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Burn For Me (The Burn Series Book 3)

Page 10

by Dee Ellis

  Maybe it was the night of the fire. Until she woke up and looked at me with those pretty eyes, I had barely been breathing. But, once those eyes had looked at me, softer than I’d ever seen them, I’d never breathed the same since.

  Once again, Lola was changing the air I breathed. The room filled with her moans, soft and sexy as shit, her voice calling my name, and the sounds of my body claiming hers. I was barely aware of Tori behind us.

  “Just us, baby.” I murmured as I pressed deeper and deeper into her.

  Fuck, she felt good. The moment I drove into her, I’d known it would never be the same for me. Or for her. I don’t know if our souls were involved, but every other fucking part of me was.

  “Yes, yes. Us. Oh, god,” Lola raked her nails down my back, her teeth biting at my lips, “don’t stop. Don’t stop, please.” Fuck, she made me crazy.

  “Mmm, no, Darlin’. I won’t stop. Too fucking good feeling you wrapped around my cock. Too fucking beautiful making you come with me inside you. Give me those eyes, Lola. Let me see when you.... fuck, just like that baby.” I pumped my hips a few more times but she was losing it.

  Her velvety softness molded to my cock as her orgasm swept through her. Lola threw her head back, exposing her neck. I bent close, rocking into her even as she got painfully tight, biting at the tawny curve of her neck. Marking her.

  “I’m....oh god. yes. I’m coming, Hunter!” As she vibrated around me, limbs going tight, nails piercing my shoulders, my teeth sunk deeper.

  “Fuck, yes. Come for me, Darlin’. Let me watch your pleasure.” I lifted away long enough to watch it flush her skin, darken her eyes, and steal her breath.

  “Goddamn. Beautiful. Come here.” My mouth took hers again as I flipped us.

  Gathering her little body to me, I bucked my hips slowly, so slowly, off the bed, burrowing my cock deep. Our eyes met as her fingers laced behind my head. Lola becoming mine was fucking stunning to witness.

  Lola pressed her tits to my chest, dropping her hips and taking me deeper. I took my eyes off of her briefly when she glanced towards the corner. I did too, seeing we were alone. Tori had slipped out and neither of us even realized it.

  “You let me say no. I didn’t have to share you.” With those words, the sex changed; it wasn’t sex, it was lovemaking, and those words seemed to clarify it for us both.

  “You don’t ever have to share me.” I murmured as I cradled her close.

  I don’t know how long we held each other as I drove into her. It felt like hours and still not long enough. Lola came twice more, throwing her head back and calling my name. That just made me harder, so we changed positions again.

  Lying on our sides, facing each other, we were a tangle of limbs as I rocked into her again and again. I fisted my hand in her hair and feasted on her mouth, leaving it swollen and pink. Lola left marks at my skin, teeth impressions I’d wear like badges of the best fucking sex of my life.

  I came with a roar, growling her name, as a shudder of emotion left me aching in ways I’d never felt. I was terrified to let her go. Lola was having none of that anyway. As if she was just as afraid of letting those moments end as I was, she burrowed into me.

  “Stay. I need you to stay.” I never let them stay. Never, fucking, ever.

  I’d rarely ever brought them home, in fact. Certainly never brought them to the new place. I’d never bring another woman to this bed. Not now, not after having Lola in it. I didn’t want anyone else, period.

  The last random, that big-tittied Claire, had been my last-ditch effort to shake Lola. It hadn’t worked. By then I’d barely had a taste of her. After tonight, after tasting every part of her, Lola had basically ruined me.

  Falling asleep with that truth and Lola snuggled close, I was smiling because I was just fucking fine with Lola ruining me.


  I was sore and sated as I snuggled into the solid warmth holding me tight. Midmorning light streamed in unfamiliar windows, lighting up the reminders of how I’d gotten that way. Fingerprint bruises at my hips and knees; teeth marks at my breasts and thighs. All marks Hunter made a point of leaving behind.

  Delicious exhaustion weighted me down. I wasn’t aware the time, and really, the day even. Hunter had woken me, for the third time, with pink and orange burning through the windows.

  “Come here, Darlin’,” Hunter had demanded as he pressed into me from behind, “need you again, Lola. I need you again.” With one hand around my throat, and the fingers of his other thrumming my clit, he took what he needed.

