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MIKE The Firefighters of Station 8

Page 8

by Samanthya Wyatt

  “Bad timing,” he grumbled.

  “Right.” He heard the disappointment in her voice. The unease.

  Even though her actions had been predictable, it hurt more than it should. He’d just been jerked back to reality. She’d be pissed because they were interrupted. Because he had to leave. Why should he expect anything else?

  This is my life, Darlin’.

  “Duty calls.” He shrugged and spun around.

  Her small hand clasped his upper arm. “Mike?”

  He didn’t want to turn back and see fear in her eyes. Or worse, rejection. He bit the bullet and faced her.

  “Be careful.” And then she smiled.

  Smiled. Confusion danced in his brain.

  “You know where I live now. So don’t be a stranger.” Her eyes danced and her sensual mouth curved into a teasing pout.

  Hell yeah. He’d be back. If she could accept his occupation without hang-ups. It was bound to happen. Until then … he’d return again, and again.

  “I’ll call you,” he heard himself say.

  And he would.

  Chapter 8

  Cassie drew air into her lungs until they were near to bursting and then let it all out in one gigantic sigh.

  Last night, she’d exercised muscles she hadn’t used in years. Maybe ever. Sad commentary on the state of her life. No wonder she’d had the best experience ever. With a man she wasn’t even sure liked her very much.

  Oh, yeah. Mike loved sex—he’d made that pretty obvious. He’d blown her ever lovin’ mind. This morning, her body felt truly loved and exhausted. A giving lover, he’d touched her in all the right places and made her squirm to the very edge of oblivion. Oh, how she wanted to go there again.

  How had she been so lucky to attract a guy like that? Sure, the man was sexy, but his caring touch was what charmed her. His arms had wrapped her in a haven of warmth, making her crave more of this tantalizing man.

  Last night he’d saved a woman from burning in her car. Then acted like it was no big deal. A true hero. He didn’t like the title or the attention it brought. That told her everything she needed to know.

  She placed the last cup in the dishwasher just as the doorbell rang. She grabbed a towel and dried her hands on the way to open the door.

  “Hi.” Tammy held up her hand and jingled a set of keys.

  “Hi. Come on in.” Cassie left the door open and turned to go back to the kitchen, expecting her friend to follow.

  “Is he gone already? I didn’t see a truck outside,” Tammy said as she closed the door.

  “What truck?”

  Tammy braced a hand on each of her plump hips. “The one you drove off in last night, genius. Or did something happen to wipe out your memory? Mine is just fine.”

  “You don’t have to glare at me.” Cassie spun around and strode through the living room. “Yes. He’s gone.”

  Hot on her heels, Tammy’s shoes smacked on the hardwood floor. “Did he stay all night? What happened? I’m dying to know.”

  “Gee. It took you all of, what, thirty seconds?” Cassie made a point of glancing at her arm where her watch should be. She hadn’t put it on yet this morning. “Want some coffee?”

  “Better put on a new pot. Unless I’m wrong, this conversation may take some time.” Tammy pulled out a chair and plopped down. She placed her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands while her expression said, I’m waiting.

  Cassie couldn’t keep from smiling, at her friend and at the remembered experience of last night. Wow. She’d probably trip over her tongue trying to apprise Tammy about her evening, without divulging details, of course. She poured water into the carafe, scooped the coffee and pushed a button.

  “Quit stalling,” Tammy scoffed. “Begin when you drove off in the hero’s truck.”

  Cassie remembered Mike’s reaction. “I don’t think he likes being called a hero. From what I can see, he thinks he’s doing his job and that’s that.”

  “Did you have sex or did you psychoanalyze him while he relaxed on your couch?”

  “We talked.”

  “With a hunk like him, yeah, I believe you.” Tammy waved her hand, obviously not buying it for one minute.

  Tammy was one of a kind. A person who would do anything in the world for you. They didn’t come any nicer. The first time they’d met, Tammy had treated her like they’d known each other forever and they’d remained good friends ever since. If she meddled, it was from the goodness of her heart.

