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Ampelius, lib. mem = Lucius Ampelius, Liber memorialis.
Appian, BC = Appian, Civil Wars.
Appian, Bell. Hisp. = Appian, Spanish Wars.
Broughton, MRR 2 = Broughton, T., & Patterson, M., The Magistrates of the Roman Republic, Volume 2 (1951).
Caesar, BC = Caesar, The Civil Wars.
Caesar, BG = Caesar, The Gallic Wars.
CAH2 IX = Crook, J., Lintott, A., & E. Rawson (eds.), The Cambridge Ancient History 2nd edn,Volume IX: The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 146 – 43 BC (1994).
Cicero, ad Att. = Cicero, Letters to Atticus.
Cicero, ad Fam. = Cicero, Letters to his friends.
Cicero, ad Quintum Fratrem = Cicero, Letters to his Brother Quintus.
Cicero, Cat. = Cicero, Catilinarian Orations.
Cicero, de Sen. = Cicero, de Senectute.
Cicero, Verr. = Cicero, Verrine Orations.
CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.
Comp. Nic. = Fragment of Nicolaus of Damascus, History.
de vir. Ill. = the anonymous de viris illustribus.
Dio = Cassius Dio, Roman History.
Gellius, NA = Aulus Gellius, Attic Nights.
ILLRP = Degrassi, A. (ed.) (1963 – 1965), Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Republicae.
ILS = Dessau, H
. (1892 – 1916), Incriptiones Latinae Selectae.
JRS = Journal of Roman Studies.
Justin = Justinus, Epitome.
Livy, Pers. = Livy, Periochae
Pliny the Elder, NH = Pliny the Elder, Natural History.
Pliny the Younger, Epistulae = Pliny the Younger, Letters.
Quintilian = Quintilian, Training in Oratory.
Sallust, Bell. Cat. = Sallust, The Catilinarian War.
Serv. = Servius.
Strabo, Geog. = Strabo, Geography.
Valerius Maximus = Valerius Maximus, Memorable Doings and Sayings.
Velleius Paterculus = Velleius Paterculus, Roman History.
1 M. Booth, The Doctor, the Detective and Arthur Conan Doyle (1997) p.204.
I Caesar’s World
1 Velleius Paterculus, History of Rome 2. 1. 1 (Loeb translation by F. Shipley (1924), pp. 47 – 49).
2 Suetonius, Caesar 77.
3 Polybius, 6. 11. 1 – 18. 8, 43. 1 – 57. 9 for his description and analysis of the Roman Republic, with F. Walbank, A Historical Commentary on Polybius, 1 (1970), pp. 663 – 746. A detailed recent discussion of the topic can be found in A. Lintott, The Constitution of the Roman Republic (1999).
4 For a description of these campaigns see A. Goldsworthy, In the Name of Rome (2003), pp. 126 – 136.
5 For Saturninus and Glaucia see Appian, BC 1. 28 – 33, Plutarch, Marius 28 – 30.
6 Suetonius, Caesar 77.
7 Valerius Maximus 3. 7. 8.
8 On population and the problems of calculating it with precision see N. Purcell, ‘The City of Rome and the Plebs Urbana in the Late Republic’, in CAH2 IX, pp. 644 – 688, esp. 648 – 656, and also K. Hopkins, Conquerors and Slaves (1978), pp. 96 – 98. On the importance of the Forum as the physical setting for Roman public life see F. Millar, The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic (1998), esp. pp. 13 – 48.
9 Some of the most influential discussions of Roman imperialism include E. Badian, Roman Imperialism in the Late Republic (1968), W. Harris, War and Imperialism in Republican Rome, 327 – 70 BC (1979), and Hopkins (1978), esp. 1 – 98.
10 See E. Badian, Publicans and Sinners (1972).
11 See in particular Hopkins (1978), passim.
12 For the careers of the Gracchi see D. Stockton, The Gracchi (1979). The principal sources are Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus and Caius Gracchus, and Appian, BC 1. 8 – 27; for the story of Caius’ head see Plutarch, Caius Gracchus 17.
13 For a detailed account of Marius’ career see R. Evans, Gaius Marius: A Political Biography (1994).
II Caesar’s childhood
1 Velleius Paterculus 2. 41. 1.
2 Suetonius, Caesar 1. 3.
3 For a general survey of the significance of Roman names see B. Salway, ‘What’s in a Name? A Survey of Roman Onomastic Practice from 700 BC – AD 700’, JRS 84 (1994), pp. 124 – 145, esp. 124 – 131.
