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  3 Geoffrey A. Clark, book review in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. 326, (2002), 81–83.

  4 Lorraine Copeland, “Dorothy Garrod’s excavations in the Lebanon” in Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic: Studies in the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East and Europe, eds. William Davies and Ruth Charles (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1999), 164.

  5 Bruce Howe, personal correspondence to Ofer Bar-Yosef, Jane Callander, and Smith, 1998. As cited in Pamela Jane Smith, “From ‘small, dark and alive’ to ‘cripplingly shy’: Dorothy Garrod as the first woman Professor at Cambridge,” (Cambridge, UK: Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge University), n.d.

  6 Caton-Thompson, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968”

  7 Smith, “From ‘small, dark and alive’ to ‘cripplingly shy.’”

  8 Quote taken from “The Scientific Spirit in Medicine: Inaugural Sessional Address to the Abernethian Society,” St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Journal, 20, 19, 1912.

  9 Ofer Bar-Yosef and Jane Callander, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968” in Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2004), 381.

  10 Ibid, 382.

  11 Caton-Thompson, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968” 341.

  12 Ibid, 342.

  13 Smith, “From ‘small, dark and alive’ to ‘cripplingly shy.”

  14 From a letter Dorothy Garrod wrote to her cousin in 1921, as cited in Ibid.

  15 Pamela Jane Smith, A Splendid Idiosyncrasy: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915–50 (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, 2009), 72.

  16 Caton-Thompson, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968” 343.

  17 Dorothy’s application for Professorship in Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic: Studies in the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East and Europe (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1999), 16.

  18 Bruce G. Trigger, A History of Archaeological Thought, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), 47.

  19 Dorothy Garrod et al., “Excavation of a Mousterian Rock-shelter at Devil’s Tower, Gibraltar,” Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute.

  20 Caton-Thompson, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968” 344.

  21 Pamela Jane Smith et al., “Dorothy Garrod in words and pictures,” Antiquity 71 (1997): 265.

  22 Abbé Breuil’s letter of recommendation, as cited in Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic, 17.

  23 Smith, “From ‘small, dark and alive’ to ‘cripplingly shy.”

  24 Dorothy’s application for Professorship, Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic, 16.

  25 Margaret Alice Murray, My First Hundred Years, (London: W. Kimber, 1963), 116.

  26 William Davies, “Dorothy Garrod—A Short Biography” in Dorothy Garrod and the Progress of the Palaeolithic: Studies in the Prehistoric Archaeology of the Near East and Europe. (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1999), 6.

  27 Brian Boyd, “Dorothy Garrod and the Natufian Culture,” in Ibid, 213.

  28 Smith, “From ‘small, dark and alive’ to ‘cripplingly shy.’”

  29 Ibid.

  30 Caton-Thompson, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968” 339.

  31 Smith, “From ‘small, dark and alive’ to ‘cripplingly shy.’”

  32 Bar-Yosef and Callander, “Dorothy Annie Elizabeth Garrod, 1892–1968,” 413.


  1 Rosemary O’Brien, ed., Gertrude Bell: The Arabian Diaries, 1913–1914 (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2000).


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