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Page 5

by Roxanne Greening

Babies? He was going to breed me like livestock?

  “But first we must do something about that child taking up space in your womb.”

  If I could I would have put my hands over my baby.


  “Oh yes. The doctor will be here soon.”

  I kicked at him. My feet were free from restraints and I tried my best to kick him to hurt him.

  “I love the fight in you.”

  The husky tone he used when he said those six words had me wishing I could disappear into the floor.

  “I won’t be your brood mare.”

  “Oh, love, you won’t care after a few rounds of good fucking.”

  I was shocked into silence my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth its dry, rough texture making it hard to swallow.

  “I thought about using that pretty little mouth of yours.”

  “I’ll bite it off.”

  For effect I snap my teeth again and smile. Please try it, I would love to spit dick in your face.

  “Ah, it seems you need a little conditioning.”

  I watch as he turns around and notice the table directly behind him. It looked like a coroner's table. Something from a few horror flicks I love watching.

  But after this I’m not so sure I will be able to watch anther scary movie.

  “Let me help you come around. When we're finished, you will see things my way.”

  I will never see things his way. I will never let him touch my body willingly.

  “It pains me to have to do this. Marring this beautiful creamy skin…”

  “I hate you.”

  “Oh love no one said you had to like me.”

  The light reflected off his scalpel as it came closer to my arm. A burning sensation took over as the blade pressed into my skin. Blood spilled over some coating my blue jeans and some dripping onto the floor.

  I fight the scream as it tried to escape. I won’t give him the satisfaction if I could help it.

  “I’ve been waiting two days for this. You just wouldn’t wake up.”

  I was thankful for that two-day reprieve. The blade started going up to the curve of my elbow.

  “We don’t want to nick anything, so I will stay close to the surface. Just some skin and tissue nothing too important.”

  Everything on my body was important to me.

  “Why don’t you tell me a little about the Carters.”

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  Leaning forward I spit in his face. His shocked face was comical his eyes were so wide they looked ready to fall out of his head.

  “Now Sarah that wasn’t very nice I thought you were smarter than that.”

  I thought it was. The wet glob of spit gave him character. Giving him a smug yeah, it was look I gloat a little. I wasn’t going to tell him anything I didn’t care what he did.

  “I will never tell.”

  “I admire your loyalty. Maybe someday you will be by my side.”

  “Keep dreaming.”

  “Oh, love, you don’t want to know what I dream about.”

  He was right, I wanted nothing to do with his dreams.

  The scalpel once again penetrated my skin this time my other arm. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to scream or thank him for leaving my other arm alone.

  “Conditioning. Have you ever heard of it?”

  I couldn’t think right now the pain was overwhelming.

  “It’s when you reward someone for doing what you want and punish them for not. Eventually that person much like a dog will do as told.”

  Like a mindless zombie? I wanted to watch a zombie eat his face. I was no dog either. His attention turned to my leg and I pushed at him with my foot. I tried to kick him, but he caught my legs, one at a time.

  “I guess I should tie these to the chair don’t want you getting any ideas now do we? I was hoping to leave them untied less work later when I take you.”

  Shudders of both pain and disgust ravaged my body. I was shaking now, and I couldn’t stop.



  “Tie her feet to the chair.”

  I watch as a lumbering man bent down in front of me. How did I not notice him before he was huge and took up a lot of space?


  I whisper the word hoping he will take pity on me. But when his eyes met mine there was nothing there. It was like looking into a bottomless pit.

  “That’s enough Daniel.”

  I watch as Gigantor climbs to his feet and walks away. What little hope I had in those few moments vanished.

  “Jaxson will come for me.”

  I wanted him to understand the consequences of what he was doing.

  “My daughter knows her place and is keeping Jaxson a little busy.”

  It hurt to hear that. The implications of what she was doing was clear and it tore at my heart. One day I would learn to harden the offending appendage.

  The blade sunk into my thigh right through my jeans. I was happy he didn’t remove them it would make him one step closer to his goal.

  The pain intensified as he applied more pressure and dragged it to my knee. It was too much my body couldn’t handle anymore.

  Letting out a scream, I let the darkness take me into its comforting embrace. Here the world couldn’t hurt me. No one could reach me. I was finally at peace.

  Chapter 21


  She’s been missing for two days and I haven’t slept or eaten since. She was out there with that maniac Alisa called a father. Alisa who at this very moment was tied to the kitchen chair.

  “Where did he take her?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Her scream was filled with tears. Emilia wasn’t taking it easy on her. I didn’t blame her this was her family and Alisa and her father threatened to take it away.

  Her face was covered in bruises and her lip was split.

  “Please don’t make me hurt you more.”

  My sisters sweet tone was filled with determination. Her very round tummy made this all the stranger.

  “Gun please.”

  I watch as Jason turns away. I know this is killing him. She stopped begging him for help a few hours ago and for that I was thankful.

