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Taken for Granite

Page 11

by Nancey Cummings

  His hand fell away. “If you do not welcome me, I will stop.”

  Juniper lifted her face to him. “I want you. I shouldn’t because of, well, everything, but I do. A better person would tell you to stop.” Her fingers walked up his broad chest. Dark gray, his skin held purple highlights in the morning sun. “I’m not that good,” she said.

  He combed his fingers through her hair, watching as the blue strands fell away. “You are beautiful inside and out.”

  Juniper walked backward, up the steps into the cabin, and crooked her finger at him in a “come hither” gesture.

  He growled, chasing her into the sitting room. She landed on the plastic-covered settee, giggling, and she rolled onto her back.

  He covered her, a hand planted on either side of her head, and lowered his head until their lips nearly touched. Her breath caught in her throat and her warm brown eyes stared up at him, pupils blown wide. Her pink tongue licked her bottom lip. Everything about her was color and sound. Curious, he lowered his lips to hers.

  He pressed his lips to hers, unsure what to do. She took the lead, swiping her tongue along the seam of his mouth until he opened. Her tongue invaded, tangling with his. He moaned, the feel of her slick tongue against his better than he could imagine.

  He took the lead, running his tongue along her lips. Soft and sweet, she opened for him. The warmth of her stunned him and he understood this was mating of the mouths, intimate and pleasurable.

  This female would undo all his careful walls.

  He hooked his fingers under the elastic of her pants and pulled them down. When they reached her ankles, she kicked them away. Practically licking his lips, he opened her legs and spread her wide.

  He paused.

  He chuffed in surprised and knelt, leaning in for a closer look. His fingers brushed her sopping wet curls. The touch was curious, not a lover’s caress.

  “Everything okay?” she asked propping herself up on her elbows.

  “The color is different.”

  She was silent, as if she didn’t understand what he meant, then she laughed. “Oh my god, of course the carpet doesn’t match the drapes. I dye my hair blue, Tas. That’s not a natural color.”

  “I realize that,” he said hastily. “I assumed that if you went to the trouble of coloring one portion of your hair, you would color all your hair.”

  “Sorry to disappoint. My bush is au naturale.”

  “You are mine. Nothing about you can disappoint me,” he said.

  “Is that so?”

  He responded to the teasing tone in her voice. “This is mine,” he said, planting a claiming kiss on her lips.

  She moaned into his mouth.

  “Tell me. Tell me what is mine,” he said.

  “Yours. This is yours,” she said.

  “And this?” His lips drifted down her slender neck.

  “Yes. All yours.”

  “And this?” He removed her shirt and took her rosy nipple in his mouth, his hand cupping her other breast.

  “Yours,” she said, between gasps.

  He lavished attention on her twin mounds, as she trembled and begged for release.

  He pulled her to the edge of the settee and knelt between her thighs. Spreading her wide, he admired the glistening pink flesh.

  “And this?”

  She raised her hips and moaned, seeking relief. “Please, Tas.”

  “I will not take what is not mine. I will not go where I have no dominion or invitation.”

  “Yours, yes. My pussy is yours.”

  In triumph, he pressed his nose in and drank deep, loving the way she writhed on his tongue. His.

  As if it had a will of its own, his tail stroked the crease in her ass cheeks. It prodded at her entrance and Juniper gasped. “No one’s ever,” she said.

  “This is mine. Only mine.”

  The knowledge that he would be the first and only to be inside her there, to give her pleasure there sparked such an intense joy in him. He wanted her, all of her, and wanted to claim what had never been experienced. His cock throbbed with the need to be in her.

  “Relax for me,” he crooned, pushing past the first tight ring of muscle.

  “Yes,” she breathed as his tail entered her. Tight and hot, he waited for her to adjust before working his tail in deeper. Fascinated, he watched as she was unraveled by the sensation, her back arching, neck exposed. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him in her. “More! I need you, Tas.”

