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Love and Punishment

Page 5

by Sorcha Mowbray

  Nate caught the sparkle in her eye when she reached out to touch the pair of black boots. They gleamed with a high polish and fine detailed stitching that swirled and swooped over the tall shaft. Boots in hand, she found a bench to sit on and went to work pulling off her buckle-shaft boots. Then, she slipped her foot into the Western ones and her face lit up. “They fit.”

  The surprise and delight in her voice made Nate’s heart beat a bit harder as his cock throbbed with the perpetual half hard-on he seemed to sport with her. Liam all but salivated at the sight of her bent over to examine the shoes more closely on her feet. “Down, boy,” he muttered to his other half.

  “However much, you convince her to take those boots,” Liam replied, in an equally low voice.

  Nate nodded and turned back to Bel. “Those are some fine looking shoes. Len, add them on.”


  “Don’t even say it. Our choice, pet.” Nate winked at her and signed off on the tab.

  “Everything will be ready in two weeks.” Len filed the paperwork away.

  “Maybe have her come by next week for a fitting.” Hannah came around the counter and gave Bel a quick hug. “You let these boys take care of you.”

  “I’ll try.” Bel flushed pink and returned the hug.

  With her feet encased in the new boots, they left the store and crossed the street to their next stop. They went from store to store and bought her a few shirts and some jeans she could wear right away. They were headed back to the compound when she stopped them. Her face turned bright red, but she finally got out what she needed to say. “Um, underthings. I could use some panties and bras.”

  Nate slapped his palm to his forehead in exaggeration. “I don’t know how we could have forgotten those.” Sheer and sexy. Practical didn’t even make his list as they steered her into a store a few doors ahead. The feminine interior stood out from all the other more utilitarian stores.

  Rose’s Garden belonged to The Order of the Roses MC. It was one of their offshoot businesses. Women who understood the pleasures of the flesh would obviously understand how to present their wares to optimal effectiveness.

  “Oh, such beautiful things.” Bel’s fingers drifted over the silk and lace displayed on a table. With a determined look, she pulled her hand back and said, “I had something more practical in mind.”

  “From our perspective these are very practical.” Nate held up a lacy thong and waggled his eyebrows.

  Bel laughed, which made him ridiculously happy. It had taken most of the expedition, but he’d worn her down and drawn her back out of her protective shell.

  “Get whatever you want, baby. We’ll pick a few things, too.” Liam swallowed. Everywhere he looked was sexy underwear.

  Bel chewed her lip, indecision plain on her face, again. “O-okay.” She nodded and wandered off to the corner where some of the more practical items could be found.

  Bel’s body temperature kept flashing between cold and hot. The boys had sauntered over to the raciest area of the store when two of the Roses approached. “Can we help you boys?”

  Curious what would happen, Bel shrank into the shadows cast by the low light to watch. These two were supposed to be evil men. Untrustworthy and yet they had showered her with gifts, protected her, and even talked to her as an equal.

  Could father have been wrong? No. Surely they’ll prove themselves to be the monsters I expect. They can’t keep this facade up forever.

  “We’re looking for a few items for....” Liam looked up and searched for her.

  One of the women pressed alongside him, ran her hand up his chest, and shoved her breasts against him. Nate endured the same treatment from the other Rose. Silent, though it appeared they shared some kind of communication, the mouthwatering men peeled the wretched women from their bodies.

  “Bel, stop hiding over there. These two need to get your measurements.” Liam’s voice reached out and pulled her from the shadows. A small spark of pleasure burned in her belly. They had chosen her over two beautiful Roses.

  The women stepped back and turned to find her hovering outside of the shadows. “Oh. We uh...didn’t see you there.”

  “Apparently not.” Bel stepped forward and handed them a stack of panties and some bras. “I don’t think measurements are required. These will do along with whatever the boys have selected.” The need to mark her territory rode her hard, except she had to remind herself it wasn’t really her territory. They weren’t hers. She didn’t want them. But somehow her words lacked any conviction.

