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Ethan (Alluring Indulgence)

Page 35

by Edwards, Nicole

  “I want to press charges!” Jimmy bellowed as people were making their way back inside.

  Ethan stopped suddenly, waiting to see what would happen next.

  To his surprise, Mack took a step forward, glancing around at the people still left in the parking lot. “I’m the one who’ll be pressing charges if you come on my property again. You’re not welcome here.” Mack looked around at the men who had come with Jimmy. “Your kind ain’t welcome here.”

  “Our kind? Don’t you mean the fags? They’re the ones who –”

  Mack cut him off with a snarl. “No, I was very fucking clear the first time.” With that, Mack turned and stormed back toward the door.

  Sheriff Endsley, standing just a few feet away, glanced over to where Jimmy was still propped up against the truck and then over to Ethan. Then to Beau. Then over to Curtis. “What’s it take to get a beer around here?” he finally asked, deadpan.

  Ethan breathed a sigh of relief as the feeling in his fingers returned. He’d been clutching his hands into fists for so long, he’d lost the feeling in his hands.

  “Coming right up, Sheriff,” Mack called from just inside the open door.

  Before walking inside, Ethan turned and made eye contact with Jimmy. He wanted to ensure the man understood, he wasn’t putting up with his shit from here on out. He’d lost too many years of his life trying to protect those he loved from having to interact with people like that. Jimmy Reardon was a bully. Always had been. People had suffered, Jimmy’s own family included, by his actions.

  It looked like Jimmy’s fortified wall of hostility was finally crumbling because the men around him didn’t seem to be all that interested in backing him up any longer.

  But more importantly, it looked like somewhere along the way, Ethan had gotten over his fear.

  Making his way over to Beau once they were back inside, he took a minute to check him out. And yes, Ethan touched his hands, his knuckles, the huge knot that had formed on his temple.

  He wouldn’t lie, it wasn’t solely to make sure he was all right. He knew, by the way that Beau stood straight and tall, taking stock of Ethan’s injuries as well, that the man was just fine.

  Ethan didn’t settle for just looking though. No, he touched Beau because he had to. That connection he found with this man would always be what kept him grounded. He knew without a doubt that he would heal with Beau’s help.

  Looking around the room at his brothers, his cousins, and his father, for the first time in a long time, Ethan felt… relief? Yes, that had to be what he was feeling.

  It seemed that, in a matter of minutes, maybe an hour, all of the demons that had been lingering in Ethan’s life had been addressed directly. Maybe not resolved completely, but Ethan was stronger than he’d ever been, and it had nothing to do with physical power. No, he was stronger because Beau made him that way. Beau filled the empty space that had been eating at him, controlling his life for more years than he cared to admit.

  He looked at Beau and noticed he was still staring back at him.

  No, Ethan wasn’t in a place where he wanted to show public affection, wasn’t sure he would ever be in that place, but as he studied Beau, he hoped he could see just how much he loved him. Even without saying it or showing it, he knew it had to be written all over his face.

  Beau leaned over slightly, still keeping some distance between them. “Yeah, I know.”

  It was Ethan’s turn to cock an eyebrow at his lover.

  “And the feeling is completely mutual.”

  Chapter Forty Two


  “Does it hurt?” Ethan asked, standing behind Beau.


  “Not at all?”

  Beau laughed, making Ethan smile.

  “No. Why? Did you want it to?”

  “Maybe just a little,” he teased Beau. “I like it.”

  Tim handed Beau a mirror and Ethan took a step back, letting him get up from the table so he could go check out his new tattoo for himself.

  “Nice,” Beau said as he admired the ink that spanned the width of his back, standing in front of the floor length mirror on the wall.

  Never Too Late

  Although Beau hadn’t told him what he was getting – insisting it be a surprise until Tim placed the outline on his skin – Ethan had loved it immediately. And Beau was right, it was never too late. Not to go after what you wanted. Hell, they were both living proof of that.

