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Europa Conspiracy (Babylon Rising 3)

Page 26

by Tim F. LaHaye

  Colonel Davis was standing in front of the command tent giving orders to his officers. He approached as the team got out of the Hummers.

  "All hell has broken loose around here. Our men are responding to the calls for help in Al Hillah and the towns surrounding Babylon. Many homes and business buildings have collapsed. Quite a few people have been killed, and many more are injured or trapped. Dr. Murphy, we're in a tragic situation right now."

  "I understand." Murphy's mind flashed back to the devastation of the church bombing and the injured people. He could still see Laura in the hospital as she breathed her last breath. "How widespread do you think the damage is?"


  "This has been a big one. Central command has reported that it was a 9.5 quake."

  "That's as big as the great quake in Chile!"

  "The first aftershock registered at 8.2 on the Richter scale. I'm sure more will follow. The epicenter of the quake is in the heart of the Syrian desert, about a hundred fifty miles west of the town of Al Habbariyah. Emergency teams are on their way now. There's also been damage in Baghdad, Karbala, An Jajaf, and at least twenty other small towns. Central command said that the effects of the quake were even felt in Basra, four hundred fifty miles to the east."

  "Is there anything we can do to help?"

  "Thank you. If you could assist Captain Drake and his platoon, that would be great. The International Red Cross, the Red Crescent, and other emergency relief organizations are mobilizing."

  In the mess tent, Murphy watched as Isis slowly collected food and a beverage. She looked physically and emotionally spent. As they sat down at a table, she turned to him and began to cry. He embraced her, whispering softly until she had cried herself out.

  "This has been a terrible day, Michael," Isis murmured. "The excitement of our discoveries, then Jassim's injury and thinking Will was dead ... and now the death of so many in Al Hillah. I can't get it all out of my mind. I close my eyes and I can still see women screaming and slapping their faces in grief as they sit by dead relatives. I can hear the yelling of the men frantically digging for


  loved ones buried under the rubble. These people have suffered so much pain and hurt with the wars and now this earthquake. How can a loving God allow it all to happen?"

  Murphy nodded. "In times like these there are no easy answers. A passage in Romans, Chapter Eight, talks a little about this." He reached for the pocket-size New Testament he carried. "Let me read you what it says.

  "Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory He will give us later. For all creation is waiting patiently and hopefully for that future day when God will resurrect His children. For on that day thorns and thistles, sin, death, and decay--the things that overcame the world against its will at God's command--will all disappear, and the world around us will share in the glorious freedom from sin which God's children enjoy.

  "For we know that even the things of nature, like animals and plants, suffer in sickness and death as they await this great event.

  "And even we Christians, although we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, also groan to be released from pain and suffering. We, too, wait anxiously for that day when God will give us our full rights as His children, including the new bodies He has promised us --bodies that will never be sick again and will never die."

  "In the Garden of Eden, when man disobeyed, it started a chain reaction of sin, death, and decay. From that day until now, we have been overcome by misery, war, and


  natural disasters like floods, tornados, and earthquakes. It is not a pretty sight. All of nature and mankind itself groans under this curse. It's painful... as it's been today digging through the rubble searching for people.

  "But one day all the suffering in the world is going to end and there will be no more crying. That's what the Bible teaches. But first there will be a judgment of all wrong. That's the message of Noah and the ark and the Handwriting on the Wall. God sent Jesus to bear judgment for us so that we might go free. That's the good news. A new day is coming and we need to be prepared for it. One day God will wipe away all tears."

  Just then a Marine tapped Murphy on the shoulder. "I'm sorry to cut into your conversation, sir, but they received a message in the control tent from a Levi Abrams. He asked that you call him on his cell phone as soon as possible."

  "Thank you, Sergeant."

  "I wonder what he wants?" Isis said.

  "He knows that we're in Babylon. He's probably just checking up to see how we are."

  Surprisingly, the cell phone connection was clear, and Murphy was able to reach Abrams immediately. Abrams was calling to check how the team fared in the quake. After expressing regrets over Amram's injury, Abrams said, "I'm in Israel right now--about two hundred fifty miles west of the epicenter."

  "This ranks as one of the largest recorded earthquakes," Murphy said.


  "It's caused terrible devastation. Did it hamper your search? Were you able to find what you were looking for?"

  "Yes, Levi, we did find the Handwriting on the Wall. Isis is organizing an exhibition of photographs we took that prove it."

  "You're kidding. What a find, Michael!" Abrams ex claimed.

  "I'd like to talk to you about it someday."

  "How about in the next couple of days?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Michael, some of the terrorists involved with the attempted bombing of the George Washington Bridge have been traced to a small Israeli-Arab town called Et Taiyiba, just south of the Sea of Galilee in the Jordan Valley. We've had difficulty there before. Israeli soldiers recently raided a Hamas hideout in there and uncovered an extensive Hamas network that had ties to Gaza. They were responsible for a number of attacks and suicide bombings in Israel."

  "Are you saying that Hamas is responsible for the bridge attempt?"

