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Snowed in for Christmas

Page 4

by Shaw Hart

  The sex is great. I know I don’t have anything else to compare it to, but wow, is it amazing. He was nervous to take me again after our first time, afraid he’d hurt me, though I assured him I wasn’t that sore. When that didn’t do the trick, I kneeled at his feet, slipped his cock from his pajama bottoms and fisted him, slowly stroking his dick up and down. I explored his erection slowly, running my fingers over him, feeling every inch of his hard length covered in the softest skin before I used my tongue to lick up and down his shaft until he was begging for more while rolling his smooth balls in my palm as I sucked on his tip.

  I’d opened my mouth as wide as it would go before I swallowed him, or tried to anyway. He’s too big and I was too inexperienced to take all of him, but I had fun trying. He’d leaked salty precum and I’d moaned at the erotic flavor. I kept going until he pulled me up and impaled me. I rode him that time, but he’s fucked me against the wall and taken me doggy style since then, too. I can’t quite decide which position I like best, so Forrest said he’s willing to do them all over again until I can find a clear winner.

  We fall asleep in his bed, wrapped up in each other every night. A fire blazing since the generator ran out of gas yesterday. Luckily, the snow stopped then, too, and the roads should be cleared by tomorrow or the day after. I’m not in any hurry to leave, though as I’ll just be returning to my lonely apartment. Besides, I really don’t want to leave Forrest.

  Tomorrow is Christmas and I’ve been trying to think of a gift to make for him. Unfortunately, I keep coming up empty and figure I’ll simply have to ask him. The present will be a bit late, but I want to get him something as he’s the most important person in my life. I want to show how much I care for him.

  I give up on trying to finger comb my hair and head out in search of him. I find him in the living room, stacking wood next to the fireplace, though he glances up as soon as I walk in and grins at me. I’m still wearing his clothes and have taken to going commando underneath.

  “Hey… so I have a question for you.”

  “Shoot,” he tells me.

  “Christmas is tomorrow and I was trying to think of something to get you. I thought about new shirts or a cast iron pan, but decided to just ask what you wanted.”

  He looks away and toward the fire as he thinks, replying almost instantly with, “You.”


  “I just want you, Candy.” I gape at him, reminding him that he already has me. “I want you to stay with me forever. I want you to marry me. I don’t have a ring yet, but I promise I’ll get you whichever one you want. These last few days…I’ve never been happier. You make me feel whole. I’m not lonely, awkward, or bored when I’m with you and I think you feel the same about me. I love you, Candy. Will you marry me? Will you stay with me?”

  I’m not sure I’m breathing as he finishes his speech and I stare wide-eyed at him. Could I? Is this all too soon? What do I have to lose? Nothing. My little apartment in Warwick? I work from home so I wouldn’t have to find a new job. The question is…do I want to remain here?


  I love Forrest. He gives me strength and makes me laugh. I was just wishing the snow hadn’t stopped so I wouldn’t have to leave. I don’t want to be apart from him.

  “Yes,” I whisper, a slow smile spreading across my face. “I’ll stay.”

  He beams before he tackles me to the floor and places sloppy kisses all over my face. I giggle, twisting in his arms as we laugh.

  “I love you, Candy.”

  “I love you, Forrest.”

  He kisses me then, peeling my clothes off, then his own. Soon we’re naked in front of the fire and I spread my legs in invitation, which he takes, slipping between them. His cock rubs up and down my seam, then he pushes forward, sinking inside me to the root. We both moan at the sensation and I blink my heavy lids open, staring up at him as he starts to rock in and out of me.

  We make love slowly, his cock dragging inside me, rubbing against all my sensitive spots and nerve endings and I feel lit up like a Christmas tree. I whisper his name as he stares at me, love etched into every single one of his features. I can feel my orgasm starting to rise and hook my legs around his waist, wanting him as deep as he can go.

  Forrest’s hands tangle in my hair to hold me steady as he captures my lips. I open my mouth to his invasion and he slips his tongue past my lips, rubbing it against my own. Forrest growls as my pussy milks his cock, greedy for his come. He thrusts three more times before his own climax follows. I can feel his warm release as it fills me up, some of it spilling out to coat my thighs.

  He picks me up and takes me into the bedroom where he lays me on our bed. He hovers above and I feel his cock nudge my opening. I smile lazily up at him as I spread my thighs wide for him once again. We both moan, eyes screwing tight as Forrest sinks into me. I have a feeling it will be a long, long time before either of us comes up for air.