  But Jesus Christ, he gave too. The first time I’d woken up with his head between my thighs. The moonlight lit up the lust in his green eyes as he gave me two more orgasms; then he pressed his cock to my mouth and let me return the favor. After that, he fed me. As in, actual food.

  Over sticky, sweet French toast and perfect bacon, we talked and laughed in his massive bed. I still felt sticky, in more ways than one, but I refused to move. I knew without asking that Hunter didn’t let girls stay, and it had been years since I’d shared my own bed.

  “Mmm, you smell like me all over.” Hunter murmured from behind me.

  With good reason. I smirked into the muscled bicep he had curled beneath me, biting gently. Hunter growled and slapped my ass, and I moaned. Shimmying my ass back against his hardening cock, laughter bubbled in my chest as he thrust his hips.

  “No, you don’t. You smell like us. I fucking like it. No showers today.” I did laugh then, reaching between us to stroke him.

  “Filthy. Just fucking filthy.” Hunter laughed too, the sound deep and warm against my back.

  “You got no idea, Darlin’. Spread those sexy legs for me.” I obeyed with a whimper because his hand was already there, shoving between them.

  “Hunter...Jesus.” My head fell back into the crook of his neck.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet and soft for me. Open your mouth,” I bit at his neck as he circled my clit, then did as he asked, “Tell me how good we taste together.” One thick finger traced my lips then sunk inside my mouth and we both groaned.

  A shrieking noise tore through the sounds of our breathing and my moaning. I shuddered in his arms, and for once, not from pleasure. Hunter gathered me up and pressed his mouth to mine, twisting me in his arms.

  “Gotta go, Darlin’. That’s a call. Keep this ass right here, you get me?” That throaty demand was nearly enough to drive me over the edge I always seemed to be on when he touched me. Or kissed me. Or looked at me.

  Just like he was looking at me now as he cradled my jaw in his hand. Heat crawled through me as the intensity in his eyes asked more than demanded. I rose up to meet his kiss again, nodding.

  Hunter caged me in with his big thighs and thick arms. The kiss changed as it grew hotter and somehow spoke more than an entire night in his bed had.

  He lifted away and my hands laced at the back of his head. The slow smile that curved his full mouth lit a fire in my belly. Slowly, he lowered close, just as that shrieking alarm from his phone went off again. With his mouth against mine, he growled out a curse. Tangling his hand in my hair, he kissed me hard, both of us panting as he broke away.

  “Fuck, I don’t want to leave you. Duty calls. Don’t make me chase you down, Darlin’.” He gave a swat at my backside then climbed from the bed.

  I knew he was on call all weekend and perhaps that’s why last night had happened so easily. Then again, proposing a threesome that then turns into the hottest, most intense sex of my life didn’t feel easy, exactly.

  During that late night—or maybe it was early morning? —breakfast in bed, I’d asked about Tori. Had she stayed? I had a vague memory of seeing her there, pleasuring herself as she watched. Then, nothing.

  “No, Darlin’. Tori left. Left you a note I am not supposed to read, actually.” That note sat at the bedside table, waiting.

  “Hunter,” I hated it, hated to have to ask, to hear the insecurity in my voice, “I was kind of soft and ...I might be missing pieces of
what we did. Di-did you two...I mean, I know I’d be to blame I just...” My breakfast, which was delicious and I had been devouring, was yanked away.

  “Look at me, Darlin’,” Hunter smirked as I drug my eyes from the food to his handsome face, “I did not fuck Tori. I didn’t even touch Tori. I didn’t want that girl here, but you did. For your reasons. I did it because you asked and needed it. I won’t be sharing you again. You get me?” As I nodded, his pretty green eyes lit up, and my chest got tight.

  That’s how breakfast got sticky. Now, I lay in his bed—his fluffy, delicious, Hunter-smelling bed. I didn’t have work, and though I still had some things to do at my new apartment to make it mine, it could wait. I thought it might be foolish to sit here and wait for him. Wait for possible heart ache. But, I was known for doing foolish things.

  Like inviting a strange woman into bed with us last night. It had been hot to have her watching us, I can’t lie. I just hoped it hadn’t been a mistake. I’d done it out of fear and insecurity, and because I needed the power. At least, I thought I did.

