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Futanari on the Hunt

Page 1

by Hadley Sterling


  Title Page


  to the cave

  the first prey

  further below

  what mira saw

  the hunt

  futanari on the hunt

  Hadley Sterling

  All characters in this work of fiction are over the age of 18. Any resemblance to real-life persons are situations is entirely coincidental.

  to the cave

  Mira hummed as she drove, singing softly along to the radio. She wasn’t excited, not exactly- she’d explored caves before. That was where she was going, tonight- to explore a cave. She was an explorer by nature, drumming her fingers against the steering wheel as she looked for her turn. She loved the spooky and the paranatural but didn’t believe at all. She was no fool.

  It was very interesting, however, and she knew there were a number of mundane explanations for every paranormal phenomenon. This was what allowed her to visit a cave in the dead of the night without fear. Without paranatural fear, that is. She had her pepper spray and a baton, and a knife hidden in her shoe. She wasn’t overly worried about being jumped- the new laws sweeping the nation from Florida made that unlikely- but she knew she was known for going off into isolated places alone, in the dark.

  It only made good sense to be safe, y’know? Mira was grateful that none of her fans lived in her sleepy little college town. She took video of her explorations, putting it online for the world to see. Fans of spooks found her quickly, enjoying her late-night videos of abandoned buildings, forests, and, of course, caves like the one she was heading to tonight.

  It hadn’t started as a ‘thing.’ Mira just liked visiting old places, and when she’d seen another explorer start posting her videos of old ruins (though she’d been curiously absent recently), she had naturally done the same.

  “That’s curious…” She squinted as she came to a halt. She had planned on parking about half a mile from the cave- the ground turned to dirt any closer.

  She hadn’t expected to see another vehicle, out here so late. She got out of hers, double-checking the battery on her camera before wandering over. If there was a couple making out all the way out here, she’d rather know than not know. But there was no one. She sighed. Great. Some other night owl out for some late-evening fun. She yawned, starting her trek.

  She wasn’t about to give up now, not when she’d come all the darn way out here. She noted there were two sets of footprints- probably decreasing the chances of a creep being out here. She yawned again. There was a weird smell in the air, something… it smelled like an ocean. Mira shrugged. Whatever. Time to go.

  She sent a text, letting a friend know where she was and what she was doing. It wasn’t her first, and the friend already knew, of course, but the content of the texts was another safety check. She’d send other before she entered the mine, and another when she got back out, and so on.

  It was a decent hike to get to the cave, she knew- she’d visited it in the daylight the week before. She pulled out her flashlight, took one more deep breath, yawning a third time, and set off.

  the first prey

  Esbethe groaned as she fucked Wanda’s face in long, slow thrusts. She gurgled as she thrust, enjoying the muffled, desperate sounds of pleasure coming from her lover-prey as she thrust with her tongue at the same time, tongue-fucking Wanda’s pussy while she pinned her to the ground, utterly helpless.

  Esbethe thought herself lucky to have found such vigorous prey- she had awoken in the cave, ravenous with her spirit-hunger. She had pounced Wanda the moment she’d smelled her, the tantalizing mixture of fear and arousal leading her to jam her cock down the woman’s throat inelegantly, furiously trying to fuck an orgasm out of her prey. Wanda had been wearing an intriguingly-stretchy pair of shorts- had being the operative word, as Esbethe had ripped a hole in them so massive in her desperate pursuit of pussy that they were clinging to Wanda’s thighs in two pieces.

  Her kind fed on humans- on their blood, in a pinch, if the body needed restoration, but emotion- and lust in particular- was so much more potent. It healed the very soul, and as Esbethe continued slobbering all over her fresh-claimed pussy, she could feel herself coming back to life. Wanda- she’d demanded her prey-lover’s name after pumping her first aphrodisiac-load down the woman’s throat- was wonderfully receptive to Esbethe’s feeding.

  Wanda gasped and choked around the cock deep in her throat, trying to milk another orgasm out of Esbethe just as Esbethe began tracing circles around her clit. The aphrodisiac in her semen was hardly necessary for this meal. Wanda had gone a long, lonely time with having her tight pussy devoured, her silken, burning folds almost uncomfortably tight, even to Esbethe’s limber tongue.

  Esbethe gasped with delight as she felt Wanda lose control again, pressing her lips to the glistening labia and gently increasing the pressure with her thumb, expertly easing Wanda into the same high-intensity orgasms she’d been milking out of her lover-prey all night. But, much as she hated to admit it, she was going to have to relent soon. Despite Wanda’s endearing enthusiasm, the highly-developed instincts that Esbethe possessed told her that her beloved prey was tiring.

  She had practically fucked Wanda into unconsciousness, and if she didn’t relent and did drive the woman into an exhausted slumber, she was going to have to figure out where her home was alone. Even as Esbethe considered this, though, easing Wanda back down from her latest orgasmic heights, Wanda’s pussy still contracting around her tongue, the tightness around Esbethe’s cock suddenly magnified, her worn-out lover finding the strength to suck on her again.