  “Emilia darlin we need her alive.”

  Beau was caressing her back in a gentle circular motion. He suggested when this begins, we tie up my brother, but I couldn’t, even though I was angry and wanted to harm him I couldn’t do it.

  Beau threatened to kill Alisa if he didn’t stand down and at any time he feels Jason is a threat he will remove her from the equation.

  I of course pointed out how we needed her for information. Emilia stepped in and said we know her father has her, she is just a means to an end.

  I wasn’t sure who was more shocked my brother and I or Beau and the rest of the Blazing Devils MC. The Sons Of The Apocalypse Mc was searching the streets for any sign of her or Emilio.

  “I’m sorry for this I really am. But I finally have a family and I don’t think you understand how important that is.”

  I watch as my sister places the gun against Alisa’s knee. I knew this was about to get bad.


  “Don’t tell me no Jaxson.”

  I was going to do just that.

  “No, I can’t let you do this.”

  “You can’t make me not either.”

  She sounded like she wanted to stomp her foot like a child being taken to task.

  “Beau takes the gun from her before she kills the woman Jason loves.”

  I watch as Emilia’s eyes widen and then turn to slits. Anger pulsed off her in waves. She turned to Jason and slapped him in the back of the head.

  “Why didn’t you stop me! You should have told me she meant something to you.”

  His small smile was forced, and I could tell it was eating at him.

  “This needed to happen.”

  I thought for a moment he was going to throw us under the bus.

>   “You still should have told me.”

  She turned back to Alisa.

  “I’m really sorry about all of this don’t hold my dumb brother responsible for this.”

  A small smile lifted the corner of Alisa’s mouth.

  “If I could take it all back, I would.”

  Emilia’s shoulders relaxed and for the first time I was happy to have Alisa around.

  “We can be friends, right?”

  My poor sister and her emotional roller coaster. Beau closes his eyes and presses his forefinger and thumb to the bridge of his nose.

  I knew how he felt.

  “There may be a place he would have taken her.”

  Kindness broke her? Are you fucking kidding me I watched my sister beat the shit out of her and the moment she was nice Alisa opened up like a flower?

  Chapter 22


  My ass was numb, and my body hurts. How long have I been in this room? How long did he cut into my body and play operation? I wished there was buzzer like in the game operation.

  The cuts pulsed, and it became a blur as to how many I had. Opening my eyes, I look at my arm. Little stitches covered the various cuts.

  I looked like Frankenstein’s wife. I wanted to cry as it sunk in. He cut little pieces out of me. I didn’t recognize who I was anymore.

  There was another thing I was worried about something I was avoiding. I look at my legs and my pants that were still on my body. Little bloody slits covered the once dark blue surface.

  I felt every little nick and every stitch. Closing my eyes, I begged for the darkness for the peace I felt there. I can only hope for rescue at this point, but I knew it was a trap.

  The moment Beau crossed the line it would be over for him. I would watch his death. I wanted to believe Jaxson would come for me, but I knew he was with her the bastard who enjoyed my company told me so.

  The sound of the door opening had my eyes widening. I was hoping he would leave me alone for a while.

  “Oh, love I’m so happy to see you're awake.”

  I felt the tears wanting to spill from my eyes. I wasn’t so sure I would survive another round of him.

  “Fuck you.”

  His laughter echoed around the room. His cologne mixed with the stench of blood and I gagged. It smelled like someone tried to cover the smell of old pennies with old spice.

  “Well, if you insist.”

  “You will pay for this.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I think it will be well worth any effort you want to put in.”

  “The only effort I want to put in is watching you bleed out.”

  His smile was sinister it reminded me of an evil clown. His teeth were white and straight, but right at this very moment they looked sharp enough to pierce my flesh.

  “As much as I want to see you on my cock sweetheart, I want to take you in a bed.”

  Disgust filled me as the images came in flashes of him doing just that. There was no way I was ever going to let that happen.

  “Come to love I already have the perfect place to give you a little taste.”

  I snarled at him and tried to lunge from the chair. I wasn’t going to make it easier for him and I sure as fuck wasn’t going to let him carry me off to my demise.

  “Don’t worry, I plan to bath you first.”

  Something in me shrunk at the thought of him removing my clothes and caressing my flesh with a cloth or worse his fingers.

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  “Whatever keeps you warm at night sweetheart. At least when I’m not there to do just that.”

  He leaned in close to cut the ropes from my wrists. Something I wanted and dreaded. Leaning forward I quickly sink my teeth into his neck.

  I bit down hard enough to draw blood. His screams filled my ears. Justice it was the sound of justice.

  “You fucking bitch!”

  Pulling back, I spit blood in his face and laugh.

  “Oh, honey, you taste good enough to eat.”

  Blood dribbled onto my shirt as I smiled at my small victory. Tears filled my eyes as his fist slammed into my right cheek. Pain exploded through my head as it wiped to the left.

