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Dead State Box Set [0-5]

Page 88

by Shupert, Derek

  “Um, James!” Cassie yells.

  A small group of chasers stalk us from the right. “Cindy, hurry up!”

  She releases the wire and runs out in front of us as they break out into a sprint. She plants her tiny frame in front of us as the creature’s charge with mouths wide open and arms stretched out.

  Duke stands by my side, favoring his injured leg as he barks and growls.

  “Cindy!” I cry out. The thought of watching the dead tear my sister apart brings me to tears.

  I jerk my arms every which way, fighting to break free as the infected stop shy of running her down. They tower over her, chests heaving and bloodshot eyes staring at her, then to us.

  The chasers growl, and snap at her, but she doesn’t move. They try to go around Cindy, but she blocks their path.

  “Kill those damn munchers before they injure my meal ticket,” Ranger barks at Beastly.

  He opens fire at the infected which draws their attention away from us. They rush him in a dead sprint. Bullets punch through the decaying corpses with ease, and exit through their backs. His gun clicks empty. The few still standing tackle him as he tries to run away.

  Brute slashes through a chaser and discards the mutilated corpse. He’s bathed in their blood as he drops to his knees. A portion of his neck has been torn away. Brute huffs, then falls forward flat on his face.

  Someone grabs my shoulder, which causes me to flinch, then pull away.

  “It’s me, James.” Commander Reynolds works out both knots and sets me free. He moves over to Cassie and does the same for her.

  Ranger ejects the spent magazine from his pistol and slaps in a fresh one. He cycles a round and kills the chasers feasting on Beastly’s large frame. He stands over the fallen goliath and places a slug in his head.

  “Well, that didn’t go as planned,” he huffs. “No matter. As long as I have that girl, then I still have a chance. I just need to remove you three from the equation.”

  Ranger trains the barrel of his pistol at my head. Cindy grabs my hand and hugs my waist. I catch sight of Bill stalking him from behind with his piece clutched in his hand.

  “I’m not so sure your plan is going to pan out,” I remark.

  The weapon barks. I flinch from the sharp report.

  Cindy tugs at my arm. Ranger looks at me dumbfounded with a hole in his chest. He drops to his knees, then slumps forward.

  I glance to the entrance, and find Bill leaning against the jamb. Trails of smoke plume from the end of his pistol as he offers me a wink.

  You sly son of a bitch.


  We’ve survived this encounter, but the worst has yet to come.

  Bill lowers his gun, then collapses to the floor in a bloody mess. His face is long and tired. He’s spent and looks weak. Each breath that escapes from his parted lips is labored.

  I rush to his aid, but I’m halted by the appearance of armed soldiers that materialize from the corridor. They funnel into the conference room with rifles shouldered.

  “NOBODY MOVE!” a thundering voice barks.

  I raise my arms in the air, then glance back to Cindy and the others.

  The soldiers spread out while keeping their weapons trained at each of us.

  Commander Reynolds approaches from my left, then points to Ranger’s dead body. “Captain Peterson, the threat has been neutralized.”

  The soldiers check each of the men, and confirm their status with a tilt of their head.

  Captain Peterson lowers his rifle and presses it against his chest as he advances toward us. He offers Commander Reynolds a sharp salute. “Sir! We need to evac everyone now! Raptor is inbound and will be delivering the package soon.”


  My face twists in confusion as I struggle to decipher what that means. It takes me a few seconds to piece together what the meaning is. The bomb.

  Commander Reynolds nods, then looks to me. “Get everyone outside and onto the choppers, now!”

  Cassie and Cindy follow the soldiers outside in a dead sprint while Duke limps behind them. I rush around the conference table and head for Bill. I soldier blocks my path, halting me with his hand raised in the air.

  “Don’t. He’s infected.”

  The life drains from me as I stare at Bill’s sweaty, flushed face. He coughs up blood that trickles out over his lips. He shrugs his shoulders as I drop to my knees.

  “It’s the end of the line for me, kid.” Bill pulls the sleeve of his coat up, showing me the gnawed flesh on his forearm. “Bastards got me earlier. Thought I gave them the slip, but they’re cunning.”

  My vision becomes glassy as I fight to hold back the tears. I’m mad and sad at the same time. “You said we don’t split up. No matter what.”

  “James, we have to go, now!” Commander Reynolds demands.

  “Sir, we have more infected inbound. We have to dust off, now!”

