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Page 25

by K. H. Kate

  "Fuck! As if we need another one. I need to breathe freely."

  I rolled my eyes as he started tugging his collar, his hands shaking visibly. No matter how calm he looked on the outside, I could feel the fear on his face just fine. Not that I was any better. I had the same fear Mikhail bore in his heart but I was just slightly better at hiding it than him. Zach, however, dragged himself near Mikhail to slap his shoulder, making the former curse again.

  "You aren't having cold feet, are you?" Zach smirked. "Because if you are, Lana will surely kill you. Scratch that, I will kill you."

  "Fuck off." Mikhail growled.

  Looking at these two, I couldn't help but remember Zed. I tried my best to always keep that part of me hidden, the part which was still guilty. But time like this I couldn't ignore just what I lost.

  "Hey, Zach, call me if it's time. I'll be right back." Before Zach could even nod, I was running toward the old room in a hurry. Opening the door, reality hit me hard. The place was filled with dust since no one other than Emie or I visited the room. No matter how many times I saw the letter Zed left for me, it wouldn't be enough.

  Opening the drawer, I stared at the white envelop that said 'Alexei' at the top. Slowly opening it, a chuckle left from my lips.

  "Yo Alexei,

  I'm still wondering if I should write this or not. But if you are indeed reading this, that means I'm already dead and playing chess with the devil in my free time. I know you will feel guilty, Lex, for a long time wondering if I forgave you. Well, I already did and I am so proud of what you have become.

  I wanted to be happy for him. I wanted to pretend that yes, he was having fun with the devil in his free time but the truth was too hard to ignore. It killed me with every breath I took. It killed me to think that he was gone. That his soul was completely destroyed with no chance to ever come back.

  Sighing, I picked up the letter again.

  My only regret is never telling you that before everything went down. The moment I decided to walk the path of revenge, I had to dig my own grave. I only hope that if I'm not there, you'll take care of our clan as a leader should. The Volkioses would never allow that but the clan would need someone strong to keep going on. I trust no one to take care of the Moon clan other than you or Emie. Even Shayla knows that. Don't worry about me though, I'm pretty sure I will have my fun spreading your legacy, the Darkness's tale in here.

  And for devil's sake, don't drive Emie mad enough to leave your stubborn ass. I wouldn't be there to listen to your whining.

  Yours Truly-

  Zedkiel Lytton."

  "The veil was supposed to be short! What the hell is this?" 5132 demanded, the piece of the said cloth dangling from her hands.

  Allegra laughed alongside Gema who I finally had the courage to call. We talked for hours and of course, she fainted at the first sight of Lex. Cracking up again, I watched Allegra put a necklace on my throat. "Be more like your sister, Lana. She didn't leave a single complaint, about anything."

  "It's because I took care of it. From the wedding decoration to the dresses. Only this veil was supposed to be taken care of by you. You didn't deliberately do that. Did you?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. "Is this about us leaving? Don't tell me you're still angry."

  "I'm not." Allegra denied hastily but I could notice the tears building in her eyes anyway. And I was sure half of the reason was because all of us were leaving. Where Lex and I were leaving to join the Moon clan; 5132, Zach and Ivy wanted to work together to build a school for the younger sorcerers. Especially as clans were hard to come by now.

  "Thank you, Allegra." I whispered, making her pause.


  I shrugged. "Just for being here, always. And keeping Hannah alive through you. She would have been so proud."

  I knew no matter how much gratitude I showed, it wouldn't be enough for what she's done for us.

  After that day Zed died, we were all lost. I was barely aware of what was happening around me. I tried to stay strong but some days it was harder to even open my eyes. Top of that without knowing, I wasn't a Reaper anymore. I waited and waited for the numbness to take me away from this pain only to know that no matter how many times I tried, I was still going to see the next day and regret being alive.

  Lex was no better either.

