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The Redemption Saga Box Set

Page 63

by Kristen Banet

  The team had decided to stay late, letting Elijah reconnect with them. Sawyer was kind of jealous. She didn’t have parents; no parental figures, really, until she’d met Charlie. Elijah was getting his back, slowly. He’d exchanged numbers with them to keep in touch. He’d also promised to call them once a month, at least.

  But Sawyer, even for that happy moment at the end, was happy to be the fuck out of Texas, and she sure as fuck never wanted to go back.

  “You going to sleep in the car?” Vincent asked her, yawning. She was concerned about that because she knew they still had a long drive back to plantation house.

  “I can drive,” she groaned. “Who’s going with Elijah?” She hoped it wasn’t her. Anyone but her, which was why she offered to drive.

  “Quinn. You’re with me. Jasper and Zander are taking the second Range Rover home together.” Vincent told her as they carried the bags across the tarmac to their ride. “I can drive. Took a nap on the plane, just need a moment to wake up.”

  She watched Jasper and Zander load up and leave as Vincent lit a smoke. He handed Sawyer one, and she decided a cigarette before hitting the road was a good idea. Soon, it was just the two of them.

  “I… don’t know if I should apologize for kissing Jasper,” Sawyer told him suddenly, since this was the first time she’d had him alone since it happened.

  “Don’t,” Vincent chuckled, flicking ash off his smoke. “You, Jasper, and Zander? You belong together. Though… I think Zander needs to quit being pushy with you, let it come naturally like you and Jasper have been.”

  “None of that changes that you and I… might have something,” Sawyer mumbled, looking at his face. She could admit it. They had an understanding, Vincent and her. They knew what it meant to love and to be twisted and manipulated into doing something they didn’t think they would ever do. They knew how it felt to fight to be good, to be better than they once were. Vincent’s fight was over. He’d brought his brother down and was now just recovering from it and the secrets that came forward. Her fight was just beginning. They both held onto guilt and shame over things they couldn’t change, and, even then, they kept moving forward. It was hard for both of them in different ways, but they kept moving, nonetheless.

  “No, it doesn’t.” Vincent sighed. “I’ll never tell you to do anything, Sawyer, not in this. It’s a difficult situation, and I’ll trust you to make a decision that makes you happy.”

  “Thank you.” Sawyer sighed.

  “How are you feeling about the case?” Vincent asked, meeting her eyes. She loved that his olive-green eyes were so much darker than Axel’s. It made them beautiful like Axel’s, but different enough that she could appreciate them. “You did it. You helped to solve a murder investigation with the IMPO. People will be talking about it.”

  She considered his question. She hadn’t, yet…since they’d caught Cory and saved Gabriel, she’d tried not to really delve into her feelings about it. A thousand emotions warred in her. Sympathy for a serial killer was one she wasn’t sure she was okay with. Heartbroken over Cara, Samantha, and Bucky. Heartbroken over Gabriel. Satisfied it was over before anything else could happen.

  And good.

  Sawyer felt good.

  Between all of them reinforcing this idea that she wasn’t bad, that she could do this, and then letting her use her own skills to help, Sawyer felt good.

  She felt like she had earned it. All of it.

  Their friendship, the chance they gave her. The risks they took to keep her with them.

  That feeling made her think harder about others. Like her feelings toward the team, the budding romantic shit in her heart that she wished hadn’t popped up at the absolute worst time in her life. They were complications to the precarious situation she found herself in, but she wouldn’t leave them unresolved.

  “I feel better now than I did when we left,” Sawyer told Vincent honestly. “Now, let’s get moving. I have a few questions for you on the drive. I want to know how you feel about something…”

  “Let’s go,” Vincent agreed, stomping out his cigarette. Sawyer put hers out as well and picked up both butts, glaring at Vincent, who gave a guilty smile. “Sorry. I forget you’re like Elijah and clean up.”

  “Yup,” Sawyer grumbled, walking to the passenger’s side of the Range Rover.

  She let them get out of Atlanta before beginning her questioning and her own, well-planned speech.