  He lined up his cock at her entrance and pushed in. It was a tight fit with his tail adding pressure, but he worked himself deeper with shallow strokes. Inch by inch, she gave way, tight as a vice, until he was seated fully. He stilled, knowing he wouldn’t last long.

  Juniper stared up at him, her eyes as deep and rich as chocolate but so much better.

  They burst into action. He pushed her knees back to gain a little more depth. She raised her hips as he slammed into her, crying out with pleasure. Every movement heightened their sensation as their bodies joined. He thrust into her and she responded, meeting him with delight and increasing rapture.

  She quivered underneath him, tightening and rippling. When she reached her peak, he watched in fascination as bliss washed over her. Pure joy and rapture took away the worry from her brow. He gave her those moments of peace and could not wait to do so again.

  He gave two more thrusts before his release bore down, tightening at the base of his spine and emptying deep within his mate. “Mine,” he growled.

  His Hondassa.



  They agreed to the plan; a simple exchange. Tas would shift back to his natural form and disguise himself to look starved and ill. He assured her he was stronger now and would escape in short order.

  Logically, waiting until sunset to make the exchange made the most sense. In reality, the wait drove Juniper bonkers. After waking from a glorious post-sex haze, she showered, dressed, and made breakfast. After the last of the dishes were washed, dried, and put away, she busied herself changing bedsheets and erasing any signs she and Tas visited. Even with all that, she was done with chores by noon.

  She raided the closet, finding a treasure trove from the late Mr. Cannella. Tas required clothes in his human guise, or at least a shirt. The only thing remotely close to fitting was a printed rayon job from the 80s, featuring toucans wearing sunglasses. It was very, very 80s. A faded red Phillies cap covered his horns. With chinos and an undershirt, Tas looked like the perfect tourist, up from the city on a long weekend. Perfect. No one would look twice at him.

  Using the map function on her burner phone, she plotted the best route to the Rose Syndicate facility, conveniently located smack in the middle of a state forest a three-hour drive away.

  The phone fascinated Tas. He played with the features, downloaded a few videos but eventually grew frustrated at the “backward tech.”

  The drive proved uneventful. He rode in the front and offered to drive but Juniper declined, as the last time he drove was 1939 and on the wrong side of the road.

  “I have flown starships,” he said.

  “Would that be the starship that crashed?”

  Tas grumbled a noncommittal reply.

  Every mile brought her closer to Chloe. They agreed to the plan, a simple exchange. Tas would shift back to his natural form and disguise himself to look starved and ill.

  She didn’t like the idea of Tas willingly walking back to his captors but couldn’t think of a good solution. They had no weapons and Tas was the only one who could fight. All she could do was wait and worry, which sucked. It sucked so hard.

  These were her last hours with Tas and she just didn’t want to let him go. She liked him. She liked his grumpiness and the way the radio entranced him. She liked how he looked in that ridiculous shirt and she liked how he looked with no clothes.

  But it didn’t matter what she liked. She couldn’t have him and Chloe at the same time. It was one or the other, and Chloe won. Her lit
tle sister won every time.

  After all this was over, she and Chloe would drive west, find a decent-sized city, and vanish. Tas would… She didn’t know what Tas would do, but she’d never see him again. Whenever he freed himself from the Rose Syndicate, Juniper and Chloe would be long gone.

  She shouldn’t miss him. They made no promises beyond the moment. She wasn’t going to miss her gargoyle. She wasn’t.

  She was such a liar. She had only known Tas for five days, but he brought such a fierce presence to her life. He challenged her, and damn it if she didn’t get all fluttery inside when he gave her a rare smile. She admired the way he set down with a device and gave it all his focused attention, determined to understand it. She loved the way he crooned along with the radio. He was eye candy and the sex was an amazing benefit, but she could live without that. Celibacy didn’t frighten her, not after six years of it. What frightened her was picturing him back in a cage for who knows how long.