  Ethan was particularly fond of the tattoo – both the design and the meaning – and looked forward to being able to see it, especially when he was lodged deep inside of Beau’s magnificent body.

  “All good?” Tim asked Beau, cleaning up his workspace. The guy had been true to his word, calling Ethan up yesterday to let him know he’d be in Austin. They’d met up with him at one of Tim’s buddy’s tattoo shops a few hours ago, and now it looked as though they were finished.

  “I like it,” Beau confirmed. “Nice job, man.”

  Tim looked pleased as he glanced between the two of them.

  “You sure you don’t want another one?” Tim asked Ethan.

  Shaking his head, he grinned. “Not yet anyway. Won’t rule out never, but not just yet.”

  The next one he planned to get would be on his left index finger – with Beau getting a matching one. One that symbolized the promise he fully intended to make to Beau one day in the very near future.



  Sawyer stood along the outer wall, watching as people walked around the large, open banquet room. As it turned out, the conference area at Alluring Indulgence Resort doubled as a reception hall quite nicely. Just like he’d told Zane it would.

  Ethan and Beau hadn’t wasted any time once they made the decision to formalize their relationship, not even giving Zane and V a chance to get married before they decided to do the deed. It had been rather amusing to watch Zane get huffy over the fact that another one bit the dust before he managed to. His words exactly. Then again, Zane had no one to blame except for Beau, who had beaten Ethan to the punch and proposed first, insisting that the wedding be prompt. He was proud of that fact too.

  Now that the official (yet unofficial) ceremony was over, everyone had gathered to celebrate the union between Ethan and Beau. The ceremony had been touching, even Sawyer could admit that much. As he had stood beside Ethan as his best man, and Zane beside Beau, the two men had pronounced their love and lifetime commitment to one another. Sawyer had heard sobs from the women in the audience, the loudest of which had probably been their mother. Rightfully so.

  Sawyer noticed Travis and Kaleb talking to the groom – or rather to both grooms as was the case – and he moved over to eavesdrop, without actually eavesdropping. Stepping up beside Ethan, he clapped him on the back as Travis explained something about the information on a piece of paper they were signing.

  “It’s binding,” Travis added.

  “I hope so,” Beau said with a grin, glancing over at Ethan.

  Sawyer laughed and then stepped away, grabbing a flute of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter. He noticed his father and his mother on the dance floor, moving slowly as they looked back at one another.

  One day, Sawyer thought to himself.

  Yep, one day he might just find what the two of them found all those years ago. Or hell, he’d be content with finding what Kaleb and Zoey, Zane and V, Travis, Kylie and Gage, as well as Ethan and Beau had found. He just wasn’t sure it was in his cards.

  Ethan and Beau passed in front of him, laughing at something Zane had said and Sawyer watched them for a second.

  Those two were certainly made for one another and Sawyer didn’t have a single doubt in his mind that they would share the rest of their lives together. There may not be any guarantees in life, but Sawyer could sense that those two were meant to be.

  Hell, just a short while ago, he’d watched while Ethan had held Kaleb’s son in his arms, Beau by his side, and it was easy to imagine th
e two of them with one of their own in the future. Sawyer wasn’t quite sure what their plans were, but no matter what they decided, he’d be right there rooting for them all the way.

  Another couple that caught Sawyer’s attention was his cousin Tessa and her husband, Cooper. Not long ago, they’d all attended their wedding and being that Cooper was a country music superstar, Zane thought it only fitting to invite them.

  Thankfully, Travis had informed Cooper that he didn’t have to perform. Instead, Travis had invited a friend of his, Cheyenne Montgomery, to be the night’s entertainment. Sawyer wasn’t sure when it happened, but somewhere along the way, Brendon must’ve become a country music fan because when the woman wasn’t singing, she was talking to him.

