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Sons of Justice 11: If Love Was Real (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Life is so stressful right now. The last forty-eight hours have been ridiculous.”

  “What do you mean?” Talia asked.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, you were nearly killed and here I am complaining because I’m working seventy hours a week, found my brother at a rich guy’s party at three o’clock in the morning, and basically Samson tells me he’s a man now and can take care of himself. That his peeps are his family. Seriously? He is a punk. I’ve been working my tail off for years trying to keep the family together, financially stable, and he’s running off, skipping school, and being a jerk.”

  “Wait, hold up, you went looking for him at a party at three o’clock in the morning by yourself?” she asked her.

  “I had to. Who else would go?”

  “You could have called one of my men, or Cesar, or Spartan, or something.”

  “I’m not a member of SOJ, or a citizen of Repose, besides, I wouldn’t go waking anyone up at that hour. I was all pissed off from that date I wasted time and money on, and it worked out fine.”

  “He came home without a problem?”

  “For the most part without one, but he was gone this morning my mom said when she called. I’m assuming he’s at this house I found him at. Anyway, I can’t focus on that right now. I’m trying to land a steadier paying job. I’m also looking for a better paying job than the one at the utility company. They’ve been firing people and cutting back left and right, and still no raise for me but more work and responsibility. It isn’t right or fair, so I need a better job.”

  “Why don’t you ask around, maybe someone has an opening?”

  “I’ll see. I have a busy next few days. Tonight, this private singing and piano playing thing at a party, then tomorrow night Dom’s for a party there. Saturday, I was hoping to go to the spring fair in town and buy a gift basket of Pearl’s homemade jelly for my mom. Her birthday is Sunday and we have dinner reservations at the Filling Station. I want to try and get Samson to meet us there, but just don’t know if I will be able to.”

  “You’re doing so much. I’m sure it will all work out. If your brother refuses, try not to get too angry. Focus on helping your mom enjoy the birthday celebrations.”

  Marianna smiled.

  “I will. I want her to be happy, my aunt, too. So anyway, how about you? How is the healing process going? Any word on those test results from yesterday?”

  “It’s going slowly, and so far nothing, which is good news. Tat is so worried that the doctors are going to call with bad news. I just need time to heal, and having nightmares, waking up jerking my head around doesn’t help.”

  “Nightmares even with the sleeping aids and your men surrounding you?”

  “Without the sleeping aids.”


  “I know, I know, got chewed out by all four of them this morning when I slipped up and said I wasn’t swallowing them but putting them behind the bed. Spadaro moved the bed and found them on the floor. I was bending over to reach for them to throw them away before the guys came in but got caught.”

  Marianna chuckled and covered her mouth.

  “Seriously, you thought that would work?”

  “I don’t like how they make me feel when I first wake up. It’s like I’m drugged out.”

  “I understand, and they can become addicting, but you need them to help you to heal besides sleep. Just take them for a little while and then maybe count down the days. Like pick a day to be finished with them.”

  “That’s an idea. I hate swallowing pills anyway. So, back to your interest in Flame and Yani.”

  Marianna chuckled.

  “No interest. No time, and after the date I had I don’t want to go on any other dates anytime soon.”

  “I don’t believe that. It will just take the right guy at the right time, and you’ll find Mr. Perfect.”

  “Doubt it. Got no time for it anyway. Life is about making money, and saving money. Everything else is minor.”

  “I think it is, everything else is cake.”


  “Yes, have your cake and eat it, too?” Natalia said and winked.

  “Different saying entirely.”

  “An appropriate one though, considering Flame and Yani were looking at you like you were edible.”

  “Natalia,” she reprimanded, and looked toward the kitchen then back at Natalia who chuckled. “I should have you stop by when they are here more often. Perhaps one of you will make a first move.”

  “Hello, no dating, not now, and not to men so much older and experienced than me. Don’t need to be bossed around, nor do I need the heartache.”

  “No heartache. Older men know how to care for a woman the right way.”

  “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

  “I’m just saying, strike while the iron’s hot.”

  “Enough with the sayings please.”

  Natalia laughed.

  Marianna smiled. “That’s more like it, a smile even to your eyes.”

  Natalia smiled and then exhaled. “I want you to have what I have. I want it for Avana, and Tiana, too.”

  “Fate plays a role in these things, Natalia. Sometimes responsibilities are the relationships of life for people.”

  “We’ll see, Marianna. We’ll see.”

  Chapter Two

  “Is Truman going to be here tonight?” Press asked Mexa. He fixed his black jacket as soon as he got out of the SUV. His guards gathered around him.

  “He’s supposed to be here,” Mexa said to him.

  “Well, that was Vic I was on the phone with. He said he’ll be ready to move that merchandise next week. I think for the next several months I’m going to need a good place to store these things until it’s time to transport them out of the country. Truman has a great location.”

  “Definitely, and he knows he’s in the running to get some of your business thrown his way. Want to make the meeting private?”

  “No need for that, especially if Dom is around. We can arrange a nice evening or two out at the club. Set it up with him for next,” he stated, and they headed into the estate.