  “Of course.” One of the girls took the pile of lace and cotton while the other turned to the guys.

  “We’ll take one set of these in her size, and one of these.” They each held up a complete set of lingerie, one hot-pink lace with black trim and the other set black leather with studs and buckles in strategic places.

  Head held high, she sauntered over as the girls took the outfits—if you could call them that—and bundled everything together. Nate followed them to the counter and produced a few EpiChips to pay for their purchases while she slid next to Liam to be sure the girls understood what was what.

  A little growl escaped from him at the same time her arm wrapped around his waist. “I like it when you show your claws.”

  “Those harpies deserved a little reminder that every dick that walks in here isn’t up for grabs.”

  “Remind away.” He draped an arm around her and hauled her into a toe-curling, bone-melting kiss. His tongue pushed into her mouth and explored.

  Darkness descended when her eyes drifted closed and he overwhelmed what little good sense she’d clung to all day while they pampered her. Never, not in all the years under her father’s charge, had she been treated with such deference and care. Behind them, Nate cleared his throat, drawing them apart to find him holding a bag out.

  “Maybe we should take this home?” The amusement on his face belied the erection pressed against his fly.

  After she snatched the bag and marched out of the store, her face heated with embarrassment. Shit. What the hell had she done? She couldn’t allow them to get any closer. Less than a week and she struggled to picture either of them as the man who killed her mother. As someone she wanted dead. How could her body readily respond to men who were supposed to be monsters?

  Back at the compound, she stowed all her new clothes in the room they had given her. Nate’s old room. The masculine touches were everywhere from the heavy welded headboard to the plain gray rug on the floor. And, of course, there was the smell. His scent of leather, man, and spice still lingered in the room, faint but distinctive. Crap. She needed a little distance from those two. Needed a little perspective to remember why she was there. Her purpose. Down the passageway to the right lay the main hall where everyone gathered. Logic dictated she go left in search of a place untouched by those two for a chance to focus. The building they lived in had been a school, so she passed many doors before finding one that held the promise of an exit. Stepping outside into what appeared to be the back of the compound, relief swept through her. Night had fallen, and the stars were out along with the moon to offer enough light to see by. A fence ringed the perimeter but she saw no gate. Shit.

  “No way out?” A raspy voice startled her from the shadows along the fence line.

  “Who’s there?” Legs spread, she braced for a fight.

  “A friend.” She didn’t dare get too close to the fence, but she also wanted to know who spoke.

  “I don’t have any friends.” The truth of those words hurt, but she needed to say them. Both to remind herself and to let the stranger lurking nearby know she would not be easily fooled.

  “Smart girl. Your daddy taught you well.” The voice stopped for a moment. The silence stretched between them into an awkwardness that made her shift from one foot to the other. “He said you’d stay focused. Would follow through with your mission. But we both figured you’d have struck by now. What’s the delay?”
/>   Who the hell is this person? How does he know about my mission? “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t be foolish. There is only one way I know, think about it.” The low, gravelly quality of the voice could have been faked or real. There was no way to know.

  “Maybe. But I still don’t know you.” Her hands twitched with fear and an inability to act.

  “Makes no difference. Your father sent a message. Don’t forget why you’re here. Don’t forget what they did to your mother and almost to him. You’re his beauty, and he needs you to slay the beast.”

  “Who the hell are you?” she demanded, agitated and afraid. Afraid of who had found her, what she had gone there to do, and more than ever afraid she might not be able to do it.

  No reply came. After nearly five minutes of standing there, she realized the man, whoever he was, left long ago. Her gut churned. Her head spun. How the hell could she follow through? How could she not?


  A couple days after their shopping trip, Liam found Bel soaking up the afternoon sun as she circled the outer edges of the playground behind the old school building. With every step she took, her agitation became clearer until little fingers of annoyance danced along his nerves. Despite it all, he approached her, determined to bridge the gap. “Hey.” God, could this be any more awkward?

  The knot in his gut unwound a bit when she ceased her pacing and faced him. “Hey.”