  “Not so funny now is it whore.”

  “Oh, it’s still funny.”

  I wasn’t going to let him know how much it hurt. How much everything he did hurt. Another punch to the face had me sagging slightly as I fight the spots dancing before my half open eyes.

  Chapter 23


  We were just standing here like a bunch of bitches talking about the weather over tea. I know it was logical to wait, but I couldn’t think past the fact she’s been in there for days and I wasn’t sure what we were going to find.

  “It’s ok brother.”

  Turning I look at Jason. Nothing was ok, and I wasn’t sure it would ever be again.

  “We need to move I can’t fucking wait for them any longer.”

  “The clubs will be here.”

  Not fast enough for me. Without a word I walk towards the building fuck this shit. Sarah was in there and she needed me.


  “No, I won’t wait, she fucking needs me.”

  “You need to think about what we may find.”

  “I fucking know Jason.”

  Without looking at him I continue on my way to the building. It was isolated and dark. I didn’t care about being seen at this point I wanted to kill whoever stepped into my path.

  The door was silent as I opened it. I didn’t bother trying to keep quiet as I walked into the building. The stench of blood filled the air around me.

  He used this place frequently. There was a room that must have been an office. Otherwise, it was empty. Besides the two men guarding the place and that was it. The whole building was empty except that one room.

  Pointing my forty-five at the man sitting at the table playing cards I pull the trigger. Hitting him in the forehead. He dropped to the floor.

  The man beside me reached for his gun, but I already had mine pressed against his lips.

  “Open your fucking mouth.”

  I watch as his lips part. His gun dropped to the floor. Smiling, I stare into the man’s eyes, I could see the mercy he was begging for.

  I didn’t blink, nor did I look away as I used my left hand to cock the gun. Pulling the trigger, I watch as his brains splatter on the wall behind him. Blood sprayed, and his eyes widened before becoming slightly dull and lifeless.

  The silence that followed ended when I heard a scream. The feminine voice belonged to Sarah. I could tell it was her I would know her voice anywhere.

  Before I realized it, I was running. The closer I got, the more I could hear. Her screams gouged out small parts of my soul.

  “This will teach you bitch.”

  Sarah screamed louder.

  “Go fuck yourself.”

  I paused my fingers wrapped around the door. It was only for a breath, then I opened it. I wasn’t sure I was ready to see what was left of the woman I loved.

  “I’m going to tear you apart.”

  “I’m going to kill you.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing Sarah was tied to a chair bleeding from multiple places and Emilio was holding his throat and blood was dripping between his fingers.

  Pulling my gun, I press it to the back of his head.


  My eyes connect with Sarah’s.

  “Please I want to...”

  I knew what she meant, she wanted to end his life. Pulling the gun back, I slam it into his head. I watch as he drops to the floor in a heap.

  Stepping over his body I drop to my knees in front of her.


  Looking at her I wanted to cry. Her body was covered in stitches and open wounds

  Chapter 24


  I could see the pity and sadness in his eyes. I hated it. I was alive, and I was going to kill this bastard laying still behind him. I needed
no man to do my dirty work I was raised in this life.

  It hurt everywhere. I felt like a patch work doll. Looking at Jaxson, I wonder where Alisa was and if she would have asked for the same thing?

  “Where’s my brother?”

  “He should be here soon.”

  I bet the mafia princess wouldn’t lift a finger in revenge. I hated her. I was being ridiculous.

  “Why are you here?”

  The look on his face was one of sorrow.

  “I love you Sarah.”

  “Not enough, though.”

  His eyes once looking into mine went back to my feet and getting me released.


  “Don’t ok? I get it you’re getting married. Your brother could be doing this.”

  I was being harsh and cruel. A big part of me was enjoying it the other was smaller part was screaming in pain at the realization of it all.

  “Where’s Alisa?”

  “Don’t worry about her.”

  Easier said than done. Should I tell him his precious soon to be wife tried to get me killed?

  “Whatever you say Jaxson.”

  One moment I was self-destructive and tied to a chair and the next I was being cradled in his arms. Something in me broke. Closing my eyes, I fight the need to cuddle in close.

  It felt amazing to be here close to him. Breathing in his scent and feeling his warmth. I was freezing. Pain and blood loss does that.

  “Get some rest, darlin I’ve got you.”

  I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but my eyes were already closing as his comforting presence weighed me down.

  Chapter 25


  I couldn’t believe I had her in my arms. That she was safe finally. Laying her down on my bed, I pull the covers over her body.

  I wanted to crawl in there and hold her close. But I had someone waiting for me. Walking out the door was harder than I thought it would be.

  “He’s in the basement.”

  Closing the doors, I look at my brother. The black smudges under his eyes showing the toll this has put on him as well.


  “I have her.”

  I wanted to warn him about the rules, but instead I pat him on the back. I wasn’t sure where everything stood at this point. But I knew my guest was waiting.


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