  Speaking of Brendon… Sawyer’s attention was drawn to Braydon and Jessie as they leaned against one another, their feet barely moving while they swayed to the slow tune. Sawyer wasn’t so sure about those two. Or rather, three. Although tonight it was clear Brendon had other things on his mind. Not that Braydon or Jessie seemed to notice, or care, that he was missing. And maybe that was the issue. For what was supposed to be a threesome, lately it seemed there was always at least one missing – and not the same one every time.

  He caught sight of Sheriff Endsley moving over to talk to Curtis as Sawyer’s father exited the dance floor, and Sawyer immediately began searching the room. He had no idea whether the man’s daughter would’ve come, but he was certainly one to hope. It didn’t take long to spot her. He merely had to search for the most beautiful woman in the place.

  And there she was.

  Kennedy Endsley was stunning. That was the case no matter what she was wearing, but as she moved so gracefully across the room in that silky emerald green dress that clung to her lithe body, his mouth literally watered. He downed what was left of the champagne in his glass and set it on an empty table before moving across the room with purpose.

  She might not want to have anything to do with him, but at least here she couldn’t make a scene. Or at least he hoped she wouldn’t.

  “Hey,” he greeted when he snuck up beside her.

  For a brief moment, he thought he saw the hint of a smile, but then it was gone. The woman enjoyed the hell out of messing with him, that was obvious.

  “Care to dance?” he asked, not willing to give her a chance to say no.

  “Sure,” she said sweetly, surprising him with her quick response.

  “With me?” he asked incredulously, not quite believing that she’d agreed.

  Kennedy laughed, and the warm, raspy chuckle had his blood making a detour. South.

  Get it together, Walker.

  When Kennedy actually took his hand, leading him to the dance floor, Sawyer had to wonder what the fuck was going on. Was he dreaming? This couldn’t be happening. The same woman who made it her mission in life to avoid him was dragging him along behind her?

  When he pulled her up against him a moment later, he kept his eyes locked with hers as he slid one hand around to her slender back. “What gives?”

  Kennedy smiled brightly. Perfect white teeth, smooth pink lips.

  “It’s just a dance, Walker,” she assured him. “Don’t get your hopes up.”

  Staring into gorgeous gray eyes, Sawyer couldn’t believe the words that came out of his mouth. “Darlin’, it’s way too late for that.”


  Later that night…

  Ethan pulled off his boots and his socks as he watched Beau move across the room slowly. “What are you doing?”

  “Nothing,” Beau answered way too quickly.

  “Nothing, huh?”


  Ethan leaned into the soft leather cushions, getting himself comfortable. It had been a long night, one that he would never forget for as long as he lived.

  Tomorrow was going to be an even longer day due to the traveling, but he was looking forward to it. They were leaving for their honeymoon. One solid week at a private villa on a secluded beach in Hawaii, thanks to some help from Travis who apparently had contacts for just about anything and everything.

  When asked, Ethan had informed Travis that he wasn’t looking to interact with locals or go sight-seeing, but he was looking forward to being cut off from the rest of the world, completely alone with Beau. That’s when Travis said he had just the thing and that option had suited them both just fine.

  But right now, Ethan was looking forward to passing the time tonight.


  With his husband.

  God he loved the sound of that.

  “Come here,” Ethan instructed Beau, still watching as he moved around their living room as though he were a man on a mission.

  “I can’t.”


  “I just can’t.”

  Ethan pushed to his feet although he wanted nothing more than to sink into the cushions of his couch with Beau’s gorgeous body on top of him.

  “Is something wrong?” he asked when he approached, realizing that Beau’s eyes looked a little wild.

  “No. Yes. No.”

  “What’s going on?”

  Beau stopped abruptly, staring back at him. Ethan took a tentative step closer and put his hand on Beau’s broad chest, slowly unhooking the buttons of his shirt as he did.

  “We’re married,” Beau said, sounding surprised.

  Ethan grinned back at him, pushing his hands flat against Beau’s now exposed chest. “We are.”

