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Beyond Magic (Magical Love Book 1)

Page 25

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  “You’re right, mo gradh. I’ve lived with interference from the Big Os and the rest of this group”—his gaze rested on the others—“all my life, and no matter how much I complain, they do what they think is best.”

  “What about me, nephew?”

  Emma needed to pick her jaw up off the floor, but the drop-dead hunk standing in front of her made it difficult. How the hell had she missed him?

  “Uncle Eros.” Ian clasped the new arrival with obvious delight. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

  “What, miss out on the planning of my favorite nephew’s wedding?”

  Eros’ dark good looks complimented Ian’s blond ones as the two greeted each other in a back-slapping embrace.

  A sense of horror at her lust surged through Emma as she watched them. Visions of a threesome danced in her head. OMG! She didn’t do kink, especially when it included her fiancé and his uncle. Why in hell did her mind go down that road?

  Stay calm. This will pass. You’re having a normal female reaction to Eros, but it’s only temporary. This will pass.

  Damn. Now she was hearing voices in her head. At least one voice sounded a lot like Aphrodite. Emma cast a frantic glance to where the goddess lounged on the overstuffed sofa. A slight nod and Cheshire cat smile confirmed the voice in her head had been her future grandma-in-law.

  Breathe. Take a few slow deep breaths. You know she can read thoughts.

  Resisting the urge to collapse, Emma planted a smile on her face. She’d figure out later how to keep this crazy bunch from prying into her head. For crying out loud, she was the daughter of a warlock. If all else failed, she’d ask Daddy for help.

  “Come and meet Emma.”

  Hearing her name snapped Emma from her thoughts, and she looked up to see Ian and his uncle approach.

  The dark hunk took her hand in his and grinned. “Oh, we’ve met.”

  “We have?” No way. That was one meeting she wouldn’t have forgotten, especially with the tingles generating from their contact. She slipped her hand away to break their connection.

  “The night my mother visited you?”

  “What?” Emma and Ian shouted the question at the same time.

  “Di, you didn’t?”

  “Guilty as charged, grandson.” Aphrodite shrugged her shoulders.

  “Ian, forget that right now. I’ll explain later.” Emma placed a hand on his arm. “I want to know where your uncle was hiding that night.”

  “Oh, he didn’t hide.” Aphrodite stood in front of Emma and placed a hand on her head.

  The vision of the grumpy little cherub fluttering around her room in the middle of the night flashed through her mind.

  “Oh, shit.” She pushed the goddess’s hand away and marched over to Eros. His good looks lost their effect on her when her anger boiled. “You’re the little fat freak who wanted to shoot me and called me frump girl.”

  “That would be me.” Eros grinned and held out his arms. “Come give Uncle a hug. After all, I didn’t shoot, and you have to admit, you were frumpy.”

  What a crazy family. But, given how mine has turned out, who am I to cast stones?

  “Peace, Uncle Eros.” She accepted his hug and gave one in return. Relief weakened her knees when her body didn’t respond as it had when she first saw him a few minutes ago.

  “Well, now that we’re one big happy family, can we plan a wedding?” Tanna motioned for everyone to join her as she spread various brochures and flyers on the coffee table. “I picked these up from a wedding planner in the Faerie Realm. It will give you an idea of what she offers.”

  “Wait a minute.” Aphrodite plopped on the sofa beside Tanna. “I thought the wedding would be beautiful on Mt. Olympus. I know Zeus gets a little touchy at times, but I’m sure he’ll approve since he wants to maintain good relations with your realm.”

  “I thought we’d have it at the castle.” The determined glint in Shaylee’s eyes left no doubt, who she thought would be the victor in this decision. “After all, that is where Ian grew up. He’s spent limited time in either of your worlds, and we all know that Odin’s wife would never allow it in his.”

  Emma looked at Ian, who stared helplessly back at her. If she didn’t assume control now, she’d lose it forever over everything in her future.

  “Excuse me.”