  Groaning, Esbethe began thrusting again, moaning at the desperately-aroused choking and gurgling sounds she elicited. She kissed Wanda’s pussy greedily, holding the woman’s hips down as they tried to spasm with pleasure. Repercussions be damned, she’d fuck the woman into unconsciousness if that was what she so-badly wanted.

  further below

  The cave had been drilled. It was wholly unnatural, being created by York University- with the permission of the Sioux, which was actually a funny thing. They didn’t believe in land ownership, and so the university couldn’t actually buy the land to drill on, but the Sioux didn’t care what they did so long as they cleaned up after themselves, which they did.

  Europeans were skittish, the Mexica girl knew, and the Haudenosaunee’s watchful eye made them sweat. They’d been drilling for Watcher relics or trying to reach a ruin- Mira didn’t know which and the stories were hazy. Whatever they were after, they hadn’t found. That was the theme of poor old York University. They’d had a long string of losses in the early 20th century, each more bizarre than the last.

  Mira’s best friend was a student of European history, which the girl found boring. She attended to the legends of the Watchers, of course- they were significant to her people, which wasn’t rare. She thought it was cool that there was a prehistoric human civilization- who didn’t? But it wasn’t really relevant to her day-to-day; it wasn’t to anyone’s, thanks to how volatile their artifacts were.

  The legends of the cave had started about a decade after York had pulled up tacks. They were typical fare- shadowy figures lurching about at night, witch doctors hiding out and holding rituals there. Mira shook her head. They were nowhere near Dineh territory, and no one had ever proven the existence of magic, though some weirdoes liked to speculate that ‘magic’ was some sort of Watcher invention.

  Technology they didn’t understand- how typical. Really, Mira thought, if the Watchers had been as benevolent as the legends claimed, they wouldn’t have left their junk lying around where it could hurt people. That was the cluster of the other legends about Yardham’s Folly- Yardham being the project head of the expedit

  Some people thought that he had found something in the depths of the earth, and had either been consumed by it (he had gone missing, but a lot of Europeans and Africans did) or had harnessed it for his own gain, and the aftereffects still lingered in the area. Or there were other artifacts hidden in the depths, just waiting for intrepid explorers to dig them up and make a fortune.

  Mira sighed as she came to a clearing, seeing the cave mouth yawning before her. The salty smell had been growing slightly stronger as she walked, and she was ready to get this over with. She wasn’t scared, exactly, yawning again as she sent off her third text, waiting for her friend’s reply before moving further.

  Mira had been tiring of this whole exploration thing for a while- the last few months she’d barely bothered to go out, and after this? She wasn’t sure she’d go out again. Too much work, too many late nights, and for a meager reward. She got her confirmatory text, nodded, and stepped into the mine, grabbing her camera and turning it on.

  what mira saw

  “Wanda,” Esbethe thrusted, grunting, “you,” another thrust, accompanied by a faint gurgle, “can’t,” Esbethe cried out her delight as she continued fucking her lover-prey’s exhausted throat. “take much more,” she ground out, shuddering as she began cumming into her lover’s belly again.

  Her cock swelled, completely choking off Wanda’s air for the duration of her ejaculation, but Wanda was too exhausted to even protest. Esbethe let out little pants as she came, ropes of cum continuing to slowly tighten Wanda’s tummy. She reached out and felt the tight skin, groaning as she felt Wanda respond weakly, grinding her face against the primordial succubus’s groin.

  “I’m… feeling better…” Esbethe said softly, pulling her cock out of Wanda’s throat with a slurpy pop, rising up on all fours to look at her lover, trying to see if she was still conscious.

  “I need to get you home, before you pass out.” Wanda just gurgled in response, her body shifting minutely.


  Mira was starting to feel a little anxious. The floor had looked almost like someone- or multiple someone’s- had been going through the cave. She made a joke about it for her camera, but it was weak even to her. She was spooked, but, as she told the camera, she was more afraid of getting jumped by someone normal than some sort of monster.

  She thought she could hear something, further on in the cave, but knew that it was likely an echo- when you went into a cave and were making some noise, as she was, the echo eventually comes back, usually in the form of the creepy whispering and scratching noises she was hearing. It had bothered her the first few times she’d been caving, but by now it was old hat.

  What was not old hat were the slurping sounds she heard as she began rounding a turn. She gasped, then squeaked as she saw a pair of little reflections in the distance, just the right size to be eyes. Human eyes, to be precise- but Mira knew that human eyes didn’t reflect light. She heard a soft, gurgling moan and then the eyes vanished and she screamed, running for the exit.

  She wasn’t sure if the moan had come from the… thing… she’d seen or if it had already taken a victim- maybe whoever had been in that car? She would feel bad if it had been a person she’d heard, but that gurgle had sounded a lot like a death rattle, and Mira would really prefer the next death rattle not be hers.

  She scraped herself a few times as she scrambled for the exit, not daring to turn around and see if she was being pursued. She… well, she just didn’t know. The reflections had vanished, but that could be it blinking as it came forward or resuming its meal. Probably better not to speculate.

  Mira almost cried as she made it into the cool air. She didn’t slow down, though her legs were burning. She didn’t plan on dying or getting jumped by some weirdo tonight, no-no-no-no-no! She was jogging by the time she got back to her car, but she also calming down, just a little. She didn’t stop to catch her breath, though, fishing her key out of her pocket and unlocking the door as she approached.