4 For stories about the origin of the name see Historia Augusta, Aelius Verus 2; for a discussion of Caesar’s family see M. Gelzer, Caesar (1968), p. 19, C. Meier, Caesar (1996), pp. 51 – 55, and E. Gruen, The Last Generation of the Roman Republic (1974), pp. 75 – 76.
5 Suetonius Caesar 6. 1; for uncertainty over Aeneas and his son see Livy 1. 3.
6 Plutarch, Tiberius Gracchus 1.
7 Historia Augusta, Aelius Verus 2.
8 B. Rawson, Children and Childhood in Roman Italy (2003), esp. pp. 99 – 113; on the ancients’ knowledge of Caesarean section see p. 99 with references. See also the collection of papers in B. Rawson (ed.), Marriage, Divorce and Children in Ancient Rome (1991).
9 Plutarch, Cato the Elder 20. 3. For a more detailed discussion of this topic see K. Bradley, ‘Wet-nursing at Rome: A Study in Social Relations’, in B. Rawson, The Family in Ancient Rome (1986), pp. 201 – 229.
10 Tacitus, Dialogues 28. 6 (Loeb translation by Sir W. Peterson, revised M. Winterbottom (1970), p. 307).
11 Plutarch, Coriolanus 33 – 36, Livy 2. 40.
12 See H. Marrou, A History of Education in Antiquity (1956), pp. 229 – 291, A. Gwynn, Roman Education: From Cicero to Guintilian (1926), esp. 1 – 32; Cicero, de Re Publica 4. 3.
13 Cicero, Orator 120.
14 There is a useful discussion of the client system in R. Saller, Personal Patronage in the Early Empire (1982); for boys accompanying fathers as they went about their business see Gellius, NA 1. 23. 4, Pliny, Epistulae 8. 14. 4 – 5, and on importance of father’s influence from the age of seven see Quintilian 2. 2. 4, and comments in Marrou (1956), pp. 231 – 233.
15 Rawson (2003), pp. 153 – 157; Suetonius, Grammaticis et rhetoribus 7 for Gnipho; Suetonius Caesar 56. 7 for Caesar’s early works.
16 Cicero, Brutus 305, Suetonius, Caesar 55. 2.
17 Plutarch, Caesar 17, Suetonius, Caesar 57, 61.
18 Plutarch, Marius 30, 32.
19 On the question of the allies see E. Gabba, The Roman Republic, the Army and the Allies (trans. P. Cuff) (1976), P. Brunt, Social Conflicts in the Roman Republic (1971), pp. 101 – 104, A. Sherwin – White, The Roman Citizenship (1973), pp. 119 – 149.
20 The fullest ancient account of the war is Appian, BC 1. 34 – 53, but see also Velleius Paterculus 2. 13. 117. 3; for a modern survey see E. Gabba, ‘Rome and Italy: The Social War’, in CAH2 (1994), pp. 104 – 128.
21 Appian, BC 1. 4046, Plutarch, Marius 33, Sulla 6.
22 For Sulla’s career see A. Keaveney, Sulla: The Last Republican (1982), 1 – 63.
23 Plutarch, Marius 34 – 35, Sulla 7 – 8, Appian BC 1. 55 – 57, and Keaveney (1982), pp. 56 – 77.
24 Plutarch, Sulla 9 – 10, Marius 35 – 40, Appian, BC 1. 57 – 59.
25 Appian, BC 1. 63 – 75; Plutarch, Marius 41 – 46, Sulla 22, Pompey 3, Velleius Paterculus 2. 20. 1 – 23.3, and also R. Seager, Pompey (2002), pp. 25 – 29.
III The First Dictator
1 Plutarch, Sulla 31 (translation by R. Waterfield in Plutarch: Roman Lives (1999), p. 210).
2 For the importance of the Liberalia festival see Ovid, Fasti 3. 771 – 788; on the sacrifice to Iuventus see Dionysius of Halicarnassus 4. 15. 5; on the ceremonies associated with adopting the toga virilis in general see B. Rawson, Children and Childhood in Roman Italy (2003), pp. 142 – 144.
3 Suetonius, Caesar 1.1; for the sudden death of Caesar’s father see Pliny, Natural History 7. 181; on assuming the toga virilis see H. Marrou, A History of Education in Antiquity (1956), p. 233, A. Gwynn, Roman Education: From Cicero to Quintilian (1926), 16, and B. Rawson, ‘The Roman Family’, in B. Rawson (ed.), The Family in Ancient Rome (1986), pp. 1 – 57, 41.