  The argument between the three women gathered around the coffee table grew louder, and all the males retreated back to the bar. If she were inclined toward migraines, this is where she’d be huddled on the floor begging someone to shoot her.

  “Excuse me!” Emma didn’t realize she had a shout that loud in her.

  All eyes focused on her and, miraculously, in silence.

  She needed to be diplomatic but firm. Making enemies of her in-laws wouldn’t be a good way to start out, but they had to realize she and Ian would make their own decisions.

  “I think I’ve come up with a solution on where to have the wedding.”

  The three women exchanged glances and raised their eyebrows, but they kept silent.

  “A lot of the guests—in fact, a number of the wedding party—will be mortals. It will be much easier to have the wedding in my world so there’s not the issue of mind erase on certain things. I want my friends to be able to remember my wedding so we can share those memories in the future.”

  Shaylee hung her head and nodded. Her future mother-in-law voiced the question she saw on the other two women’s faces.

  “Where do you think the wedding should be?”

  Emma smiled and looked around the room. “Here. That is if Aphrodite will consent to an invasion of her home.”

  Ian put an arm around her waist and whispered in her ear, “You’re brilliant.”

  She did feel rather proud of herself. California weather would be perfect for an outdoor wedding, even in winter. A smile played across her mouth when she remembered that weather wouldn’t be an issue no matter where they married. But Di still hadn’t consented to the suggestion. As usual, Ian seemed to read her mind and turned to grandmother.

  “Well, grandmother? What do you say? Can your favorite grandson be married in your mortal home?”

  Chapter Thirty Two

  DooNell pressed her ear against the door and listened.

  “You’re a beautiful bride.”

  “Thanks. And thanks for being my maid of honor.” A moment of silence followed Emma’s soft reply. “Cori, do you think I’m doing the right thing. I mean, how can someone as rich and handsome as Ian be in love with me?”

  “Do you want me to smack you now or wait until later so the bruises don’t show in the wedding pictures?” Irritation vibrated in Cori’s voice. “What is your problem? Are you begging to end up alone and bitter like some of the women we know? You have a man who loves you because you’re a terrific woman on top of being beautiful.”

  The Cailleach heard Cori’s pause for a deep breath. Obviously, the lass was getting wound up, and she’d better interrupt before the lecture began in earnest. Not bothering to knock, DooNell opened the door and shuffled in.

  “And what a beautiful bride ye be today, Emma lass.” She beamed at the vision in front of her. The witch really was a sight to behold, but DooNell had sensed her inner turmoil.

  “I think we be needing to talk.” She directed a hard stare at Cori and gave a nod of her grey head. “Alone.”

  “What? Why, I never! I’m the maid of honor and you can’t kick me out.”

  “Oh, stop your sputtering, lass. I need a few minutes alone with yer sister. If she wants to share with ye later, so be it.”

  “It’s okay, Cori. Why don’t you check to make sure the bridesmaids are still standing?”

  DooNell chuckled. “Aye, best to keep a close eye on that group. Standing could be a problem.”

  The chuckle turned into a spasm when Cori stomped past and shot her a drop-dead glare.

  Her laughter under control and able to breathe again, DooNell turned to Emma. “I heard ye lass.”
r />   “Heard me? I didn’t call you.”

  “Nae. But ye’ve been doubting your decision. Yer conflict reached out to me.” She shuffled closer and caressed the bride’s soft cheek. “So much doubt in one who should be so happy.”

  She watched Emma blink hard in an attempt to keep the tears that threatened at bay. “Not a day for crying, unless it be for joy. Besides, ye’ll ruin your pretty painted eyes.”


  A few sniffs seemed to get her need to cry under control, and DooNell waited patiently until she thought it safe to proceed. “What causes ye to be in such a flux?”

  “Nerves. Wedding day jitters.” Emma wrung her hands and glanced around the room as if searching for an escape route other than the door.

  At last, her gaze met DooNell’s and she hung her head. “That’s a lie, as you know.” Emma closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. “How do I know this is for real?” She smoothed the front of the wedding gown and then hung her hands limply by her sides. “How can I be sure this isn’t all because of magic? Because of your interference? Or even that of the Goddess of Love or Cupid?”