  Selfishly, she didn’t want to go back to a life segmented in work shifts, where day-to-day existence was a struggle. She wanted Tas to come with her and Chloe—and then what?

  Her mind fought to answer the question. Life happily ever after in a little house with a white picket fence? Not likely. The best she could hope for was a ratty apartment in, hopefully, not the worst part of town. Tas painted a target on their backs, and she and Chloe would always be running from those Rose people.

  It was simpler to go follow the plan and go their separate ways. Her heart ached knowing that was for the best, as much as it sucked.

  When the sun set, Juniper pulled over at a roadside diner. Tas was always hungry and she needed coffee and a massive plate of fries, and maybe pie. She wasn’t burying her emotions with food. Don’t be silly.

  As they sat down, the waitress arrived, ready for their drink orders. Probably still in high school, the girl snapped her gum and stared at Tas. Oblivious to her scrutiny, he studied the plastic laminate menu.

  “Coffee and water for me,” Juniper said. She nudged him with her foot. “You?”

  “The same,” he grunted.

  The waitress’ eyes went big at his voice, but she hurried away without comment.

  “She likes you,” Juniper said.

  “Who? Why would she like me?” He looked up, confused.

  “The waitress.” She hooked a thumb over her shoulder in the general direction of the kitchen.

  “I do not concern myself with the affections of other females.” He took off the cap and scratched at the base of a horn. With his longer hair, they were nearly covered.

  The waitress returned before he put the cap back in place. She slung down Juniper’s coffee but carefully place a mug in front of Tas, along with sugar and cream. She licked her lips as she studied him, clearly liking what she saw. Juniper didn’t blame her; Tas was a choice morsel, but he was also clearly with someone. For all the waitress knew, they were a couple.

  “Is that a Halloween costume?” The waitress snapped her gum, waiting for an answer.

  Tas gave Juniper a beseeching look. He had no idea what was happening.

  “Yeah, we’re taking it out for a test drive. I know Halloween isn’t for another week, but I need the practice,” Juniper said. “Do you like it?”

  “The horns look so real,” the waitress said.

  “It’s all cornstarch and spirit gum,” Juniper said with a wink.


  “I think five might be overdoing it. I mean, we shouldn’t get cocky, but just wait until you see the wings and tail we’re planning.”

  “Wow. I’d love to see that.”

  Tas glared at Juniper and said, “No.”

  “No?” Juniper asked sweetly. Watching the waitress flirt with Tas and his complete obliviousness was such a delight. A treat for the ages.

  “I only display my tail to my pebble.” His amethyst eyes held hers with such intensity she felt sure he was saying more than his words conveyed. Juniper blushed, not entirely sure why but willing to go with the delighted feeling of having Tas call her his woman.

  “Oh. Well, I can take your orders now.” The waitress shifted from foot to foot.

  After giving their orders, Juniper nudged his foot again with her own. “You should consider dialing back the pretty.”


  “All this.” She gestured to her face and waved her hand in a circle. “You’re too good-looking. You can alter your disguise to look like anything, yeah? Try looking less like one of Michelangelo's angels and more like us mere mortals.”

  He huffed. “I have tried various guises in the past to different degrees of success. The elderly are practically invisible and useful for going unnoticed in a crowd. An exaggerated feature, such as a large nose, focuses attention and makes identification almost impossible. But this,” he waved to his face, “I find that humans are more compliant to my wishes with this appearance.”

  “In other words, you like to be pretty because life’s easier,” she said in a teasing voice. “Oh, you vain creature.”

  He tensed and Juniper instantly knew she said the wrong thing.

  “What? What did I say?”

  “Is that what I am to you? A creature?”

  Her stomach sank with the realization that “creature” was the term the Rose person used on the phone. “No. No! I wasn’t thinking. It’s a turn of phrase, a stupid one. I’ll be more thoughtful.”