  “I tried to kill you when we slept together, and I’m sorry for that,” she started, taking a deep breath. “Now that the case is over, I think we can talk about it. Since we have four hours alone… now is a good time.”

  “We shouldn’t…” Vincent began then shook his head. “Sawyer, try to kill me every night. I’m okay with that. But … Zander, Jasper and I had a talk.”

  “I want to ask those idiots if I can be with you, too,” Sawyer said at the exact same time as Vincent was speaking.

  Their eyes met as Vincent led them down the dark freeway.

  “Jasper, Zander, and I have already agreed that you can be with whomever, whenever you want,” Vincent whispered.

  “I couldn’t choose,” Sawyer whispered back. “And I’m not… I’m not in love with you, Vincent, but I think I could be. I think it would be easy and hard, all at the same time, to fall for you. I am in love with them, but those are teenage feelings. I don’t know how things will be as they settle with the three of us as adults. And I’m not sure committed is what I want to be right now, with other people.”

  “I understand,” Vincent said mildly, nodding. “And I’m not asking for forever, but I’m asking for a chance.”

  “I’m willing to give you one if you give me one.” Sawyer chuckled. “Another one, since you and the guys have already given me this chance to be more than a criminal, more than an assassin.”

  “Or vigilante,” Vincent muttered, smiling. “Now you work within the boundaries of the law, completely.”

  “Yeah, or that.” Sawyer huffed, grinning. It reminded her of Charlie, who called her that every chance he got. She needed to call him again when they got home and got some sleep. She would ask the guys if they could have a quick visit to New York soon now that she felt more confident in her place on the team and with the IMPO.

  “I should mention that Elijah knows… about this.” Vincent sighed, looking guilty. “It’s why he was laughing in Dallas.” Sawyer rolled her eyes. “And… yeah, well, if you want to see where things go with him, you can. No one is going to stop you two.”

  Sawyer just laughed. Of course, there was a conversation about her possible sex life and Elijah was a part of it. That fucking pervert.

  They didn’t say much else for the drive. Sawyer was fine with that, enjoying the silence and the resolved feeling in her chest. For once, she felt confident for all the right reasons. She felt confident about her place with the team, and her place in the world. She’d always been arrogant about her skills, but this felt different. This felt like she was right where she belonged, not just hiding and trying to do what she could.

  When they got home, they were the last to arrive. As she slowly moved up to her room, and Vincent headed to his own, she made a quick decision. Something foolish and little girly, but she wanted to do it, reputation and appearance be damned.

  “Vincent?” she called to him before he entered his room. She closed the distance between them and pulled his lips to hers before he could say anything.

  He growled at her, and she loved that his arms wrapped around her. One hand held her hair and the other roamed lower, over the curve of her ass. Their tongues battled for dominance, and Vincent swung them so her back hit the wall, causing his door to rattle next to her.

  She pushed him away after he pressed his erection to her core.

  “I just wanted to say goodnight,” Sawyer chuckled.

  “It doesn’t have to be goodnight,” Vincent murmured against her lips.

  “For now, it does.” Sawyer sighed, remembering she had one m
ore thing she needed to do. “I need to yell at someone tomorrow.”

  “Oh?” Vincent raised an eyebrow at her and began another kiss. When he broke off, he gave her the most wicked grin she’d ever seen. She didn’t know Vincent had that sort of naughty in him. Easy to fall for him, she decided. It was going to be easy. “Is it me?”

  “No.” Sawyer laughed. “It’s Zander, for reasons between Zander and myself. I just don’t think I should have the argument on the back of sleeping with you.”

  “Alright.” Vincent chuckled, giving her one more, quick kiss before backing off. “Good night, Sawyer.”

  “Good night, Vincent,” she said as she moved towards the stairs to her attic room.

  She didn’t have nightmares that night.

  One more argument, Sawyer decided as she hit the new punching bag in the gym. She needed to have one more argument with Zander. It had been brewing since that day on the back porch. It had been brewing since long before that since the moment they had stumbled back into each other’s lives.

