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The Stone Warriors: Nicodemus

Page 42

by D. B. Reynolds

  He answered almost at once, with a brisk, “Lord Raphael.”

  “Good evening, Aden. Is everything well with you and Sidonie?”

  “We’re both well. Sid is busy adopting every homeless animal she can find, but we have room and she gets great pleasure from it.”

  Raphael paused long enough to be grateful that, thus far, the only thing his Cyn collected was weapons, before getting to the heart of his call. “Aden, I’m trying to find a vampire who I think might have worked for Klemens. I believe he’s left the territory by now, but I thought you might remember him.”

  “Sure. What’s his name? And is he powerful?”

  “Powerful enough to think he can challenge me, with a bit of sorcerous assistance. The name’s Reinhart.”

  “Well, fuck. He can’t take you. I don’t care how much assistance he has. He’s nothing but a world-class ass-kisser, which is probably why Klemens liked him. He ruled Ohio, which is a big state, but peaceful for the most part. Not too many troublemakers. He fled as soon I told him I had no further need for his services.”

  “Do you know where he went?”

  “We tracked him as far as we could. Near as we could figure, he took a straight line out of my territory, skirted DC, then eventually disappeared. Probably flew from there.”

  “If he flew to Mexico,” Raphael said slowly. “He could remain hidden for a long time. It’s a lot of territory, with plenty of empty places to hole up, especially if he kept his head down.”

  “And if he was hiding in Mexico, California’s right across the border.”

  Raphael considered that. “I’d have sensed him, and so would my people in San Diego, especially if he stayed. If he’s smart, he’ll remain in Mexico until it’s time for him to move.”

  “How’s he going to make it to Malibu without you knowing about it?”

  “That’s where the sorcerer ally comes in, I suspect.”

  “Sorcerer?” Aden asked. “I thought those fuckers were scarce these days.”

  “They are,” Raphael agreed. “Unfortunately for us, the only two truly powerful ones still alive are both in North America. Deadly enemies, of course.”

  “Oh, of course. What’s that got to do with us?”

  “You know Gabriel? He’s on my security staff,” Raphael said.

  “Yes. He’s deadly with a blade,” Aden said.

  “He has a complicated history that includes Nicholas Katsaros— also a sorcerer—having saved his life at one point, long before he came to me. Gabriel’s mate was kidnapped by Sotiris last year. She possesses a very desirable magical ability which Sotiris decided he wanted for himself, and so he planned to keep her prisoner . . . permanently. Katsaros and I worked together to locate and free her. He and Sotiris ultimately fought, and Sotiris escaped. But now he’s back.”

  “What the hell does he want?”

  “Actually, it’s what we want, which is to be rid of him.”

  “Pre-emptive strike,” Aden said approvingly.

  “Something like that. Sotiris has the same idea, and part of his plan is for this Reinhart to challenge, and presumably defeat, me.”

  “Yeah,” Aden scoffed. “Like I said, that’s not happening.”

  “I think they would disagree. We have reason to believe that Sotiris has provided Reinhart with a device or spell that will make me vulnerable long enough for him to kill me.”

  “Yeah, right,” Aden scoffed. “For any device to work, it would have to take out you and your entire estate full of vampires before he ever got there.” He chuckled. “And when that failed, he’d have to deal with Cyn, who’d hunt him down and butcher him slowly just for trying.”

  “I don’t intend for it to get that far. My part of the pre-emptive strike is to locate and challenge Reinhart before he’s ready.”

  “Throw out the trash, before it stinks,” Aden agreed.

  “Yes. Once I take out Reinhart, most of the action will be between sorcerers. I’ll be providing backup at that point.”

  “How much time do I have?” Aden asked, reverting to his serious self.

  “As soon as possible.”

  “I’m intrigued. I’ll get started this morning, if there’s nothing else?”

  “No. I don’t have to tell you to be discreet. You might want to bring Vincent in, if necessary. But no one else.”

  “I understand.”

  “Thank you, Aden.”

