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Dead State Box Set [0-5]

Page 65

by Shupert, Derek

  It takes a few minutes for the power to fully recover. I squint and blink a few times, but quickly adjust to the brilliance.

  I peer over to Cindy. Ms. Jones is finishing up removing the wires and tubes attached to her. She takes great care in handling Cindy.

  “Christ, sir, your hand!” Jacobson exclaims. “Are you all right?”

  I train my gaze down to the commander’s hand. Tiny drops of blood drip from the ends of his fingers and spatter against the floor. His forearm has lines of the sanguine fluid racing down them from the large, vertical gash on the side of his arm.

  Commander Reynolds offers nothing more than a quick glance to the wounded area. “It’ll be fine.”

  “What the hell happened up here?” Jacobson looks back to the dead nurse who is rolled over on her side. The floor under her head is pooled with blood that spreads away from her. “Is that Nurse Davis?”

  Commander Reynolds nods.

  “It is. She became infected somehow. So did Private Ferris.”

  A look of shock floods Jacobson’s face. “But how?”

  “It could’ve been when Private Buckner turned right before he passed. The private fought to restrain him and apparently got injured in the process. I’m taking it that he got bit or something and didn’t say anything. It’s hard to tell. Right now, though, that’s a moot point because Private Ferris is still on the loose somewhere on the fifth floor. Private Carter took off after him while I came after Nurse Davis here.”

  One of Jacobson’s men rushes up to him from the right. “Area is secure, sir. No sign of any other staff or infected for that matter. I’ve got men stationed at the entrances to this section.”

  Jacobson nods. “Very well. Carry on.”

  The soldier salutes both of his commanding officers. He turns and leaves in the direction of the double doors.

  “We need to evac this floor now and get down below,” Commander Reynolds orders. “Have your men look for both Private Ferris and Carter. I want them found ASAP.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jacobson retorts.

  “Have we received any response back from HQ yet? What’s the situation outside?”

  Jacobson looks to me briefly, then back over to Commander Reynolds. A look of concern clouds his face, despite how hard he tries to hide it.

  “I’ll need to fill you in once we get below,” he says.

  The commander sighs, and rubs along his worn face. “All right. Let’s get out of here, and we’ll discuss things further once we’re secured.”

  Cindy moves over to stand close to me. She leans her head against my side and gives me a hug around my waist.

  “How is our patient doing?” Jacobson offers a half smile, to which Cindy subtly waves back.

  “She’s doing well overall,” Ms. Jones responds. “She’s still shook up from everything, but physically, she remains stable. No changes.” Ms. Jones dabs away the blood on her face and fixes a bandage to her forehead.

  Jacobson looks to the double doors, then back to Ms. Jones. “Are you ok? Seems like everyone has had it rough up here.”

  “I’m fine. It will probably need stitches. I’ll take care of it later.” Ms. Jones presses around the outside of the bandage to make sure it’s in place. She steps away from the bed and heads for the hallway.

  Jacobson glances to his left and nods. “I think we’re good to move, sir.” He looks to Cindy, then back to Commander Reynolds. “Is it safe to move her down below?”

  “Safe as in how?” I quickly counter. “I don’t think she’s contagious by just being around her without a mask. Besides, she isn’t remaining up here. Not with that chaser on the loose.” I place my hand on the small of Cindy’s back and hold her tightly.

  Much to my surprise, Jacobson doesn’t snarl or get heated like he did when we first arrived. Instead, he holds up his hands in defense. “I’m just asking if we’re sure we’re clear of possible contamination, is all. You have to remember, this is all new to us. I’d rather tread on the cautious side than not. It’s not just our lives at risk but everyone else’s.”

  “From what I’ve seen, it should be fine.” Ms. Jones says. “You have to remember that transmission of the virus is only through a bite or something similar. Just being around someone who is infected doesn’t mean that you run the risk of contracting it. I know this is unfamiliar territory and all, with her carrying the virus and not turning into one of the creatures, but we should be safe. We’ll just keep an eye on her and monitor her condition as best we can.”