  “He got burned last night,” Cassie inwardly cringed, remembering the raw skin.

  Tammy straightened and her face grew serious. “How bad was it? Is he okay?”

  “It wasn’t very big, but still a burn, and a cut.” She collapsed into the same chair she’d sat in last night. “I cleaned it. He refused to see a doctor. I hope he gets it checked today.”

  “When I saw him on top of that car—admittedly we didn’t know then it was Mike—I thought the car was going to explode.” Tammy’s eyes grew big as she gestured with her hands. “You know. Like on TV. Then when he fell, I thought he was a goner.”

  The image flashed in Cassie’s mind and fear lanced her chest as fresh as when she’d seen him fall—jump.

  “I remember now,” Tammy said. “Jared said he refused to go to the hospital when we met him at the rescue squad.”

  “That’s why I brought Mike home with me.”

  “One reason, anyway.” Tammy’s hand covered hers. “He’s okay now, right?”

  He’s more than okay. He’s dynamite. Pure adrenaline. Toxic.

  Tammy arched her eyebrow. “By the dreamy look on your face, he must be. Now get to the hot and panting part.” She leaned back and crossed her arms.

  “He’s hot. As in very.” Cassie couldn’t help teasing, but her words came out breathless.

  “No. No. Start at the beginning.” Tammy waved her hand again, a habit of hers. “When you pulled in your driveway will work. Unless something happened before you got home.”

  Scooting to the edge of her chair, Cassie remembered how the sight of his sculpted chest had taken her breath. How her fingers had itched and begged to touch. How her pulse had leaped with excitement and the urge to jump his bones had pierced her chest. Then the dread when she’d seen the burn and torn skin.

  “His shirt was stuck to his burn, so I had to soak the material. But it wasn’t too bad. Not once did he complain, and he looked”—she took a breath—“damn good sitting there with his shirt hanging open.”

  “Probably tasted good, too.” Tammy rose and headed for the coffee pot.

  Yeah, Cassie breathed out a sigh.

  “Like I said, I put on a bandage and offered him my shower.” Heat flushed her face. She wasn’t ready to admit sneaking into the guest room and almost into the shower with Mike. If Tammy had been paying attention instead of pouring coffee, she would have dragged it out of her.

  “You offered him your shower?” Tammy mumbled incredulously as she slid Cassie’s coffee toward her. “A man like that? I would have joined him.”

  After last night, Cassie thought she still might get the chance.

  “Mike came out in a towel.”

  Tammy clanked her mug on the table. “Good Lord.” She fell into her chair, her breath caught as if the wind had been knocked out of her. Tammy rarely shut up. Seeing her mouth hang open and no words coming out was completely out of character.

  “All wind and no sail?” Cassie teased.

  “I would have loved to have seen that. A girl can dream. And if she doesn’t get any action, she uses her imagination. But now I don’t have to. Give.”

  Cassie made her wait while taking a sip of the fresh coffee. She really should show some pity and put Tammy out of her snooping misery.

  “All muscles, wet spiky hair, a day’s growth of beard—add lifesaving in the mix, and you’ve got one whopping man.”

  “So, he whisked you in his arms and you set the sheets on fire,” Tammy added breathlessly.
r />   “You’re getting ahead of me.”

  Her eyes flew wide in eagerness and surprise. “Sorry. Go on.”

  “While I stood there drooling, he walked around me to the food.”

  “Huh?” Tammy’s dazed expression was comical, making it difficult for Cassie to keep a straight face.

  “I threw together something to eat and had it on the table. He strolled by me as if he had no interest in me. As if he paraded in a towel around women every day.”

  “With nothing but a towel,” Tammy said dubiously.

  “Yep,” Cassie answered, remembering the image of the towel drawn tight around his buns.

  “Maybe he wears a towel often. Or goes around butt naked. Bet all those fire guys do.

  Taking a sip of coffee, Cassie gazed over the top of her cup. Tammy looked like a hungry puppy with a bone dangling just out of reach.

  “Was anything peeking out?”

  “I have large towels.” Cassie lowered her mug and leaned forward as if about to whisper a dark secret. “But he’s a large man.”

