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The Lantern-Lit City

Page 36

by Vista McDowall

  Sandu paused for breath as Alex motioned to Sir Eric. The knight undid Sandu's restraints. As Sandu fell, his limbs too weak to hold him upright, Alex caught him and eased him to the floor.

  "Shh, Sandu, it's all well," Alex murmured. To Sir Eric, he said, "That is all we need from you today. Have the servants fetch a clean robe for my friend."

  "He's not proven innocent," Sir Eric protested.

  Alex twisted to glare up at him and said, "Sandu was not here to kill the queen; he has traveled with me. I know his mind and heart. Do you doubt the word of a Strilu?"

  "The queen herself has ordered him be sent before the justiciars."

  With a sigh, Alex carefully let Sandu to the ground. He then stood and guided Sir Eric to an opposite corner of the room. He spoke quietly and calmly, though Sandu couldn't hear what was said. To his tired mind, though, Alex's tone brooked no argument.

  Sir Eric hesitated, then gave a stiff bow. "I leave him in your charge, Lord Alexandro. I apologize for this man's false imprisonment. Before I go, though, I request a full description of the suspected killer."

  Alex looked over, and Sandu, still collapsed on the floor, said, "He was tall, with dark hair. No beard or mustache. There was a house crest on his tunic, but I didn't see what it was."

  After Sir Eric was gone, Alex helped Sandu sit and lean against the wall. "I'm sorry they did this to you. I should've told you both who I am, then you could've just asked for me instead of trying a ridiculous ruse. You would never have been brought to the queen's rooms had I been honest with you. I'm so sorry."

  "Not your fault," Sandu muttered. His chest hurt as he took a deep breath. "Not any lord's third son, though, are you? Son of the previous Earl Seastone. I can't vecking believe it."

  "Neither can I, sometimes. I've never been comfortable with the title." As Alex spoke, a servant bustled in with a soft robe. With Alex's aid, Sandu stood and draped the robe about his shaking shoulders. Alex put an arm around him, and said as they left the dungeon, "Cara is safe. She's here in the palace, but she was away when Sir Eric came for me. I didn't waste time finding her."

  "Thanks for that." Sandu stumbled over his own feet, which buzzed with the effort to hold him.

  For a time, neither spoke. They made their slow way up through the dungeons and into wide marble halls. Courtiers stopped to stare at the odd sight: Lord Alexandro, dressed in a fine tunic, supporting a barefoot man in a robe. At last, up several flights of stairs and down a long corridor, they arrived in a sumptuous set of chambers.

  "I've sent for a bath for you," Alex said. "These are my personal rooms, but you're free to use them. I'll stay with you until I'm needed in council."

  Sandu's sigh of relief showed his gratitude as he slipped into the steaming hot tub. Alex left while a servant helped clean the blood and grime from Sandu's bedraggled body. Sandu dried himself off and took a closer look at the clothing Alex offered.

  "I can't accept this," he blurted, fingering the edge of the shirt. "This is all expensive stuff. I'm not nearly worth as much as any of this."

  "It's a gift," Alex said, lifting the trousers and holding them up. "From my own closet. You're my guest here."

  Sandu didn't need much convincing. Once he was decent, Alex led him to another room, this one filled with cushioned chairs, couches, small tables, and bookshelves on the walls.

  "This is fancy," Sandu commented, sipping at a cup of wine. It was far better quality than anything he'd be able to afford.

  Alex shrugged. "You get used to it, after awhile. I'm sorry for lying to you. I was an ass."

  "A rich ass, though. That counts for something. If you pay me gold for each lie, I'll consider the debt settled." Sandu grinned, feeling like his old self again. His aching shoulders reminded him of his ordeal in the dungeon, and he shuddered at the fate he escaped.

  "Take what you want!" Alex threw his arms wide. "There's books, jewels, all manner of things in here that I've never even glanced at. A new horse, too, if you want."

  "Well, that seems a bit much. Galen was probably about as costly as one of the palace horse's shoes. Though I wouldn't mind looking at your library, when I have a chance. It's the largest one I've ever seen. Have you even read all of these books?"

