ruined. I have a duty to my family, to my


  With his proposal, she had what she’d come for, but now she wished he’d turned her away. He tried, she remembered too vividly. Her cheeks mottled with mortification. Deep down, she’d honestly thought he’d wanted to marry her. She was wrong. And now they would both suffer.

  A hot ball of tears lodged at the back of her throat and blurred her vision. She tried to smile, but it wobbled and fell into an awkward grimace. “I…I…yes,” she finally managed. She was going to cry. She had to get out of here. “I must return to my chamber,” she said over-brightly. With as much dignity as she could muster, she donned her cloak and headed for the door. With one last look at both men, she whispered, “I’m sorry.”

  “Meg,” Alex said, moving toward the door. “Wait.”

  But Meg pretended not to hear him, dashing as fast as her tiny leather shoes would carry her down the cool, dark corridor.

  Oh, hell, Alex thought, catching a glimpse of Meg’s expression as she disappeared down the corridor. He turned to Jamie. “Well, that went well. Not exactly as I would have planned a proposal. What the hell were you thinking?”

  Alex would make it up to her later, but it was obvious she’d needed time alone to get over the shock of what had just happened. He could understand the desire to be alone. But Campbell looked as though he had no intention of leaving.

  “I never meant…” Jamie paused, seeming finally to realize what his rash actions had set in motion. By barging in here like this, he had compelled the very thing he did not want—Meg’s engagement to Alex. “Damn.” He paced around the small room, considering, looking at Alex occasionally as if he would read the answers on his face. When at last he stopped, the gaze that met Alex’s wasn’t friendly and might not ever be friendly again, but at least it wasn’t twisted with hatred. “I knew something was different with Meg when I returned,” he said. “She fancies herself in love with you. You took advantage of her.”

  Love? Alex felt as if he’d been struck. His whole body froze. Was it possible?

  Yes. His chest swelled as he realized Jamie was right. Meg must think that she loved him. She would not give herself to a man if she did not believe that she loved him. And the intensity of his reaction told him how badly he wanted it to be true. The knowledge overwhelmed him. Humbled him. Thrilled him. And for a minute gave him hope. Having Meg’s love was something he would cherish forever.

  “Obviously, I underestimated you,” Jamie continued. “You work fast. What is it? Money? Land?”

  Alex’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s not like that.”

  “It’s not?”

  Alex shook his head. “I told you the truth. I did not intend for this to happen.”

  “But you are no
t sorry that it did.”

  Alex thought for a moment. Jamie was right. He’d tried to protect her by doing the right thing, but he wanted Meg as his wife. “No, I’m not. For the manner in which it happened, perhaps, but not that it did.”

  “You care for her.” Jamie sounded stunned.

  Alex didn’t need to answer.

  Jamie studied him with an appraising gaze, as if something that had bothered him finally made sense. “You really do care for her. That is why you do not want to involve her in whatever you are doing at court.” He held up his hand, cutting off Alex’s denial. “Don’t bother. I don’t know what you are up to, but I’m sure it has nothing to do with finding work as a mercenary. I did a little investigating of my own. Made a few inquiries. Seems no one can recall an Alex MacLeod fighting as a mercenary with the O’Neill over the past few years.”

  Alex hid his reaction. He wasn’t surprised that his ruse had been discovered, just that Jamie had managed it so quickly. He could take consolation that at this point all Jamie had was suspicion. He didn’t know anything specific. Alex knew that if he tried to deny it, it would only make Jamie more certain. So he said nothing, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. “Think what you like. My business is my own.”

  “Not when you involve Meg. Then it becomes mine.” Jamie took a deep breath. “It will not be necessary for you to marry her.”

  “Of course it is.”

  “I will tell no one about what I saw tonight.” Jamie stood a little straighter. “I intend to ask Meg to marry me.”

  Alex’s fist clenched, ready to swing at Jamie’s squared jaw. He took a step forward. “I believe the lass is already engaged.”

  Jamie met his gaze defiantly. “Let her have a choice.”


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