  He narrowed his eyes and then snorted. “I will believe it when I see it.” His words were harsh but did not hold malice.

  “Wow, vain and arrogant. It’s kind of impressive the way you pull it off, man.”

  “I am not a man.”

  “I know, but I’m trying to get the right vocabulary here. Fella? Gentleman? Proud peacock?” She sipped at her coffee, waiting for his response.

  “I am your male,” he said, voice low and just insistent enough to melt her panties.

  “Stop that,” she said, squirming in her seat.

  “Stop what?” He blinked, amethyst eyes wide and innocent.

  His grin betrayed how much he enjoyed winding her up. Juniper changed tactics. “Did you mean that? Calling me yours?”

  The cocky grin vanished. He leaned across the table and cupped the back of her head, resting his forehead against hers. “You are mine, Juniper Bouvet. Do not doubt that. Tell me that I am your male.”

  That uneasy fluttering feeling returned. She was his, and she knew it, but they’d part ways soon, and she knew she’d never see him again. She tried to hold back the tears pricking at her eyelids.

  Emotions sucked.

  The waitress arriving with their meals before Juniper could answer, ending the moment.

  Five days. It had been only five days since she opened the back of the van and a gargoyle leaped out at her and changed her entire world. Then, more insidiously, five days since her sister was taken. Guilt overcame her as she had no right to feel any sort of way about Tas, not with Chloe gone.

  Back in the van, she couldn’t bring herself to turn the key in the ignition.

  “Juniper? Is the vehicle disabled? My knowledge of mechanics is limited, but perhaps I can inspect the engine for damage.”

  “No, it’s not that.” She gripped the wheel. The greasy burger and friends sat heavy in her stomach. She had no right to feel this way, no right to want him to stay, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to complete the last leg of the journey.

  She stared straight ahead, finding the words easier if she didn’t look at him. “I want you to come with me and Chloe.”


  He sighed. He wanted to stay with her, more than he craved the wind or the sky, but his sigil had a message from Duras. The rescue beacon had finally been activated. Most likely, rescue was coming; he just did not know when or where. Promising to stay with his mate was foolish and shortsighted when he could be on a ship to Duras tomorrow.

  Unless she agreed to come with him. Could he convince her to leave Earth for an unknown
world? She would insist on bringing her youngling. Would she agree when she had to consider more than herself?

  Juniper was not his life mate, his Hondassa. The instant Tas thought it, he realized it was a lie. He made a pledge to Juniper. She was his. His heart and body belonged to her. How could he leave her behind?

  One gargantuan problem at a time, he told himself. First, retrieve the sigil. Then worry about life-altering decisions.

  Tas shifted in his seat and pointed to the traffic light. “If you take a right at the corner, I’ll give you directions.”

  “You’re not even going to talk about this, are you?” With a sigh, she turned the engine over.

  “We will discuss this, but not in the vehicle.” He would have to remind his mate she belonged to him, thoroughly and preferably without clothes. Doing so would require all his concentration and her on her back and perhaps on her knees.

  She followed his directions. When he spotted the motel sign, she pulled into the lot.

  “Go in and get us a room,” he said.

  “I thought we were making the exchange tonight.” She glanced at the clock embedded in the dashboard.

  “And we will—but first, the room.” He waggled his fingers until she rolled her eyes and undid the safety harness.

  “You’re lucky I find this high-handedness amusing,” she muttered.

  Barely fifteen minutes later, she returned with the room key. They parked in front of the room and Tas instructed her to remove their supplies from the van.

  “No, you’re going to tell me what’s going on,” she said.

  This female.

  “I will return to you after the exchange. I have modified the plan,” he said.

  “You will? You have?”

  “I did not say. I apologize. I am not in the habit of sharing my plans with others. I have not had a superior officer in a long time.” He thought of the few ranking officers who survived the crash, of General Zaek and Major Drayvus, but he had not seen the males for centuries. “You will conduct the exchange as agreed.”


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