  "At least once. You should see the library at Mott, it puts mine to shame. Are you feeling better?"


  "Then stay here as long as you need, but Druam's expecting me. Sandu, please go find Cara. We both thought you were dead...she needs to see you. It would mean everything to her. Hers is the door carved with a lilac flower. Go see her."

  Sandu averted his eyes from Alex's. "I...I will. But not yet. I don't think I'm ready yet." Despite his longing to see her, his desperate attempts to find her, she was so close now that he found he was afraid. He'd seen the hurt in her eyes when she learned the truth about him. "Don't tell her that I'm here. I'll go to her soon, I promise."

  Alex frowned. "I'll do as you wish, but...Sandu...don't lose us again. Here, take this seal. The guards will let you in and out of the palace, though I don't think you should leave. You should find Cara. Please."

  "I'll go to her when I'm ready."

  "Don't let that take too long." Alex pressed the hard metal seal and a small pouch of coins into Sandu's hand, then left the room.

  A good amount of time passed before Sandu pushed himself off the couch and out into the hallway. He ambled slowly toward Cara's room, but when he reached the intersection of corridors, he paused. As he stared at her door, he pictured his and Tambrey's hut in Dunfrey, the door forever closed to him. The longer he avoided Cara, the longer he could pretend that all was still the same between them.

  His cowardice won out, fueled by his fatigue from his days in the dungeon. His hands shook as he hurried away from the lilac room.

  For another candle, he wandered the huge palace, ducking into alcoves or against a wall whenever someone passed him. He pretended not to understand why he couldn't see Cara just yet, but deep down, he knew: he had abandoned his family and betrayed Jagger. Could he trust himself not to do the same to Cara? She thought him would be so, so very easy to disappear and let her continue thinking it. He had already done it once before, even changing his name. Who was to say he couldn't do it again?

  Laughter and raised voices caught his attention. Following the sounds, Sandu found a group of palace guards taking a rest in a cozy room far off the main corridor. They passed mead around and bet on a card game, jostling each other in a good-natured way. Sandu paused at the threshold, his hands tapping at his thighs.

  Don't do this, he told himself. Nothing good comes from drinking and gambling.

  After days wrongfully imprisoned, he wanted so much to do something fun. He felt, ever since losing Galen, that he'd been haunted by his past. He'd tried so hard to rid himself of the man Tambrey hated, but he knew that that man was still there, deep inside him. No man can deny himself forever. Just one game to make myself feel better. Then I'll find Cara.

  One of the guards saw him. "What do you want?"

  "Can I join?" Sandu asked, giving in to the weakness. He flashed Alex's seal at them. "I'm a guest here, but I don't belong with the noble folk."

  They exchanged looks, then made room for him.

  Candles passed, and Sandu grew more and more loose as the drink flowed and luck shifted hands. Rather than face himself and his past mistakes, Sandu bet almost all of Alex's coin and drank far more than he should as the night grew longer.

  I'm going to have a hell of a headache tomorrow.

  Chapter Forty-One


  SEANNA DID her best to ignore the ladies' staring and focus on her embroidery. The thread caught and tangled with itself, and with nimble fingers she undid the snare before pulling it taut. She could feel their eyes on the top of her head, and resisted glancing up; she would only see them look away so quickly they might snap their necks.

  Ralston had reported to her that, after two assassination attempts, n
obles feared to be seen too close to her. They would rather their queen be shunned than to feel the bite of a prowler's fangs.

  "Has anyone expressed any sympathy?" Seanna had demanded.

  "Of course, Your Grace. They all do. But they fear falling into similar disfavor. Some say the king himself tried to have you killed." Ralston paused, then continued, "There are also rumors that you have consorted with dark powers and are now reaping the consequences. Others that you have been carrying on affairs so scandalous that the king would rather you be killed now than go through the ordeals of a trial and proper execution. Even those that have ardently supported you are questioning your innocence."

  Seanna cut the thread irritably. She should be surrounded by well-wishers, not treated like some sort of pariah. What point was there remaining at the soiree? Although every lady stood as she did and curtseyed as she left, they all avoided her eyes. Treacherous minxes.