  "We don't think they were directly responsible. We think that another group based in Europe recruited Hamas terrorists. We think the New York attack had two purposes. One was to strike back at the U.S., and the other was to earn money for their war with Israel. We interrogated some of the terrorists that were caught in New York... and guess what, Michael? They had the upside-down crescent on their necks with the talons on them."

  Murphy felt an immediate rush of anger. "Levi, our team was attacked in Baghdad. We escaped, but one of the


  attackers referred to a group of people called the Seven. I wonder if they're the group based in Europe. If that's true, then my guess is that Talon works for them."

  "You may be right, Michael. Is there any way you could fly into Tel Aviv and drive up to Et Taiyiba to assist us? You have quite a bit of information about this Talon fellow."

  "Yes. Bingman needs to get back to his wife and kids. Jassim needs to get back to Egypt to recover from his broken leg. And Isis--well, Isis is worn down. It's been a difficult time for her. I'd feel much better if she were back home, safe. I'll make the arrangements ASAP."

  Jassim Amram was struggling along on crutches as he entered the airport in Baghdad. He was followed by a porter carrying his luggage. Murphy and Isis were saying goodbye before she joined Amram on the flight out of Iraq.

  "Michael, I'm worried about you in Israel," Isis said, looking deeply into his eyes. "You seem to have a magnetic attraction for people who are trying to harm you."

  Murphy could hear her protective tone. He smiled and grabbed her hand. "I'll be very careful. I have a strong reason for returning."

  He paused for a moment, then slowly and gently pulled her to him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, then lowered his lips to hers.



  MURPHY CLOSED his eyes and tried to sleep, but much-needed rest eluded him. He kept thinking about the devastation caused by the earthquake. Bingman's miraculous escape from the tunnel had been a joyful surprise, but many had suffered--and were still suffering--from the effe
cts of the quake.

  I just don't understand it all. God, You've got to help me through this.

  His thoughts were interrupted by a stewardess passing out Israeli customs entry slips. He filled his form out, then closed his eyes again. This time, new thoughts came into his mind. He could see Isis at the airport standing in front of him with a worried look in her eyes. She's so strong in character, so filled with energy, and so beautiful. And yet she's also so vulnerable. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe.

  The drone of the jet engines and the memory of finally kissing Isis began to relax him, and at last Murphy rested.



  Israeli security forces were everywhere when Murphy exited the plane. He was glad that he only had his carry-on bags and didn't have to fight the crowds getting their luggage at the carousels. All that he had to do was to get his rental car.

  As he walked through the airport, he could see a number of teams of humanitarian aid personnel wearing bright colored T-shirts. Good-hearted people around the world were rallying in support of those devastated by the earthquake.

  Murphy followed the coastal highway north out of Tel Aviv till it turned east over the Samarian Hills, toward Nazareth. He noticed that there were more wheat fields, barley fields, and olive groves since he had last been there. He began to think about Nazareth and the Lake of Galilee. Most of Jesus' life and ministry had taken place in the region.

  As he drove through the rolling hills, his mind flashed back to the miracles of Jesus. Cana of Galilee was the site of his first miracle; there Jesus had turned water into wine. In fact, twenty-five of Jesus' thirty-three great miracles were done in the Galilean area.

  If only this were a pleasure trip, where Isis and I could follow the footsteps of Jesus to Nazareth, Capernaum, Bethsaida, Gennesaret, and Tiberias. I'd love to show her where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount

  Murphy used his cell phone to call Abrams when he was about twenty minutes out of Nazareth. "My plan is to get some gas there and then head south toward Et Taiyiba," Murphy said.


  "Let me make a suggestion," Abrams replied. "Why don't we meet in Nazareth for an early dinner. It will only take me about a half an hour to get there. Meeting there will be less conspicuous. Et Taiyiba is a small town with many eyes and ears.

  "When you stop for gas in Nazareth, ask for directions to the Elmasharef Restaurant. It is a quiet and out-of-the-way place ... and the food is great."

  Murphy had forgotten how narrow and traffic-filled the streets of Nazareth were. It was certainly a clash between ancient pathways and modern asphalt.

  It took him a number of wrong turns before he found Elmasharef. Oh, great! There it is, but where am I going to find a parking space?

  Then he saw a young Arab boy waving his hands excitedly. The boy was pointing to a parking place. Murphy smiled. He wants to make some money. Great! I love to see someone hustle.

  "I will guard your car for you, mister. No one will bother it while I am here."

  Murphy was surprised at how good the boy's English was. "That's a good offer. I'll take you up on it. I will give you a nice reward when I return."

  The boy smiled and nodded. "I will do a good job."

  In the restaurant, Murphy got a table and sat down as he waited for Abrams to arrive. His thoughts turned to the strange events of the past weeks. Why did Methuselah want him to find the Handwriting on the Wall? Why was Dr. Anderson killed? How does everything tie in with the George 368 Washington Bridge near tragedy? Was the group that Stephanie Kovacs said controlled Barrington the same people Levi had discovered in Europe? Could that group be the Seven the Arab in the alley mentioned?

  Murphy pondered these questions, then rose to greet Levi Abrams, who had just arrived.

