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MIKE The Firefighters of Station 8

Page 13

by Samanthya Wyatt

  “Very funny, Laredo.”

  “Your idol has lost his chinga’ mind, Coop.”

  “I’ll have you know the women will be crawling all over me tonight.” Jared tugged at the collar of his shirt with flare.

  “At Chippendales?” Mike asked, joining in the fun.

  “Christ. Can’t a guy get a break. Not at. Because of.” Jared placed his hands on his hips, clearly aggravated. “Women flock to those shows. They drink, they get horny. All a guy has to do is wait. When the chicks hit the bars, they’re looking for any guy available.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” Cooper snorted.

  Jared made a show of looking at his watch. “It takes two hours to get there. I’m leaving now.”

  “My shift ends at eight,” Cooper stated, rising to his feet. “Hang on. I’ll be your wingman.”

  “I’m not waiting.”

  “Come on, Jared. Give your groupie a break.”

  Cooper glared at Laredo.

  Mike thought he’d help the kid out. “Women won’t hit the bars until ten.”

  “Yeah. Don’t the shows run about two hours? If it begins at eight—”

  “By the time your shift ends, I’ll be casing out the best bars.”

  Cooper took a step forward. “I can meet you in Roanoke. Just tell me where.”

  It pained Mike to watch. The anxious expression on Coop’s face was pitiful.

  Jared released a sigh that clearly indicated he’d given up. “All right. I guess I can wait.”

  Mike’s shoulders shook as he tried not to laugh. Looked like the kid would be shadowing his idol.

  Chapter 14

  The Pitt Stop sign glowed above the brightly-lit building centered in the middle of a huge parking lot filled with cars. Cassie had been here a few times. The bar had great food, but was better known for music and dancing. By the time she followed Tammy to her house, waited while she changed and then drove home to get ready, darkness had settled. The news that Tammy’s ex wanted custody had thrown them both for a loop. They needed a night out. Cassie decided to be the designated driver and if her friend needed to get roaring drunk, so be it.

  A young couple hurried up the steps and bolted inside, letting the door slam behind them. Manners were a thing of the past.

  “Prick,” Tammy muttered.

  “Look at the bright side.” Cassie opened the door and aimed for an ear-splitting grin. “You don’t have to say thank you.”

  “I like the way you think.” Tammy winked and marched through the doorway.

  Loud voices and laughter greeted them. A country “somebody-done-somebody-wrong-song” blared from the jute-box. Most of the tables were already full. One waitress sauntered over with a tray balanced above her head. “Hey, ladies. There’s a booth back on that wall.”

  “Thanks,” Tammy said. “Are you our waitress, ’cause I’m ready to order a drink.”

  The girl laughed. “Gotta be a man. Sure. I’ll be right there.”

  Cassie swerved her way around bodies, following Tammy, and slid into the empty booth. “Thank God it’s Friday.”

  “Do you think Jennifer will keep the boys overnight?”

  “I already asked her. She’s got this big ta-do planned. Movie night, where the boys can dress the part. Ninja Turtle. She even has costumes for them. They’ll love it.”

  “That’s really great of her. She likes kids. Why doesn’t she like you?”

  “I stole her glory of being an only child.” Cassie shook herself. “We’re here to forget our woes.”

  “Okay, ladies. What’ll you have?” True to her word, the waitress stood there ready to take their order.

  “B52 Bombers,” Tammy said without hesitation. “And keep them coming.”

  The waitress popped her gum and replied. “You got somebody to carry you outta here tonight?”

  Cassie spoke up. “I’m the designated driver.”

  “Oh, no you don’t,” Tammy quickly corrected. “You are joining me, shot for shot.”

  “Oh, great. I can see the headlines now. Elementary teachers sprawled on the bar floor. And a snapshot I’d rather my students did not see.”

  The waitress chuckled. “Don’t worry, girls. There’s always plenty of men willin’ to take a lady home.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” Cassie mumbled.

  “Bring a couple of Ultra Lights, too,” Tammy added.

  Cassie flung her hair over her shoulder. “If I carry you home, who’s going to carry me?”