  She’d bottled it up the night before. She had been genuinely happy that the guys in her life took the initiative to talk about their own feelings together instead of trying to pull her apart. She’d also been happy that none of them would judge her indecision, and that all of them let her have the time to work out how she felt with who at her own pace. Elijah may have been a part of their deal, but he didn’t immediately use it during the case to try anything, which told her that their friendship was stable and what they both wanted.

  For now. Sawyer could admit, she always did want to know if Elijah could last the full ride like any good cowboy should.

  “Hey, babe, you wanted to talk?” Zander asked as he approached. She’d missed him entering the gym, preoccupied with her thoughts on Elijah’s possible skills in bed. She’d had a taste of them, and they had taunted and tormented her for a long time now.

  She shook her head minutely to clear her thoughts and pull them away from cowboys and rough riding.

  “I did. Spar with me,” she commanded, walking over to the mats next to the mirrored wall. Zander shrugged and followed, grinning as she pulled off her sweaty shirt. Sawyer was wearing a sports bra and didn’t think much of it. They had all seen her in her underwear before, at various points. A sports bra was something she normally wore to work out in.

  “Who’s going to call time?” Zander chuckled as he pulled his shirt off. Sawyer took a minute to appreciate the cut form of her red-headed pain in her ass. She didn’t like how much she enjoyed those stupid revolvers on that stupid V.

  “We don’t need it,” Sawyer told him. “Let’s do this.”

  “Not much of a talk.” Zander laughed as he came towards her.

  He took a swing, and she ducked, sending a jab towards his gut. He backed away several steps with a groan.

  “Well damn, Sawyer,” Zander growled. “Not pulling the punches today, huh?”

  “No. Because this is our talk. You need your ass put on the mat for some shit,” Sawyer snapped.

  “Like what?” Zander snarled, glaring at her.

  “For trying to dictate and be an ass over who I sleep with,” Sawyer hissed. “For trying to own me, when all I asked for was time.”

  “If that’s the problem, then fine.” Zander groaned. “Let’s fucking do this, but I swear, it’s not going to be my ass on the mat this time. Sawyer, I care too damn much for you to just have you here and not be with you.”

  “I don’t fucking care that you want us to be together,” Sawyer snarled, throwing a punch that Zander blocked. He sent a kick out and Sawyer, in her anger, didn’t dodge in time. She gave a grunt and nodded slowly. Thank God. She needed this. “I care that you demand it.”

  “Forgive me,” Zander grumbled, “for expecting the girl I love to love me back.”

  “Better ways of making that happen, asshole,” Sawyer spat.

  They sparred hard. Every time one of them hit the mat, they were back up.

  It had always been a war between them. Sawyer knew it. There would always be tempers and fights. And with Zander, she wouldn’t have it any other way.

  She just wanted to make her point now, before she crawled back into bed and gave this whole relationship thing a chance. She was going to remind Zander that it damn sure wasn’t his place to open his fucking mouth about her body.

  Minutes later, he caught one of her swings and yanked her into his body.

  “You know why I’m mad at you?” Zander snarled. “You really want to know?”

  “Sure,” Sawyer snarled back.

  “I won’t let you toss me aside like she did,” Zander hissed.

  Then he kissed her.

  Thing about temper and anger? It normally came from passion.

  Sawyer growled at the kiss, pushing him away.

  “I am not your fucking slut mother,” Sawyer warned, feeling violent at the comparison. “Don’t ever think I am.”

  Then she attacked him, closing the distance and yanking him back down to her mouth by his hair. He hooked a leg behind hers and pulled, causing them both to fall to the mat.

  The kiss broke as he grabbed her arms and removed her hands from his hair.

  “I can’t function thinking you might choose someone over me, like she did.” Zander growled. “We have something, Sawyer.”

  “A lot of fucking problems,” Sawyer reminded him, “that’s what we have.” She wanted all of them. She pushed up with her legs and bucked him off her, sending him to the side. While he was stunned from the move, she rolled over and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. “One of them being that you say shit before you fucking think, Zander. I’m real fucking happy you decided to let Vincent and I give something a shot. Really. That was fucking nice of you.” Her tone dripped with sarcasm.

