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Sons of Justice 11: If Love Was Real (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’m confused. I don’t understand what you’re insinuating.”

  “No need to get into it. The bottom line, is I would like to offer you a full-time job here. A complete package with stock shares, health benefits, bonuses, the whole thing. I’m just not certain as to who you’ll work under. I think the best thing to do would be to have you come in here before the end of the week, and what works around your current schedule, to fill out paperwork and what we need to get things started. I think you could work with both Allie and Harry to see where you’re more comfortable, and feel you can do the most for my company. How about we do a starting salary mid six figures. I’ll have Allie and Henry figure things out and then confirm the starting salary when you come back, maybe Thursday afternoon?” he asked, and her jaw dropped.

  She quickly recovered and then looked like she might pass out. She placed her hand on his desk as she leaned forward. “Pardon me, did you say mid six figures?”

  He smiled. “I pay my employees very well, Marianna, and with that I expect a hundred and fifty percent. Can you handle that?” he asked her.

  “Yes, sir. Whatever you need. Whatever the position entails, I’m more than ready for this.”

  “I don’t doubt that. Why don’t you see Mary, my personal assistant, on the way out and get things started.” He stood up and so did she. They shook hands and he felt disappointed. He really thought she would be in his bed by end of week latest, but now Allie made him see her on a professional level, and obviously he underestimated Marianna’s value as a businesswoman and asset to the company. He hoped he wasn’t making a mistake of missing a great opportunity. Hell, maybe things could work out at a later date, although he rarely fucked his employees, wanting to keep that out of the workplace. But God damn the woman was hot. He gave her a smile, she thanked him several items, and then headed out of his office. He leaned back in his chair and exhaled. “Well that didn’t go as I planned, now did it?” he said aloud, and chuckled, but then heard his cell phone buzz and looked down to see it was Clarissa, one of his regular lays. Maybe he would get some after all.

  Chapter Eight

  “I would like to get the house up for sale by next week. My friend Tiana will come by tomorrow and talk about how to show the house, and about getting rid of some things around here. You two will need to throw stuff out. The townhouse I have in mind for you to move into gives you each your own space, plus the loft for Samson or a guest, whichever. There’s storage space in the townhouse, and then there’s rental space for seasonal items and whatever for a small fee right in the building at the end of each section of units. Now if that’s necessary, then you’ll need to budget out that charge. By tomorrow I’ll have a better idea of what we’ll come out with after the sale. If you want, you could do a yard sale and see if you get any money. Tiana suggests bringing as little as possible so the place won’t be cluttered,” Marianna said as she laid out things for them to get done while she took care of other aspects of the house, putting up for sale and her own responsibilities.

  “Wait, what if we don’t want to do this? How do we know if we like the place you’re sending us to?” Aunt Stella asked.

  “I’m not sending you away. This is an upgrade from the neighborhood. A new start. Plus, a necessity. I can’t go on constantly having to financially support the house and the two of you. You can handle the payments on your own for utilities and things. I’ll have enough from the sale I think to pay for the townhouse entirely. Then they’ll be some money left over to help you live comfortably for many, many years. Plus, you have your pensions. We can go over everything once I get this all set with numbers today.”

  “It seems like an awful lot for us to handle alone. What if we don’t have enough money to live, to do the things we like and want to do?” Aunt Stella asked.

  “Marianna isn’t leaving us, she’s organizing this whole thing and I think it’s a great idea. We don’t really need such a big house. But, Marianna, you’re sure there’s room for Samson?” her mom asked, and Marianna felt badly. Her mom really thought that Samson would live with them. Marianna didn’t think Samson would even be coming back here anytime soon.

  “There’s room if he decides to stay. I’ll have it all worked out, but the two of you need to know that the money left over is to last. It will be a large amount, more than enough to live off of for many years,” she told them both.

  “Okay, when can we see the townhouse?” her mom asked.

  “Yes, I want to be sure I like it. I’m comfortable here and I have a lot of things I need to take.”