  “Any time, my lord. But bear in mind, if you require an ally, I’m always willing to engage in whatever bloodshed is necessary.”

  Raphael chuckled. “I shall do so.”

  They both disconnected at the same time.

  IT TOOK NO TIME at all for Aden to learn that Reinhart was indeed in Mexico, and that he’d made a name for himself consistent with his disreputable history. When the sun rose in Chicago, he turned the hunt over to Vincent, who was Lord of Mexico.

  Vincent learned that Reinhart was holed up so close to the California border that he was in more danger from US Border Patrol than anyone else. He was, however, still in Mexico, which was why none of Raphael’s people had picked up any attempt to enter Raphael’s territory.

  By the time his specific location was confirmed, however, the sun had risen on the West Coast, and so it was Vincent’s mate Lana who called Raphael’s estate, and Cyn who answered.

  “Hey Lana,” Cyn said. “What’s the news?”

  “I hear you’re looking for Reinhart.”

  “Yeah, you know where he is?”

  “I can tell you where he’s been living for the past week, and that he was still there as of last night.”

  “Great. Where?”

  “Just this side of the border, east of the Otay Mesa Port of Entry. There’s kind of an industrial park there. He’s holed up in one of the empty offices, waiting, it seems like. Though I don’t know what for.”

  “As long as he’s there, it doesn’t matter what he’s waiting for. He’ll soon be too dead to get it.”

  “You’re not heading over there by yourself.”

  Cyn sighed. “I’d love to, and you know damn well you’d love to join me. But Raphael would not be happy. So, I’ll be a good little human, make the calls, and get everything set up, so we can fly down there together, where it will take him three minutes to stomp on this irritating insect. After which, we’ll be home in time for cocktails.”


  “No, really, Lana. I’m making light of it, but this one is important and has to be Raphael’s. You guys and Aden worked at lightspeed to find this asshole, and we really appreciate it. I know Raphael will call Vincent when it’s over and tell him what’s going on.”

  “And Vincent will tell me, and so the world turns once more.”

  Cyn laughed. “So I’ve heard. I have to start making those calls I mentioned. Thanks again, Lana. Hope to see you soon. Your place or ours! Bye.”

  WHEN RAPHAEL woke that evening, Cyn was next to him, as always. But instead of a naked Cyn who rolled into his arms, he found a combat- ready Cyn, minus only her weapons and boots, sitting cross-legged and obviously waiting for his eyes to open.

  “What is it?” he growled, sitting up enough to pull her down for a kiss, despite the belts and, Christ, the knife hilt digging into his side.

  “We have Reinhart.”

  THEY WERE ON their way to the Mexican border forty-two minutes later. Vampires could move damn fast when they wanted to, and they really wanted to this time. Cyn had already arranged for the helicopter to be waiting on the green inside Raphael’s estate, so getting ready had been mostly a matter of waking the necessary vampires. Raphael was old enough and powerful enough that he was always the first vampire to wake, so while he dressed, he sent telepathic wake-up summonses to Jared and Juro, along with Gabriel and Juro’s
twin brother Ken’ichi.

  As Raphael’s lieutenant, Jared would be remaining on the estate, overseeing its protection in the event someone thought to take advantage of Raphael’s absence. Juro and Ken’ichi were both mountain-sized vampires who’d been with Raphael for well over a hundred years. Juro was his security chief, and Ken’ichi had accompanied and protected Cyn when she’d rescued Raphael from a close call with death at the combined hands of several European vampire lords not long ago. Along with Gabriel, these were the vampires that Raphael trusted unconditionally to have his back.

  Vincent had called as they were boarding the helicopter, but only to ask if Raphael wanted him to meet him at the border in case Reinhart tried to claim some false jurisdictional protection.

  Raphael had laughed and said he didn’t expect to be in Mexico long enough for the matter to come up.

  Vincent had offered Raphael a tongue-in-cheek—but still valid— invitation to visit Mexico that evening. They’d both been laughing when they hung up.

