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The Stone Warriors: Nicodemus

Page 10

by D. B. Reynolds

  It would have been easy to blame Sotiris for her isolation, with his rules and claims on her time, but truth demanded she recognize her own complicity in permitting it to happen. Her mother was beautiful and loved by every man she met, but she was no fainting maiden who blushed every time a man looked at her. She was strong enough to run her own estate, with no man’s interference, and she’d raised her daughter to be the same. And yet somehow, Antonia had fallen into passive compliance with Sotiris’s wants and priorities. Had it simply been easier to go along? She didn’t want to believe she could have been that weak, but all the evidence pointed in that direction. The realization embarrassed her now, when it was too late.

  Or was it? She’d gone to Nico with the hexagon, after all. And she’d . . . done things with him, that she had with no other. “Done things,” she thought in disgust. They hadn’t done things, they’d had sex . . . all kinds of sex . . . outside, in the woods, where anyone could have seen them. And the truth was, she was hoping they’d do it again that afternoon. So maybe she possessed at least some measure of her mother’s strength and courage, after all.

  Antonia was so deep in thought that she nearly missed Nico’s sudden sharp turn to the right. He’d drawn a fair distance ahead of her while she’d been pondering her courage, or lack thereof, but now drew almost to a stop when he saw how far behind she was.

  “Are you well?” he shouted and reined in his gelding, ready to turn back to her.

  She waved a hand and urged her mare into a faster pace, calling, “I’m fine. Just daydreaming.”

  When she caught up to him, he gave her a wicked grin and asked, “What were you dreaming that so engrossed your thoughts, my lady?”

  “None of your business, my lord,” she replied primly.

  “Just as I thought,” he said, laughing. “Keep up, and I’ll soon make your dreams come true.”

  Antonia tried for an outraged gasp at his presumption, but her own laugh joined his. “Where are we going?” she asked instead.

  “Stop for a moment, and let your senses tell you what’s ahead.”

  She frowned, puzzled. No one had ever asked her to do such a thing before. But she trusted Nico more than should have been possible, given their short acquaintance, and so she did as he asked and reined her horse to an easy halt.

  “Close your eyes, love. Let your ears and nose tell you what they will.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him briefly, knowing this could all be a trick for him to get closer and do something scandalous. But he sat his gelding with casual ease and raised one eyebrow, as if daring her to do it. So she did.

  The breeze, cool and gentle over her skin, was the first sensation she registered. It felt good, and she tilted her face up to get more of it on her overheated cheeks. Smiling, she inhaled deeply, not even thinking about what it might tell her, but simply because she enjoyed drawing the grass-scented air into her lungs, without the constriction of the tight bodice she generally wore around the estate, suitable to her station.

  After a few minutes, she began paying attention to what else the air might be telling her. The lingering scent of mud told her the rains had left puddles nearby that had soaked into the earth, and would soon be iced over as the weather turned colder. There was a slight odor of fruit, probably apples, lingering on the breeze, which meant there was an orchard nearby, with ripe fruit that would soon be harvested for winter.

  Her head tilted to one side as a sound other than the breeze penetrated her senses. A few seconds later, she identified it as running water. A stream? If so, a fairly big one, she thought. The water she was hearing was running fast and plentiful—more a river than a stream. A picture of the most recent map hanging on Sotiris’s workroom wall popped into her thoughts. There was no river on that map, not this close to the estate. But what else could it be? And why was it not on the map?

  “Water,” she said, opening her eyes to regard Nico quizzically. “Running fast and hard. But . . . where?”

  His smile was wide and so full of love that her heart seemed to stop for one, thrilling moment. “Come,” he said, reaching out a hand, as if they were walking side-by-side, rather than sitting on two high-spirited animals. She took his hand, unable to refuse him anything. Not when he looked at her like that.

  They rode side by side, moving easily and somehow managing to prevent the horses from rebelling, though their hands remained tightly clasped. The fields of grass faded behind them when the path wound through a stand of the tallest trees she’d ever seen. Antonia let her head fall back to gaze upward, but couldn’t see the treetops for all the foliage, and a thought struck her suddenly.

  “Have you taken us somewhere far away from our lands—from Sotiris’s estate and yours? Is this your magic at work? And how did I not sense it happening?”

  His laugh was delighted, and he did what she’d suspected he might be planning earlier. Reaching out a powerful arm, he circled her waist and, lifting her easily from the saddle, swept her off the mare and onto his lap.

  “Nico!” she protested, to little avail. Though, in all honesty, it didn’t bother her at all. She was so charmed by the romantic gesture that she wasn’t bothered by the impropriety of it. Nor by the saddle horn that would surely leave a bruise on her thigh. She simply didn’t care. Because Nico’s arms were around her, holding her against the heat and strength of his chest, his breath warm on her cheek. She couldn’t have imagined a more wonderful afternoon, or any other man she’d want to share it with.

  Closing her eyes, she rested her head on his shoulder and said, “Tell me.”

  “It’s a waterfall,” he whispered against her ear. “Far from anywhere you know.”