  Her blue eyes contained a wariness he couldn’t figure out how to banish. They tried taking her shopping, tried giving her some space to come to terms with how things shook out, and tried sending a couple of the Roses to visit her. The short and not even remotely sweet visit failed, according to Sid. She’d made it very clear the Roses would prefer to steer clear of Bel until she understood their existence a little better. He sighed, annoyed with himself and his lack of understanding when it came to this woman. Stacked between his hands was a pile of clothes he shoved at her. “I thought you could use these.”

  Brown hair shot with gold shone in the sunlight, lending her an angelic air. Right up until she rolled her eyes at him. “I don’t need more clothes.”

  “Just take them.”

  “Why? I can’t even wear everything you already bought me.” But she took the bundle anyway. She riffled through the dark clothes before looking up at him.

  His heart pounded in his chest and hope burned anew. Maybe this would help her connect with them. With him. “Workout stuff. I thought you might enjoy some time in the gym. To spar.” She grinned. “With me.” The smile faltered but hung on. Okay, maybe she would be more comfortable with someone else. “Or someone else, if you’d rather.”

  “No!” The brush of her fingertips on his biceps made his skin tingle. “I’d love to spar.”

  “Okay. You remember where the gym is?”

  “Yup.” Her eyes danced with excitement.

  He’d seen the same look in other women’s eyes when he took them shopping or bought them a piece of leather or jewelry. “See you there in fifteen minutes?”

  “Make it ten.” She darted into the building at a full gallop.

  True to her word she returned to the gym, dressed and ready to go with a minute to spare. “You said you were working with one of the Devils on martial arts. What were you working on?”

  “We were about to start grappling moves. I can take an opponent down, but I don’t really have a game plan for what to do next.” Arm stretched over her head, she loosened up her joints.

  “I don’t suppose you would consider running a good option?” Liam tried to squash the hopefulness in his voice and failed miserably. At least he assumed he had, based on her scowl.

  “No, I will not run. I need to make sure my opponent stays down. Or, worse, if they get me down, I need to be able to defend myself from flat on my back.”

  All the fun things she could do flat on her back flipped through his head in living color. Number one on his list? Spread her legs as he feasted on her warm, wet pussy. But, he suspected if he suggested what he had in mind, she might kick him in the balls. This is a horrible idea. “All right. Let’s start you out on your back.”

  “You got it.” Once she lay down, he stood over her and cursed his growing erection. Rolling around on the mat with her might be more than he could handle.

  “Come on, big boy. I can take it,” she tossed up at him when he hesitated.

  Swallow. He needed to swallow, but his mouth was bone dry. “Spread your legs,” he rasped.

  Strong legs opened for him and exposed her cotton covered cleft. What he wouldn’t give to have her lying there bare.

  Another taunt from her disrupted his train of thought. “Come on. You won’t hurt me.”

  He groaned. Loudly. “I’m worried about hurting myself.” Dropping to his knees, he tucked his thighs beneath hers. Then he raised his hands to her throat. “Now, in a fight with a man, he will overpower you with strength if you fight fair. So, rule number one. No fair fights.”

  “I learned that one a long time ago.” She gripped his wrists. “This would be the instinctive thing to try and do I think.”

  “It is, but you’ll never break my hold doing that. See, what you want is to get your arms between mine and use your forearms to break my hold on your neck. Next, you want to bring a knee up and use it to lever me backward. After you have me off you, your best attack will come from a standing position. Higher ground, if you will.”

  They went through the moves a few times, blocking it in slow motion until she grew used to the maneuver. Then they ran it faster and faster until it became second nature for her. Of course, he hadn’t really used full strength on her. Hurting her was not part of his plan. On the other hand, he clearly hadn’t thought his plan through very well, because he’d failed to consider how fucking hot it would be to roll around on the floor with her while they got sweaty. Finally, he called mercy and an end to their session.

  “I’m just getting warmed up.” She sat on the mat across from him, her nipples pebbled against the soft fabric of her workout top. It resembled an old-fashioned sports bra, except it covered almost all of her torso. All but the sliver of skin that had tortured him all afternoon as it peeked from between her top and pants.