  “Didn’t you say we’re here to forget our woes? How else are we going to do that? I plan to drink my mind numb.” Tammy glanced around the dim room. “At least I won’t have to worry about running into my ex. He’s too good for this place.” A shadow of sorrow covered her face.

  Cassie swallowed the worry she couldn’t express. Her friend had gotten a real shock today. How hateful could the man be? Threatening a custody suit. Those boys belonged with Tammy. She had taken care of them when Steve couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. This second marriage probably wouldn’t last, either.

  “Okay. You talked me into it,” she said. What the hell. “We can call a cab.”

  “’Atta girl.” Relief mingled with Tammy’s expression of joy.

  The waitress returned in no time carrying beers and two small glasses of dark brown syrup. The grin on Tammy’s face matched the sparkle in her eyes. “Bottoms up.”

  They were really going to do this. Oh, well. Cassie hadn’t been drunk since … college? She raised her glass. “Bottom’s up.”

  Good thing she’d consumed it in one gulp, because the fire in her throat and belly would not allow her to do it again. “Oh … my … God,” she wheezed when she could get her breath. Tears threatened.

  Tammy sucked in air as if she couldn’t get any. When they glanced at each other, they both broke into laughter. “Aren’t we a pair?”

  Cassie grabbed her bottle of beer and gulped a large swallow. It helped. “Maybe we should sip the next one.”

  “I agree.” Tammy giggled. “And get some food.”

  By the time the food arrived, Cassie felt no pain. And Tammy had forgotten all about her ex. “Yum. Over the lips and straight to the hips. I’m going to enjoy every bite of this sinful burger.”

  “Speaking of sinful, looked what just walked in the door.” Tammy gave a nod.

  With her mouth full, Cassie turned and squinted, trying to decipher who … Her eyes flew wide.


  “Am I mistaken or are there two of him?”

  “If you’re seeing double, then so am I.” She recognized the guy with Mike as one of the firefighters that had been at the Mexican restaurant. Same height, a touch of gray at the temples, distinguished looking. Cassie chewed faster, watching them as they stopped at the bar.

  “Invite them over,” Tammy urged.


  “Close your mouth. You look like a deer caught in headlights. Ask them to join us.”

  Cassie glanced at her burger. Her melt-in-your-mouth burger. “Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a burger this good? And fries?”

  “So. Eat. And ask them over.”

  “How can I eat this monstrosity in front of a man?”

  “Easy. Watch.”

  Tammy grasped her burger with both hands and shoved the thing in her face. When she pulled the juicy bun away, both of her cheeks were poofed out. Cassie couldn’t help it. She busted out in laughter.

  “Like that.” Bits of mayo drooled down the side of Tammy’s lip.

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full. You’re not going to outdo me.” Cassie grabbed her burger and did the same. Her mouth was so full she could barely chew. She took a gulp of beer to wash down her food and Tammy made a face. They busted out laughing again. Then, before she knew it, Tammy shouted across the packed room.

  “Over here. Hey guys. Look. We’re over here.”

  Thank God, the noise kept Mike and his friend from hearing her.

sp; A few other guys turned in their direction. Cassie wanted to crawl under the table. “Stop that. People will think you’re an idiot.”

  “You’re an idiot if you let that man get away.”

  “You’re making a scene.”

  “Huh?” Tammy followed Cassie’s gaze and noticed two men heading their way. “No. No. Not you.” She pointed and waved her finger. The confused expressions on the guys’ faces was priceless. Cassie busted out laughing again.

  The waitress showed up with two more shots. “All right, ladies. Is this the limit?”

  “Hell, no,” Tammy said and swiped up the glass. “Let’s have a toast.”

  “You mean, the toast?” Cassie raised an eyebrow.

  “Is there any other?” Tammy cleared her throat and waited for Cassie to pick up her shot. Together, they recited a poem from her college days.

  “Here’s to you. Here’s to me. Friends we shall always be. But if we should ever disagree …” Tammy winked and they clinked glasses. “Fuck you. Here’s to me.”

  Cassie tossed back the fiery liquid and shook her head as a warm shiver flowed down her chest and arms. Damn, that stuff tastes good.