  Before, I’d had no power. Seth had taken my power so long ago; I wondered if I ever really had it, actually. I’d been a stupid, foolish girl, and he’d taken everything from me. I wasn’t about to let someone do that to me again.

  Inviting Tori had been foolish, maybe, but I’d taken that power back. I felt a little guilty she got no play, though. Until I got the courage to read that note.


  You two put on quite the show. And I don’t even mean the fuck-hot sex. But that too. Known Hunter for a few years. Been with him twice before. Once with another girl, once solo. Girl code insists I tell you; never saw him like he was last night. With you. Hunter is hot and dirty—and totally closed off. Last night, he was wide open with you, and it was fucking beautiful to witness.

  I knew his wife too. Ex-wife. Not buttering your biscuit—which, by the way, was sexy as fuck to watch you butter yourself last night—but he wasn’t even that way with her. I watched just long enough to see I should stop watching. I told Hunter you’re a gem—and you fucking are, Lola. Let Hunter polish you back up, baby doll. Because you need it, and he fucking wants to. Thanks for the invite; can’t say I’d accept again. That thing between you two is five alarm hot, and while it was pretty to watch it burn, it kind of reminded me I have a fire waiting at home.

  Later, Tori.

  As I finished, my chest was tight and I felt panicky. Hunter was different; not just compared to every man I’d known before him. But different than I’d expected. Last night was proof. What man refused a threesome? My man, that’s who.

  A thrill of something light and airy, exciting and new bubbled through me like I’d taken a hit of champagne. My man. No. No. We weren’t together. Weren’t exclusive. We were nothing. Except, last night, we had felt like everything.

  Hunter fucking me had felt like being claimed; not just dirty, hot sex—and it had felt like everything.

  Panic darkened the edge of everything, but I buried it. I wanted Hunter. Since I’d laid eyes on him almost a year ago, laughing with the Cooper boys, I had wanted him. They frequented the same bars I’d drowned myself in for a while. It had always been the three of them together, it seemed. Then, Levi too.

  It had been summer, hot and sticky out. I’d been here just over a year and knew only Sara, my boss, and a few of the girls at work. I had yet to befriend Gigi, and Charli had not moved here yet.

  I wasn’t at the pub that day to drink. Which was the first strange thing. I’d been struggling here in Chicago. Flirting with, and sometimes indulging in, hot city boys had been fun. Until it wasn’t. That day, I’d just been there for lunch. So had the boys, and my eyes landed on Hunter. To me, he had always stood out.

  Tall and wide, with those muscles and all those dark tattoos, he might have blended with the others. But, those eyes and that fucking accent did it for me. I heard him giving Finn shit about Gigi, with Cage safely out of earshot, and he laughed. That laugh shot heat from my belly down to my toes and the tips of my fingers. Then his eyes had swept to mine, and I’d felt it.

  Safe. Scared. All at once, and in such overwhelming doses, I fled the bar. I had been terrified for my first several months in Chicago, and it was the first time I’d felt safe. I had looked for those sea green eyes everywhere for so long after. I’d seen them too. The first time I got close to him, at Thanksgiving, I’d thrown myself at him.

  “I wanted you Lola. So fucking bad. Don’t ever doubt it, Darlin’.” Hunter had stated, once again, last night between the best French toast, and best fucking, I’d ever had.

  “The diner.... I wanted you to see me then. I didn’t want anyone else but you to see me.” There, in a nutshell, is what terrified me about Hunter.

  Deciding I needed a shower, and a lot less introspection, I disobeyed Hunter. Wearing the CFD shirt he’d dropped on our path to the bedroom last night, I crossed the hall to my place. I showered and washed the stickiness he’d left me with. Touching each bruise and mark with a smile and a twinge between my legs, I considered going back. Lying in his bed and waiting for him.

  Instead, I did some work on the last scenes I’d been drawing for my graphic novel. A certain shaved headed, muscled, sexy mouthed fireman had taken center stage suddenly. I’d turned the spare bedroom into a studio and now sat at my drafting table, sketching like mad. I wrote quips and Hunter-like dialogue as I colored in our story.