  DooNell’s heart went out to her. The lass has a good heart, and Young Ian is blessed.

  “Lass, true love is beyond magic. It can only be created by the heart—not spells, potions or arrows. What I see between the two of you is true.”

  “Thank you.” Emma’s smiled quivered slightly, but she pushed back her shoulders and lifted her head. “I think I just needed a little reassurance. I’m ready now.”

  “That you are, lass. Ready for a life you can’t imagine.”

  “Will you stop pacing, Ian?” Brian straightened his tie and went over to pour a dram for the groom. “Here. You need a little something to calm your nerves.”

  “My nerves are calm.” Ian tossed the whisky back in one gulp and held the glass out for another. “I just hope Emma’s calm.”

  “She’s fine. Someone said that old gal DooNell is with her now.”

  “What?” Ian almost dropped the new shot of whisky. Just the idea of the old woman alone with Emma froze his heart in terror. “If that old hag causes more problems with her interfering, so help me, I…I…”

  “Relax. You said she brought the two of you together.” Brian poured a healthy dose of the whisky in another glass. “Think I need a bracer to make it through this wedding.” He emptied his glass and grinned. “So why would she cause problems at this point. From what you told me, you’re the one who caused the problems. So don’t blame your own pig-headedness on her.”

  True. He had botched things pretty well with his distrust of women. If he’d gone after Emma the minute he discovered she hadn’t waited for him to return as promised, he could have gotten to the bottom of the reason she left. It would have saved a lot of confusion and heartache for both of them. No, he had to sulk for several days before the pain in his heart sent him in pursuit. And then, he botched things again by not listening.

  “You’re right, my friend. I am a wee bit pig-headed.”

  The comment earned a snort as Brian took his glass and set their empties on the bar. Music drifted in through the open French doors, and both looked out over the terrace at the arriving guest.

  “Getting close to show time.” Brian grinned and nodded toward the door. “Ready?”

  “Aye.” Ian adjusted his cuffs and closed his eyes to envision the beauty of the bride that would walk down the aisle to become his wife in a few minutes. “I’m more ready than I’ve ever been for anything in my life.”

  “Ready, dear?”

  Emma slipped a hand into the crook of her father’s arm. “Most definitely.”

  She nodded, and Helmond gave the cue for Cupid to start. The cherub fluttered down the royal blue carpet, scattering pink rose petals. Behind him, the bridesmaids started their walk with Mary leading off.

  She looks adorable in chiffon. The dark blue really sets off her silver hair.

  Sharp-tongued Barb came next. Emma smiled as the woman struggled to put a pleasant look on her face. Some of us never change.

  Mildred’s orange frizz still remained tamed and auburn, a big change for the randy old woman.

  I wonder how many males will get groped tonight.

  Oh, Sue Ann, always the Southern belle. How do you do it?

  Deena followed a few steps behind.

  Mary feels like my grandmother, but this is my mother. I love this woman and all her gruffness, though I think marriage has mellowed her around the edges.

  Cori turned, gave a quick wink, and moved to take her place in line.

  Sister. You’ve always been the sister of my heart, but I can’t believe fate brought us together as true sisters.

  Emma looked up at her father and smiled. He squeezed her hand in return, and together they started down the aisle. At the bottom of the garden, her soul mate waited.

  “Happy, mo gradh?”

  “Most definitely.” Emma responded to the kiss Ian planted on her mouth with one of her own.

  “Okay, you two. Get a room.” Brian grinned at them as he walked by with an arm around a minor goddess.

  “It appears my old friend is up to his usual tricks.” Ian shook his head as Brian disappeared into the crowd.

  “What tricks?”

  “His female of the evening selection. I love him like a brother, but the man is more gun-shy than I was when it comes to commitment.”

  “Too bad for him, husband.” Emma loved the way the word rolled off her tongue. If it took magic to connect them, so be it. DooNell had assured her the end result of true love didn’t result from spells or charms of any kind.