  “How?” she asked quietly, more curious than caring about the fact that he’d somehow whisked them and their mounts some considerable distance, and she hadn’t felt a thing.

  He dipped his tongue into her ear, making her shiver, then kissed her cheek. “Because I’m the most powerful sorcerer our world has ever seen.”

  She smiled at the non-answer, content to simply be wherever they were, with him. There would be time in the future to discuss sorcerous abilities and strengths, to analyze specific spells and how they worked. Right now, she only wanted the quiet of the forest, the growing rumble of the waterfall, and Nico. Everything else could wait.

  ANTONIA HAD ONLY half-believed that Nico had magicked them away from their home and into some faraway place with a noisy waterfall. But any doubts she’d entertained disappeared when Nico, with her still on his lap, guided his gelding out of the trees and onto the cliff’s edge above the most magnificent waterfall she’d ever seen. It was too wide, and the volume of water far too great, to belong to any river she’d ever seen. She’d have asked him where in the world they were, but the noise was so loud, he’d never have heard her.


  She smiled at his voice in her ear. “Yes.”

  He laughed softly. “So what do you think, my love? Is this unusual enough for you?”

  “You know it is. You’re just showing off now.”

  “I’m trying to impress my lady with gifts worthy of her beauty.”

  “You’ve succeeded beyond all measure, my lord. This is truly otherworldly.”

  They sat for a long, silent interlude, while she soaked up the energy of this place with its riotous growth of rich, green foliage and joyfully tumbling water. Their arrival would probably have frightened away any wildlife, but she saw signs that they’d been here, and knew that long after she and Nico were gone, the animals would return.

  The rock face surrounding the waterfall was jagged enough to climb, although she wouldn’t have dared it. But she wondered out loud, “Do you think there’s a cave behind the water?”

  She detected the slight stiffening of Nico’s muscles when he leaned forward to study the rock face. “It’s possible. This ri
ver is old and you can see that the rocks nearest the point where the water hits the base are as smooth as satin.” He kissed her cheek. “Like your skin.”

  She tapped his hand playfully. “I’m already yours. There’s no need for exaggerated flattery.”

  He pulled away enough to see her face. “Are you?”

  “Am I what?” she asked, suddenly realizing what she’d said.

  “Are you mine, Antonia?”

  Heat bloomed on her cheeks, but she couldn’t lie to him. “Yes,” she said with blunt reluctance.

  His eyes lit with wicked glee. “Do you trust me?”

  She studied his handsome face long enough that she saw doubt begin to shadow his eyes, before she said, “I trust you.”

  His grin returned. “Then let’s explore a bit, shall we?”

  “Explore?” she asked worriedly, remembering her conviction that the rocks were beyond her ability to climb.

  But he was already dismounting from the gelding and taking her with him. “We’ll leave the horses here.” He dropped the reins loosely over a branch, then turned to study her. “You’ll have to remove most of that,” he said, waving a hand in her general direction.

  Antonia looked down at herself, wondering what precisely he thought she should remove. She wore a dress, but it was of a simple design. The bodice was fitted, of course, and tightly laced. And she wore a petticoat under the skirt, which was the minimum required for modesty in addition to an undergarment, which Nico had removed quite easily on their previous ride before he’d—

  She was unable to complete that thought for fear the blatant lust the image generated would show on her face.

  “Your dress, my love,” Nico explained. “And,” he waved his hand again, “whatever else you’re wearing under there.”

  “My . . . what are you planning to explore?”

  His laugh was as free and delighted as a child’s. “Many wonderful things. But first, we’re going to answer your question. Is there a cave behind the water?”

  Excitement warred with prudence in her chest. She did want to know if there was a cave there, and if so, she also wanted to explore it. But why did every excursion with him end with her half-naked in the woods where anyone could see? She sighed and knew she might as well surrender, because if she didn’t, he’d simply seduce her into it. And she was discovering that she quite enjoyed being seduced by Nicodemus Katsaros.

  “Turn around,” she ordered.

  His eyebrows shot up. “Why? I’ll be seeing every inch of you before the afternoon is out.”

  “Nico,” she whispered in scandalized disbelief.

  His answer was to pull her into his arms and kiss her . . . and kiss her . . . and kiss her. Until she could barely put two thoughts together. And she wasn’t surprised at all to look down and find her bodice had been completely untied, while her skirt and petticoat lay puddled around her booted feet, which was such a ridiculous sight that she laughed.

  “I look ridiculous,” she told him.

  “You look beautiful. Your breasts are the gods’ own creation.”

  “I meant my boots,” she said dryly. “I’m all but naked, except for my boots.”

  “True, but you should probably leave those on. The rocks might be sharp.”

  She shook her head ruefully. “I’m beginning to believe that you are the gods’ own temptation, sent to lure me off the path of righteousness.”

  “Ah well, it’s a boring path.” He pushed her bodice and blouse off her shoulders, and let them fall to the ground, before he took her hand. “Come, my love. Let’s be bad.”