  It was an upscale home, ten thousand square feet of living space, a private maids’ quarters housing ten employees, and of course, a gorgeously landscaped back yard with waterfalls, a pool and gardens. The night was beautiful and just the right temperature to not be either too warm or too cold. He could hear the sounds of what had to be a piano playing and someone singing.

  “Press, so good to see you.” Vic Chasette greeted them. He owned the place and had many shared investments with Press.

  “Good to see you, too, Vic. Looks like a nice small gathering this evening.”

  “Just close friends and business associates, you know to celebrate the merger.”

  “Of course, and thank you for the invite,” he replied, knowing that the turnout would be small because that merger Vic did pissed off a lot of people and cost a lot of people money, but not Vic and certainly not Press.

  “Come outside to the patio. I have food all over the place, beautiful music,” Vic said as they walked through the hallway and open floor plan right out to the patio. He could see the piano, a woman with long brown hair and a burgundy dress playing the piano and singing beautifully. Her back was bare, the dress sexy, her skin shimmering in the evening light, and as she played her back muscles flexed. His eyes were glued to her body, and then to the slight bit of what appeared to be a tattoo at the trim of her dress on her right side hip. When she turned, belting out a final note, it was a shock to his system. “Marianna,” he whispered, and Mexa whistled low.

  “Isn’t she drop dead gorgeous?” Vic said to him, then grabbed the bartender and had a brandy in Press’s hand in a flash.

  “If I didn’t have Sophia, I would so make a move on that one. It wouldn’t be easy though. She’s been getting numbers all evening, and Lance over there is pounding them down and his eyes glued to her. I’m going to have him taken out of here early before he
mauls the poor woman.”

  Press felt the anger pool in his belly. Lance won’t be coming near her tonight.

  The people around her clapped at her performance and she thanked them and then paused a few moments to take a sip of water.

  He gave Mexa a nudge to his arm as he stared at Marianna. “What are the chances Mexa?” he said to him, but didn’t take his eyes off of Marianna.

  “Slim to none, Press.”

  “Exactly. Keep eyes on her. Make sure no drunk assholes make a move. I need to meet with Janson,” he said, but before he walked away, he approached her.

  “Marianna?” he said her name, and when she turned to look up at him, he was shocked once again by her beauty. She wore very little makeup and didn’t need any. Her gorgeous green hazel eyes widened and then she looked around and then swallowed hard.

  “Hello, Mr. Press…I mean Press,” she said and stood up. He stepped closer, towered over her a bit. She was stunning, would make an exceptional trophy to any successful man, but she was young. He reached out and stroked her arm. She tightened.

  “You look beautiful. Your voice and playing sounded sensational. How long have you been singing and performing?” he asked, stroked her arm again. Her full, gorgeous lips parted and she looked around them.

  “I, uhm…for years. It’s a side thing I do, helps pay the bills,” she said and eyed him over and took a step to the side, causing his hand to fall away from her. He liked touching her. Liked the way she smelled, how submissive she looked seeing him here.

  “You know Vic well?”

  “No, I just met him tonight. I usually do private jobs like these for Dom at the club or business friends of his. He knows Vic, and Vic needed some entertainment tonight.”

  “You work elsewhere?”

  “Utility company. Doesn’t pay as well, but has benefits. What about you? Do business with Vic, or are you just acquaintances?” she asked him, and he stared at her lips, at how full her breasts were. He hadn’t been able to get a good look at her body the other night in the coat she had on.

  “Just acquaintances. It’s nice seeing you again. You here all night?”

  “Pretty much until one, unless he wants me to stay and pays extra,” she said to him.

  “We’ll talk later then. I have some business to handle right now.” She stared at him and nodded. He winked, eyed her over. “Don’t disappear on me,” he told her, and she squinted those sexy eyes at him and he had to hide his chuckle. She was precious and he felt a tinge of guilt for wanting such a delicacy. Something so sweet, innocent in a lot of ways. He was a rough man, and an even rougher lover.

  He walked away but not before giving one of his guards, Leo, a nod toward her. Leo squinted, as if surprised that Press was actually placing him on watch over the woman he only met once before tonight, but she interested Press, and tonight was more than coincidence. In fact, if she seemed as special as he thought she might be, their paths would cross more often. Leo nodded, and took position nearby Marianna.

  Press headed toward the side patio where a private table hid beneath a pergola sat. Vic, Pelham, and Janson sat conversing about business. As soon as Press walked over with Mexa and Press’s guards, all of the men stood up to greet him. Janson owned the house Marianna’s brother hung out at. His little cousins, in their teens, were friends with the kid. It could come to good use to Press later on if things progressed with Marianna as he anticipated. He shook their hands hello and then he was offered a drink. Mexa handed him one.

  “Press,” he said, and the men all looked. They knew better than to offer, it was more a gesture of being polite. Press never accepted drinks from people. Mexa made them or watched a bartender make them. He didn’t trust just anyone.

  “So, congratulations, Vic. I understand the merger was a complete success.” He raised his glass and they raised theirs.

  “Indeed it was. So much so that I’ll be taking the yacht out for a few weeks, heading to the Caribbean, if anyone wants to join me. It will be a fairly full boat with entertainment and all,” he said, and glanced toward where Marianna was and had started singing again and playing the piano. It drew everyone else’s attention toward her and Press grew a bit angry.