  Technically, the state of Texas didn’t recognize same sex marriage; however, Ethan and Beau had agreed ahead of time that they didn’t give a shit what the state thought. It was what they felt for one another that mattered, not what a sheet of paper showed. Not to mention, Travis had helped them to get official, legal documents drawn up to formalize their arrangement and protect them where it mattered.

  As far as Ethan was concerned, they were married.

  “You married me,” Beau whispered.

  “I did,” Ethan confirmed, pushing Beau’s shirt off of his shoulders and then unhooking the cufflinks so that he could get him naked faster.

  “I love you,” Beau said.

  “And I love you,” Ethan replied with a smirk. He’d never seen Beau like this. For the entire day, Beau had been right there by his side, greeting guests, laughing, smiling. Proud, handsome, sexy and even slightly aggressive.

  “Are you all right?” Ethan asked as he slipped the button of Beau’s pants from the loop and eased the zipper down.

  “We’re married.”

  Ethan laughed, sliding his hand inside of Beau’s boxers and fisting his cock firmly. “We are,” he murmured against Beau’s lips. “And I fully intend to make love to my husband for the very first time tonight.”

  Beau shivered, and Ethan continued to stroke him. “So, you’d be doing me a favor if you got out of these clothes,” he encouraged.

  “What if I wanted to make love to you?”

  “Do you?” Ethan was game for anything, just as long as he could get this man naked.

  “Maybe,” Beau said and a wicked grin formed on his lips sending a tremor through Ethan.

  “Well, first one naked gets to decide,” Ethan dared.

  Beau pulled away abruptly, toeing off his boots in a rush before sliding his pants down his legs and stepping out of them.

  Ethan glanced down. “Socks?”


  He watched as Beau hopped on one leg, then the other, removing his socks before standing upright once more.

  “You’re still dressed,” Beau said smoothly, although slightly confused.

  “Looks like you get to choose,” Ethan told him with an answering smile. He really didn’t care who won because, as far as he was concerned, as long as he could have Beau, naked or otherwise, he was the winner.

  When Beau linked their fingers together and began leading him toward the stairs, Ethan’s heart picked up a rapid tattoo in his chest. He wondered if that’s how Beau had felt moments ago when it finall
y sank in that they were actually married.

  Before he could ask him, they were at the top of the stairs, and Ethan stopped suddenly.

  The room was lit with candles of all shapes and sizes, casting a soft golden glow across everything, including the bed which had been turned back as though they were at a hotel for the evening.

  “Who did this?” Ethan asked, releasing Beau’s hand and going to work on removing his own shirt.

  “If I had to guess, I’d say Kylie and Zoey.”

  That would’ve been Ethan’s first guess too. His sisters-in-law were sneaky like that. They were also thoughtful because as Ethan stared around the room, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect scene for tonight.

  Taking Beau’s hand again, he moved closer to the bed.

  “What the fuck is that?” Beau exclaimed.

  Ethan glanced back at Beau to see what he was looking at. That’s when his attention was drawn to the headboard. He let out a resounding laugh as he noticed the ropes tied perfectly to the sides.

  “Looks like I get to tie you up tonight,” Ethan said as he forced his pants down his legs and then stepped out of them.

  Now that they were equally naked, Ethan was suddenly tired of wasting time.

  “Bed,” Ethan directed Beau and to his utter surprise, Beau moved swiftly.

  Ethan admired Beau’s tight ass as he crawled on all fours into the center of the bed. “Don’t move,” he said quickly.

  Without trying to be overly aggressive, Ethan climbed up behind him on the bed, sliding his hands up the inside of Beau’s spread thighs. He moved slowly, teasing more than fondling until he reached the heavy sac that hung between Beau’s thick legs. Gently kneading his balls, Ethan leaned forward and pressed kisses to Beau’s perfectly sculpted ass.

  “I like this position,” Ethan told him as he reached around Beau with one hand, gripping his cock softly and brushing up and down the length with featherlight strokes. He continued until Beau was moaning and trying to push into his hands.


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