  He tried to call his shadows to make him feel numb. But no matter how much he begged for them to come, they didn't. Then he realized he not only lost his child, his best friend, but he also lost his powers. Unlike me, he loved his shadows. Then it started. The empty laughs, blank looks, the coldness in his voice, the silent rage behind his eyes. I noticed them all. But for me, he hid them like the perfect pretender he was.

  Only when I started to feel like I was dying that our miracle appeared.

  "Emie, you are really not breathing." Gema started shaking my shoulder suddenly. I didn't even notice when I started to freak out.


  "I can breathe." I reassured everyone, really I could. Only if I didn't want to cry suddenly, cursing those pregnancy hormones. "I am just nervous. Has anyone seen Lex? Where's he?"

  "Uh, Emie..." She gave me a faraway look. "Zachery said he left-"

  "He left?!" This time I couldn't hide my worry. "What are you talking about? I can't marry without a groom!"

  "Let me finish! Everyone's here. It's about to start. Zachery told me he left to visit Zedkiel's room and now he's waiting at the end of the aisle."

  "Oh." Embarrassment came quickly, making me flush. "I was just-what are you looking at?"

  "Oh, I was just wishing for popcorn." 5132 winked, looping her arms with me. Suddenly a woman opened the door to say it was starting.

  It's time.

  We only took two steps before we were greeted by our father, Jonathan Gomez. It was so odd seeing him like this. The very first time I saw him, he was in his mid-thirties but now? Now he was stuck in a teenager's body who lived somewhere in Denver. Valentine actually had to compel his parents for him to come here today.

  Then there was Keisha and thoughts of what could have been if only things didn't happen the way they did. My breath hitched and 5132 was quick to distract me. "Head high, sis. The Volkioses would eat you alive if they see the new leader of Moon clan walking like a grandma without her glasses."

  "I'm pregnant, I can't just walk like I'm in a runaway." I whispered, finding it amusing that out of everyone they wanted me to be the leader.

  "Now you do." She snapped her eyes at the guests. I followed her gaze only to find Rose in the crowd who winked at me. The front raw was filled with the Volkioses as per custom, Hannah’s cousin Chiara, people from the Red clan, including Belle, Mikhail's parents and all the people who were allies to the Coven were arranged to sit behind them. Even if I couldn’t see them, I was hit with the scent of those army of mine too.

  “What are you thinking?”

  "Looking at the Volkioses. At least Rebecca is not here." I could find relief in that. The woman scared me for some unknown reason.

  She nodded, looking around. "I see Eros is not here too. I saw her follow him with her daughter and her daughter's beloved earlier. Ever since it was announced that her daughter is taking over, she is been pretty pissed at everyone. Be glad we'll have a peaceful wedding now."

  Bless her.

  Ivy and Gema with the bridesmaids and Zach and Aaron with the groomsmen started walking in and lining up at the front. Zach nodded at 5132 who gave him a thumbs up. I was surely going to miss this duo. Smiling, I turned to the left and there he was.


  If I wasn't mistaken, I could have sworn he held his infamous smirk when he noticed me. 5132 must've held the same awestruck look on her face and when I looked at her, surely she was drooling at Mikhail.

  I wanted to say something to him but I noticed Cone behind him, bowing his head. I heard Lex freed him a few weeks ago with enough money to raise his great-grandchildren. He must have noticed my gaze on him cause he stepped forward with a small
smile. "Lady Emelineee."

  "Cone." I smiled back.

  "Take this gift, my ladyyy. I have had it made from the best blacksmith in Hellll." He showed me a beautiful dagger before looking up to 5132. "And Lady Lana, this is for you. A Spear made for a fierce warriorrr."

  "Thank you, Cone." She looked at the thing with awe.

  I couldn't look away either. "Cone...Thank you so much."

  He left with a nod. I was still admiring the dagger when Jonathan cleared his throat, getting my attention. It was time to give us away. He hugged us tightly, his whisper sounding more like begging. "I may not be in your life as much as I wanted to be, know that I love you both, always. Do you forgive me?"