  “Oh God, I’ve died and gone to heaven.” Tammy dramatically flung her arm over her forehead and slumped in her chair. A short moment passed before she suddenly jumped. “You had to imagine his—you know—on the wood. No way the towel covered his buns.”


  “Well,” she said with indignation, then took a deliberate sip of her coffee. “So, you fixed him food, ate. Then what?” She placed her elbow on the table and propped her chin in the palm of her hand.

  “He asked for a blanket.” At Tammy’s raised brows, Cassie hurried to explain, but Tammy held up her hand.

  “Cassie. This story is not as exciting as I anticipated. Please tell me it did get good at some point.”

  “You wanted details.”

  “Juicy details.”

  Cassie giggled. “Okay. He mentioned he needed something bigger for covering, so I sprinted for a blanket. By the time I got back, he’d moved to the living room on the couch.”

  “Butt naked,” Tammy said hopefully.

  “He had the towel concealing the important part.”

  “What is wrong with you?” Tammy exclaimed slamming her hands down on the wood. “The man has a body like an immortal God and you bring him a blanket? Girl, you definitely have to get back in the game. You’ve been without a man too long.”

  “And what about you? In the two years you and Steve have been divorced, you haven’t even dated.”

  “I have two boys. We’re not talking about me. Besides, you’ve had the same dry spell.’

  “By my choice.” Cassie had made the mistake of dating guys who only wanted to take her out because of her ample chest. In her heart, she craved a strong pair of arms to hold her each and every night. One man for the rest of her life. A man who wanted only one woman. Who would want her for herself. Who looked deeper than her physical assets. After last night, she hoped she’d found him.

  Mike had touched something within her that she didn’t even know was there. The most profound feeling she’d ever experienced with a man. He’d claimed a part of her soul.

  Hopefully Mike was a one-woman man. Not like his buddy, Jared. Anyone could see that guy was a born philanderer. Her gut told her Mike would be so much more. She desperately wanted to find out.

  “Earth to Cassie.” Tammy’s voice brought Cassie from her musings. She studied her friend, knowing Tammy was no more promiscuous than Cassie. Tammy liked to joke and tease, but most of her experience had been with her husband. Look how that turned out. Naturally, she wanted to hear anything sensational in someone else’s private life.

  “He, uh, patted the couch beside him. So, I joined him and we talked.” Cassie glared, daring Tammy to pounce since she’d used the word talk again. After a moment, she continued. “He put his arm around me and the electricity surged. From there on, use your imagination, ’cause that’s all the specifics you’re gonna get.”

  Tammy’s smile nearly split her face. “You deserve a good roll in the hay. I knew he’d be good for you.”

  “I’d use the word great.” Cassie picked up her mug.

  “That good, huh?” Tammy laughed. “He must have been. Girl, you’re glowing.”

  “I want to see him again. Not because he’s great in bed. There’s a depth to him that is intriguing. I want to know more.” Cassie shook her head in amazement. “He has these moments where I feel like he’s thinking, you know, analyzing, trying to decide whether or not he should tell me. There’s something he’s hiding.”

  “Like what? He’s a fireman. He can’t be a serial killer.”

  “Well then, suppressing. Like something is bothering him.” She swallowed and placed her mug on the table, her hands enfolding the glass.

  “Maybe he’s a sexual deviant. He didn’t want to scare you so he held back.”

  Cassie laughed at Tammy’s wiggling brows. “You need to find your own boy toy. Then maybe your sex starved mind will settle down.”

  “Like playboy Jared? Nope. Don’t think so.” Tammy shook her head before bringing her cup to her lips.

  “You flirted pretty hard at the restaurant.”

  “That’s just flirting. I had fun. He’s a little too lively for anything else.”

  “What about last night? He’d been with Mike and we took his truck. Did you take Jared home?”

  “No, he left with the other fire guys.”

  Cassie stared at her in disbelief.

  “What?” Tammy bristled. “You think I don’t want someone special? I have my boys to think of. I’d like a real man.”

  “I think Jared would be insulted.”