  Chapter Ten


  One Year Later…

  Forrest and I got married as soon as the snow melted, allowing us to make a trip to city hall. We only stopped long enough to pick out a pair of rings. I didn’t want anything fancy and neither did Forrest so we ended up walking out of the jewelry store with a silver band for him and three thin rose gold bands for me.

  Forrest whisked me away after that for a honeymoon in the Bahamas and it was miserable. I spent the entire week throwing up and I’ve never seen anyone look so helpless as Forrest did as he held my hair back while I was sick. He was about to take me to a hospital when my symptoms had finally made sense to me. I was pregnant.

  Forrest went from looking terrified to over the moon happy. He had run to the store to pick me up some ginger ale and saltine crackers after that, coming back with all of that and a what to expect when you’re expecting book. The honeymoon wasn’t what either of us had imagined but it was still one of the best weeks of my life.

  He had me moved out of my old apartment and into our cabin as soon as we got back and I quit my job, opting to open my own accounting business and working from home so that I could spend more time with Forrest. I was surprised when a lot of my clients decided to come with me and I had a full schedule in no time, with Forrest being my newest client.

  I lean against the door, smiling softly as I watch my husband with our son. He’s cradling our baby boy against his chest and I want to laugh at the picture that they make. Our baby looks like a little doll compared to Forrest but I have a feeling that he’ll grow up to be as big as his daddy.

  Max is only a couple of weeks old. He was born exactly nine months after our first time together and I’m already pregnant again. This pregnancy seems different and I wonder if this baby will be a girl. I love Max and I think that it would be cute to have one of each. I don’t think that Forrest minds. As long as everyone is healthy and I’m happy then so is he. We go next week to have our first sonogram and to hear the heartbeat for the first time and I’m just as excited as I was with Max.

  I thought that it would be harder, scarier, to have a baby but Forrest is the best dad. I think he’s changed more diapers than I have and he never complains about the middle of the night feedings, often sitting up with me during them. He read all of the baby books with me, spending hours reading about the best times to introduce solid foods and safest remedies for teething pain and gas.

  We haven’t spoken a word to my family in close to six months and I’m happy to see that they seem to have finally gotten the message that we really don’t want to have anything to do with them. Veronica and my mother both called after news spread that I was married. Predictably, they tried to use that new connection to force Forrest into signing the contract working with Veronica and her company.

  Forrest had asked if I wanted to mend my relationship with my family, offering to sign the contract if I thought that would help. I think I fell in love with him all over again when he said that. I know how Forrest feels about my family and their business dealings but the fact t
hat he still was willing to work with them, if it made me happy, meant the world to me. I hadn’t had that much support from someone in well, forever.

  He seemed relieved when I told him no. He’s happy making custom orders, or small batches of his furniture and that’s all I want for him, to be happy. My parents tried to call two other times and both times all they could do was yell at me. They said that I was a bad daughter and a worse sister. That I had always been jealous of Veronica and was trying to sabotage her and her business. As if I would get married and have a baby simply to screw over my sister. After the last call, I blocked their numbers. I’ve ignored all of the emails that they’ve tried to send as well and I’ve honestly never been happier.

  Forrest sees me standing in the doorway and smiles at me, standing up from the rocking chair to lay Max down in his crib. Forrest had started making the furniture for the nursery as soon as the pregnancy test came back positive. All of the furniture is wood, of course, and stained a dark brown color.

  We’ve been talking about moving ever since Max was born. I love the cabin and I know that it will always be a special place for Forrest and I but now that we’re parents, we need to start thinking about Max and his future. The roads can be hard to navigate up here in the winter, even with four-wheel drive and snow tires. The nearest school is thirty minutes away at the base of the mountain and that would be even longer in the winter. Forrest already hovers over me, worrying that something might happen to me. I can’t imagine what he would be like if I had to leave every day for half an hour one way to drive through the snow with our children.

  So far, all of the houses we’ve checked out are still close to the edge of town so we’d have the privacy that Forrest and I both love but the school would only be about ten minutes away. It will be the best of both worlds but I know that we’ll still keep the cabin in the mountains where it all began.

  “Are you ready for bed too?” Forrest asks as we slowly back out of our son’s room.

  “I’m ready for something,” I tell him with a wink and he grins down at me, bending down slightly so that he can rub my belly.

  He’s always touching and talking to my baby bump and I think it’s adorable but right now, I just need some alone time with my husband.