  He grabbed her hips and pushed his own up. That’s when she noticed he was hard as steel, and she liked that. She glared at him, and he glared back.

  “Fine,” Zander growled. “I’m sorry.”

  “Do you fucking mean that?” Sawyer asked furiously.

  “No.” Zander glowered, rolling them back over, Sawyer’s back slamming into the mat, again.

  The kiss they shared was fire and temper. All the anger and passion they both could muster. She dug her nails into his back.

  “I’ll mean it later,” he groaned against her mouth, grinding against her. “Don’t try to ignore me again.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t take your past into account,” Sawyer growled, pushing her own hips up to give him a better angle.

  “Do you mean it?” Zander asked, moving to kiss her again.

  “I’ll mean it later,” she whispered as their lips met. He growled in frustration that she wasn’t going to bend just yet, either. They would stay angry at each other until after this.

  She would mean her apology once she took out her anger on his body and vice versa.

  She shoved his shorts down and took his cock in her hand, giving it a firm stroke, feeling something she hadn’t expected. His cock was pierced, holy shit. He had three steps in a Jacob’s Ladder and a Prince Albert. He gave a mix of a growl and a moan back to her. He sat back on his knees and pulled her sweatpants off, throwing them to the side. She sat up and kissed him, then pushed him back on his ass.

  She pulled her black boy shorts off and she crawled over him. Everything was frantic, one-handed and trying to get clothing off as fast as possible. He ripped her sports bra and that went somewhere else, ruined.

  She put her hands on his chest to hold him down as she slid her folds on his cock. She moaned as she let him line it up, so she could sink down on it. The piercings were a new sensation that she relished. The steel balls of those delicious piercings added a whole new sort of pleasure to riding a cock.

  He held her hips hard enough to bruise as she rode him. She looked up from his face and realized she was facing the mirror. Her dark eyes were wild, her hair everywhere. They both glistened with sweat. Her caramel skin was so differ
ent from his pale freckled body.

  He thrust up into her hard and fast, breaking her momentary stare-off with the mirror. She screamed as they took each other hard and fast. She kept trying to hold him down, to stay in charge and on top. He was fucking upwards hard enough to buck her off.

  Her climax was an avalanche that took her under. It also melted her anger. She panted as he kept going, grunting as she slowed down.

  “No more fight?” Zander growled, rolling them over.

  “No,” Sawyer moaned, and he shoved deep into her at the new angle. He kissed her then pulled out.

  “Roll over,” he groaned into her ear.

  She did and let him slide into her from behind. She looked back into the mirror and met his green eyes. Leaned over further, pushing him deep, thrusting hard. Their eyes stayed locked together, lost in each other.

  “Don’t look away from me,” he growled in her ear. “Fucking hell, Sawyer, I love your eyes, so don’t look away.”

  “Oh, God, Zander,” she gasped as he drove her toward a second climax, coming closer and closer with each thrust. “Oh, God.”

  “I’m not God,” he snarled, pounding harder. She felt one of his hands travel down her front to rub her clit as hard as he was fucking her.

  “Zander!” she screamed out, letting the second orgasm crash through her. The sweet pleasure of release had her eyes closing, had her arms and legs shaking.

  “I love you,” he groaned, his mouth still pressed against her ear. She would ignore that this time. She knew he did. She knew, deep in her heart, that he did. She just didn’t have the courage yet to say it back. She would one day, and hearing him say it, deep in the throes of sex, she still took him seriously. And she accepted it. She would accept his love instead of running from it.

  She felt him shake, felt his cock give a jump as he thrust one last time into her. Hot and final, he came in her.

  He pulled out of her and she collapsed to the mat, satisfied. That was what she had wanted. All of that.

  She laid on her stomach as he rolled onto his back next to her. There was a long stretch of silence as they both worked to catch their breath. He rolled onto his side and looked at her. She stared back, enjoying the happiness she saw there.


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