  “Sir, we’ve made contact.” A soldier approaches Jacobson from the left. He has his rifle pressed to his chest with his finger near the trigger.

  “Where?” Commander Reynolds inquires.

  “Nearby, sir.” The soldier points in the direction of the way we need to go to get to the stairwell. “Hallway, dead ahead.”

  “Take your men and scour this floor. I want Private Ferris handled and Private Carter found. Check in when you have confirmation.”

  “Yes, sir!” The solider salutes both men. He turns and bolts for the double doors. His hand covers his ear as he speaks into his mic.

  Jacobson drifts farther back into the hallway. His head stays on a swivel. Both hands remain fixed to the grip of the pistol as we funnel out after him.

  Little time is wasted. We’re sandwiched between Jacobson and Commander Reynolds as we exit the ward. We scurry down the long stretch of hallway. Both men bring their sidearms to bear. They train them dead ahead of us as the soles of our shoes squeak over the floor. Beams of light burst from the bottoms of their weapons as they sweep the area.

  Jacobson holds his arm up in the air. He motions for us to stop as we near the intersection of the other hallway. His back hugs the wall. The barrel of the pistol takes the lead as he carefully peers out and down the corridor.

  Gunfire echoes down the hallway to our left. Both Commander Reynolds and Jacobson turn on a dime and take aim.

  Cindy remains glued to my side. Her hands claw at my jacket as whimpers escape her lips. I hold her tight, patting her back.

  “Come on. Let’s move!” Jacobson moves out into the hallway with Ms. Jones following close behind. Cindy and I follow suit with Commander Reynolds covering our behinds.

  Our quick pace changes to a dead sprint. We run hard and fast in the direction of the stairwell. It’s not too far away, but feels like it’s on the other side of the moon when you’re scared. There’s nothing that stands in our way, which adds a bit of relief.

  The pounding of the rifles discharging ceases. We reach the door to the stairwell, and Jacobson shoves it open. He stands off to the side, waving his arm for us to hurry along.

  Ms. Jones darts into the dim space. We near the opening as a shrill echoes from the darkened halls.

  I come to a grinding halt just before the entrance. I turn and look to the dimness of the long stretch of corridor that goes on for what seems like forever.

  A body emerges from the left. It stumbles out into the hallway and turns to face us. No, wait. There’s another shadowy figure that comes into view as well. Is that Private Ferris and Carter?

  They dash in our direction, grunting and growling. They meld together in the dark space like some sort of alien creature that has four arms and legs.

  “Get inside, now!” Jacobson grabs my arms and shoves me inside the stairwell.

  Cindy dashes in first, with me close behind. She doesn’t care much for the dark, even though the stairwell is partially cast in a red hue from the emergency lights.

  “Sir, come on.” Jacobson moves just inside the entrance, with half of his body lingering in the hallway.

  Two shots ring out, followed by Commander Reynolds back peddling inside. He gets clear of the doorway and shifts to the left. His pistol remains up and at the ready as Jacobson slams the hefty door shut.

  He flips about and leans against the smooth surface of the door.

  “I got one, but grazed the other.”

  The chaser collides with a du
ll thud. It growls and pounds its fists harshly, trying to break through the obstacle that separates us from the ravenous creature.

  It’s fortunate that this door isn’t flimsy or has any windows. If the creatures ever figure out how to open doors, we’re screwed.


  The chaser hammers the door in a furious rage. Each dense strike is louder and harder than the last.

  The light from both men’s pistols wash over the landing and walls. They remain steadfast and ensure the creatures don’t gain access.

  We backpedal toward the flight of stairs that goes down to the third floor. Commander Reynolds and Lieutenant Jacobson retreat from their positions and cover our backs. Their weapons stay trained at the entrance.

  I head down the stairs as quickly and safely as we can. I glance over the railing to find Ms. Jones and two armed soldiers peering up to us with their weapons shouldered.