  It was late in the afternoon as Talon drove the Jeep up the secluded dirt road. The passenger's side held two cages. Two dogs hung their heads over the side of the Jeep, breathing in all the different smells carried on the wind. Occasionally they barked with excitement.

  Finally, the Jeep stopped near the top of a hill. The dogs jumped down and began to explore. Then Talon got the cages and placed them on the hood of the Jeep.

  He removed a falcon from each cage, then untied the thin leather head covers they wore and gazed into their eyes. It had been some time since Talon had given his hunters the opportunity to polish their skills.

  The falcons looked at Talon and the two dogs, surveying their surroundings. Nothing escaped their sharp eyes.

  "Well, my pretties, are you ready for a little exercise? I want you to keep in practice." With that, Talon released the falcons. They took off, caught the thermals, and began to rise effortlessly in the sky. Soon they looked like small floating dots high in the air.

  For a few minutes he watched them as they circled. Then he glanced toward the dogs. They were about one hundred and fifty yards away chasing some unknown scent.


  Talon looked far up into the sky. He made a fist with one finger sticking out. He then hit that fist into the palm of his other hand. It was the signal to attack. Almost instantly one of the falcons was diving toward the earth aiming for the lead dog.

  The dog was completely unaware of the danger it was in. The falcon's talons sunk into the dog's left eye and face. It screamed in pain and rolled away. It tried to get to its feet, at the same time attempting to wipe away the pain. Then there was a loud fluttering and flapping of wings as the falcon struck again, this time blinding the dog in the right eye. The third strike took the dog down, and the falcon went for the soft tissue of the neck. The dog's screams lasted only a few seconds.

  The other dog wasn't sure whether to approach the commotion or to run away. Then Talon made a fist with two fingers pointing out and hit it into the palm of his other hand.

  The second falcon took out the other dog in a matter of seconds.

  Talon smiled. His pets hadn't lost any of their killing abilities. Then he clapped his hands and the birds returned to his leather-covered arms.

  "Well, my pretties, I can tell that you still enjoy the hunt and kill. Very soon I will provide you with a couple of new targets."

  In the restaurant, Murphy and Abrams were catching up. "It's been a rough few days," Murphy said. All the devastation brought to mind Laura's death and the church bombing, and all the people who died while we were


  looking for the ark. It's also discouraging to have the ark covered with an avalanche and an earthquake burying the Handwriting on the Wall and all of the treasures of Belshazzar's temple."

  "But, Michael, you are alive, Bingman is alive, and Isis is alive," Abrams said encouragingly. "The living must go on."

  "I understand, Levi. I'm just disappointed. If you could have been there when we walked on the ark, even you might believe what the Bible says. These discoveries just help to verify what I know and believe in my heart is true."

  "I wish I could be a man of faith like you. I'm just not there yet."

  "Well, keep an open mind, Levi. If you seek to find truth, it will end up finding you. God has a way of pursuing like a hound dog. He's even been called the Hound of Heaven. I think He may be on your trail."

  "I hope so, Michael. I hope so."

  "Speaking of trails, Levi, fill me in on what you've discovered so far."

  "As I mentioned, we caught several of the terrorists involved with the George Washington Bridge incident. One gave us a lead about a group of people who are heading up some kind of operation out of Europe. We also confiscated a laptop computer that gave us information about the terrorist cell in Et Taiyiba. And, as I said, all of the terrorists we captured had the upside-down crescent on their necks. We believe that Talon is using these terrorists to do some of his dirty work. We think Talon may be in the area as we speak."


  "What gives you that idea?"

  "Yusef and Alona, two undercover Mossad operatives. We sent them to Et Taiyiba as soon as we got
the information off the laptop. They've been monitoring the activities of the cell made up of men tattooed with the upside-down crescents. They noticed a light-skinned man with dark hair talking with members of the cell. He had a neatly trimmed mustache and always wore gloves ... even when it was hot."

  "That sounds like Talon."

  "Our plan is to take them the next time they get together."

  "I'd like to be part of that operation."

  "That's our idea. We want you to take a look at the man we think is Talon. You've seen him face to face and can make the ID."

  "I'll be looking forward to that," Murphy said grimly. "We have a score to settle. He's the one who killed Laura and tried to kill Isis and many others."

  "We also have another undercover operative named Gabrielle who's been in the Jordan Valley working with the emergency aid teams. She ran across a man named Dr. Brian Lehman from the United States."

  "Boy, that name sure sounds familiar."

  "You may have run across him, Michael. He's a geophysicist."

  "That's right. He is one of the leading experts on earthquakes. What's he doing here?" Murphy asked.

  "That's what Gabrielle wanted to know too. She got into a conversation with him about the earthquake damage. It seems that he came over from the United States to


  check out our earthquake sensing station in Eilat. It's part of the Geophysical Institute of Israel. She got the impression that he had discovered something highly unusual."

  "What's that got to do with Talon?"

  "While talking with Dr. Lehman, she noticed a man with a mustache watching them. He stood out because he was with two Arab-looking gentlemen. She thought he might be an American but wasn't sure. She became very suspicious."


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