  I’m pulled from the floor by the soldiers. A number of the men fall back and leave the area.

  Bill motions toward the hallway, then gives me a warm smile. “Get going, James. You got your family and friends back. I think I’m going to hang around here for a bit and watch the fireworks. Take care of yourself, kid.”

  The remainder of the soldiers retreat from the conference room and bolt down the hallway. Commander Reynolds and Captain Peterson pull me out into the hallway.

  I give Bill one last look before we flee down the corridor. He gives me the peace sign, and that warm smile of his.

  We rush down the hallway in a mad dash, and make for the side entrance we originally came through. We hook a left, and fly down the sidewalk to the parking lot.

  The thrumming of blades battering the air fills my ears. We pass through the gate and rush out into the parking lot. Two Black Hawk helicopters are stationed a stone throw away from each other. Cindy and Cassie wave at me from the closest bird near the fence where the armored vehicles are parked.

  Captain Peterson splits off from Commander Reynolds and me and sprints toward the other chopper. We load up into the aircraft, and take our seats.

  The chopper takes off and is airborne within a blink. I glance out of the open door and watch as scores of infected rush into the parking lot.

  Commander Reynolds secures the door to my left, then sits back down in the seat across from me. Cindy sits by my side with Cassie on the other side of her. My sister wraps her tiny arms around my waist. She squeezes so tight that it’s hard to breath. I revel in her touch. It makes me think of home.

  Duke sits on the floor at my feet. He’s not as active as he normally is. I can only imagine how exhausted he must be.

  Two jets fly past us, rattling the Black Hawk as I peer out of the window.

  “Where are we going?” Cassie asks the commander.

  “An aircraft carrier that’s off the coast,” he answers.

  I cradle Cindy in my arms, and kiss the top of her head. I’m still not sure what happened with those chasers not attacking her, but I know that no matter what, she is the key to saving us all.



  Once more into the fray, into the last good fight I’ll ever know.

  Russell Cage didn’t want to die, but it wasn’t his call. The plane was going to crash, and he was helpless to stop it. His fate was bound by luck, and the skilled hands of his best friend, Tim.

  The nimble, lightweight aircraft dipped toward the mountains that were coated in lush trees. The torrid wind punished the plane as it fell from the sky.

  Russell gulped, then closed his eyes.

  The weightlessness of free-falling tickled his stomach. He felt nauseated. The bitter taste of acid burned the back of his throat.

  A slew of regrets and words not spoken swelled in his head. He had unfinished business that would never be taken care of.

  Tim fought the yoke, trying to keep them out of the blanket of rich vegetation for as long as he could. The tips of the pine trees punishe
d the belly of the aircraft as it dipped below the canopy.

  Branches snapped and wood splintered as the plane tore through the forest. The groaning of tortured metal filled the cabin. The propeller ripped from the front of the aircraft. Black smoke vented from the damage.

  Tim gnashed his teeth and growled.

  Russell pressed his hand against the dash while grabbing the hand grip with the other. He drew a sharp breath as he braced for impact.

  The aircraft rattled and jolted the two frightened men. Sounds of panic fled their trembling lips as the front of the plane dipped further into the trees.

  The windshield spiderwebbed, then busted as limbs hammered the cockpit.

  Tim released his hold from the yolk and shielded his face.

  Outside air flooded the cabin. The horrifying crescendo of the plane being ripped apart played in Russell’s ears.

  A thick bough breached the fuselage on the starboard side as the plane rolled clockwise. Luggage dumped from the gaping hole.

  Russell closed his eyes, and thought of his wife, Sarah, hoping she knew how much he loved her. He had made many mistakes in his life, most of which he feared he’d never be able to rectify.

  Survive the Fall: Powerless World – Coming Soon.

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  About the Author

  Derek Shupert is an emerging Science Fiction Author known for his captivating dystopian storylines and post-apocalyptic-laden plots. With various books and anthologies underway, he is also the author of the Afflicted series and Sentry Squad.

  Outside of the fantastical world of sci-fi, Derek serves as the Assistant Vice President at Woodforest National Bank. During his free time, he enjoys reading, exercising, and watching apocalyptic movies and TV shows like Mad Max and The Walking Dead. Above all, he is a family man who cherishes nothing more than quality time spent with his loved ones.

  To find out more about Derek Shupert and his forthcoming publications, visit his official website at




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