  “It is a great place and it won’t last long. You’ll like it. Tiana said we can bring you by any day this week. Friday would work best for me, then maybe we could hit the spring fair in Repose and do lunch for your birthday, since last weekend got screwed up with you not wanting to leave the house waiting for Samson to come,” she said to her mom.

  “Okay, we can do that. It will be nice to get out. Should you contact Samson to see if he’ll join us?” her mom asked.

  “Sure. I’ll try, but no promises.”

  “Of course,” her mom said and then looked around the room. Packing things up, separating what will be placed for sale and what I’ll take with me is going to be hard.”

  “It won’t be that hard. Plus, the townhouse comes fully furnished, and I think you’re both going to love the new stuff in there as opposed to taking these old couches and things with you. It will all work out.”

  “And how much money will we have?” her aunt asked, and it aggravated Marianna. It wasn’t even her money.

  “Actually, I don’t know how much money mom will have left, but I know that if you rented the townhouse, that the two of you with your pensions could handle it. Oh, and if there’s money you have left, Aunt Stella, from your savings account that you have, it could help.”

  “My money? You need my money? I thought you said the money would come from the sale of this place?” she asked all aggravated. The woman wasn’t very giving but did a good job taking and taking.

  “No, we don’t need your money, but keep in mind I’m not going to be supporting you financially anymore. They’ll be no need for it. You’ll have plenty of money left over, you both just need to budget it out.”

  “I don’t like this. It’s like you’re abandoning your mother. What if she needs something? I don’t have that kind of money.” Her aunt began to carry on and Marianna was losing her mind.

  “Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll explain it all to you by tomorrow.”

  Two hours later, a super big headache and anxiety making her heart race, Marianna sat at the desk in her apartment crunching numbers. She was texting back and forth with a mortgage broker Tiana recommended, and things were looking really good but she kept worrying that if she showed her aunt and mom all the money they would have to live off of, that her aunt would overspend like a queen, and then they would be unable to maintain the townhouse, pay their bills and live there for the rest of their lives. What more could she have done for them than she had so far? She felt frustrated, emotional, especially as her aunt questioned everything, yet had never given an ounce of her money, her savings, to help with the medical bills or the expenses in the house. Tears filled Marianna’s eyes.

  She went over the number again and again, trying to think of ways to maybe hide some of the money in case her aunt and mom didn’t budget accordingly. But how could she do that without offending them, getting her aunt going, and causing problems she didn’t need right now?

  She heard the knock on her door and gasped. She hadn’t been expecting anyone. She had put her phone down an hour ago after talking to Tiana. She glanced at it as she got up and saw the missed calls and text messages from Flame. As she looked through the peephole, she saw it was him. Her heart raced. She smoothed her hands along the low riding lounge pants she wore and adjusted the tank top. She wore no bra but didn’t have time to put one on.

  She opened the door. He stared down at her.

“Phone issues again?” he asked.

  She exhaled, and opened the door wider. “I’m sorry, I didn’t get your message that you were stopping by. It’s been a crazy day.” He walked into her apartment and she closed the door. He looked her over.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, stepping closer and pulling her into his arms. Instantly, she felt that protective feeling, that security she instantly felt in his arms, hell, in his brothers-in-arms embraces, too.

  He hugged her and ran his palm along her back. She didn’t want to tell him what she was doing. It would again make her seem like she couldn’t handle things. She was handling everything fine. It was just a chaotic time.

  He pulled slightly back, cupped her cheeks and tilted her head back. He stared down into her eyes.

  “Talk to me, baby. I missed you. I think you’re pushing me away. Pushing us away.” She went to lower her eyes and turn, but he wouldn’t allow it.

  “No, baby, we need to talk about this,” he said to her, and then stroked his thumb along her lower lip.

  “I’m sorry if I made you think that you weren’t good enough, or that you were weak.”