  “Take me to bed, Forrest,” I whisper as I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his.

  “Anything for you,” he whispers back as he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me to our room.

  Chapter Eleven


  Ten years later…

  It’s Christmas Eve and I’m currently crouched under the tree, setting up the last of the presents before I stand and survey my work. It's tilted sideways, probably from the decorations the kids placed on it. They watched a Charlie Brown Christmas this year and ended up picking the scrawniest tree on the lot, so everything is too heavy and it’s starting to sag. I tried to put the gifts under the lower branches to help hold them up, but the end result is a little sad.

  I hear laughter behind me and I see my wife leaning against the doorway. She’s dressed in flannel pajamas with her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. She’s still the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen and I smile as I make my way across the room to wrap her in my arms.

  Marrying Candy was the best thing that I’ve ever done in my life. She makes each day better, brighter. She supports me in my work, taking over my books and helping with my website or anything else I might need with the business.

  Ten wonderful years later and we’re still in love with three amazing kids. We had the first, a son we named Max, ten months later. The twins, Simon and Wallace, were born a year after that. Candy asked if I was sad that we didn’t have a girl, but I honestly didn’t care as long as they were healthy and I knew she felt the same. She’s the best mom, so patient and kind. They have her green eyes, although the black hair and tan skin is all me. We decided that three under the age of three was more than enough for us so we were done expanding our family.

  Candy’s family hasn’t contacted us in years and I know that we’re both happy about that. I had feared that she would miss them or regret not having a relationship with them, especially when we had the kids, but when they only called to try to get to me, I think that she really saw them for the monsters that they were. She hasn’t seemed at all upset about their lack of contact and I can’t say that I miss them either. The last time that I had brought it up, she told me she was more than happy to be done with those people and she’s never had a second thought about it.

  We sold her apartment in Warwick and moved her into our cabin where we remained until Max was born. Candy had gone into labor so fast we almost didn’t make it to the hospital in time. It scared us both and I promised myself I’d never put us through that again and we bought a nice place closer to town. It’s better for the kids anyway due to the school system and they can hang with kids their age.

  We still have the cabin and stay there on weekends and holidays. My workspace is still there, too, so I make the trip most days. We couldn’t find anything big enough to replace it in the city and it’s only a half hour drive, so I don’t mind. Candy has taken over the business side for me and handles my accounting along with that of her other clients. I love that we get to spend so much time with each other and our children.

  We’re at the cabin now as we spend every Christmas here. Candy says she loves remembering how we met and fell in love, and I live to make my wife happy. Dropping a kiss on her lips, I ask, “They still waking up every five minutes to see if Santa came yet?”

  “No, they finally fell asleep and should be out for the rest of the night…Hopefully,” she adds the last part with a laugh.

  We added a second bedroom after they were born and they love sleeping in there, though we were worried at first as they each have their own at our house. Simon and Wallace use the bunk beds I made while Max sleeps in the twin on the other side.

  We stand and take in all of the holiday decorations, and the lights shine through the front window, turning everything green and red. I can see some snowflakes starting to fall outside. There’s already a couple feet on the ground and I smile, knowing the kids are going to love playing in it tomorrow after we open the presents.

  “Got everything put out?” She asks as she wraps her arms around my waist.

  “Yep, that was the last of it.”

  “Hmm…” she murmurs.

  I turn around to look, trying to figure out if I forgot something. The room is filled and I don’t see any noticeable ones missing from the pile.

  “What?” I ask, still searching.

  “I think you forgot one.”

  “Which one?”

  “It’s in our bedroom. Come on, I’ll show you,” she informs me with a mischievous look in her eyes. I grin as she takes my hand and leads me into our room. Like every year, I remember how thankful I am we got snowed in for Christmas.

  The End.


  Shaw Hart is a romance author who lives in a constant state of motion, chasing after her two children and three dogs. She is an Air Force wife and a Pinterest addict. She loves crime tv shows, dogs, hiking, and yoga.

  You can keep up to date with Shaw at her website,


  Making Her His


  Her Obsession

  His Obsession

  Baby Mama

  Bought and Paid For

  His Miracle

  Pretty Girl

  Stopping at Nothing

  The Billionaire’s Bet

  Mine to Love

  Mine to Protect

  Mine to Cherish

  Mine to Keep

  Her Guardian Angel

  His Firework

  My Girl

  Every Tuesday Night

  His Wish

  Her Wish

  Fighting for His Princess

  Riding His Broomstick

  Thankful for His FAKE


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