  Light from the third floor illuminates their panicked faces. We make a sharp turn, and bolt down the last flight of stairs. We hit the landing as the soldiers move closer to the stairs.

  “Where’s the commander and lieutenant?” a gruff baritone voice inquires.

  “They were right behind us.” I’m winded from all of the running and traversing the stairs. I respond through panted breath.

  The soldier cranes his neck as his gun-mounted light searches the floor above us.

  Heavy footsteps battering the steps echo throughout the enclosed space. The soldier stays planted as his finger inches toward the trigger.

  Commander Reynolds appears first, followed by Jacobson who follows him down the stairs.

  “Are you ok, sir?” The soldier steps to the right and steers clear of the commanding officers.

  “Yeah. We’re fine,” he sternly responds. He looks to us. “Is everyone all right?”

  We nod.

  “Is the door holding?” I probe.

  Jacobson turns the light off from his pistol, then holsters it. “For now, it is.” He turns toward the soldier. “I want rotating shifts stationed here 24/7. Anything comes down those stairs, you light it up.”

  “Yes, sir.” He offers a subtle nod of compliance.

  We exit the stairwell and head inside to the third floor. We’re greeted by soldiers and hospital staff that stand worriedly by. Duke and the others are off to my left. He offers a bark, wags his tail feverishly, and lowers to the ground. I think he’s happy to see us.

  He breaks free of Cassie’s hand and maneuvers his way through the legs of the people standing before him.

  “Duke!” Cindy’s face lights up as she releases me from her clutches. Cindy drops to her knees with her arms stretched out wide.

  That long pink tongue of Duke’s dangles from the left side of his snout as he races up to her.

  She embraces him by the neck and holds him tight. “Oh, boy. I have missed you so much. Have you been a good boy for James?”

  Duke groans. His head moves from side to side as his tail wags swiftly. I rub the top of his head, then run my fingers down his spine. He breaks free from Cindy’s hold and licks her face repeatedly. She doesn’t stop him or push him away like she normally would. Instead, she sits there, allowing him to shower her with love and affection.

  Cassie and Lucas make their way toward us with relieved smiles.

  Lucas places a heavy hand on my shoulder and looks me over. “Are the both of you ok? We overheard the soldiers talking about some sort of outbreak up on the fifth floor or something like that.”

  “Yeah. We’re all right. Some of the soldiers and hospital staff have turned. Lieutenant Jacobson left his team up there to clear them out, but I think the chasers may have gotten them first.”

  Cassie’s eyes widen. She leans in close and keeps her voice low. “How many are we talking?”

  “Two that we know for sure,” I answer. “Not sure yet about the soldiers who were left up there. One minute there’s gunfire, and the next, dead silence. We had two chasers after us before we got into the stairwell. Not sure what they’re going to do about their men who are still up there.”

  Cassie’s lips part slightly. A look of dread washes over her face.

  “How are things looking outside?” I’m searching for good news anywhere I can find it.

  Lucas shifts his eyes to Cassie who mimics him. He removes his hand from my shoulder and rubs the back of his neck. That can’t be good.

  “Not good as far as we can tell,” he says.

  “That bad?” I reply.

  They both nod.

  “The chaser’s keep showing up in droves. The soldiers are struggling to hold them off,” Lucas clarifies.


  Cindy stands up from the floor. Duke ceases his onslaught of tongue bathing her. He stands by her side as she continues to run her fingers through his dingy coat. She looks up to Cassie and Lucas who offer smiles in return.

  “And this must be Ms. Cindy who we’ve heard so much about,” Cassie warmly says. “I’m Cassie. This gruff old man next to me is Lucas. It’s a real pleasure to finally meet you.”

  Cassie leans over and places the heel of her palms on the tops of her knees. She extends her hand to Cindy, who sinks into me. She cautiously raises her arm out and shakes Cassie’s hand.

  I pat Cindy on the side of her arm. “They’re good people, Sis. They helped me find you. Without them, me and Duke wouldn’t be here.”