  And now, with the human government’s permission also acquired, the helicopter made its way across the border into Mexico. They were only minutes from landing, and Raphael reminded his people that they still didn’t know what assistance Sotiris might have rendered, and to be prepared for a magical attack or weapon. With the exception of Cyn, they were all powerful enough to have some magic available to protect themselves, but if it came down to that, it would be Raphael who protected them all.

  The helicopter landed in an empty parking lot, one building over from where Reinhart was holed up. They ran from that point, taking great pains to stick close to the shadows, just in case Reinhart was smart enough to be keeping watch.

  He wasn’t. But it wouldn’t have mattered, if he had been.

  REINHART LOOKED up when the door opened and was on his feet by the time Raphael entered. He remained that way while he watched Juro, then Gabriel, and finally Cyn and Ken’ichi enter the building, not speaking at all until the door was shut.

  “Forgive the surroundings,” Reinhart said, gesturing at the dirty cement floor and open-studded walls. “This wasn’t my choice of meeting place.”

  Raphael studied him curiously, wondering at his lack of fear or even defiance, while searching for any indication of power or physical device that could be at the root of the vampire’s attitude. It was possible that Sotiris had shoved some nasty piece of magic into the vampire without his knowledge. The sorcerer didn’t need Reinhart to survive. He wasn’t strong enough to be a power in battle, and he wouldn’t survive long enough to rule any territory, much less Raphael’s.

  “Juro, it occurs to me that my . . . challenger,” he said dismissively, “might be an unaware Trojan horse of sorts? Perhaps you and others should wait outside.”

  Cyn’s reaction was immediately, profane, and decidedly negative. While Juro said only, “If that’s true, Sire, then perhaps you should let me remain, while you take the others outside.”

  Sometimes loyalty is a pain in the ass, Raphael thought. “Fine, but if we’re threatened, just shoot him. I’m sure my Cyn has an extra weapon to loan you.”

  “No need, Sire. I brought my own, just in case we met up with some humans.”

  “It’s all fun and games,” Cyn hissed, “until you both die.”

  Raphael turned to caress her cheek, and spoke telepathically. “I am not going to die, my Cyn. I am not finished with you yet.”

  “You better not be,” she telepathed back at him, making him smile. That was twice in a short period of time that she’d used mind speech with him.

  Raphael walked up to Reinhart. “Here I am. I understand you intend to challenge me?”

  The vampire lifted his chin in a show of defiance, and said, “I do. Shall we discuss terms?”

  “We’re vampires, Reinhart,” he snapped. “There are no terms. You can’t possibly have risen as far as you did under Klemens without knowing that.”

  “Yes, of course,” Reinhart replied quickly. “But we agreed on the time and location at least.”

  “Ah, you’re hoping to delay until your allies arrive.”


  Raphael sighed. “This grows tiresome.”

  “What do you want?” Reinhart demanded.

  “This is your challenge. But you should know that I am aware of your partnership with Sotiris, and whatever assistance he promised you will not be arriving. In the spirit of fairness, on my part at least, you may now surrender and beg for a merciful death. Or we can proceed, and your death will be far from merciful.”

  “I need no allies. I have this. Reinhart produced a dagger, seemingly from the air itself. Before he could turn his wrist to aim the weapon, Raphael reached out with blinding speed and caught Reinhart’s wrist, stopping it in midair as the vampire fought to free himself, muscles bulging and his face set in a grimace of effort.

  As Reinhart struggled, Raphael stood almost casually, holding on to the would-be assassin’s wrist and studying the dagger. “Did Sotiris give you this? Was this his assistance?”

  “It’s all I need. Which you’ll know soon enough. Its magic will turn you to ash faster than the sun itself.”

  “Really. Let’s see, shall we?” While the vampire stared in terrified disbelief, Raphael turned the dagger, still clutched in the challenger’s bloodless hand, and plunged it into Reinhart’s own chest.