  Even her handmaids, one by one, had left her service, and so only Sir Eric was there to escort her down the corridors to her chambers. He looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in a long time.

  "Did you get a confession from the Protector?" Seanna asked. She had already forgotten the soldier's name.

  Eric's frown nearly imperceptibly tightened. "He was ordered free by Lord Strilu, but claimed innocence before that."

  "And you just let him go?"

  "Lord Strilu was...rather convincing as a witness."

  "If he didn't do it, then who did?" Dammit, the culprit needs to hang for this treason.

  "I don't know though my men are searching tirelessly for one who matches the description. I have also sent a scout to tail Master Crin, just to be sure."

  "Good." Seanna wanted to ask more, but Kair Aremo Teru rounded a corner. Strangely, he was completely alone. He appeared lost in pensive thought before Seanna coughed politely.

  "Ah, Your Grace. My apologies for my lack of respect." Aremo's tone conveyed no such remorse.

  "How are you, kair? It has been too long since our last dinner together. We must dine again soon."

  The smile that stretched his lips was wholly unpleasant. "I think not, Seanna."

  The impudence! "You are to address me formally, Kair Aremo. Or had you forgotten that you are no longer in Dedaria?" Seanna stopped, glaring up into the kair's smug face.

  The kair only smiled. "While you were amusing enough during dinner, I have no interest in aligning myself with a doomed woman."

  Sir Eric loosened his sword in its sheath and took a step forward. Holding out her hand to halt her knight, Seanna said in a low voice, "Are you threatening me? I am no more doomed than the heir I carry, and once I have given birth to the king's son, I will be untouchable."

  Aremo chuckled. "My dear queen, I am not threatening you. I am simply stating a fact: by the end of next year, you will no longer be queen. I rather imagine your pretty head will adorn a spike."

  "How dare you speak to me so! Sir Eric, arrest this elf. I hear a cell has recently been vacated."

  The prince held up a finger and tutted. "Tsk, tsk, Seanna, surely you know the laws by now? I am a foreign ruler who came here on goodwill. If your man were to attack me, my country would be forced to declare war upon yours."

  "Hold, Sir Eric." Seanna's breath came faster now, as if she had run a short distance. "Let him pass."

  "A wise choice, Your Grace." Aremo sailed past her with his smug look. Seanna took a deep breath, furled and unfurled her fingers a couple of times, then proceeded forward as if nothing had happened, her head high and her shoulders straight. Her mind roiled with the prince's implications. Does he mean to replace me as queen with a Dedarian? Would he convince Henrik to execute me for my affairs?

  Nervousness filled Seanna's lungs with each breath, coming to a head as she arrived back at her rooms. Sir Eric remained outside, as always. Seanna sank onto a couch and tried not to panic. What had these last few quinns been for, if not to assure herself of her own power and status? And now she felt it all slipping through her fingertips. Each breath was too light, not enough air to give her oxygen. She breathed faster and faster, her heart pumping in her chest. The baby kicked, sensing her stress. With shaking hands she poured herself a glass of wine – some of it spilled onto the oak table – and gulped it down, cool liquid cascading over her cheeks and down her throat, forcing her to breathe normally again or choke.

  When she had regained herself, Seanna wiped her face clean then stroked her belly. The baby had calmed once she had, and she whispered to it, "Shh, little one. Mumma's fine now. Don't you worry, my sweet. They'll see how strong of a queen I am, they'll see you grow into a magnificent king." But she didn't quite believe her own words.

  The door opened and Henrik entered. His face looked worn, his forehead holding new creases and his beard having more grey than brown now. His crown still shone with a faint gold luster, but the robes on his shoulders, though once perfectly tailored, hung more loosely about him.

  "Henrik," Seanna said stupidly. "I wasn't expecting you." Surely he is here to bestow me with pity and love for all that I've endured. "Sit and have a cup of wine."

  "No, thank you, Seanna," Henrik said. He stood stiffly in front of Seanna. For a moment, he regarded her silently, and she could not read his expression. With everything that had happened since that horrible night in the tub, Seanna wanted him to be concerned. She needed him to be the doting husband so many other ladies had, to soothe her and wipe away her tears.