  Lucas dismisses my words with a wave of his hand. “Don’t sell yourself short, James. You have pulled my butt out of the fire a handful of times. Without you, I’d be toast. You’re no slouch and can hold your own. Same for good old Duke here.”

  Duke’s ears perk up from the slight mention of his name. He tilts his head back and looks up to Lucas who rubs his head.

  I smile even though I don’t feel like I’ve been a big asset to our little trio. The dead bodies that lay in my wake are piling up with each day that dawns.

  My dad.


  My best friend, Dawson.

  Tony, the gruff military soldier who helped me out when this all first went down.

  And finally, Cassie’s surrogate father figure, Mack.

  There are probably many more that have fallen because they have crossed my path, but those are the ones that hurt the most.

  “I do have to say that it’s such a pleasure to meet such a strong and brave young lady. I imagine that you’re the best little sister that a big brother could ask for.” Lucas reaches out his leathery large hand to Cindy.

  She glances up to him and takes hold of it. “I’m not that little. I’m actually nine, right, James?” Cindy tilts her head to the side and glances up to me, waiting for me to confirm her statement.

  “That is right, squirt.”

  “In either case, it is an honor to meet you.” Lucas notices the teeth marks in her arm. The indentions aren’t as deep and the flesh doesn’t look to be decaying. The cream-colored tone of her skin around the infected area has come back some. He smiles at Cindy, then shifts his gaze up to me.

  The lights overhead dim slightly. They flicker off and on. A low humming sound emits from the bulbs.

  “Damn it all. Are we going to lose power again?” Commander Reynolds says.

  Lieutenant Jacobson looks up to the ceiling. He watches the dull white lights flicker as if they’re fighting for survival. He pulls free the radio attached to his hip, and adjusts the rounded knob on top.

  “How are we coming along on the generators, over?”

  Static clings to the air. A voice crackles in through the speaker and battles through the white noise. The sound of machinery in the background drowns out the man’s tone.

  “We’ve got one operating at capacity. The other needs a bit more attention. Seems like a cable has come loose or something. We can’t reach it, though. Our hands won’t fit. If we don’t get it back up and running, the other generator will be taxed to the point where it’ll die.”

  Lieutenant Jacobson looks to Commander
Reynolds who has a scowl on his face.

  “All right. Stand by and keep working on it. Over.” Jacobson lowers the radio. He and Commander Reynolds move away from the stairwell entrance and secure the door. They stand a few feet from us and continue to discuss the generators.

  “Do we have anyone who we can send down to the boiler room to aid in the repair?” Commander Reynolds inquires.

  Jacobson rubs his chin. “Not that I’m aware of. We’re beyond stretched thin right now. We’ve got the majority of our men outside battling the infected, which aren’t letting up. The team on the fifth floor is MIA, and we can’t spare anymore men to go search for them. Plus, we have some other issues I need to brief you on. Privately, sir.”

  Doctor Harper approaches the two men. He leans forward and pulls the torn fabric away as he takes a closer look at Commander Reynolds’s arm. “We need to get this dressed and stitched up quickly.”

  Commander Reynolds diverts his gaze down to his arm. “It’ll be fine for now. We have bigger problems.”

  Doctor Harper releases the bloody, torn pieces of the commander’s shirt. “The longer it goes without being properly treated, the more likely infection will set in. We can’t afford for you to fall ill right now, sir.”

  Commander Reynolds offers a slight nod. “All right, let’s go patch it up. Come and debrief me, lieutenant.”

  The doctor escorts the commander and Jacobson down the hall. They enter the third room on the right.

  Lucas nudges my arm, and nods to his right, indicating he wants to speak in private.

  I turn to Cindy, then point to Cassie. “Hey, I’m going to have you hang with Cassie and Duke for a minute while I talk to Lucas, ok?”

  “Ok.” Cindy continues to rub Duke’s head.

  Cassie half smiles. “I’ll keep an eye on her for you.”

  “Thanks.” I follow Lucas away from open ears.

  He kicks his voice low. “What do you think we should do? Might be good to have a backup plan in case things go south here and we have to bail.”


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