  “I think it’s time we made our departure, don’t you?”

  A shot of passion rocked Emma. In her book, it was past time. They couldn’t consummate their marriage too soon. She’d never get enough of this man.

  “Mr. and Mrs. McCabe!”

  Emma laughed at the idiotic grin plastered across the face of a tipsy Cori. Would her sister ever be able to hold her liquor?

  “That would be us.”

  Ian gave Cori a kiss on the cheek and winked at Emma. “I’m going to find my parents and let them know we’re getting ready to depart. That will give you a few minutes for the sisters to say their good-byes.”

  A long sigh escaped Cori. “You’re so lucky sister dear. He’s luscious and considerate too.”

  Emma nodded. “Yes I am.” She nudged Cori’s shoulder with hers. “Have you found a love connection in this crowd?”

  Cori threw back her head and laughed. “Get real, Sis. What the males here are looking for can’t be described as love. Whether they’re mortal or immortal, most of them are on the hunt for a one night stand, and I’m past the need to be someone’s flavor of the moment. And add to that, some of them find their satisfaction when they look in a mirror and don’t need the aid of anyone.”

  “Ouch, you sound a tad bitter.” Emma scanned the room and settled on a male she’d hadn’t noticed earlier, though she wasn’t sure how she missed him. One pants leg appeared shorter than the other and revealed polka dot socks that matched his bowtie. He kept pushing pop-bottle thick glasses up on his nose as he danced to what obviously was his own beat.

  Unable to resist the urge to tease her sister, she pointed at the blissfully unaware man. “How about him?”

  Cori blanched. “I may be drunk, but I’m not that desperate.”

  “How’s my favorite niece?” Eros planted a kiss on Emma’s cheek and wrapped an arm around her waist without letting go of Mildred’s hand.

  “Gr-Great.” Emma’s shock at the connection between the older woman and the hot god left her at a loss for words.”

  Mildred’s eyes danced with laughter and she winked at Emma before turning to Eros. “Listen, cutie, I need to take a run to the ladies room and powder my nose. Don’t go anywhere, because I’ll be right back.” She patted the handsome hunk’s cheek and disappeared into the crowd.

  “So when did you get into c

  Emma flinched at her sister’s blunt question to the God of Love. Leave it to Cori not to beat around the bush.

  “I’m not into cougars as you mortals insist to class mature women.” Eros’s tight-lipped response left no doubt of his irritation. “I am into women who know how to live, no matter how many birthdays have passed. But more importantly, I value friendship. A quick encounter is something I can have anytime.”

  He turned to Emma and grinned. “Your friend, Mildred is something else. I can be myself and not worry about the need to please. She makes me laugh.”

  Emma understood. Mildred made her laugh too. If she managed to be half as young in her heart when she’d counted off as many birthdays as the redheaded dynamo, life would be good.

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to start a family feud with my sister’s new uncle. I think Mildred’s pretty cool. Watching her makes me tired.” Cori held out her hand. “Friends?”

  “Not a problem.” Eros kissed her fingers and held out his arm. “How about a dance before Mildred returns and wears me out to the point I can’t?”

  The two molded together as they squeezed onto the crowded dance floor. Cori needed to find her soul mate, but Emma didn’t think it would be tonight.

  “Lass, do you already regret yer marriage?”

  She turned to a grinning DooNell at her side. “No. Just thinking.” She looked back to the dance floor and picked out the gyrating forms of Cori and Eros.

  “Nae, not to worry. Her time is coming.”

  How did the old hag know what she thought?

  She is the Cailleach, and who am I to question her abilities? The old woman has been around the block more times than I have.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am.” The hag grinned. “Well, who do we have coming here?”

  Emma smiled. Ian freed himself from well-wishers and made his way toward them.

  Her smile disappeared when Morgana stopped him. The faerie batted her large dark eyes and said something he had to lean closer to hear.

  A flicker of jealously flared, and Emma fought to tamp it down. “That would be my husband, little faerie.”


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