  “I was talking to the men, they feel I made you feel like you were weak, immature, or unable to handle us, and that wasn’t the case at all. In fact, it was the opposite. I felt like I wasn’t good enough for you. That you deserve a man, men, that could be gentle lovers, that would be sappy, vulnerable and compassionate all the time, and especially as we made love several times and just took what we needed, not what you wanted.”

  “What are you talking about? I wanted all four of you just the way you wanted me. I felt desperate, and so needy. I never felt anything like that before. So when you got angry that I was sore, I thought I wasn’t mature enough in your eyes to handle being your lover.”

  “Fuck no. No way, baby. I should have cared for you more. I promise to be gentler.”

  “Gentler? I loved every minute of our lovemaking. I have no regrets that you, Slova, Yani, and Cast were my firsts. None whatsoever.”

  “Thank God,” he said, and pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her. She felt his hand slide under her tank top and then he pulled back.

  “I need you.”

  He yanked her top up over her head. Her breasts bounced.

  “Fuck, you’re so sexy,” he stated, and she jumped up into his arms and kissed him, gripped his head, and he walked her into the bedroom. She thought he looked sexy, too, wearing camo pants and a dark tight t-shirt in black. He pressed her down to the bed. She released his lips and he grabbed her panties, yanked them down and off of her.

  “Fuck. You’re gorgeous. Look at this pussy,” he said, and lowered down, spread her thighs, and then latched onto her cunt with his mouth. It was wild and so crazy. She felt like she hadn’t seen him, touched him, in forever. A desperate, needy sensation filled her to her core, and as his fingers slid into her cunt she cried out, lifted her hips and came.

  “God damn beautiful. I love seeing and hearing you come,” he said, and continued to stroke her pussy.

  She grabbed at his shirt.

  “Take off your clothes. I want you inside of me,” she told him.

  He stared at her, pulled fingers from her pussy as he slid his palm up her belly to her breast, cupping it, then it went to her throat and she was trying to undo his pants.

  “Wait, baby. Are you okay? Not sore still?” he asked.

  Her stomach dropped. She felt angry, insulted, and worried once again.

  She pulled her hands free and went to move. He covered her body, was pressed between her legs at the edge of the bed. He grabbed her arms and pressed them above her head.

  “Don’t push me away. It was a question. I want to be sure myself or my team never, ever, causes you pain again.”

  “It wasn’t your faults. You didn’t cause the pain. I never had sex before. We made love multiple times, and you’re big men. I looked it up online and it’s normal. Why can’t you get over it?” she demanded to know.

  He squinted at her. He lowered his head to the crook of her neck as he released her arms.

  He gripped her hips and kissed her neck and shoulder.

  “I don’t know. This is all so new to me. To being in love.”

  “In love?” she asked.

  He lifted up, stared into her eyes. “Marianna, you’re a first. For all of us. We never loved a woman before. Never took a woman together, claimed one together, wanted one to share, to possess in every fucking way, together. You made us insane. Make us insane with desire, with need and hunger so fucking deep we can’t think of anything but having you, holding you, kissing you, fucking you, until that desperation disappears.” He cupped her cheeks and pressed her hair away and toward the bed.

  She stared at him. Shocked by his words, but so greatly affected by them. She prayed that it was real. That if love was real, this was it.

  “I don’t want to live without you and neither do the others.” Tears stung her eyes.

  “I don’t want to live without any of you either,” she said, and he stroked her jaw with his finger, then down her neck to her breasts. Her nipples hardened and puckered up.

  “The others are coming over soon.”

  “Good. I want to see them, too,” she said, and reached up and cupped his cheek. He turned his head and kissed her palm. He continued to kiss along her wrist then down to her breast. He suckled her nipple into his mouth as he lifted up and used his other hand to undo his pants then shove out of them.