  “She is quite the beauty. Where did you find her?” Pelham asked.

  “Dom. He recommended her, and I heard from a few friends that she was quite talented, very sweet, and knows how to take orders well.” He smirked and they chuckled.

  “You tap that yet?” Janson asked, and they chuckled.

  “Perhaps tonight if she accepts. I was thinking of offering her a large amount of money to come along on the boat trip. You know, entertain day and of course night,” Vic said, and took a sip from his drink, his eyes lingering on Marianna.

  “She’s off limits,” Press said, and kept a straight face. They all sobered up quickly, no longer smirking, thinking with their cocks, fantasizing about fucking Marianna. No, she wasn’t a whore. He could pick out a whore anywhere. It seemed to him that Marianna was trying to make ends meet, to take care of her family, and keep her brother out of trouble.

  “Didn’t know you knew her, Press, or has she gained your interest, as well?” Vic asked, staring at him.

  “I met her before. Not that it’s any of your concern.”

  “Where? Dom’s, or is she one of Violet’s girls?” Janson asked.

  “Definitely not one of Violet’s girls. As I mentioned, she is not a whore. Just keep away from her. She’s off limits.”

  “I heard she works multiple jobs. Overheard her saying to Dom that she was available for more parties, and that she needed the money,” Vic said to him, still watching him. He wanted to play games, he would lose big time.

  “She’s trying to make ends meet, take care of her family, and keep her brother out of jail. In fact, her brother is Samson. She showed up at your estate the other night around three o’clock in the morning dragging his drunk ass out of there,” Press told Janson.

  “That was a great fucking party. I was upstairs. I remember that, but was a little busy in the bedroom entertaining,” Janson said, and they chuckled.

  “Sounds like you missed the opportunity to persuade Marianna to join you upstairs and maybe help with her brother,” Pelham said.

  “I took care of it. Sent him home with her, warned him to be respectful to his sister and mother,” Press said to them.

  “Ohhh, pulling the old, good Samaritan thing? Making her think you’re all nice and caring before you pounce and do your thing. I get it. Okay, she’s off limits. Press found a new toy,” Vic said, and they all made comments, mumbled words of jealousy, and it was enough to keep them away from the woman.

  “Let’s get down to business,” Press said, and they got serious and started talking to him about profits, some changes needed in certain areas, and as he listened he glanced at Marianna, singing her songs, playing the piano, and Leo kept the men away, until, Lance decided to take what he wanted.

  * * * *

  Marianna realized pretty quickly that there were some shady characters around here, even Press, who apparently, if she wasn’t imagining things, had one of his friends watching over her. She wasn’t sure, but the man stood in the same place, not talking to anyone or making contact with anyone, but remained close. There weren’t that many people here, and one drunk guy was in a dead stare at her. She knew that look, and when she was out with friends they would relocate, being sure to lose the attention of a man in a drunk stare like this guy was in. The problem was she couldn’t exactly relocate a piano, so she just kept singing and hoping this didn’t turn into a situation. She really hated how men thought they could just look at a woman and think “I pick her. She’s mine.” And then go and make a move, demand possession like that, and especially in abrupt, inappropriate manners. She was on guard, and her experience definitely had helped to prepare her to at least be on guard and not oblivious.

  She sang a few more songs, getting lost in the words, the notes as she played, her fingers gliding
along the keys, and how the people took the time to clap and really appreciate her abilities. That made her feel good. She hated when she would play at an event and they were all so busy they didn’t pay attention to the musicians. She didn’t know why. She was here to play background music, and that was exactly what she was doing.

  When she finished another song and took a short break to drink some water and then decide what other songs to play and sing next, he approached from behind. She felt the hand go to her shoulder and turned, and he grabbed her quickly.

  She gasped, his arms wrapped around her waist and then his mouth was over hers. His hand dug into her ass, and she heard and felt the tear to her dress.

  As she shoved her palm upward, colliding with his chin, the guy who had been watching her, had a gun to the guy’s head.

  “Release her now!” he yelled, and the guy raised his hands and then went to strike the man. In one strike to the back of the head with the butt of the gun, the guy who forcibly groped her went down. She held her hand to her side, keeping the dress in place.

  “Marianna, are you okay?” Press asked her, and pulled her into his arms. She was shaking.

  “Yes, oh God, my dress, Press, it’s ripped.”

  “Come,” he said, and then started barking out orders. Vic was next to her now, too, a scowl on his face and they led her into the house and down a hallway to a back bedroom. Mexa was with Press, too. The lights were turned on and Vic hurried to the bathroom.

  “Let me see,” Press said, and she held her dress tight and shook her head. “I can handle it. Just give me a minute,” she said.

  He stared down into her eyes and she knew that look, that expression. The man was not used to people denying his orders.

  “Here’s the first aid kit. I’ll go check on Lance and that situation. Marianna, so sorry about this. I’ll make it up to you. No need to go back out there. So sorry,” Vic said, and then looked at Press, who had a scowl on his face. It was like he blamed Vic.


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