  "You're a filthy whore," Henrik said softly. Seanna blinked, her eyes welling. No, don't show him your emotions. She tried to force back her sudden grief, but it poured out instead. Seanna cried silently, her body heaving ever so gently, as Henrik continued, "You thought you could fool me, that I wouldn't notice as you took women to your bed."

  "Henrik, I–"

  "Don't try to lie to me!" Henrik spat. "For years you've disgraced me. Did you think I'd never find out? That none of the rumors would ever reach my ear?"

  "Who told you?" Seanna whispered through her tears.

  "Does it matter? You make a mockery of me by sleeping with others while you carry my child. You don't deserve the jewels around your neck." He shouted, his face turning red with anger, "I brought you to this status, I made you everything you are! I should have wed Rask's other daughter or even the court bard before I accepted you. You mock me every day, yet feel nothing. I tried to love you, Seanna, I did. I loved Fleta with my whole soul, and I thought it unfair that you should never feel that from me. But you made it so difficult, with your gossiping and your pettiness. Put that cup down and listen to me!"

  Seanna flinched as if he had actually hit her. Henrik loomed over her, his shadow cast over her tear-stricken face. "You've spent marks and marks of gold from my coffers, and for what? To bribe nobles to pretend to love you? You tried to turn my friends against me, and my enemies against each other, and you failed. You failed so miserably that you angered one of them enough to try and have you killed. They hated you so much they would rather you be dead than listen to another screeching rant from your horrible lips. If it were purely political, then I would be the target. But no, you drew so much unwarranted attention to yourself and made yourself into such a foolish spectacle that someone couldn't even stand to let you birth a creature that may turn out like you."

  "You have no proof–" Seanna started, but he cut her off.

  "Proof? You think you're so clever, don't you? Did you never suspect your little spy? I ordered Ralston to serve you, I told him to watch you and report to me. You truly believe you ever had his loyalty?" Henrik's chest heaved, his hands raised as if he wanted to strangle her himself. Seanna stared at him, half in disbelief, half in rage at herself. Why did I ever trust Ralston? she wondered miserably.

  Henrik pulled back, and Seanna thought, Surely he must be done, surely he will leave me to my misery now, though much of what he said was true.

  But he merely took a deep breath and said, "You are nothing compared to the earls and lords of this la
nd whom you attempted to slander. You acted like a jealous, spoiled child who didn't get the toy she wanted, and now I must make amends with the powerful men you offended. You meddled in affairs beyond your understanding, and now you reap the consequences of your ill-thought actions.

  "I was proud of you," Henrik said, more gently now, "for forging friendships with Earl and Lady Seastone. Druam is a good man. But you betrayed them the first chance you had: you accused Lady Seastone of crimes you yourself committed, drove a wedge between a loving couple, and then dared to spread false rumors of the earl. It is one thing to speak poorly of me, for petty wives often rail against their husbands, but it is another entirely to defame those who offered you affection and hospitality. I watched you burn any chance you had of their love, and for what? For the attentions of lesser men and silly women."

  Seanna did not try to speak over him. She sat, crying, each word stinging her flesh. Resentment flowered anew in her heart, that her husband dared punish her for being what he had made her to be. The tears streaming down her cheeks were tainted not by remorse, but fury.

  Henrik's hands clenched at his sides. Without looking at her, he said, "I am ordering you back to Con Salur. A ship will be made ready for you. It will leave the morning of the Masque.

  "Once you are at the Silver Keep, you will be forbidden from writing or receiving notes, letters, and other messages. You will be confined to your quarters unless I give specific permission otherwise. You are to have no visitors and no companions save for Sir Eric and two ladies-in-waiting of my choice. You will only attend banquets or festivities when I allow it, and then you will not leave my side. You will form yourself into the image of the perfect, obedient queen.

  "When our child is born, it will be removed from you and given to a wetmaid to nurse. The child will go to live with my kin to be raised without your influence."

  "No!" Seanna cried, standing and grasping at his robes. "Please, Henrik, all your punishments I will take, and gladly, but please, leave me my child. I have carried him these months, I am his mother, you cannot take him from me!"


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