  The vampire’s body filled with a sudden and brilliant light, as if a torch had flamed to life inside him. White flames seared through his skin and he stared at Raphael knowing that death was at hand. Not Raphael’s, but his own. His mouth opened, as if to scream, but no sound came out, as his chest exploded in a burst of white light, and Reinhart, the vampire who thought to become lord, was nothing but dust on the dirty concrete floor.

  Chapter Ten

  Pompano Beach, FL

  NICK WAS SURPRISED when the phone rang late that night, as they were all loading up for a trip to the airport. The surprise was that the caller was identified as Raphael. Usually it was Cyn who called, but these weren’t usual times.

  Putting it on speaker, he said, “Nick Katsaros.”

  “Reinhart is no longer a threat,” Raphael said simply, his smooth, deep voice recognizable, even to Nick.

  He waited for details, but when none came, Nick said, “May I assume that ‘no longer a threat’ means he’s dead?”


  “Very,” Nick repeated. “Anything more you’d like to say? Any strategic clues you might have acquired during the confrontation?”

  “Confrontation is too strong a word for what happened.”

  “Give me that,” Cyn said in the background, then added, “He had an ensorcelled blade. I don’t know if that’s technically correct, but that’s what it acted like. And he said Sotiris gave it to him.”

  “What did it do?” Antonia had been about to leave his office, but now came close enough to be heard.

  “Raphael turned the blade on him, instead, and Reinhart lit up like he’d swallowed a really big light bulb.” She chuckled. “And then he exploded, and . . . poof. Nothing but dust.”

  “Was anyone with him?”

  “Nope. He was hanging close to the Mexican border, so maybe he was supposed to be picked up by someone, but . . . no more.”

  Nick shrugged. “I’m not shedding any tears over him.”

  “Me either,” Antonia agreed. “Can I just add that based on Cyn’s description, the blade Reinhart had wasn’t really a blade at all, just a blade-shaped device that he told Reinhart to stab Raphael with. It wouldn’t have mattered where he’d stabbed him—the arm would have worked as well as the chest. It was the act of penetration that triggered a spell that was the truly fatal weapon. Fortunately, Reinhart failed, making him the only fatality. I can tell you that Sotiris will be furious when he hears
. And my guess is that he heard about it almost immediately. He had to have had at least one agent keeping an eye on Reinhart. He would never have trusted him on his own.”

  “Good. I want him to know,” Nick said, then raised his voice and asked, “What about Sotiris, Raphael? Are you still with us on that?”

  There was a tiny click as someone switched the phone to speaker in Malibu, then Raphael said, “Gabriel and Hana will be there, and so will the rest of us.”

  “Good. Listen, we’re heading for the airport, and will be there by early morning. Maeve and Lili took advantage of Antonia’s infiltration of Sotiris’s email, and went full hacker on the asshole. They have eyes on his Bel Air property everywhere he does. They also scoured his personal computer and communications, so we know how deeply he’s dug in. Which is deep.”

  “Send us what you can, so we can review it before you get here,” Raphael requested.

  “Absolutely. We have blueprints of the house, both before and after a renovation by the owner who leased it to Sotiris. The lease was a surprise—he usually purchases—but maybe he thought it would make it more difficult to find him. Or maybe it’s in some flunky’s name. Either way, it doesn’t really matter for our purposes.”

  “Excellent. I know a helicopter pilot who will be glad to help. I’ll have him do a few passes. Is there any way you can determine how much and where magic is being used in the house?”

  “Absolutely. Any way I could go up with him?”

  “I’m sure it can be arranged. Also, you’re welcome to stay here, on my estate, when you arrive. We have plenty of room,” Raphael said.

  “That’s kind of you.” Nick tried to keep the surprise from his voice, and wasn’t sure he succeeded. He’d been surprised enough when Raphael had offered the helicopter, but now this? Geez. Were they becoming friendly or something? Fuck.

  “We’ll need a list of how many, and who sleeps with whom,” Cyn called. “So the rooms will be ready.”


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