  She took a second to wave her camera- she hadn’t bothered to stop and turn it off- at the other car, trying to capture the license plate. She’d call it in when she was sure she was safe, though she wasn’t quite sure what she’d say to the police.

  There was, of course, the distinct possibility she was the unwitting star of some prank, but really why take the chance? She hadn’t really been feeling the caving thing for a while, and maybe that was a sign that she should’ve just given it up. Well, message most certainly received. Mira was never going to leave her apartment again.


  Esbethe hissed as Mira ran, her predatory instincts telling her to pursue, but her mating instincts overriding that impulse. She wasn’t about to leave Wanda alone and half-conscious in such a place.

  “Uh oh…” She looked between her legs again as she heard Wanda speak, her voice raspy.

  Her eyes were a little glassy, but she didn’t seem to be slipping further towards sleep. “You… gotta…” Wanda panted, and Esbethe shifted, crawling off of her lover-prey and picking her up, gently cradling the smaller woman, purring softly.

  “Love you… too, babe…” Wanda giggled, leaning into the embrace, seemingly drawing strength from it. “But you gotta go get her. She’s gonna tell… about you…”

  Esbethe hissed, pulling Wanda closer. “I can’t leave you out here. Not on your own.”

  Wanda nodded. “I have… um… a car? Do you know what that is? It can take me back to town. If you can carry me to it, I can get back on my own.”

  Esbethe started carrying her through the cave, but Wanda wasn’t done quite yet. “You’re gonna need a place to stay, right? Stay with me.”

  “Do you have room?” Wanda nodded.

  “Very well.”

  Esbethe carried her to her… car… and once she was convinced Wanda could get herself home she left, following the scent of fear that lingered even now to her higher-order senses.

  the hunt

  Mira was starting to calm down by the time she got back to town. Still nervous, still not really looking forward to going back home, where she knew her roommate wasn’t, at the moment, but… she felt safer. She sighed as she pulled in to her parking spot, resting her forehead on the wheel for a second. She shivered, trying not to think about those eyes, or that sound…

  She scampered to her door, key in hand, and was inside in record time. She sighed again, sliding to the floor. With a start, she dug into her pocket for her phone and sent her last safety text. She hadn’t even thought about it while running, but it wasn’t like she would’ve actually stopped. She was starting to feel a wee bit better now that she was home. It was nice and warm, and there were no spooky things hiding in the shadows.

  She did, after changing her clothes into something more comfortable and putting on some hot cocoa, sit down at her desk, steeling herself for what she intended to do next. Like it or not, she was going to see what it was she’d caught on film. She didn’t expect to see much, but before she made a frantic call to the police, she needed to make sure she’d seen something.

  Mug of hot cocoa in hand, sitting in shorts and her hoodie, Mira began looking through her footage. It wasn’t anything special, even for most of the cave. She did, however, hear a faint squishing sound, like raw meat being… chewed? Good heavens. She hadn’t heard that the first time, or she might not’ve continued at all.

  She shivered as she saw the camera go around the corner, knowing what she was about to see. The camera had picked up the thing a little better than she had, actually. It… she dropped the camera, making a strangled sound as she tried not to scream. She pushed it away with her foot, not wanting to see it again.

  There had definitely been something in the cave. She wasn’t sure if it was some sort of fake, or costume, but… she trembled, putting the hood of her hoodie up. She had only seen the outline, but that was enough. She didn’t wanna see anymore. Her hands shook as she rose the mug to her lips, gazing out her window in a desperate attempt to not look at her c
amera, when…

  The mug hit the floor with a sound of cracking ceramic. She didn’t even register the heat of the cocoa at first, but soon hissed with pain. She still didn’t stop looking out her window, because she could see the reflected eyes.

  It was on a building, directly across from her. It had followed her. Followed her back home. And she was next on the menu. She shrieked, springing up from her desk and running to her bedroom. She was hoping the thing would assume she’d left the apartment, but she didn’t dare leave. Her bed was big and poofy, full of pillows and blankets. She threw some of the blankets up and scurried under them, whimpering softly.

  She went silent as she heard the window in the living room slide open. She put a hand over her mouth. Did she have her phone? Shit- it was in her other pants. Fuck, she was so stupid. Fuck, spookums were real!

  Before she had time to process the sound, there was a weight on her back, pressing her into her bed. She shrieked and thrashed, trying to throw the monster off of her. She had her blankets off and was up on her knees when she felt two strong arms wrap around her, pulling her back down to the bed.

  She drew in another breath to scream, but a surprisingly-warm hand silenced her. “Shhh.”

  She whimpered as she felt a hardness pressing into her butt- it was a cock, it had to be, but the voice had been feminine- what was going on? “My name is Esbethe. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She thrashed again, but the arms were much stronger than her. “Shhh. It’s going to be alright. I won’t harm you. I didn’t hurt the woman in the cave.”

  Mira whimpered again as she felt a hand against her belly, gently sliding down to her shorts, gently rubbing against her waist. “I just needed to feed.”


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