  "I will once you agree to meet us more. Be the teenager you are. Sneak out." She was having way too much fun with this, wasn't she?

  Jonathan let out a chuckle, staring at me next. "You know I already did, father."

  Nodding in relief, he placed my hand on Lex's and Lana's on Mikhail's. I thought he would step back now but he patted Lex and Mikhail on the shoulder, proceeding to say something in their ears that had them clench their jaws. I was sure he just threatened both of them, making me laugh softly.

  Of course, as always Lex heard it. "What are you laughing at, you brat?"

  "Nothing much." I couldn't stop grinning. "Just wondering what you were threatened with."

  "As usual, my life." He shrugged, his green eyes twinkling. "You look beautiful by the way."

  Had he lost his mind? I looked like a whale. This time my laughter was louder, heartwarming. "Have you had too much drink at your bachelorette party? I look like a whale paddling around."

  He snorted. "You are my whale with my child. So, I don't care. I think I-you are worried about something."

  Damn it, I was hoping he won't catch that.

  "It's just that....what if it's a girl? The Deshayes curse-"

  "When the time comes, we'll figure it out. We'll go to healers or a seer or anyone who knows anything. You don't have to worry alone. I am here, remember?" He looked like he wanted to say more but the priest came up, addressing the guests.

  "You can now be seated."

  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this evening to witness these men and women join together in holy matrimony." He said his speech and then looked at us. "Now's the time for vows."

  Lex took my veil off, his eyes darkening slightly. "I, Alexei DeLuca, take you, Emeline Deshayes, to be my lawfully wedded wife, my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally as I always have, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you and the unborn child of ours, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." He stopped, giving me a wicked look.

  "These are all the boring things humans say at their wedding but we have always been different. Our love is different. It has been challenged before, we've both hurt each other, we almost didn't make it after the child-" I felt every word he was saying. "And still I would want you as my wife, my beloved, my little soul in every lifetime, even if that means I have to do it all over again." His voice sounded stronger than ever when he promised. "Till death do us apart."

  Sniffling, I proceeded with my vow. "I, Emeline Deshayes, take you, Alexei DeLuca, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend, my faithful partner, and my love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, even if I have to sacrifice myself all over again, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

  I grinned, not being able to hold the tears at bay. "I love our odds. I love our struggles cause even in the dark time we have each other. It's what makes us real. And, I'd want you as my husband, my beloved, my dark-haired devil in every lifetime even it means standing in front of that grave for decades waiting for you."

  His smile could have brightened hell when I promised. "Till death do us apart."

  The ring bearer came forward to present the rings. I placed Lex's ring on first, then he placed the opal ring on mine. I noticed Lana and Mikhail also exchanging theirs with the promise of forever.

  "If anyone objects to the marriage speak now or forever hold your peace." When no one said a word, the Priest nodded. "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife to both couples. You may kiss the bride."

  "As if they needed to be told twice." Zach coughed, making Lana glare at him.

  Lex leaned in, kissing me softly like it was the first time he was granted to do so. It was odd how one day I wanted to run from him, banish him to the depth of Hell but now I couldn't even imagine life without him. My heart would stop if his did.

  "What are you thinking?"

  "Just our past."

  He smiled, leaning down to kiss me again. When I looked at him breathlessly, he smirked. "I knew you'd be mine, little soul. Universe be dammed."

  Just like I wanted. Chained.


  And, claimed for life.

  The End


  K.H Kate is a University student, occasional painter and author of Contemporary and Paranormal romance books. She loves to venture into the world of action, dark romance, give happy endings with a little bit of tragedy and paint a world full of raw emotions. Born and raised AS A DREAMER, she has been writing for four years. She started writing to give life to her imaginary characters until they become stories themselves. If you guys want to know more about me or any upcoming releases, find me here:







  Devil’s Shadow MC Series



  Martinez Mafia Dynasty Series



  The Reaper Saga Series






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