  He pulled back and took off the remainder of this clothes. His thick, long cock tapped against his belly. She lifted up and sat at the edge of her bed, feet on the floor, and cupped his cock and balls. He stood there, caressed her hair from her cheeks, then gripped the locks. She glanced up at him, he watched her as she opened her mouth and took the thick bulbous head between her lips. He exhaled, and his cock twitched.

  “Your mouth feels so good. Every part of you does. I want to own every inch of you, baby. I want to be everything to you, and so do the others.” She sucked more of his cock into her mouth and then she thought she heard the door open and close. He gripped her hair tighter and rocked his hips into her mouth. “It’s the others. They’re here to love you, too,” he said, and she moaned.

  “This is perfect to arrive to,” Cast said, and she looked up with Flame’s cock in her mouth and saw the others.

  Yani tossed something onto the bed.

  “I got it,” he said.

  “Good. We make it all official tonight,” Flame told her, then caressed her hair from her face and stared at her in such a loving affectionate way, she felt it to her soul. She could sense the others undressing around her and she anticipated being made love to again.

  “Ease off my cock, baby. I want to be inside your pussy when I come,” he told her, and she released his cock. He slid his thumb along her lip and she suckled it into her mouth. “So sexy and giving. You’re the best thing that ever happened to us, woman. The best,” Yani told her, caressing her hair. She let go of Flame’s thumb and turned to look up at Yani. He cupped her breast with one hand and slid his other hand under her hair and neck then pressed his mouth to hers.

  He lowered her to the bed and began to kiss her and pinch her nipples until she was moaning and lifting her hips.

  As he eased his mouth from hers, he grabbed her hips and rolled to his back. She was above him, her hair falling forward, and her thighs spread over his legs.

  “I want to feel that sexy mouth, too,” he said to her. “First, I need a kiss,” Slova said, and cupped her cheeks as she slid lower and he kissed her on the mouth. When he released her lips, Cast was on the other side kissing her mouth as Yani lifted her up as he slid down and he latched onto her cunt. He gripped her thighs and ass as he ate at her cream. She moaned into Cast’s mouth.

  “Let’s get her ready. She’s ours forever,” Flame said. Cast released her lips and Yani released her pussy. He lifted up and aligned his cock with her we
t cunt. As she slid down over his shaft, she closed her eyes. He cupped her breasts and they both moaned.

  “So tight and wet. I missed my woman,” he said to her.

  “I missed you, too, Yani,” she said, and then rocked her hips slowly, thrusting back and forth the way they had taught her to do the other night.

  “I need that mouth,” Slova said to her, and her heart raced. Were they going to take her together? She wanted it. Wanted to feel the depth of such action. She opened her mouth just as something cool hit her anus.

  “Oh.” She moaned.

  “Just a little lube. Going to do a little exploring of this sexy ass, so we can claim you fully tonight. No more bullshit. No fears, no uncertainty, just pleasure,” Flame said, and gripped her shoulder as he pressed against her back, kissing her neck, and thrusting fingers into her asshole.

  She felt the gush of cream as Slova brought his cock to her mouth. She opened immediately, took him inside of her and it all began.

  “That is such a beautiful sight. Holy fuck I can’t wait to take that ass next. God damn, woman, you are built to please a thousand men, but you’re all ours. Only ours,” Cast told her, and she felt his palm caress and squeeze her ass cheek then move up her back. She bobbed her head up and down as Yani thrust his hips upward.

  “You are very wet, baby. I think you like having every hole filled,” Yani said, and she moaned in agreement.

  “I think she’s more than ready for cock,” Cast said and then she felt Flame’s fingers pull from her ass. She hated the empty sensation and then her belly quivered, and her heart raced the second she heard his voice and felt the tip of his thick, hard cock at her asshole.

  “Get ready, sweetie. We claim you fully tonight. This ass is mine,” Flame said, and began to push the bulbous head into her tight ass, until her body erupted in orgasm and he slid the rest of the way in. They all moaned.

  “Oh fuck yeah. Fuck, take her. Make love to our woman. Mark her ours always,” Cast said.


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