  NICO WOULD HAVE been the first to admit that he’d expected Antonia to rebel at stripping almost naked for a romp in the waterfall. Hell, he’d been surprised when they’d made love in the woods on the first ride they took together. For all she’d known, anyone could have come upon them, though he’d actually cast a spell which would have seriously dissuaded anyone from venturing too close. He hadn’t bothered with a similar spell today, because this place was utterly remote. The first time he’d ever traveled here, he’d ventured far from the waterfall, but had found no sign of human habitation. He wasn’t sure if this was a different world, or simply a different time in their world, but he was confident that they were well and truly alone.

  Delighted at both her courage and her excitement, he guided her to what seemed the most likely spot to venture behind the wild and abundant tumble of water. The rocks to either side were sharp and jutting, which provided any number of good footholds, and was the reason why they were both still wearing their boots. He had to agree they probably looked odd, but since there was no one to see, he’d much rather look silly, than have either of them end up with bloody feet. Especially Antonia.

  “Just here,” he said, pointing out the first step on the rock face, which was underwater at the level where they had to cross. There was nothing for it. They were going to get wet.

  She sucked in a breath when the water hit her bare leg for the first time, which was only expected. This river was runoff from a nearby mountain whose peaks remained covered with snow year-round. The water was icy cold, and didn’t warm up at all until well downstream. For all that, however, she didn’t react other than the indrawn breath.

  He pointed out the next step, and the one after that, until they stood so close to the torrent of water that icy droplets soaked their faces. From here, they’d have to pass through the falls to get behind it. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  She was grinning so hard, he thought at first that she was gritting her teeth so they wouldn’t chatter, but her eyes were bright with excitement and her nod of agreement was fast and immediate.

  “Hold tight,” he said, and felt her fingers clench his even tighter. “Here we go.”

  He ducked his head instinctively, though it made no difference. He was soaked and chilled to the bone before he’d gone even halfway through the pounding flow. He kept going, not only to get clear of it himself, but to keep Antonia from being stuck under the freezing water if he hesitated. Her delicate frame would be far more vulnerable to the icy cold.

  When he stepped free of the water and caught his first glimpse of the other side, he was struck by wonder that nature could create such beauty.

  “Goddess,” Antonia breathed hunching close under the arm he held out to her, for whatever warmth his body could offer. “Nico, this is . . . amazing. More, it’s a marvel itself. My magic . . . . I have to take off my boots.”

  She sat right down and did so, her cold fingers clumsy on the wet ties, so that she hissed in frustration before she was finished. But when she finally stood barefoot on the rock, she gasped in amazement.

  “Nico, my magic can feel the roots of this world through the stone to the bedrock. It’s as if I’m standing barefoot in my own garden and feeling the plants, their roots, digging into the earth all around me. Oh,” she breathed. “Oh, it’s marvelous.”

  He could only stare at her in a wonder of his own. He’d known that her magic was of the earth, but hadn’t ever considered that it meant more than growing abundant and thriving plants and trees. But the earth was more than dirt. It was the rock below the dirt, and whatever lay deep beneath that rock, as well. He took her hand, wanting to experience even a shadow of what she was sensing.

  She turned to him with joy shining like the sun in her expression. “Can you feel it?”

  And he did. He stood perfectly still, shivering so hard that his bones rattled, while icy water continued to spray them with cold, until he finally realized that some of that shivering was coming from the woman at his side. “Fuck. Come on, it’s warmer deeper inside.”

  “What if we’re not the only ones who know that?”

  He had trouble deciphering her words, because her jaw was clattering so hard. “I’ll deal with anything we encounter. We have to get you

  Taking her hand once again, he led the way deeper into the cave, following a warm air current that grew stronger the farther they went. He had to duck his head when the ceiling grew lower, but not so much that he couldn’t see clearly enough to be prepared for any threat.

  “Is it getting warmer, or am I so cold that I’m losing sensitivity?” she asked.

  “Definitely warmer. Darker, too, but here—” He snapped out a command and a white flame appeared in front of them to light the way. He had to squint at first, the light seemed so bright after the darkness. But his eyes soon adjusted to what he knew was actually a rather dim flame.

  The cave’s roof opened up again without warning, and when he straightened, he realized the heated air they’d been following had grown abruptly warmer. A moment later, he saw why. They stood so close to a small, roundish pool, that if he’d taken another step, he’d have been in danger of falling in.

  “Ooooh,” Antonia breathed, loosening her hand from his to huddle close to the edge and dip her fingers into the water to test its waters.

  “Careful, we don’t know what’s in there.”

  “Nothing’s in there. At least nothing but moss and such. Nothing with teeth.”

  “How about poison?”

  She tsked loudly. “For a man who wasn’t worried about interrupting some giant carnivore with foot-long teeth, you’re awfully concerned about a bit of moss.”

  “I can handle a giant carnivore.”

  She laughed. “If you’re poisoned, I’ll suck it out of you. But there’s nothing in here, Nico. Oh, look!” She pointed at a huge bubble that suddenly shoved its way up to the surface in the middle of the pool, bringing a rush of almost hot air with it. “That’s why this part of the cave, and the water, too, are so warm. There must be a hot spring deep underground.”


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