  “That’s not what I meant. He could give me a night of the best sex I’ve ever had, but that’s not what I want.”

  Cassie didn’t hide her surprise. “Oh? Every woman secretly wishes for a man who will rock her world.”

  “Including me. For goodness sake, Cassie, I know I joke a lot. It’s been a long time. My ex left when the boys were four.”

  “Has there been anyone since?”

  “Are you kidding? When would I have the time?” Tammy leaned closer. “Boys, Cassie. As in full throttle, non-stop mischief. Two of them.” She sank back and slumped in her chair. “Any free time I am fortunate to have, I spend with you. The only action I get is reading a romance novel.”

  Cassie and Tammy both loved their romance novels. Most of the teachers at school read them. There was a cabinet in the break room full of books they swapped out.

  “At least now things are looking up for you.”

  Cassie hoped so. She couldn’t wait to see Mike again.

  “I had a ball flirting with Jared, but that’s just fun. For a partner, I’m looking for stability. The opposite of my ex.” Tammy held her mug between her hands and stared into space. “I had a man who thought he was Casanova. Where is he now? Gone. That’s where,” she said with disgust. “With his bimbos.”

  “You’ve done a great job with them,” Cassie said, meaning her boys. “The twins are happy. They seem to be handling the separation well.”

  “They think it’s cool to visit their dad. He was never home much anyway. They probably see more of him now than before the divorce.”

  Cassie prodded. “And you?”

  Tammy’s gaze met hers, that familiar glimmer back in her eyes. “I’m great. Life is good.” She turned up her mug. After a swallow, she set it down and gave a slight shrug. “One of these days my prince will come along. I’m not in any hurry. Like I said. I need to think of my boys.”

  “You need to think of yourself, too. You’re a lovely woman. Funny, sharp.”

  “What do I need a man for? I have you to fill me in on all the dirty stuff I’m missing.”

  Cassie rose to get more coffee. She brought the pot to the table and warmed both cups. “I’m not sharing.”

  “You don’t have to share the man. Only the good stuff. Come on. I’m living my fantasy through you. At least tell me I’m having a good time.�
�� Tammy laughed so hard she started to cough.

  Cassie patted her on the back. “Like I said, get your own toy.”

  “Humph.” Tammy sat back with a pout.

  Chapter 9

  Mike stepped on the accelerator and cursed. He needed to pay more attention to his driving and less on the best night of his life. He should have told Jared to take a hike, but the guy had gotten stuck in court. Mike had to rush home, shower, shave, and now he was late. He’d never been late. Even staying up all night and going to work bone weary, he arrived on schedule. Not today.

  He slammed on the brake, jerking his truck to a halt. His fingers gripped the steering wheel so tight it was a wonder he didn’t bend the damn thing. At this rate, he would need to buy a new set of tires by spring. He listened to the radio as the announcer broadcasted the time. Shit. Shep would have his ass. Glaring at the light wouldn’t make it change any faster.

  Finally, red changed to green. He stomped on the gas and took off. Before he’d gone two hundred feet, a siren wailed and blinking lights showed in his rear-view mirror.


  He pulled his truck over to the side and waited for the cop to approach. As the officer stepped alongside, Mike lowered the window.

  The officer removed his sunglasses. “Hey Mike. Where’s the fire?”

  “Hey Chuck. I’m on my way to the station.”

  “A fire?”

  “No. But Shep is waiting for me.”

  “Must be in a hurry. Spun out back there at the light.”

  “Yeah.” Mike scrubbed his hand over his freshly shaven face. “Afraid I had my mind on something else.”

  “We usually do when we don’t pay attention to our driving.” Chuck braced one arm on top of Mike’s truck. “Hey. I heard about the wreck last night, where you pulled that woman out of her SUV.”

  And immediately had hero worship sex with one classy lady.

  “Jared told me,” Chuck added.

  “Jared? When did you see him?”

  “At the courthouse this morning. He also said you were hurt.”

  “Nothing serious.”

  “My sister says EMTs make the worst patients, right on the list after doctors. She still works in ER over at Mercy.”


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