  Sitting in the corner was an unfinished painting. But lining the walls were dozens more. I hadn’t been able to finish a painting in years. Since Thanksgiving, I’d been painting and sketching nonstop. My world was colorful again, and I smiled down at the sketch of the man I thought responsible for it.

  Just when I wondered if I might upset Hunter or the delicate relationship we might be starting, my phone vibrated on my desk. A grin that felt like it might split my face lit me up inside as I swiped open the message. Hunter had not only programmed his number in my phone, he’d put it in as ‘Pumpkin’.

  Hunter: Hey, Darlin’. Won’t be back for a bit. Four alarm. You aren’t in my bed, are you?

  Me: No. I can be, though. You be careful!

  Hunter: You better be soon as I’m headed home. I’m always careful.

  Me: No, you’re not. You brought me home.

  Hunter: Safest thing I ever did, baby. Need me to come show you how good it feels to be scared?

  Me: I think I might. I... What was I thinking? Why was I being so soft and open with him?

  Hunter: You...miss me and want me inside you all night again. You are soft and gooey as shit for me, and you hate it. I happen to love your soft and gooey, baby.

  Me: I don’t hate it. It scares me. I’m gooey as a caramel, Pumpkin.

  Hunter: Mmm, I love it. Can’t wait for another taste of your gooey center.

  Me: Dirty, filthy man.

  Hunter: You make me dirty. Fuck, I’m hard as shit thinking about eating your pussy for lunch. And dinner. Maybe snack time, too. You taste like honey pecans, actually. Sweet and warm...fuck.

  Me: I... I do miss you. How can I miss you already?

  Hunter: Because it’s scary as shit, because it’s real. I miss you too. I want you so fucking bad, Lola. I want your soft and your hard and your scared and brave, baby. I want it all. A thrill coursed through me; new and exciting and white hot.

  Me: I have dark and shadows too.

  Hunter: We all do. Fuck, you know I do. You met her. You faced her and backed her down. I’d do the same for you. I swooned. Loudly. In the privacy of my studio, with my body marked by Hunter, and my heart swelling from the same.

  Me: I’ll be in your bed. Waiting.

  Hunter: Fuck. About to put out a fire so I can start one at home with you, Darlin’.

  Giggling, I said a few more comments to get him charged up. After finishing another scene on my novel, I did as I’d promised. I headed back over to his place, glad I’d left it unlocked. I didn’t know when he’d come home, but I’d be wait
ing when he did.

  Because, I wanted him. Crazy, terrifying or not, I wanted Hunter.

  Hunter came home faster than I expected. Before I could speak, he was on me. Then, for hours, inside me. Later, he cooked for me, chicken and potatoes and gravy and Jesus Christ, all the good shit he said his Mama taught him to cook. This time, we ate at the table. Well, he ate at the table; I ate sitting in his lap so I could kiss him and feel his thick arms around me.

  “Mmm, what perfume do you wear? You smell so fucking good.” Hunter murmured as he skimmed his nose along my neck. I shuddered.

  “Nothing. No perfumes.” I lifted a shoulder, and he bit it, making me go hot and swoony.

  “Mmm so that delicious sweetness is all you?” I gave another shrug, he gave another bite and we both laughed.

  “I guess? You smell good too. But like fire and smoke too. I like it, though.” I dipped my face into his neck, returning the favor and winning a growl.

  “Fuck, I like your mouth on me, woman.” Hunter gripped a handful of my backside, rocking me over his hardness.

  “Mmm, I see that. You fed me dinner. Dessert too?” Hunter growled and I found myself on my back on his marble kitchen table.

  “Goddamn right. Spread your legs for me, baby. You know how crazy it makes me to see you in this?” I’d kept his shirt on, because it smelled like him, and put on paint spattered leggings.

  “Mm, I had considered that.” My taunting giggle became a gasp as he dug his fingers into my folds through the cotton.

  “Oh shit...” My head fell back with a thud and he chuckled darkly.

  “Darlin’, you smell fucking delicious when you get hot for me. Just like dessert,” I gasped as he tore at my leggings, baring me to him, “Fuck, look at you. That pretty pussy is so damn wet. Delicious.” My fingers laced at the back of his head as my hips bucked.

  “Please...” My clit throbbed as he buried his face between my legs, nudging me with his nose.


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