  “Well, I can honestly say I’ve never heard that one. You gals rock.” With a spin, the waitress went to the next table.

  “We should give her a good tip,” Tammy said.


  “What are you going to do about your fire guy?”

  After the night she’d shared with Mike, she knew exactly what she’d like to do. But she was sloshed. And her friend was playing matchmaker.

  “You think he wants a drunk?”

  “You’re not drunk. Just happy.” Tammy nodded her head, reminding Cassie of a bobble-head.

  She couldn’t help it. She laughed. “At least I’m a happy drunk.”

  “At least there are two of them. They just got here, so they’ll probably stay for a while. That gives you time to make a glutton of yourself.”

  For some reason, that seemed funny too. Cassie couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed this much. She took a huge bite of her burger and closed her eyes. “Mmm mmm.” Rich beefy flavor smacked her taste buds. Tangy mustard blended with crunchy lettuce, spiking her senses. She chewed slowly and swallowed, savoring each zing. “Heaven.” She opened her eyes to take another bite and froze—with her mouth open.

  Standing there with an indecent grin, Mike leaned against the wooden post connected to the back of Tammy’s seat, his eyes fastened on her.

  “Heaven?” His voice rumbled in a sexy drawl.

  Damn if he didn’t look like a dark angel.

  Breathtakingly gorgeous. Tall—dark—the devil’s own sinful smile—delicious.

  She was in soooo much trouble.

  “Hi, Mike. Introduce your friend.” Tammy was staring at the man beside Mike.

  “This is Shep. Shep, this is Tammy. And this”—he angled his beer at her—“is Cassie.”

  The low hum of his voice sent shivers down her spine. But when their gazes locked, her breath caught in her throat and a slow burn hummed in her belly, one that had absolutely nothing to do with liquor. She barely heard his friend’s response.

  “It’s a pleasure, ladies.”

  Cassie looked scared to death. Had he made a mistake in coming over? She didn’t seem too happy to see him. Although, the dreamy look on her face, a moment ago, reminded him of the pleasure he’d given her the other night—a look of pure contentment, while her long slender legs had held him captive. Who would have guessed this elementary teacher could purr like a fine-tuned engine?

  Damn. She’d jolted him. Then and now. Long blonde hair, gold lashes dusting her cheeks. Creamy skin as smooth as silk, all over. He willed his body to control the erection already forming.

  “Hello Shep. You a big, strong firefighter, too?” Tammy asked with a hint of innuendo, which most likely had been prompted by the empty shot glass in front of her.

  Quieter than the rest of their team, Shep kept to himself a lot. He certainly wasn’t a lady’s man like Jared. Mike had cautioned Shep about Tammy’s playfulness before they’d approached the girls’ table. By the ear-splitting grin on Shep’s face, he didn’t care. Interesting.

  “Why, yes ma’am. I am.”

  “Well, come on over here, fire-hero, and tell me all about yourself.”

  Chuckling, Shep slipped into the booth beside Tammy. Mike stared at Cassie, waiting for an invitation. When she didn’t say a word, he motioned with his beer for her to slide over. She blinked as if coming out of a daze. Then she gave him a smile that melted his insides.

  He slid into the booth beside her, intentionally brushing his thigh against hers, sending a bolt of heat straight to his gut. She felt it, too. Her heart shaped face jerked up and her tempting lips parted as a silent gasp escaped her sexy mouth. Mike swallowed hard. She had an absurd physical effect on him.

  “When Mike mentioned coming to this place, I almost suggested another bar. At the time, it didn’t make a difference to me. Now, I’m glad we came here.”

  “Is that so?” Tammy’s glassy eyes were glued on Shep. Mike half expected her to bat her eyelashes.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please don’t call me ma’am.”

  Half-teasing, half-serious, Shep replied in that low drawl of his. “My mother taught me manners.”

  “I appreciate a boy that listens to his mama.”

  Shep showed his pearly whites. “The evening had promised to be another boring one for me. Not so, now.”

  “Really? How come?” she purred.

  Mike watched the exchange with a bit of awe. Shep would never fall for such brazenness, but he probably thought Tammy was harmless. Whatever the reason, Shep played along. Mike had fun watching. It was all he could do not to laugh or stare with his mouth hanging open.