  “I’m done for.” He made to get up when she seized his foot and ankle, rotated it, and waited for his body to follow. In the blink of an eye, she had him pinned to the mat.

  “How could you be done for? You’ve been holding back all afternoon.” She plucked at his dry white tank. “You didn’t even break a sweat.”

  Damn her perceptiveness. And damn if he wasn’t starting to sweat with the heat of her cunt pressed tight over his shaft and nothing but two rather thin layers of cotton between them. “I have not. And I did sweat, a little.”

  Next thing he knew she leaned over him, breasts pressed against him, and her warm, sweet breath puffed next to his ear. “Liar.”

  “Baby, you’re playing with fire here.” It only seemed fair to warn her because his rather strained control was a nanosecond from snapping.

  “Fire? Felt more like steel to me.” In an unexpected move, she licked his neck, leapt to her feet, and bolted from the gym.

  Liam wanted to hit something, mostly himself. After rolling to his feet, he followed the same path she had recently used. In the hall he ran into Nate whose gaze slipped down to the evidence of his lack of self-control. “Guess the exercise didn’t end the way you’d hoped?”

  “I’m not sure what happened.” Without thought, he carded his fingers through his hair but got caught up by the band holding the hair out of his face.

  “She hit you on the head?” Nate’s grin made his gray eyes shimmer.

  “No, she tackled me to the mat, ground that sweet spot against my rock-hard dick, licked me, and ran.” Liam struggled to control his desire in the moment. The little hellcat had revved him up and then bolted. They needed to teach her a lesson about getting burne

  Nate stepped into his body, chest to chest, and rumbled into his ear. “Sounds like someone wants to be hunted.”

  “But what will we do with her when we catch her?” Liam winked at his best friend and lover, before their lips clashed in a brutal kiss that had both of them ready for more. Arms wrapped around each other and cock grinding against cock; they fed off each other’s desire. When they finally ripped themselves apart they turned without a word. Time to show Bel why they were called The Beasts.

  Chapter Four

  Bel’s heart raced. No, too tame a word for the thunderous sound rolling through her with each pump of her cardiac muscle. What had come over her? One minute they’d been working some new moves for her, and the next he’d tried to leave. Fucking got up like rolling on the mat with her for two hours hadn’t affected him in the least. Call it vanity or pure unbridled lust, but she’d needed to leave him in as pained a state as she was. Her pussy throbbed, nipples stiff and achy, and every touch of his hands had caused pleasure to zing from the point of contact to her clit. Could the man have been hardwired into her nervous system or something? Shit, she needed to get off. After days of dancing around the objects of her lascivious dreams while trying to ease the gnawing ache between her thighs, she resembled a pressurized crankcase—leaky seals, failing gaskets, and all.

  And then Liam had suggested they spar. She should have known she was doomed right from the start, but the sweetly deceitful little voice in her head told her it would help blow off some steam. Fat chance. Every touch of his hands, every moment of contact with his hard, muscled body had caused her to lose more and more ground, pushed her closer and closer to a precipice. But, at the last second, he withdrew. And instead of crawling back on shaking limbs, she had leapt over the edge of her own free-fucking-will.

  Unfortunately, her impulsive move had resulted in her hiding in their suite. And not just their suite, but their bedroom since it would be the last place they’d look for her. Of course, she hadn’t figured on being assaulted by their combined musk, the smell of sex permeating the space, and the overwhelming need to do something about it. Certain she wouldn’t be found, she crawled onto the bed. The soft mattress enveloped her, cradled her while she slipped her hands over her breasts to caress her stiffened nipples through the fabric of her workout clothes. Awareness receded when need took over and one of her hands drifted from her breast to stroke between her thighs. Orgasm teased and eluded her, demanded her focus. Which was why she was so damned shocked when the pair of them walked in to find her spread out on their bed with her hand shoved down her pants, frantically trying to get off.


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