4 For restrictions on the Flamen Dialis see Gellius, NA 10. 15.
5 Velleius Paterculus, 2. 22. 2, Appian, BC 1. 74. On Merula and Caesar’s nomination for the flaminate see L. Ross Taylor, ‘Caesar’s Early Career’, in Classical Philology 36 (1941), pp. 113 – 132, esp. pp. 114 – 116.
6 For confarreatio see S. Treggiari, Roman Marriage: Iusti Coniuges from the Time of Cicero to the Time of Ulpian (1991), 21 – 24; on the name and connection with far see Gaius 1. 112, Pliny, NH 18. 10, Festus 78L; for the rituals see Servius, Ad G. 1. 31.
7 Velleius Paterculus 2. 22. 2 claims that Caesar was made Flamen Dialis, but Suetonius explicitly says that he was only ‘nominated’ (destinatus), Suetonius, Caesar 1. 1. See M. Gelzer, Caesar (1968), pp. 19 – 21, and Taylor (1941), pp. 115 – 116. Tacitus, Annals 3. 58 and Dio 54. 36. 1 both state expressly that Merula was the last Flamen Dialis.
8 For a useful discussion of these years see CAH2 IX (1994), pp. 173 – 187; on the behaviour of Cicero and his mentors during these years see T. Mitchell, Cicero: The Ascending Years (1979), pp. 81 – 92.
9 Appian, BC 1. 76 – 77.
10 Plutarch, Sulla 2 for his appearance, failure to win the praetorship 5, and for the epitaph 38; in general see A. Keaveney, Sulla: The Last Republican (1982). For the single testicle see Arrius Menander Bk. 1 On Military Affairs. Keaveney (1982), p. 11 argues tha
t the story was probably derived from a bawdy song invented by his soldiers.
11 On Sulla’s good fortune see Keaveney (1982), pp. 40 – 41.
12 Appian, BC 1. 78 – 80, Plutarch, Pompey 5.
13 For the Civil War see Keaveney (1982), pp. 129 – 147.
14 Plutarch, Sulla 27 – 32, Appian, BC 1. 81 – 96.
15 Plutarch, Sulla 31.
16 On the proscriptions see Keaveney (1982), pp. 148 – 168, Appian, BC 1. 95, Velleius Paterculus 2. 28. 3 – 4, and Plutarch, Sulla 31, which includes the anecdote about the Alban estate.
17 Keaveney (1982), pp. 160 – 203. For the execution of Ofella see Plutarch, Sulla 33.
18 Taylor (1941), p. 116.
19 See Suetonius, Caesar 1. 1 – 3, Plutarch, Caesar 1, and also L. Ross Taylor, ‘The Rise of Julius Caesar’, Greece and Rome 4 (1957), pp. 10 – 18, esp. 11 – 12, and Taylor (1941), p. 116.
20 Suetonius, Caesar 74.
21 Suetonius, Caesar 1.
22 Plutarch, Sulla 1. 104, Suetonius, Caesar 77.
23 Keaveney (1982), pp. 204 – 213.
IV The Young Caesar
1 Cicero, Brutus 290 (Loeb translation by G. Hendrickson (1939), p. 253).
2 For Suetonius’ description of Caesar see Caesar 45. 1; Plutarch’s comments are in Caesar 17; Caesar’s peculiar dress and Sulla’s comments are in Suetonius, Caesar 45. 3.
3 Suetonius, Caesar 45. 2.
4 For Cicero’s house see Velleius Paterculus 2. 14, and E. Rawson, ‘The Ciceronian Aristocracy and its properties’, in M. I. Finley (ed.), Studies in Roman Property (1976), pp. 85 – 102, esp. 86; for the synagogue in the Subura, see Corpus Inscriptionum Judaicarum 2. 380.
5 Velleius Paterculus 2. 14. 3.
6 Suetonius, Caesar 46 – 47.
7 Suetonius, Caesar 2.
8 See L. Ross Taylor, ‘The rise of Julius Caesar’, Greece and Rome 4 (1957), pp. 10 – 18, and M. Gelzer, Caesar (1968), p. 22. On the corona civica see Gellius, NA 5. 6. 13 – 14, Pliny, NH 16. 12 – 13, and discussion in V. Maxfield, The Military Decorations of the Roman Army (1981), pp.70 – 74, 119 – 120.
9 Suetonius, Caesar 2 and 49. 1 – 4, 52. 3.