  “Because we met you,” Shep answered.

  “I have met you before,” Tammy said with a little pat to Shep’s arm. “Well, not actually met. But I remember you from El Puerto’s. The whole fire department showed up there.”

  “We had training that week. Several County units gathered for drills and preparation exercises. Later that evening, we went out for some dinner and that’s when you saw us.”

  “I’m glad you chose the Mexican restaurant.”

  “One of my favorite places. So, you like Mexican food?”

  “Oh yes. Cassie and I go there often. You men in your blue uniforms caused quite a stir.” Tammy leaned closer to him and Shep never moved. He just grinned as if he liked her attention.

  “We get that a lot.”

  “I love a man in uniform.”

  Oh brother. She’s bombed.

  Mike glanced at Cassie, wondering how much they’d had to drink. Just then the waitress placed two shot glasses on their table. Dark liquid with a layer of brown foam on top.

  “Here ya go, gals. You said keep them coming.” The lively waitress propped one hand on a shapely hip. “What can I get for you boys?”

  “What’s that?” Mike pointed to the shot glasses.

  “B52 bombers.”

  He’d hit the nail dead on. They were bombed.

  “Sounds good to me. Two more,” Shep said.

  Mike raised his brows. Shep did not drink hard liquor. Hell, he rarely drank beer.

  Shep turned back to Tammy. “Are you ladies celebrating?”

  A cloud of darkness screwed up Tammy’s face. Cassie quickly filled the silence.

  “We, uh, received some troubling news.”

  “And we’re here to forget.” Tammy lifted one of the glasses. “Bottoms up.” She stared at Cassie as if daring her.

  “Why don’t you take mine?” Cassie slid her glass across the table to Shep.

  “Oh, no. I couldn’t take yours,” he said in a long drawl as he shoved it back. “That wouldn’t be gentlemanly.”

  The two girls glared at each other with an undercurrent of meaningful communication. Mike sure as hell couldn’t figure
out the message they’d exchanged. Seconds ticked by.

  “Bottoms up,” Shep repeated, coaxing the girls to drink.

  A gleam sparked in his eyes, like a troublemaker instigating mischief. He seemed eager, keen on seeing if they would drink the B52s in one gulp. Mike had not seen this side of Shep.

  “We agreed …” Cassie started talking, then stopped as Tammy flung back her head and the contents of the shot-glass disappeared.

  Shep propped his arm on the booth behind her and offered his beer. She grabbed it like someone dying of thirst.

  “What the hell,” Cassie mumbled just before she tilted the glass and drained it. When she slammed the glass on the table, her hair hid her face. Even though Mike couldn’t see her eyes, her quick raspy breaths indicated the B52 had burned going down.

  His shoulders shook with mirth. What a woman. He was glad he and Shep showed up. These girls would definitely need help getting home. If luck came Mike’s way, he would spend the night with his sensual teacher. Even though sex was off the table, he’d still consider himself lucky.

  The waitress placed two more drinks on their table. Shep held up two fingers. “Two more.”

  “How you doing on beers?”

  “Another round, please. And two more burgers.”

  Burgers sounded good to Mike. The Pitt Stop served man-sized burgers. As if suddenly seeing the food in front of her, Cassie said, “Oh, yeah.” She picked up her burger and took an unladylike bite.

  “I love a woman with a good appetite,” Mike said watching her.

  “See? I told you.” Tammy shouted.

  “Told her what?” Shep leaned closer to Tammy.

  “She was worried about eating a juicy burger in front of a hunk like him.” Tammy pointed at Mike.

  Cassie made choking sounds. He patted her on the back, grinning like a fool.

  Shep clasped Tammy’s arm. “Can you two-step?”

  Her eyes flew wide as he tugged her from the booth and led her to the dance floor.

  Mike caught Cassie’s gaze. “Hunk, huh?”

  Cassie shoved him with her shoulder. “You know you’re hot.”

  “I know I’m glad I came in this bar tonight and found you.”

  “Shoving a burger in my face like a … hog?”


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